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1 Look for jobs - Seek for employment

- Hunt for jobs
2 Get a good education Be well-educated
3 Focus on sth - Concentrate on sth
- Pay attention to sth
4 Busy with Occupied with
5 Understand sth - Comprehend sth
- Grasp sth
- Have an understanding of sth
6 Need to V - Wish to V
- Desire to V
7 Get accepted into Gain admission to
8 Keep up with the changes of Keep pace with the technological
technology transformaiton
9 Suft the Internet - Access the Websites
- Go online
- Browse the Web
10 Compared to sb/sth - In comparison with sb/sth
- As opposed to sb/sth
11 Come from a difficult family Sb is descended from a
background disadvantaged background
12 Everyday - On a daily
- Day-to-day basis
13 The growing consumption of fast The growing amount of fast food
food consumed/eaten
14 Attract sb - Appeal to sb
- Capture the attention of sb
15 International cooporation - Global partnership programs
- Collaboration on global scale
16 Benefits - Advantages
- Merits
- Positives
- Upsides
17 Disadvantages - Drawbacks
- Demerits
- Negatives
- Downsides
18 In the future - In the coming year/next year
19 Busy with - Occupied with
20 Important - Crucial
- Essential
- Vital
- Significant
- Indispenable
21 Social networking sites Social media platforms
22 High-tech crimes Cybercriminals
23 Bring about Result in/lead to
24 Illegal Unlawful
25 Applicants - Job candidates
- Job seekers
26 Cause difficulties for sb Make it difficult for sb
27 Foreign language ability Linguistic competence/profiviency
28 Investing time in learning Spending plenty of time on
29 Products Merchandise/commodities/goods
30 A foreign language - A second language
- An international language
- A universal language
31 Be famous for sth - Be well-known for sth
- Be renowned for sth
Governments - Authorities
- State officials
- High-ranking leaders
32 Foreign tourists International
visitors/travellers/holidday makers
33 Prevent sb from doing sth Hinder/discourage/deter sb from
doing sth
34 Make it easy for sb to V Create favourable conditions for sb
to V
35 Other pp believe that Other individuals mention/consider
36 For example - As an example
- To illustrate
- Take sb/sth for example
37 The increased access to educaiton The wider availability of education
38 In many countries - In several parts of the world
- In multiple nations
39 Unwind mind my - Relax my mind
- Give me a good mood
40 Online learning - Technology-based learning
- Internet-based learning
41 Force sb to V Compel/oblige sb to V
42 Get used to Ving - Be acustomed to Ving
- Make a habit of Ving
43 Natural talents - God-given talents
- Inborn talents
44 Suggest + Ving Propose + Ving/make proposals for
45 All around the world In many countries worldqide/across
the globe
46 Developed countries - Economically/finacially
advanced nations
- High-income nations
48 Offset sth Make up for sth
49 Boost economic growth Promote/accelerate economic
50 Invest money in… - Make substancial
investments in…
- Put resources into
51 Be related to - Be relevant to
- Be associated with
52 Approach sb Come close to sb
53 Individuals It is argued that/believed that
say/mention/believe/think/feel that
54 To gain sth Obtain/achieve/attain sth
55 Other pp believe that Other individuals mention/consider
56 Generating electricity - Electricity
- The production of electricity
57 Limited Scarce/restricted
58 Water pollution Water contamination
59 Popular Widespread/prevalent
60 Use sth - Take advantage of sth
- Make use of sth
- Utilize/avail/employ sth
61 Entertain themselves Amuse themselves
62 Creat bonds with sb Build up relationships with sb
63 Impaired vision Impaired eyesight
64 Make a habit Make a practice of Ving
65 Consider A as B Regard/see/view A as B
66 Live in - Reside in
- Dwell in
- inhabit
67 Good for sb/sth - be conductive to
- be beneficial to
- be advantageous to
- be favorable for
68 Almost All but (his addition to gambling
all but ruined him)
69 Generally At large (this group is not
representative of the population at
70 Succeed Bear fruit
71 Generally speaking By and large
72 Spoiled or wasted Down the drain
73 Beautiful - gorgeous (đẹp lộng lẫy)
- adorable (đẹp dễ thương)
- elegant (tao nhã)
- picturesque (đẹp như tranh)
- sumptuous (đẹp xa xỉ)
- dazzling (đẹp trong sáng)

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