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L, G & P questions

1. What is procedural justice?

2. What is substantive justice?
3. Explain the potential problems associated with political lobbying
4. Nominate who can participate in political lobbying and how?
5. Explain the potential benefits
6. What powers are vested in the commonwealth of Australia and what authority
provides these powers?
7. What rights are provided to Australians by the constitution?
a. Fair trial
b. Against discrimination
c. Compensation of property
d. Freedom of religious express
8. What are the benefits of a constitutional bill of rights?
a. Can’t be changed
9. What are the benefits of statutory human rights?
10. Nominate a disadvantage of having single member electorates
a. Single electorate, may not represent the interest of the people
11. What are some advantages of living under the rule of law
a. Only be judged, accused and treated in accordance with the laws.

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