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Lesson Plan

Date: 22.11.2022
Class: a III -a (L1)
No. of students: 20
Textbook: LIMBA ENGLEZĂ 1 A III -A Jenny Dooley SC
Unit: 2 a Family Ties
Lesson: My family
Type of lesson: Developing new vocabulary
Time: 45 minutes
Aims: Teaching vocabulary related to the family

At the end of the lesson, students should be able:

- to identify the family members ;

- to use the vocabulary related to the family
- to describe their family
- to write sentences with the new vocabulary
- Skills: listening, reading, speaking, writing

Methods: conversation, observation, explanation, repetition

Aids: : worksheets, notebook, book audio-video ,board, handout
Type of interaction: teacher-students, student-teacher
Class organization: individual work, whole class
Stages of the lesson

1.Organizing the class

Aim:-to create a proper atmosphere for teaching the new lesson
Time: 1’
Class organization: whole class
Interactions: teacher-student; student-teacher
Method: conversation
Teacher’s activity: The teacher greets the students; she asks them questions like: ‘How are you
today?”, etc. The teacher checks if there are any absents and prepares for the lesson.
Student’s activity: Students greet the teacher. They answer the teacher’s questions.
The student on duty announces who is absent (if there are any).

2.Warm up
Aim: - introducing the new lesson
Class organization: whole class
Interactions: teacher-student; student-teacher
Method:conversation, repetition
Teacher’s activity:The teacher asks what do they think are members of a family?

The Ss answer the questions, describing some of their family members.

3 Lead in
Aim: - to arouse student’s interest in the topic
Time: 5’
Class organization: whole class
Interactions: teacher-student; student-teacher
Method: video
Teacher’s activity:The teacher ask the Ss to watch a video related to family and then to talk
about what was the video about what family member they remember from the video ?
4. Teaching
Aim:-to introduce the new vocabulary.
Class organization:individual work
Method:conversation, observation
Teacher’s activity:Teacher introduces the new vocabulary on the board starting from the picture
from the text and the video. Each new word introduced is repeated twice. Teacher asks the
student to write down simple sentences using the new vocabulary.
Student’s activity:Students pay attention to teacher’s explanations. Students repeat the new

5. Practice
Aim:topractice the new vocabulary.
Class organization: whole class
Interactions:teacher-students, student-teacher
Methods:repetition, observation
Teacher’s activity:Teacher asks the Ss to look at page 28 .Then teacher ask the student to watch
the video of the notebook.
Student’s activity:Ss have to look at the video and to pay attention to the pronunciation of the

Activity 1:Practice reading Pre reading

Aim:to practice the reading

Time: 5’
Class organization:individual work
Interactions:teacher-students, student-teacher
Teacher’s activity:The teacher ask the Ss pay attention to the reading she makes of the text and
to underline the pronunciation of the words they have difficulties reading,
Student’s activity:Students pay attention and then read the text.
Activity 2Reading and writing

Aim: to practice the new vocabulary;

Class organization:individual work
Interactions:teacher-students, student-students
Methods: speaking, reading
Teacher’s activity:The teacher ask the Ss to open their notebook at page 28 and to look at
ex.2.They have to read and choose the correct answer.
Student’s activity:Students solve the exercise and respond the good answer.
Teacher gives children a family tree and ask the children to write down the name of the fammily
memeber ,They have to come to the board and present their family memeber
Ex: This is my grandmother her name is .......this is my dad his name is....

Activity 3 Feedback

Aim: to give a positive feedback about today’s lesson, to talk about the whole lesson

6.Dismissing students
Teacher’s activity: Teacher greets the students, thanks them for their participation and gives the
homework. The homework is to write about their family and to bring the next lesson a picture of
their family.
Student’s activity: Students greet the teacher.

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