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Nama : Lena

Kelas : B

Nim : C1F122082

Jurusan : Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi

1. Menurut Anda, kenapa mempelajari Asking dan Offering dalam bahasa inggris
itu penting?

Jawab :

Karena dengan mempelajari asking and offering dapat memberikan bantuan atau
petunjuk atau arah serta menawarkan bantuan ke orang lain.

2. Menurut Anda, diantara keempat diksi yang telah dipelajari, anda termasuk
diksi nomor berapa? Kenapa demikian?

Diksi Formal, karena menggunakan kata-kata yang dominan serius dan jenis ini
digunakan di tempat kerja, sekolah, kampus, atau lingkungan formal lainnya.

3. Buatlah 4 contoh dialog dari Asking dan Offering dengan ketentuan minimal
interaksi 2 orang.


Contoh 1

Alfi: Oh my god, I’m so confused.

Alfi: I really can’t finf the answer.

Via: What happens with you Alfi?

Alfi: Oh Via, I have a homework but I don’t understand for number six.

Alfi: Umm… I really can’t find the answer.

Alfi: Could you help me please to finish this number for me?
Via: Okay, let me see…

Via: Yes, of course. Let me hel you.

Alfi: Oh really? Thank you.

Via: Oke, no prolem.

Via: This is the answer.

Alfi: Oh my god! You are right. Thank you very much Via.

Via: Yes, no problem.

Alfi: Alright, done.

Alfi: Oh my key.

Alfi: Oh where is it?

Alfi: Where is my key?

Via: Are you looking for something Alfi?

Alfi: Oh yes, Via. I’m looking for my key I’ve been searching in every corner of
this house but I can’t find it.

Via: May I help you to find it?

Alfi: Oh really?

Alfi: It would be lovely, thank you.

Via: Ok

Via: Alfi/Oh Yes/This is your key.

Alfi: Oh my god! That’s right. Thank you very much Via.

Alfi: I have to go now but thank you very much.

Via: Oke.

Alfi: See you, then.

Contoh 2

Doni: Prilly, hey look. I have just bought a new bicycle for you.

Prilly: Wow, you surprise me. You are a kind guy.

Doni:You are welcome.

Prilly: But don’t you think it is a bit expensive? You didn’t have to buy me a new

Doni: It is okay, I want to. Besides, your old bike is broken right?

Prilly: Yes it is.

Doni: Where is it now?

Prilly: It is in the garage why are you asking

Doni: Let me repair the bicycle.

Prilly: Do you want to do it?

Doni: Yes I am. I have a friend who can fix it.

Prilly: Thank you so much. You can have it if you want.

Doni: It is not necessary for you to do that.

Prilly: But you have bought me the new one. So I don’t need the old one.

Doni: Okay thank you, I will upgrade it then.

Prilly: That would be great.

Contoh 3

Doctor: Hello. Good morning!

Fafa: Hello. Good morning Doctor

Doctor: You look terrible. What can I do for you?

Fafa: I can go to studying today

Doctor: Oh, I am sorry to hear that.what’s the problrm?

Fafa: My stomach hurts terribly. I think I have a fever as well.

Doctor: Okay, let me check your stomach. Does it hurt here?

Fafa: No that one.

Doctor: Here?

Fafa: Yes, that’s really terrible.

Doctor: Alright then, I’ll give you a prescription. You have to take the pills three
times a day, okay?

Fafa: Okay, doctor.

Doctor: Good. Get well soon, Fafa. Bya

Fafa: Thanks a lot. Bya. Doctor.

4. Carilah 2 contoh dari keempat diksi penulisan yang ada di lingkungan kalian.



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