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Technological University of the Philippines

San Marcelino Street cor. Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila 1000

College of Liberal Arts
Department of Hospitality Management
Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management


There are two major course requirements which must be completed and submitted at the end of the semester.

A. Topical Report Presentation (Recorded Video)

• Each group needs to make a maximum 25 slides of PPT Presentation.
• The topical discussion should be presented on the date of the scheduled topical discussion.
• Student should wear Corporate Attire in the Presentation.
• Student who failed to discuss the assigned topic on the date of the topical discussion will earn 5.00.
• Each group should submit a COMPREHENSIVE WRITTEN REPORT based on the assigned topic. See attached format below.
➢ Font Style – Arial
➢ Font Size – 12
➢ Spacing – 1.5
➢ Alignment – Justify
➢ All Titles should be Bold.
➢ Minimum of 50 Pages from the Introduction
➢ Sliding Folder (Red)

B. Business Case Analysis

• Each student needs to choose one Business Organization.
• Student should conduct an interview, observation, and analysis of the business organization relevant to multicultural diversity topic
that will be assigned by the subject teacher.
• Student should follow the format below:
➢ Font Style – Arial
➢ Font Size – 12
➢ Spacing – 1.5
➢ Alignment – Justify
➢ All Titles should be Bold.
➢ Minimum of 50 Pages from the Introduction
➢ Soft Bind, Maroon Color
Front Page
Table of Contents
Executive Summary

A. Background about the Business Organization (Brief History, Mission, Vision, Goals, Objectives, Main Product/Service,
Organizational Structure)


A. Introduction about the Topic Assigned
B. Business Challenges (Relevant to the Topic Assigned)
C. Business Best Practices (Relevant to the Topic Assigned)

Chapter 3 RECOMMENDED ACTION PLAN (Based on the Business Challenges Relevant to the Topic Assigned)


C. Class Standing/Performance
1. Each student must submit and pass all the activities and quizzes for the entire semester.
2. The type of quiz/activity may be:
• Writing Reaction Paper
• Formative Assessment
• Concept Application
• Case Study Analysis


The GENERAL COURSE POLICIES that will be applied in this Course Subject are as follows:

1. POLICY REGARDING ENGLISH LANGUAGE USE. This course's official medium of teaching and communication is English.
2. PLAGIARISM POLICY. As a prestigious educational institution, this course topic upholds the highest degree of academic honesty. As a
general rule, this course topic stressed appropriate attribution or credit to someone else's ideas, thoughts, words, or learning,
research, or study techniques. Plagiarism is a severe crime that is considered a kind of academic fraud. It essentially entails neglecting
to properly cite other people's work or just duplicating someone else's work without permission.
3. INCLUSION POLICY. This course topic values diversity and inclusion. It encourages acceptance of various similarities and differences
in color, language, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, handicap status, socioeconomic position, culture, and other potentially
discriminatory aspects of life. This academic community is open and friendly in this course topic.
4. DATA PRIVACY POLICY. This course subject is dedicated to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of all of your classmates' and
my personal information as your professor. All learning materials should be treated with confidentiality as part of ethical
considerations to the owner/author.
5. OPEN-LINE COMMUNICATION. We will use all modes and means of communication (such as SMS, Messenger, Email, Zoom and other
available platform) to conduct learning procedures, consultations, coaching, mentoring and our synchronous session (Live Virtual

6. PROPER DECORUM. You should follow online class decorum in the conduct of the online class including grooming, hygiene and
professional communication and etiquette.
• Proper dress code will be strictly enforced. Eating or drinking in class will not be allowed DURING the discussion.
• Dishonesty in all forms will be strongly penalized.
• Observe Etiquette and Netiquette during face-to-face and synchronous class.
• Positive attitude towards your classmates and to me, being patient with your fellow classmates that may have a different
learning style and pace.
• Individual and team performance at the highest level shall be adhered to and be in your best professional behavior, as
future managers and leaders in the hospitality and tourism industry.
7. Participate in the discussion since this is an opportunity for you to clarify what you have learned on your own but also with other
members of the class. It is also a good way to learn from one another.
8. This course subject requires you to finish all the learning tasks assigned in each of the topics. You will be given ample time to finish
and accomplish all the learning tasks given in line with the guidelines. However, submission of requirements is scheduled, and you
should comply with the set deadlines in every learning tasks.
9. Please be guided of the following rubrics for evaluation and grading for this course subject
Rubric for Oral Recitation/Participation

Exemplary Proficient Intermediate Marginal Novice TOTAL

(5 points) (4 points) (3 points) (2 points) (1 point)

Content Outstanding points were Well-developed points Adequate points were Marginal points were
Poor points were noted.
noted. Contains detailed were noted. Contains noted. Contains noted. Contains
Contains little or no
-Focus and Direction analysis with high level of detailed analysis with detailed analysis with analysis with average
-Details synthesis. high level of synthesis. good level of synthesis. level of synthesis.

Excellent flow and structural Very good flow and Good flow and
Organization Evident flow and Lacks flow and structural
composition. structural composition. structural composition.
structural composition. composition.
Transitions are well-made Transitions are well- Transitions are evident
-Structure Transitions are Poor Transitions are
and follow appropriate made and follow and follow an
-Transitions evident. evident.
sequence. appropriate sequence. acceptable sequence.

Mechanics Correct spelling and Acceptable spelling Acceptable spelling Poor spelling and
Correct spelling and
grammar were evident. and grammar were and grammar were grammar were evident.
grammar were evident.
-Spelling With few errors found. evident. With few evident. With many With many major errors
With no errors found.
-Grammar errors found. errors found. found.

Commendable illustrations Average illustrations and Acceptable illustrations Few illustrations and No illustrations and no
-Illustrations and and appropriate abstracts appropriate abstracts and with abstracts with few abstracts abstracts about the
examples about the question. about the question. about the question. about the question. question.
Excellent output shows that Very good output shows Good output shows Evident output shows Lack of output shows
the student has reflected that the student has that the student has that the student has that the student has
Reflection on Learning with substantial depth upon reflected with reflected with reflected with reflected with lack of
how the prior learning substantial depth upon substantial depth upon substantial depth upon substantial depth upon
-Aligned with course experience is aligned to the how the prior learning how the prior learning how the prior learning how the prior learning
learning outcomes course learning outcomes experience is aligned to experience is aligned experience is aligned experience is aligned to
for which credit is being the course learning to the course learning to the course learning the course learning
sought outcomes for which outcomes for which outcomes for which outcomes for which
credit is being sought credit is being sought credit is being sought credit is being sought

Rubric for Case Analysis

Rating Guide
Performance Elements
Distinguished Accomplished Developing Beginning
(10) (8) (6) (4)

Identifies and understands all Identifies and understands Identifies and understands Identifies and understands
Identification of Main Issue/Problem of the main issues in the case most of the main issues in the some of the issues in the few of the issues in case
study case study case study study

Insightful and thorough Thorough analysis of most of Superficial analysis of some Incomplete analysis of the
Analysis of the Issues
analysis of all the issues the issues of the issues in the case issues

Comments on effective Well documented, reasoned Appropriate, well thought out Superficial and/or Little or no action
solutions/strategies and pedagogically appropriate comments about solutions, or inappropriate solutions to suggested, and/or
comments on solutions, or proposals for solutions, to some of the issues in the inappropriate solutions to
(The solution may be in the case proposals for solutions, to all most of the issues in the case case study all of the issues in the case
already or proposed by you) issues in the case study study study

Oral/Writing is totally free of There are occasional errors. There are more than Errors are frequent
errors occasional errors
Oral/Writing Skills Report could be tightened a Report of the episode is
Report of the episode is very little Report could be tightened extremely long-winded.
concise quite a lot

The analysis provides little The analysis provides The analysis provides The analysis shows that
or no evidence of reflection inadequate evidence of evidence of reflection to the student has reflected
Reflection on Learning to increase learning aligned reflection to increase learning increase learning aligned with very limited inputs
with aligned with the course with the course learning upon how
learning outcomes for which outcomes for which credit
credit is being sought is being sought
the course learning outcomes the prior learning
for which credit is being experience is aligned to the
sought course learning outcomes

Overall Assessment TOTAL RATING

Rubric for Reaction Paper/ Essay/ Portfolio/ Plan Paper

Exemplary Proficient Intermediate Marginal Novice TOTAL

(10 points) (8 points) (6 points) (4 points) (2 point)

Content Outstanding points were Well-developed points were Adequate points were Marginal points were
Poor points were noted.
noted. Contains detailed noted. Contains detailed noted. Contains detailed noted. Contains analysis
Contains little or no
-Focus and Direction analysis with high level of analysis with high level of analysis with good level with average level of
-Details synthesis. synthesis. of synthesis. synthesis.

Excellent flow and structural Very good flow and structural Good flow and structural
Organization Lacks flow and structural
composition. composition. composition. Evident flow and
Transitions are well-made Transitions are well-made Transitions are evident structural composition.
-Structure Poor Transitions are
and follow appropriate and follow appropriate and follow an acceptable Transitions are evident.
-Transitions evident.
sequence. sequence. sequence.

Mechanics Correct spelling and grammar Poor spelling and

Correct spelling and grammar Acceptable spelling and Acceptable spelling and
were evident. With few grammar were evident.
were evident. With no errors grammar were evident. grammar were evident.
-Spelling errors found. With many major errors
found. With few errors found. With many errors found.
-Grammar found.

Commendable illustrations Average illustrations and Acceptable illustrations Few illustrations and with No illustrations and no
-Illustrations and and appropriate abstracts appropriate abstracts about and with abstracts about few abstracts about the abstracts about the
examples about the question. the question. the question. question. question.

Excellent output shows that Very good output shows that Good output shows that Evident output shows Lack of output shows that
Reflection on Learning
the student has reflected the student has reflected the student has reflected that the student has the student has reflected
with substantial depth upon with substantial depth upon with substantial depth reflected with substantial with lack of substantial
-Aligned with course how the prior learning how the prior learning upon how the prior depth upon how the prior depth upon how the prior
learning outcomes experience is aligned to the experience is aligned to the learning experience is learning experience is learning experience is
course learning outcomes for course learning outcomes for aligned to the course aligned to the course aligned to the course
which credit is being sought which credit is being sought learning outcomes for learning outcomes for learning outcomes for
which credit is being which credit is being which credit is being
sought sought sought

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