Bhs Inggris

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The following text is for question

Question 1

The main idea of the last paragraph is … sentence.

A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Last

2. The following text is for question

The main idea of paragraph two is….

A. Elephants are the best animals
B. Elephants are the biggest animals
C. Elephants live on the land
D. There are two types of elephants
Read the letter carefully. Main idea tells the reader what the paragraph is mostly about. Main
idea is often written in the beginning or in the end of the paragraph.
Main idea tells the reader what the paragraph is mostly about. The paragraph tells us about
strengths of elephants which prove that they are the best animals.

3. The most appropriate title for the text above is.…

A. Elephants are the best large mammals.
B. Elephants are the biggest animals.
C. Elephants have many strengths.
D. Everybody loves elephants.

4. The word ‘underestimate’ in paragraph two has the closest meaning with….
A. Fail to Calculate
B. Miscalculate
C. misjudge
D. fail to analyze

5. My aunt has just called me. She said that my uncle got an accident yesterday. So, I …. to
their house tomorrow.
A. go
B. am going
C. will go
D. am going to go

6. Next two weeks, my father.… fly to Singapore for visiting his friend.
A. going to
B. Is going to
C. will
D. is

7. I feel hungry. I … eat first before go out.

A. am
B. going to
C. am going to
D. will

8. Complete the dialogue below.

Rita : hi! Sonia, have you finished your biology assignment?
Sonia: hi! I …. finish it this weekend.
A. am going to
B. am
C. will
D. am going to go

9. Silla does not study for the competition. She …. win the competition.
A. will
B. Will not
C. is
D. going to

The text above is about ….

A. a pet clinic
B. how to love our pets
C. furry animals
D. Pet Day Camp

11. What time does the clinic open on Sunday? Choose the right answer ….
A. at 1 p.m.
B. at 6 p.m.
C. at 5 p.m.
D. at 9 p.m.

12. The following text is for questions 12-18.

The Komodo dragon is the biggest lizard in the world. It is an ancient species of reptile
with ancestors that have lived from more than 100 million years ago These huge lizards
have stumpy, curved legs. They are great in camouflaging themselves since they have
clay-coloured, scaly skin. Their huge, muscular tails are also fascinating. Komodo
dragons are solitary animals for they hunt and live alone.

Though almost all lizards are omnivores, Komodo dragons eat meat. Komodo dragons
use their tongue to detect the smell of their prey up to 16 kilometres away! They eat
every type of meat they can find, whether it is deer, wild pig. snakes, wild buffalo, or
even fish stranded on the shore. Usually, adult dragons ambush their prey. Once their
prey passes by, the dragons attack with their long, strong claws and short, sharp teeth. If
the attacked animals run away, the dragons will follow them at ease. The deadly
bacteria contained in the Komodo dragons' bite will surely kill its meal not long after it
gets bitten.

The life of young Komodo dragons is not easy. Once they hatch from their eggs, they
have to struggle to climb up the nearest tree as soon as possible. That's because adult
dragons think of the hatchlings as easy meals and may eat them. Since the adults are too
big and heavy to climb trees, the young dragons are safe. Until four years old and
reaching four feet long, the young dragons will stay on trees and eat grasshoppers,
geckos, eggs, and beetles. After that, they can begin living on the ground.
they can begin living on the ground What is the skin of a komodo dragon like?
A Scaly and clay-coloured.
B. Thick and shiny
C. Scaly and smooth
D. Shiny and oily
13. What happens to the prey after being bitten by a komodo dragon?
A. It will take revenge on the komodo
B. It has a serious bleeding that makes it die
C. It can't walk anymore because it loses its limbs.
D. It will soon die because of bacteria infection.
14. Why do the young dragons live on trees ?
A. they have to protect themselves from adults
B. they need to go to a higher place
C. there are plenty food on the tree
D. they want to seek their mother
15. The second paragraph tells us about Komodo dragons'
A. food
B. diet and how they get it
C. sense of smell
D. long claws and sharp teeth
16. "That's because the adult dragons think of the hatchlings as easy meals..."
The underlined word means…….. animals
A young v
B. old
C. weak
D. fat
17. The text might have been written by…..
A. botanist
B. pathologist
C. zoologist v
D. neurologist
18. The text would be beneficial for those who……
A. study about Indonesia
B. learn about Javanese Island
C. want to learn about reptiles
D. want to move to another island
19. For questions 19 and 20, arrange the sentences into the correct order.
How to Charge Hand Phone Battery
1. Connect the charger to your handphone.
2. Remove the charger by pulling out from
your handphone.
3. First, prepare your hand phone and battery
4. Then, wait until the battery icon appears on
the screen.
5. Charge the battery until the battery icon
indicates that the battery is fully charged.

The best arrangement is ....

A. 2-1-3-4-5
B. 3-1-4-5-2
C. 3-1-5-4-2
D. 2-1-3-5-4
1. It means that pandas bear live babies.
2. Panda looks cute however it is actually a
wild animal.
3. They feed the babies on milk.
4. Pandas are mammal.
5. Panda's fur is seen dominantly in white or
6. Panda has two dominant colors of the fur,
white and black.
7. While the legs, ears, eyes, and also the
muzzle are covered with black fur.

The right order is ....

A. 4-1-3-6-5-7-2
B. 4-1-6-3-5-7-2
C. 4-3-1-6-5-7-2
D. 4-1-3-6-7-5-2

21. What is the youngest age for joining the course?

A Seven
B. Eight.
C. Eleven
D. Twelve.
22. When does the new classes open?
A. Every month
B. In January
C. In December
D. In January and July
23. What kind of courses does Yama Music School provide?
A. Vocal only
B. Kids' class only.
C. Music only
D. Music and vocal.
24. Who can take courses in Yama Music School?
A. Adults only.
B. Children only. .
C. Adults and children
D. Adults, teenagers, and kids.
25. The following text is for questions 25 to 27
For all students of SMP N Jaya Bangsa

In order to celebrate our school anniversary,

next Saturday will be held a painting competition
in the auditorium at 08.00 until 11.00 a.m. Do not
forget to bring your own painting tools! If you
are interested to join the competition, please
register to the OSIS committee three days before
the competition
OSIS committee
The painting competition will be held to ....
A. find the best painter
B. celebrate the school anniversary
C. create the students'interest in painting
D. get the winner of the painting competition
26. How long will the painting competition be
A. five hours
B. four hours
C. three hours
D. two hours
27. "If you are interested to join the competition,
The underlined word is closest in meaning
A unresponsive
B. tolerable
C. attracted
D. fair
28. The following text is for questions 28 and 29
Dear Silva

Hello! How about your holidays

wonderful I am in Ball now. I am very hapo
here. There are so many beautiful places to
visit. I will bring you some accessories here
Anyway, tell me about your holiday. I want to
know about it
Next week, we will go to school again
you done the English assignment? Can we do the
assignment together? I hope you can teach me
do it. You know that I am not good in English
will go to your house when I come back to
Surabaya next week. See you


What does Kirana want Silva to do?

A. Come back to Surabaya
B. Bring her some accessories
C. Make the English assignment
D. Teach her to do English assignment
29. The text suggests that Kirana...
A. will do the English assignment alone
B. will come to Silva's house next week
C. asks Silva to do the assignments herself
D. will come to Surabaya as soon Possible
30. The following text is for questions 30 to 32

For all students of SMP Bhakti Jaya

In order to face the National Education Day, it will

be held a debate competition. Our school will
have selection to find our best team for English
Debate Competition in Jakarta next month. The
selection will be held on Saturday, April 1" 2017
at 9 a.m.
Register yourself with Mrs. Kiara. For more
information, meet Mrs. Kiara,
The Principal

Why will the selection be held?

А to face the National Education Day
B. to go to Jakarta next month
C. to held a debate competition
D. to choose the best debate team
31. The selection of the debate team will be held……
A. at night
B. in the evening
C. in the morning
D. in the afternoon
"In order to face the National Education
32. ”In order to face the National Education Day,…”
The underlined word has similar meaning
with ...
A. deal with
B. prevent
C. avoid
D. leave
33. The tollowing text is for questions 33 and 34
Dear Dina,

How are you? I hope you'te fine there.I have

Tecetved your letter. I am happy to know more
about your village. You want me to tell about rmy
village. Let me tell you about it.

My village, Ngablak, is a lovely village. My

Village is clean and fresh. There are so man
plants and flowers. If you come here, I will bring
you around my village. There are many ricefhelds
and farms. Of course, you can find many plants
and animals here. in my village, you can hnd a
very clean river. Many children often swim there

That's all about my village. It is very nice to

stay here. Please come to my village someday
Based on the letter above, Dina asks Mia to
A. come to her village
B. write a letter for her
C. tell about Mia's village
D. stay in the lovely village
34. The text Suggests that Mia wants
A. to come to Dina's village
B Dina to come to her village
C. Dina to tell about her village
D. to promote about her village to Dina
35. The following text is for questions 35 and 36
All of 9th Grade Students

You are invited to :

Karunia Jaya

Day Date: Saturday, 3rd June 2017

Time 9 a.m. - 1 a.m.
venue Ball Room of Grand Puri Hotel Jasmine
Asad No. 20 Yogyakarta

Come and join us. Don't forget to bring your

invitation Card
Students Association

How long will the party be held?

A. two hours
B. three hours
C. four hours
D. five hours
36. From the text above, we can say that....
A. The party is for the eighth grade
B. The invitee should bring their invitation
C. The party will be held in the evening
D The party is a birthday party,
37. The following text is for questions 37 and 38.

Dear Sari,

How's life? Next holiday, my family and I will

my grandparents in Denpasar. I hope I can
you in your residence. Then, we can visit
tourism objects together with my sisters, Vina
and Nia. See you

Who is the message for?

A. Vina
B. Heni
C. Sari
D. Nia
38. Based on the text, we know that Heni will
Sari's house.
A. come to
B. ask the place
C. go somewhere
D. visit some places
39. The following text is for questions 39 to 41

Visiting Way Kambas

Yesterday I and my family went to Way

Kambas national park to see the elephants and
thinos conserved there. Way Kambas National
Park is a national park which is used as elephant
and rhino sanctuary located in Labuhan Ratu
District, East Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia.

When we got there, we saw some elephant

performances such as playing football, sitting,
greeting the visitors, and other entertaining
performances. Unfortunately, we could not see
the sumatran thinoceros because visitors must
have a special permit in advance to see them
Visitors or ordinary tourists cannot see the
sumatran thino's natural breeding.

When we returned home we were tired but

we were happy because we had so much fun in
Way Kambas.
What did the writer and his family do in Way
Kambas National Park?
A. They saw the elephants and thinos conserved there
B. They went to Way Kambas in East Lampung
C. They saw some animals which were being fed
D. They wanted to see the rhinoceros
40. Why didn't the writer and his family see the
sumatran rhinoceros?
A. The animals are being fed.
B. The animals are being conserved
C. They only saw some elephant performances
D. They didn't have a special permit in advance to see them.
41. At the end of their picnic, the writer and his family thought that …
A. it was a tiring picnic.
B. it was a terrible picnic.
C. They had so much fun.
D. They had to return home.
42. The following text is for questions 42 to 44.

The Goose and The Golden Eggs

Once a farmer went to the nest of his goose

and found there an egg, all yellow and shiny.
When he picked it up, it was heavy as a rock. He
was about to throw it away because he thought
that someone was playing a trick on him. But on
second thought, he took it home, and discovered
to his delight that it was an egg of pure gold!

He sold the egg for a lot of money. Every

morning the goose laid another golden egg, and
the farmer soon became rich by selling the eggs.

As he grew rich, he also grew greedy. "Why

should I have to wait to get only one egg a day?"
he thought. I will cut open the goose and takel
all the eggs out of her at once."

When the goose heard the farmer's plan

she flew away. So when the farmer came out
the next day, do you know what he found in the
goose's nest? Nothing.

What did the farmer found in the nest of his

A. rock
B. geese
C. golden egg
D. yellow egg
43. What would the farmer do to get all of the
eggs at once?
A. He would sell the eggs.
B. He would cut the goose.
C. He would sell the goose.
D. He would cut the eggs out.
44. was bath came to mila when her taking house I
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A. 4-1-3-2-5-9-7-6-8
B. 4-1-7-5-2-9-3-6-8
C. 4-1-7-2-5-9-3-6-8
D. 4-7-1-2-5-9-3-6-8
45. asks bedroom to clean everyday me Dad my
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A. 6-5-1-3-7-2-4
B. 6-1-5-7-3-2-4
C. 6-1-5-3-7-4-2
D. 6-1-5-3-7-2-4


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