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Surveillance of Japanese Encephalitis virus (JeV)

Proposal for a new surveillance system: JeV

Due date: 23:59pm, Sunday 9 April (end of week 6)
Word limit: 1000-1200 words (you may go 10% over the word count)
(not including reference list)
Weighting: Mark out 100, weighted to 20% of grade

Japanese encephalitis virus (JeV) has recently emerged in several states of Australia, including South
Australia. Surveillance of JeV in Australia is the reporting of laboratory confirmed human cases. This
assignment is about proposing a new approach to JeV surveillance to complement the state notifiable
disease surveillance system for detecting JeV in the South Australian community, and to prevent further
cases and disease in humans.

Assignment task
You have been asked by the Chief Public Health Officer, SA Health, to propose a novel approach in the
collection of surveillance data to identify JeV circulating in the South Australian community in order to
detect human cases. This report will assist the Chief Public Health Officer in determining if an additional
surveillance system will provide information about exposure to JeV in the community to protect the health
of the South Australian population.

You are required to propose and describe one (1) surveillance system to detect human cases of JeV (you
may propose more than one if the word count allows for it).
Your report should include:
1. Describe the public health concerns of JeV
• what are the public health concerns about JeV?
• why is JeV a notifiable disease in Australia
• describe some of the health impacts of JeV in Australia (morbidity, mortality, incidence etc.)
• this section needs to be supported by evidence - use data/statistics

2. Components of the JeV surveillance system

• what type of surveillance system is being proposed?
• what is the purpose or goal of the proposed surveillance system?
• what will the system measure (health outcomes, measures of disease occurrence)?
• how will data be collected?
• how will data be reported (how often, to whom, format)?
• what is the case definition (human cases)?
• what is the target population?

3. Provide justification for the recommended surveillance system

• what evidence supports the proposed surveillance system, that is, why is it appropriate?
• what are the strengths and limitations of the proposed surveillance system?
• use evidence (from literature – published studies, reports) to support this
Report format
Write this assignment in report format, using headings and paragraphs, with structured sentences. Provide
an engaging title. You must provide a word count and your reference list should include sources from peer-
reviewed journal articles or government/academic reports.
You may use either the Vancouver (numbering) or Harvard (author-date) referencing style & reference list.
Word count
Include a word count for your report. The word limit is 1000-1200 words. You many go 10% over the word
count. Please note that reference lists, graphs, figures, or tables, and their headings are not included in the
word count. If you use the Harvard referencing style, the citations of authors and dates in text are included
in the word count. The same applies with Vancouver referencing, the citation numbers in text are included
in the word count.
Submit your assignment before midnight (23.59pm), Sunday 9 April 2023 on MyUni > Assignments >
Surveillance report.
You can check the originality of your draft assignment at the Turnitin Originality Check (note this is only for
checking your originality, not for submitting your assignment for marking). Turnitin is a text matching
system for originality checking and plagiarism prevention. Information about interpreting the
originality/similarity report is available here.
All extensions for assignments must be requested, at the latest, by the last working day before the due date
of submission. So for this assignment, you need to request an extension by 5pm Friday 7th April 2023 by
contacting the course coordinator Adriana Milazzo (
Extensions will generally be granted only on medical or genuine compassionate grounds. Supporting
documentation must be provided at the time a student requests an extension. Without documentation,
extensions will not be granted. Late requests for extension will neither be accepted nor acknowledged.
Penalties for late assignments
In the case of late assignments where no extension has been granted, 5 percentage points of the total
marks possible per day will be deducted. Assignments more than 7 days late will not be marked.
Outstanding or exceptional work Very high standard of work which High level of understanding and Satisfies the minimum Fails to satisfy the minimum
in terms of understanding, demonstrates originality and insight presentation and a degree of requirements requirements
interpretation and presentation originality and insight
Public health ❑ Thorough use of literature ❑ Detailed use of literature & ❑ Some use of literature & ❑ Limited use of literature & ❑ Little, inaccurate, or no
concerns of JeV & evidence to describe evidence to describe public evidence to describe evidence to describe use of literature &
public health concerns of health concerns of JeV, public health concerns of public health concerns of evidence to describe 15%
JeV, considering all health considering all health JeV, considering some JeV, considering little public health concerns
outcomes, & rationale for outcomes, & rationale for health outcomes, & health outcomes, & of JeV, with little to no
why it’s a notifiable why it’s a notifiable disease rationale for why it’s a rationale for why it’s a consideration given to
disease notifiable disease notifiable disease health outcomes, &
rationale for why it’s a
notifiable disease
Components of the ❑ Thorough, appropriate ❑ Clear, appropriate ❑ Mostly appropriate ❑ Limited, or some ❑ Little, inaccurate or no
new surveillance identification & description identification & description of identification & inappropriate identification &
system of all components of the all components of the description of all identification & description of 30%
proposed surveillance proposed surveillance components of the description of components of
system system proposed surveillance components of proposed proposed surveillance
system surveillance system system
Recommendation and ❑ Recommendation ❑ Recommendation provides ❑ Recommendation ❑ Recommendation ❑ Recommendation
appropriateness provides highly clear, well-reasoned provides clear justification provides some provides unclear, little or
developed, well-reasoned justification for the for the appropriateness of justification for the no justification for the 30%
justification for the appropriateness of the the surveillance system, appropriateness of the appropriateness of the
appropriateness of the surveillance system, with with some detail on surveillance system, surveillance system,
surveillance system, with sufficient detail on strengths strengths and limitations strengths and limitations strengths and limitations
significant detail on and limitations is not completely clear & is unclear & lacking
strengths and limitations lacking detail detail
Evidence ❑ Significant evidence has ❑ Sufficient evidence has been ❑ Some evidence has been ❑ Little evidence has been No appropriate
been presented for the presented for the proposed presented for the presented for the evidence has been
proposed surveillance surveillance system, and a is proposed surveillance proposed surveillance presented in support of 10%
system, and a clear case case made using this system, and a case is system, the case in the proposed
is made using this evidence in support of the made using this evidence support of the proposal is surveillance system
evidence in support of the proposal in support of the proposal not clear
Sources and ❑ References (in text and ❑ References (in text and ❑ References (in text and ❑ References (in text and ❑ References (in text and
referencing reference list) are cited reference list) are mostly cited reference list) are cited, reference list) are cited, reference list) are cited
correctly & consistently correctly & consistently but with some mistakes but with some mistakes or with mistakes & 5%
inconsistencies inconsistencies
Expression and ❑ Structure is clearly ❑ Structure organized ❑ Structure organized ❑ Some disorganisation of ❑ Disorganised structure,
presentation organized, covers all appropriately, covers all appropriately, some structure, some aspects required aspects not
required aspects required aspects aspects incomplete incomplete covered 10%
❑ Highly developed skills in ❑ Well-developed skills in ❑ Good skills in expression, ❑ Adequate skills in ❑ Rudimentary skills in
expression, presentation expression, presentation presentation expression, presentation expression,
❑ Word count is provided & ❑ Word count not provided but ❑ Word count provided but ❑ Word count not provided presentation
within limits appears within limits slightly under or over &/or slightly over word ❑ Word count not
word limit limit provided, exceeded
word limit

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