Activity 2

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a.     In your first activity. ENCODE your output and do the following questions
written bellow.

b.     Deadline of submission SEPT. 11, 2021

         Directions :  Write the word HUMAN DIGNITY if the statement is TRUE, and

                             HUMAN PERSON if the statement if FALSE.

HUMAN PERSON___ 1. Valued education must deal only with the material needs of
people since the world is becoming more and more materialistic.

HUMAN DIGNITY____ 2. Values education must use prescriptive approaches.

HUMAN DIGNITY____ 3. Participating in socio-civic organization is one’s


Of his sociability .

HUMAN PERSON ____4. Values orientation must be directed to the total person of
the learner.

HUMAN DIGNITY _____5. One’s faith in God may be taken as the reflection of his
spiritual being.

HUMAN DIGNITY _____6. The Values Education of the Dep.Ed. aims at producing a
just and humane society.

HUMAN PERSON _____7. Values possess the social, but not individual function.

HUMAN DIGNITY _____8. Values influence man’s attitudes and behavior.

HUMAN DIGNITY _____9. Anyone learn Values the way people learn things from their

HUMAN PERSON _____10. Values cover Material and nonmaterial subjects

HUMAN DIGNITY _____11. “ Charity must always begin at Home.

UHUMAN PERSON ____12   Values are caught  not taught.

HUMAN DIGNITY_____13.  Every Human being has its own Human Dignity.

HUMAN DIGNITY _ 14. Values Education start from one’s own self.

HUMAN DIGNITY 15. You are respected because of your dignity.


 How can you tell that human person has Human Dignity?.(10pts)   

 A person has a Human dignity if he recognizes that human beings possess a

special value intrinsic to their humanity and as such are worthy of respect
simply because they are human beings. A person who has a human dignity is
a person that will respect others regardless of their status, religion and belief.
All of as has the right to live.

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