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CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:

WEEK with Weaknesses

Student One 2/6/23 ELA- Reading/writing - Focus was During the observation, the
on comprehension of reading. student worked with the
Strengths- The student was able teacher candidate to complete
to refer back to the text to find the assignment. The student
the correct answer to fill in the answered five out of seven
missing word in the activity. answers independently while
Weaknesses- The student had only needing assistance with
difficulty reading the sentences. reading five words. The student
There were multiple words the demonstrated strong
student could not read without comprehension skills while
assistance. completing the activity.
Student One 2/8/23 Math- Focus was on adding two- During the observation, the
digit sums. student demonstrated an
Strengths-The student was able understanding in the topic of
to split a two-digit sums equation adding two-digit sums. While
into ones and tens. The student working on the assignment, the
was able to successfully add teacher caudate reminded the
numbers to get the correct student that they needed to
answer. add the extra ten to their
Weaknesses-The student did answer. With the prompting
not add the extra one when the student successfully
adding the numbers in the tens answered the remaining
place. questions.
Student One 2/13/23 ELA- Focus on creating a During the observation, the
PowerPoint project. student demonstrated strong
Strengths- The student was able research skills on his
to use his Chromebook to Chromebook. Due to the
research information provided on student’s difficulties with
a graphic organizer with writing the intervention
assistance from the teacher. The specialist scribed what the
student was able to verbally student wanted to write. The
answer questions to the scribe in student was having difficulties
detail. transferring his information
Weaknesses- The student from the graphic organizer to
demonstrated difficulties in the PowerPoint so he needed
transferring the information from assistance from the teacher.
the graphic organizer to the The student was also able to
PowerPoint. The student needed add pictures to the
the teacher to put the presentation with assistance
information into the PowerPoint from the teacher.
for him.
Student One 2/15/23 Math- Focus on subtracting two- During the observation, the
digit numbers. student demonstrated strong
Strengths- When the student math skills with subtraction.
correctly borrowed, the student During four problems, the
was able to get to the correct student struggled with knowing
answer. The student when to borrow a ten to
demonstrated strengths in using subtract. On two problems
his number chart to subtract two where the student correctly
numbers. borrowed, the student
Weaknesses- The student subtracted the bottom number
demonstrated difficulty in from the original top number
correctly taking one ten away and got the incorrect answer.
when necessary. The student also The teacher provided the
demonstrated weakness in student with feedback and had
subtracting the tens place after him try the problems again.
borrowing. The student would
subtract the original ten and
would get the incorrect answer.
Student One 2/22/23 ELA- Reading a text with long A During the observation, the
sound. student was able to identify
Strengths- The student was able long A words when reading
to identify words with the long A through the passage. The
sound when reading through a student required assistance
passage with assistance from the reading some words in the
teacher. passage. After reading the
Weaknesses-The students passage the student struggled
demonstrated difficulties when to select two long A words and
selecting two long A words and create a sentence with them.
using them to create a sentence. The student needed extra
prompting and assistance to
create the sentence.
Student One 2/23/23 Math- Focus on using meters and During the observation, the
yards to estimate distance and student demonstrated strong
length. estimating skills. The student
Strengths- The student was able could select the appropriate
to determine the unit of unit and lengths of
measurement when given an measurement when given an
image of an object. When given image of an object with 100%
three options, the student was accuracy. When given an object
able to correctly determine the or distance written the student
more appropriate option. struggled to estimate the
Weaknesses- The student length and distance of objects.
demonstrated difficulty Through the observation the TC
estimating lengths and distances learned this student learns best
without options presented. The with visual representations.
student typically would
Student One 2/28/23 ELA- Focus on writing an opinion During the observation, the
piece. teacher gave the students a
Strengths- The student sentence starter on the board.
demonstrated strengths in using The student was able to write
the provided sentence staters to the sentence starter to
create the writing piece. introduce his opinion. While
Weaknesses- The student working in a small group with
demonstrated difficulties with the intervention specialist the
separating his sentences using student was able to include his
punctuation. main idea and supporting
details. The student made
three errors by not including
punctuation in their writing.
Student One 3/2/23 Math- Focus on using meters and During the observation, the
yards to measure distance and student was able to read
length and organizing the data on information presented in a
a graph. graph to answer questions
Strengths- The student was able asked by the teacher. When
to answer questions based on the transferring the data into a
data. For example, the teacher graph independently the
asked the class “what was the student demonstrated
most common wingspan of the difficulties. The teacher made
class” the student was able to the graph on the board to have
look at the graph and give the student check their work which
correct response. helped the student correct
Weaknesses- The student what he did incorrectly.
demonstrated difficulties in
placing the data point on the
graph independently. The student
was able to follow along with the
teacher to place the date in the
appropriate area.
Student One 3/6/23 ELA- Focus on spelling words During the observation, the
review. teacher conducted a spelling
Strengths- The student was able words game in which the
to spell all words with the oy teacher said a word from their
spelling pattern correctly on his spelling list and the students
dry erase board. wrote in on a white board.
Weaknesses-The student During this lesson the student
demonstrated difficulties spelling was able to spell all word
words with the oi spelling pattern correctly besides the two
on his dry erase board. spelling words with the oi
spelling pattern.
Student One 3/8/23 Math- Focus on partitioning During the observation, the
rectangles and identifying the teacher demonstrated and
number of total squares. explained how to partition a
Strengths- Once the student rectangle. During the lesson
correctly partitioned the the student was struggling to
rectangle, the student was able to use his ruler to partition the
state the number of rows, squares rectangles, so a teacher
and each row, and total numbers assistant helped the student
of squares without assistance. partition the rectangle. After
Weaknesses- The student partitioning the shape, the
demonstrated difficulties in student was able to identify
correctly partitioning the and state how many rows,
rectangle into the correct number columns, and total squares
of rows and columns. The student there were.
required assistance in partitioning
into the correct rows and
Student One 3/14/23 ELA- Focus on writing based on a During the observation the
piece of text. student worked with the
Strengths- When given a intervention specialist to
sentence with areas for the answer the writing prompt. The
student’s response, the student intervention specialist wrote
was able to refer back to the text out the sentence for the
to answer the prompt with student and the student wrote
assistance from the teacher. their response in the
Weaknesses- The student appropriate area. The student
demonstrated difficulties with is on an IEP and requires
reading the writing prompt and assistance with reading. The
relating the prompt to their own student had assistance with
experiences. brainstorming and relating the
prompt to their real-life
Student One 3/15/23 Math- Fucus on identifying shape During the observation, the
attributes. student was working on a
Strengths- The student shape attribute worksheet. The
demonstrates understanding student was able to correctly
when using lines to label and identify and label the number
identify sides as well as using dots of sides by marking a line
to label and identify vertices. through them and identifying
During the activity the student the labeling the vertices by
was able to label sides and marking them with a dot.
vertices to sort shapes. When the student got to the
Weaknesses- The student section that asked about sets of
demonstrated difficulties in parallel sides, the student was
identifying parallel lines and unable to identify and explain
identifying shapes with parallel what a parallel line is.
Student One 3/16/23 ELA- Focus on writing an opinion During the observation, the
piece based off a piece of text. student demonstrated strong
Strengths- The student showed writing skills. The student was
strengths in using information able to use information from
presented in the story to answer a the text to support their
writing prompt. The student used opinion. The student’s writing
strong details to support his was detailed and made
opinion. excellent points. When
Weaknesses- The student’s reviewing the student’s writing
writing was not in the lines and their writing was not in the
was difficult to read. lines and difficult to read.
Student One 3/24/23 Math- Focus was on identifying During the observation, the
shapes by their attributes on a student sat with the teacher
practice test. candidate to receive aid in
Strengths- The student was able reading the questions. When
to identify half the correct shape prompted to label the
names when looking at shape and attributes the student was able
having the answer key was read to label the sides and vertices
to him. The students correctly but needed prompting to label
marked the sides and vertices to the angles. The student was
assist him. unable to identify if there were
Weaknesses- The student any parallel sides. When
demonstrated difficulties with naming the shapes based on
naming a quadrilateral, pentagon, their attributes, the student
and hexagon. The student had needed reminders on how to
difficulties labeling angles and identify quadrilateral, hexagon,
determining whether the shapes and pentagon.
had parallel lines.

Student Two 2/6/23 Math- Focus was on adding two- During the observation, the
digit sums. student required the use of
Strengths-With assistance from their number grid implying that
the number grid the student was they learn better with hands on
able to add numbers in the ones manipulatives. Overall, the
and tens place successfully. student demonstrated many
Weaknesses-The student had strengths in the content area of
difficulties adding single digit math.
numbers without using a number
grid. The student did not carry the
one when adding the numbers in
the tens place.
Student Two 2/8/23 ELA- Reading- Focus was on During the observation, the
reading information on a student demonstrate difficulty
PowerPoint. in their reading skills. While
Strengths-The student was able working with the teacher
to read familiar words fluently. candidate the student needed
Weaknesses-The student had prompting when reading many
difficulty reading most words words on the PowerPoint. The
presented on the PowerPoint. student used the compensation
When the student came to a strategy while reading
difficult word the student would challenging words.
put in a known word in its place.
Student Two 2/13/23 Math- Focus on subtracting two- During the observation, the
digit numbers. student was completing a
Strengths- The student worksheet based on the math
demonstrated strengths in lesson the teacher had just
identifying when he needed to taught. The student was able to
borrow. The student was able to identify when he needed to
use his number grid when borrow a ten from the tens
subtracting the ones place to get place to subtract. The student
the correct answer. was able to use his number grid
Weaknesses- The student to subtract the numbers in the
demonstrated difficulty in ones place independently.
subtracting the numbers in the Once the student subtracted
tens place and correctly the numbers in the ones place,
subtracting after borrowing. the student often subtracted
the numbers in the tens place
incorrectly. The teacher
provided student with
feedback and allowed them to
try the problems again.
Student Two 2/14/23 ELA- Focus on valentine’s day During the observation, the
writing piece. student was completing their
Strengths- The student was able monthly writing prompt in a
to use the give sentence starter to small group with the teacher.
create an introduction to his Once given the sentence
writing piece. started the student was able to
Weaknesses- The student write a detailed introductory
demonstrated difficulties with sentence. While further
brainstorming the main idea and observing the student, the
supporting details without student was unable to come up
assistance. with their main idea and
supporting details. The mentor
teacher had to help the student
brainstorm ideas for their
Student Two 2/22/23 Math- Focus on using meters and During the observation, the
yards to estimate distance and student was able to choose the
length. appropriate unit of
Strengths- When determining measurement when looking at
the appropriate unit of measure, an image of an object. For
the student was able to state the example, when given a picture
most appropriate unit and explain of a bus, they could state
why. meters would be the most
Weaknesses- When given an appropriate unit of
image of an object the student measurement. The student was
demonstrated difficulty in not able to estimate the length
selecting the correct option when or distance of an object. When
given three options. given three options the student
chose a answer to large or
small on every question. The
teacher held up a meter stick
to help the student visualize
the unit of measurement.
Student Two 2/23/23 ELA- Focus on reading a text with During the observation, the
long I words. student had assistance reading
Strengths- After receiving the passage. While reading
assistance with reading the through the passage the
passage, the student was able to student was instructed to circle
draw a picture based on the long I words. The student
information from the story. circled all words with a short I
Weaknesses- The student sound instead and the teacher
demonstrated difficulties with reminded the student to circle
correctly identifying long I words. the words with the long I
The student would circle words sound. After reading the
with the short I words rather than passage, the student was
long I words. prompted to draw a picture to
represent what happened in
the story. The student was able
to draw what happened and
explain his drawing.
Student Two 2/28/23 Math- Focus on using meters and During the observation, the
centimeters to measure distance student was able to read
and length and organizing the information presented in a
data on graph to answer questions
Strengths- The student asked by the teacher. When
demonstrated strengths in transferring the data into a
working with peers and with graph independently the
hands on activities. The student student demonstrated
was able to use a ruler and meter difficulties. The teacher made
stick to measure various objects the graph on the board to have
around the room. student check their work which
Weaknesses- The student helped the student correct
demonstrated weaknesses in what he did incorrectly.
placing data onto the data sheet.
The students would place the
measurements into the incorrect
Student Two 3/2/23 ELA- Focus on reading a text with During the observation, the
long A words. student had assistance reading
Strengths- After receiving the passage. While reading
assistance with identifying long A through the passage the
words and reading the passage, student was instructed to circle
the student was able to identify long A words. The student
two long A words and use them in circled all words with a short A
a sentence. sound instead and the teacher
Weaknesses- The student reminded the student to circle
demonstrated difficulties with the words with the long A
identifying long A words. The sound. After reading the
student would circle words with passage, the student was
the short A sound. prompted to select two long A
words from the passage and
use them in a sentence. The
student was able to select two
words and use them in a
sentence. The student referred
back to the passage when
writing the sentence.
Student Two 3/6/23 Math- Focus on portioning During the observation, the
rectangles and identifying the teacher demonstrated and
number of total squares. explained how to partition a
Strengths- The student was able rectangle. During the lesson
to identify how many rows, the student was struggling to
number of squares in each row, use his ruler to partition the
and the total number of squares. rectangles, so a teacher
Weaknesses- The student assistant helped the student
demonstrated difficulty in partition the rectangle. After
partitioning the rectangles into partitioning the shape, the
the appropriate number of rows student was able to identify
and columns. The student and state how many rows,
received assistance from the columns, and total squares
teacher aid. there were.
Student Two 3/8/23 ELA- Focus on writing based on a During the observation, the
piece of text. student was completing a
Strengths- When given a writing piece following a
sentence with areas for the reading passage. The student
student’s response, the student worked one on one with the
was able to refer back to the text intervention specialist. The
to answer the prompt with teacher gave the students
assistance from the teacher. sentences and the students
Weaknesses- The student had to fill in the blank spots
demonstrated difficulties with with their response. The
reading the writing prompt and student was able to refer back
relating the prompt to their own to the text to answer the
experiences. prompt. The student
demonstrated difficulties
answering the second part of
the prompt that required them
to relate the information to a
real-life experience.
Student Two 3/14/23 Math- Fucus on identifying shape During the observation, the
attributes. student was identifying shape
Strengths- The student was able attributes on a worksheet
to correctly identify the number following the lesson. The
of sides, vertices, and angles student was able to identify the
when given a shape. shape attributes with 80%
Weaknesses- The student accuracy on the worksheet.
demonstrated difficulty in When asked to state if the
identifying parallel lines and shape had any right angles the
determining if an angle was a student was unable to do so.
right angle when given a shape. The student would state yes if
it did not have any right angles
and vice versa. The student was
also unable to identify if a
shape had any parallel sides.
Student Two 3/15/23 ELA- Focus on spring writing During the observation, the
piece. student was completing their
Strengths- The student was able monthly writing piece. The
to use the give sentence starter to student Once given the
create an introduction to his sentence started the student
writing piece. was able to write a detailed
Weaknesses-The student introductory sentence. While
demonstrated difficulties further observing the students
including the required details for writing, the student was not
the assignment. able include the required
details in their writing. The
teacher worked with the
student one on one with the
revision process.
Student Two 3/16/23 Math- Focus on sorting shapes During the observation, the
based on their attributes. student was tasked to sort
Strengths- The student shapes based on their
demonstrated strong sorting skills attributes. While completing
when sorting shapes based on the activity the student was
number of sides, number of able to sort shapes based on
vertices, and number of angles. number of sides, number of
Weaknesses- The student vertices, and number of angles.
demonstrated difficulties when The students continued to
sorting shapes based on having show difficulties with
right angles and having parallel identifying shapes with right
sides. angles and parallel sides.
Student Two 3/24/23 ELA- Focus on opinion writing During the observation, the
based on information presented student was writing an opinion
in a story. piece in their book talk journal
Strengths- The student was able based on a story read in class.
to refer back to the text to explain During the writing activity the
how a character responded to an student was working in a small
event. group with the intervention
Weaknesses-The students specialist. The student was able
demonstrated difficulties with to verbally identify how the
giving details to support their main character responded to
opinion. an event. In the students
writing the student was able to
write out their opinion but
demonstrated difficulties with
providing details to support
their opinion.

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