Chapter 2 Math

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1. Motivational Activity I will use

 Prime and composite numbers can sometimes be confusing to
elementary school students. In this lesson or topic, I will use a
game as motivation. The game will be entitled Prime Popcorn,
where I will be giving numbers to students, and if the number
that I have said or given is a prime number, they need to stand
up, and if the number is a composite number, they need to sit
down. With this activity, I can help them recall their lesson and
provide a great start for a discussion because their desire to
learn is or became active.

2. Teaching Strategy I will employ

 There are different teaching strategies that we can use for this
topic. We can use the long term, where we will identify and
write the factors that we can multiply with each other to get the
desired number. Prime factorization is another strategy; it is
defined as the process of expressing a composite number as a
product of its prime factors. We can do this process by using the
Factor Tree Method.

3. Mode of Assessment I will administer

 The mode of assessment that I will administer is through a quiz.
The quiz will consist of Test I and Test II. Test I: They need to
identify whether the given numbers are prime or composite. For
Test II, they need to perform prime factorization on the given
number using the Factor Tree Method; this is to assess if they
know the difference between prime and composite numbers and
how to use the strategy that I have given them.



1. Motivational Activity I will use

 As a motivational activity, I will have a game entitled
"Remember Me!", In this game, I will ask each student to give
me a number, and those numbers will become their weapon,
which they should remember. After soliciting their numbers, I
will ask them to see if their numbers are divisible by the
numbers that I will say. The student who has lots of numbers
that are divisible by her or his number will be the winner.

2. Teaching Strategy I will employ

 The teaching strategy that I will employ is to introduce to them
some techniques for knowing if a number is divisible by what
number. There are different tests for the divisibility of every
number, like 11, 2, 4, and many more. By introducing them to
this technique, they can save time and make it easier for them to

3. Mode of Assessment I will administer

 The mode of assessment that I will administer is thru quiz. I will
give numbers and they need to identify if it is divisible by what
numbers. They can identify as many divisibility numbers as
they can as long as it is really divisible on the numbers that I
had given.



1. Motivational Activity I will use

 The motivational activity that I will use is by giving them a
problem about greatest common factor. Through this I can see
and access how they will get the GCF and on what technique or
strategy they incorporated. By starting the discussion by giving
problems for them to solve will open their critical thinking to
think on what they should do to solve the problem.
2. Teaching Strategy I will employ
 The teaching strategy that I will employ is to introduce them to
techniques and an easy way on how they can get the GCF of a
number easily. I will apply these methods to the problem that I
have given them. The methods are the listing method, prime
factorization method, and continuous division method. Through
these methods, they can make choices about what they will use
and what they can do based on their understanding and capacity.

3. Mode of Assessment I will administer

 The mode of assessment that I will administer is through a
game entitled, “Greatest Common Factor Bingo Game“. In this
game they will be given their GCF bingo cards and they need to
cross out the numbers on their cards, if it is the answer to my
questions. Example of a question is, What is the GCF of 9 and
12? After that they need to find on their cards if they have the
answer and they will cross it out. The first one who crossed out
all the numbers on his or her cards will be the winner and will
get a perfect score.



1. Motivational Activity I will use

 In this topic, I think I will carry out the activity that I will use
on the GCF lesson which is by giving them a problem to solve
but the problem will be about Least Common Multiple. With
this I can solicite their knowledge in the lesson and on what is
their understanding about it.

2. Teaching Strategy I will employ

 The kind of instruction I'll use is to introduce them to strategies
and a simple method for determining the LCM of an integer.
There are three techniques: listing, prime factorization, and
continuous division. By using these techniques, students can
decide what they will use and what they can perform based on
their knowledge and abilities.
3. Mode of Assessment I will administer
 The mode of assessment that I will administer is by a group
activity. I will divide the class into two groups, then they will
fall inline facing each other. I will give them questions or
numbers, that they need to find their LCM. The first in the line
of each group will be the first to answer, they need to go to the
board to calculate for their answer and the same follows for the
other members. The one who will get the most points will be the
winner and will get a perfect score.


1. Motivational Activity I will use

 I will start my discussion with a motivational activity in the
form of a game, the game will be entitled, “Roll the Dice“, there
will be 2 dice given to the students then they need to roll it and
the number that they will get will be the fraction, like for
example the first dice is 6 and the second dice is 5 so the
fraction would be 6/5 and with this they need to change it to
mixed number. After that 3 dice will be given to them again,
that will create the mixed number like 3 1/2, then they will
change it to a improper fraction.

2. Teaching Strategy I will employ

 In order for primary school pupils to properly absorb or
understand this subject, it must be visualized. In order to depict
improper fractions and mixed numbers, I will utilize examples
like pizzas, pies, or cakes as part of my teaching technique.

3. Mode of Assessment I will administer

 I'm going to give the students a test. There will be ten questions
on the test, five of which require the student to convert
improper fractions into mixed numbers and five of which
require the student to convert mixed numbers into improper
fractions. I can determine if they truly understood the lesson I
had discussed using this.


1. Motivational Activity I will use

 As motivational activities I will use or incorporate flashcards.
The flashcards contain fractions, which they need to change it to
its simplest form by first giving me its greatest common factor,
which will be divided to the numerator and denominator of the

2. Teaching Strategy I will employ

 The teaching strategy that I will employ is recalling, recalling of
the previous lesson about greatest common factor and also using
illustrations to sow to them how the fractions look like. I can
also let them watch simple videos on youtube for them to have a
better idea and analysis on how to make a fraction to its
simplest form.

3. Mode of Assessment I will administer

 The mode of assessment that I will administer is through
problem solving, where there is a problem given to them about
fractions, like a pizza that is cut into 9/12. Now, what is the
simplest form of 9/12?

1. Motivational Activity I will use

 I will use a problem as a motivational activity where they need
to analyze the problem, give the givens, and figure out how they
can solve it by adding the given fractions, whether dissimilar
fractions or mixed numbers.

2. Teaching Strategy I will employ

 The teaching strategies that I will employ are teaching them the
step-by-step way on how to correctly solve dissimilar fractions
and maximized numbers. Also I will give them enough number
of exercises for them to answer to enhance their skill and for
them to have a better comprehension about the topic.

3. Mode of Assessment I will administer

 I will divide the class into two groups, and they will have a
match with each other on the addition of dissimilar fractions
and mixed numbers. I will be giving them equations to solve,
and if they finish solving them, they need to raise their board,
and of course the group that has the most points will be the
winner and will get a perfect score.

1. Motivational Activity I will use

 As a motivational activity, I will utilize the use of riddles or
questions for my motivation, like, for example, "When you
subtract two fractions with like denominators, what do you do
to the denominator?" After this, I will give some lesson openers
in the form of problems.

2. Teaching Strategy I will employ

 The teaching strategy that I will be using is the learner-centered
one, which involves giving them exercises to do or problems to
solve. With these hands-on activities, they can learn about
different topics, raise their concerns, ask questions, and learn
more. Exercises will be a great help for them to develop their
critical thinking.

3. Mode of Assessment I will administer

 I will use the method of assessment called "Think, Pair, Share",
where they will be paired with one another and be given a
number of fractions that they need to solve. First, they will think
about what they will do. Second, they will be paired with one
another to talk about the problems, and third, they will share
with the class how they came up with their answers.

1. Motivational Activity I will use

 This can be tricky, and students may have a hard time
understanding this topic as it is becoming more complex. As a
motivational activity, I will create or get YouTube videos on
some exercises on multiplication of fractions; the video will be
interactive so that they can participate and not just watch and

2. Teaching Strategy I will employ

 The teaching strategy that I will employ is discussion with some
activities for them to do. Also, I will discuss with them the rules
for multiplying fractions so they can come up with the correct
answer. Recalling previous lessons with connections to this
topic can also be one way for their minds to be refreshed and
easily take in the new information that will be introduced to

3. Mode of Assessment I will administer

 I will administer a quiz as my mode of assessment. It will be a
10-item quiz where they will be given fractions that they need
to multiply to get the desired answer. By giving a quiz, they can
work independently, and I will see who understands the lesson
and who does not for me to know what to do.


1. Motivational Activity I will use

 This topic is challenging because there are numerous
procedures to take in order to get at the correct solution. I'll
utilize a lesson opener to get their attention and get them
thinking and solving an issue. By providing them with a few
pointers, I can show them how to arrive at the right answer and
aid in their better visualization.

2. Teaching Strategy I will employ

 In teaching this topic, we need to discuss it with them correctly
because if one step is taken wrong, the answer will never be the
same. The teaching strategy that I will employ is discussion,
especially on the different steps in dividing fractions, so that the
students will not be confused and will not become blank slates
about the topic.

3, Mode of Assessment I will administer

 As this topic can be tricky, I will be conducting a group
assessment where there will be four members in each group.
The first two will be the ones to solve the problem, and the last
two will be the ones to explain the answer they get or how they
came up with their answer. It will be an alternation of assigned
tasks. The group that has the correct answer and explanation
will be the winner.

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