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NAME: Rei Justin Lagrimas

COURSE&YEAR: BS Marine Biology 2-A


On a separate sheet of paper, answer the questions below.
1. Given the chance, which part of your body do you want to change? Why?

So, instead of looking for anything more, we should be grateful for what we have been
given. This is a substandard way of thinking that will push us back mentally.

However, just to answer your question, if I had to change one body feature, it would
undoubtedly be my jawline. I have a round face, and while I've lost a lot of weight in the last year
and am happy with my face cut in general, it appears that getting a jawline is as difficult as anything
in fitness. Yes, if I had the power, I would miraculously grow a chiseled jawline to save time and

And then there's my brain. Replace it with a synthetic brain that I may call on for aid if
necessary. I'd also like to be able to modify things that you can't. Do you have an interest in
metabolism? Boom! This synthetic brain would enable me to have faster reflexes and be able to
function without the use of shortcuts. If you're focusing on one object, for example, you can miss
something going on in the background because it's too much for your brain to handle.That will be
elinanted by this new brain, which will presumably offer me faster reflexes. The IQ should improve.
A memory that is bigger and more photographic. Overall, this would be fantastic. That's the only two
portions of my body I'd like to change, and I'm confident that doing so will boost my self-esteem.

2. Which part of your body do you want to retain? Why?

For me as human I want all the parts of my body to be retained because I know to myself that this is the
body that God given to me and I'm very much grateful of that. Maybe some people they are not
contended of who they are and what they are? Because of some people that is so judgemental regardless
with the physical appearance. But my Philosophy in my life you have to confident of what you are and
who you are as a person?

Because an 'original is better than immmitations" so be an original to yourself if there is no

problems with your physical appearance please retained and be contended of what God given to you and
to us.

So that all parts my body I want to be retained because everyone of us is created by God with equal
and similar in a different way of our life and I'm proud to say that I'm Proud of what I have physically and

3. Discuss your own concept of beauty.

Beauty is not the manifestations of having a curvy body, having a barbie face, and a long, blond hair.
It is not also the measurement to simply put emphasis that the society must put so much respect to
them because of these attributes that makes them superior or whatsoever. Rather, beauty lies to
one's own entity as to what extinct s/he could consider oneself as "in the group" or in the same pace
or interests.
In the broadest sense, beauty is rooted to the beliefs of an individual. No matter how s/he dress or
act or speak.

4. A very alarming issue among young people today is depression. As a youth, how can you
help lessen or overcome the impact of depression?

Young generations today often, suffer from mental illness and have trouble in seeking ways
to prevent them from happening, this generation of the youth share common factors that affect
them mentally and emotionally, which leads to depression. Depression is a sickness in the state of
mind where it can affect not only their mentality but also their physicality depending on how severe
it is, it can even lead to them harming themselves which can be lethal in all cases. Although
dangerous it seems, it actually not that difficult to overcome this specially when your presence of
maturity kicks in. Overcoming it is quite easily as it may seem to everyone, as long as communication
is present to everyone and all people are treated the way they wanted to be treated, there will be
no conflicts to this matter. Communicating to a person suffering from depression can help them
open up the things that causes them to lose their minds and intellect. And by doing so it helps their
struggles and put them at ease and can even release them from their depressing shell that they
created. Helping them, means lessening the cases even more. And once everything and everyone are
capable of fighting their overthinking minds and thoughts, there will be peace and tranquility all
around where depression is ceased and can no longer affect the future young generations ahead. .

5. How does media influence your understanding of beauty?

The media always shows people that are “flawless” and seen as “beautiful”. We all know, that the
media use programs like Photoshop etc., so they can edit everything out that they don’t like, for
example some spots on the skin. When the media does this, we see it all day and tend to think that
this “flawlessness” and “perfection” is the reality. So we start to compare ourself to people who had
their makeup and hair done professionally, who have a clear face and bright eyes because of editing
and who are in a good lighting, position, etc. And we notice, that we are different. Because in the
everyday life, there is no Photoshop to cover blemishes or things that make us human. That’s why
people often start to think, that they are not beautiful, because the media gives us a definition of
“beauty” by showing these “perfect” people. Even if they aren’t perfect at all, because everyone has
blemishes sometimes (or other “flaws”).

We compare ourself to something that is not real and something that is achievable, because
we are human. We can't be perfect.So the media affects the concept of beauty a lot, because we
start to see this as beautiful and we start to have higher expectations at ourselves and others.The
media creates the concept of beauty.If there were no media, we would decide by ourselves, what
we define as beautiful and what not.

In conclusion, I personally think that the media edits too much and kind of “destroys” the
“personality” of the people they show. To me it seems like everything that is human, is gone. They
seem unreachable and their “beauty” unachievable, which can harm peoples psyche a lot, in my
opinion. I don’t want this to be a role model for people. I look up to people that are real, that
admitwho they really are and are not afraid to show that they also have “flaws”, which make them
so much more human and relatable.


6. As a teenager, how can you develop a healthy/positive self-esteem?

I used to be extremely uncomfortable with how I looked like, I would pick the most average, dark
and covering clothes I could find because I was afraid of trying styles that at the time I couldn't see
on myself because of how “not me” it would look like. Eventually I started realizing that probably
most people have gone and go through this feeling of not liking the way they look, and this feeling of
inadequacy when trying new things. I'm sure if you ask people around you about something they
don't like about themselves, they will have something to name (if they feel comfortable enough).

With that certainty I understood that confidence is often performed (“fake it till you make it”)
and you won't be confident 100% of the time. The perception of what's beautiful and attractive is
extremely subjective, and will vary from one person to another. Try to pick a style or a hairstyle,
colors or even accessories (if that's your thing) that you like, if you see it on someone but that's not
something you'd see on yourself, try it. Its a trial an error process, eventually you'll see what you're
comfortable in, what things you never expected would fit you, etc. If there's a style you like,
embrace it, that's your life.

Take care of your skin, take care of yourself, sleep properly, a healthy/balanced lifestyle also
plays in one's self-esteem. However don't be too hard on yourself if you miss a proper sleeping
schedule for a while or eat some good nasty food, it's all about being able to set some limits get back
on your feet when necessary. If you're the type of person to feel rewarded everytime you achieve
something, make little goals for yourself. Chances are, the more self-esteem your build in other
fields of your life than your appearance and the more at ease you will feel with yourself, the more
confident and you will feel with your appearance and trying new things.

Be brave, be kind to yourself, the world is complex, diverse and full of opportunities, find the
balance between staying in your bubble and going out of your comfort zone, and you will probably
like how you've grown when looking back on your past.

Below is the criteria for written requirements.

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Information is very Information is slightly Information is The information appears
organized in a well- organized in a well- organized but to be disorganized.
constructed paragraph or constructed paragraph or paragraph(s) are not
paragraphs. paragraphs. well-constructed.
Information relates to the Information relates to the Information partially Information has little or
topic. It provides a lot of topic. It provides few relates to the topic. No nothing to do with the
supporting details and/or supporting details and/or details and/or topic.
examples. examples. examples are given.
Main points well developed Main points well developed Main points are present Main points lack detailed
with high quality and with quality supporting with limited detail and development. Ideas are
Development quantity support. Reveals details and quantity. Critical development. Some vague with little
high degree of critical thinking is weaved into critical thinking is evidence of critical
thinking. points. present. thinking.
Essay is free of distracting Essay has few punctuation Most spelling, Spelling, punctuation,
spelling, punctuation, and and grammatical errors punctuation, and and grammatical errors
grammatical errors; absent allowing reader to follow grammar correct create distraction,
of fragments, comma ideas clearly. Very few allowing reader to making reading difficult;
& Mechanics
splices, and run-ons. fragments or run-ons. progress through essay. fragments, comma
Some errors remain. splices, run-ons evident.
Errors are frequent.


Meets all formal and Meets format and Meets format and Fails to follow format
assignment requirements assignment requirements; assignment and assignment
and evidences attention to margins, spacing, and requirements; generally requirement; cover
detail; all margins, spacing indentations are correct; correct margins, format, incorrect
and indentations are essay is neat and correctly spacing, and indentations; neatness
correct; essay is neat and assembled. indentations; essay is of essay needs attention.
correctly assembled with neat but may have
professional look. some assembly errors.


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