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NAME: Raffy D.

SUBJECT: Values Education
ASSESSMENT NO. : Activity 1

1. Some Filipinos may choose to write their opinions in the newspaper or lobby
in the congress to express their sentiment against the reproductive health Bill.
This shows their stand and belief of a higher principle like respect for dignity
of human being. This is a characteristics of a person in what stage of moral
development is this and why?
 Post Conventional level- Because this includes a person’s sense of
morality is defined in terms of more abstract principles and values.
People now believe that some laws are unjust and should be changed
or eliminated. This level is marked by a growing realization that
individuals are separate entities from society and that individuals may
disobey rules inconsistent with their own principles. Post-conventional
moralists live by their own ethical principles—principles that typically
include such basic human rights as life, liberty, and justice—and view
rules as useful but changeable mechanisms, rather than absolute
dictates that must be obeyed without question.

2. Mang Sixtwo is an active member of the Barangay. He Fights corruption

In the government sytem. He helps without hesitation and does not expect
anything in return from people he helps .Mang Sixtwo is an example of one
who_______ & Why?
a. Lives up the basic value
b. Honest with oneself
c. Walks his Talks
d. Lives up to all the ideals.

 In my opinion, Mang Sixtwo is an example of one person who WALKS

HIS TALK, because every politician has a platform during their
campaign and Mang Sixtwo is an example of a public servant that keep
his promises to his people, is best leader that  motivate, engage, and
inspire people through actionable and practical love.

3. Explain : “ Madali ang maging tao, mahirap magpakatao”

 The phrase discusses that it is easier to become human, than to act as

humans. Humanity is something that we often forget when we are
experiencing extreme emotions. If we are mad, we tend to say bad
things to other people even though we don't mean it. If we're happy,
we make promises that we actually have no plans of fulfilling. Aside
from that, it is a reminder to always treat people with love. Respect
them and show them that you care instead of forgetting that they exist.
If they said something mean, forgive them, as it is also a way of letting
go of our frustrations and emotions.

4. You are going to talk to God about yourself. What will you tell him about
yourself? Writ down every detail you will tell him.

 Lord KABUNYAN whom I trust, In the day of my trouble I will call to

you, for you will answer me. When I have done what is wrong and
displeasing in your sight, O Lord, extend your love to correct me. When
I ignore those in needs and pretend that all is right with the world, O
Lord, help me to face the truth. When I turn a blind eye to those who
have been stricken with poverty and are facing the injustices that come
along with it, O Lord, teach me your way. Enable me to extend your
love; and give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. I will
praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart; and I will glorify your
name forever. Amen.

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