Unit1 Calculations Part1

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Problem 2 Given Data oS. Area = Johectayes max RainSell tytemity = Sern/hy Soducion Eraprical Sorraula method Sterm von tt tt (x) @= M/gec Storm Discharge Cc —everall Runolt Co-essicherk CAH Cada + CAs Fe gt cag t CeAe ee) By) +A2 +As tAgt 5th - Ss = 0-9x(ZEHI0) + O-8S% Be nie) +08% ‘S.n0) +r on x (2E x10) 10-1 (BE KIS) + 0-05 (S= x18) = (2308) +(e ne) e Germ) BE) + Sn = 27tosst oat 1p O2e 7 eo ers - 0 C = O-5225 Q= O-E225 % Ben/hr xX lohectares Al cael A a al ce Bb 3 @ = 0-726 es Problema Given Data Combined Slow Discharge = e Area, A= 150 hectares Population = 50000 Time e¢ entry : ex) Tj = Emin Iniet time Time of flow, Ty =Zomin Rate of water supply = 135 Spe Permeabitity gactor ,c = O-4S5 Bor o woter suptly durns to be Sewage Peon sactory = 1-5 , Seduction Combined Slow Dischavsye = stoym woter Discharge + Sewage di'scha? Average water dloynand (or) = Population X Rote ot water Supply = 50000 % jagApe = 6790008 Lo =- 645 MLD maximum we om Le Peak gactor X Average eman water Peman [546-15 ‘VV 10-125 MLD Assume 80% et okey suprhhy turns to be ~~ Sewoge Sewage Dischav3e = Bor eb mash nem ~ water demand — 0-8 K 100125 MLP Sewage Discharge = B-1MLD - - 3 We find sewage bischarge Fer mec = Bi niet nis 24EXEOX6O _ [[eiter = 1x15 73| Sewage Discharge = 0.09375 ne "sec Storm wakey Dischargé,Qg= CEA 3 =z”~C~ . 36 Sec. L—Rainsall Prtomsy em/py Time ef entry Tr= Smin Time of Slow, Tz = 20min oe T= 5+20 T= 25min T betweey 20 to]oo min ra ilee ay T+r20 Vx I= loo = 222 em/yy 25420 Q= 0-45%2522 x )So oe cen ae 3b Q= 4616 rmi/sec Combined flow Discharge = storm water Discharge | + Sewage Dischayge = 4-16 rie, + 0009315 4 Mee = 4-253 m Yoee

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