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Louisa May Alcott: A

Child's Biography
by Louisa May Alcott
Learn the story about how Louisa ran away and woke
up to the town crier shouting, "Lost-- Lost--A little girl,
six years old." She called out, "Why -- dat's ME!" This
biography of Louisa May Alcott for children was
excerpted from Mary Stoyell Stimpson's book, A
Child's Book of American Biography (1915). Add
over one hundred years to Ms. Stimpson's time
reference when you read it with your own children.
As much as seventy years ago, in the city
of Boston, there lived a small girl who had
the naughty habit of running away. On a
certain April morning, almost as soon as
her mother finished buttoning her dress,
Louisa May Alcott slipped out of the house
and up the street as fast as her feet could
carry her.

Louisa crept through a narrow alley and

crossed several streets. It w

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