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Internship Report

Sultan wood product

Submitted by
Salim Sultan Alnabhani

Summer 2022

Submission Date: 00/8/2022

Sultan Qaboos University College of Economics and political science

Department of Management


I’m showing and expressing my gratitude to my college Economics and political science, the

office of Training Assistant, and Community service for offering this precious opportunity and to

write this report about SWP as a training assignment. Summer 2022. As if SWP is one of the

most successful and leading factories in the last 20 years in Oman in the wooden industry. Also,

I would like to express my thankfulness to miss Misida who was a big supporter during the

internship period for answering the questions and giving direction. Addition to, my close friend

and cousin Monther was a real supporter in order to accomplish this period with maximum

benefits. Couldn’t forget Mr. Jerry who was there for me and helped me and gave huge and

valid experience during the internship period. Lastly, my huge appreciation to my family and

especially my father who was a big supporter during this period of time.

2) Executive summary

This report going to be fulfilled and contains several contains about the internship

program such as the introduction, an organization overview which is the company

history, the business size, the production line, the rivals, and a small overview of the

company departments. In addition to SWAT ANALYSIS, identifying the problem and

defining the suitable solution. It will seek to define some of the aspects in terms of

leading and managing. This report going to be a direction and useful tool for those who

want to get a fully qualified background about the management companies and what is

the working environment looks like and how it operates to be successful.

3)Table of contents

Page Topic
2 Acknowledgment
3 Executive summary
5 A brief introduction of the organization’s
6 Overview of the organization
10 (SWOT) Analysis
13 Problem Identification and Solution

15 Competitors

16 Conclusion
17 Reference

4) A brief introduction of the organization’s

market segment Furniture focuses on the commercial sale of various movable and none

removable commodities designed to support various day-to-day actions and functions,

such as seating (e.g., chairs and sofas), sleeping (e.g., beds and mattresses), holding

and storing objects (e.g., closets and dressers), in both B2C and B2B contexts.

Unmovable household objects (such as sinks and faucets), as well as electronic

household appliances, are not permitted. Although furniture can serve a decorative,

symbolic, or religious function, the focus here is on furniture that serves a primarily

functional purpose, and the market is segmented accordingly. The Wooden and

furniture sector is one of the most developed, attractive, and developed sectors in the

world which has exceeded 545.78 billion USD in 2020 because of huge development in

the last years. The furniture and wood sector includes materials used in furniture

manufacture, modern industry layout, mint transportation, production process, and

transportation and storage in the industry. For Example, PVC national, Oman PVC,

DHL, FedEx, Maersk line, Akia, and MIH. This furniture sector provides the foundation

for development. This sector has developed to include designing, developing, and

innovating technology to provide unique designs and solutions for the hard demand of

customers’ ideas. The revenue in terms of the furniture segment is meant to reach

178.70 million USD in 2022. Addition to the average revenue per user is meant to reach

193.50 US DOLLARS.

5) Overview of the organization

5.1) Brief History

Sultan wood product was founded and established in 1998 with the name of jawharit al

madik which means in English the gem of the strait. The main value which represents

SWP is to be the leading role in the development of the furniture sector. This value is

followed by a vision of SWP to become one of the most developed factories in Oman and

the gulf countries. SWP is 100% owned by Omanis (privet sector). SWP has become the

first factory that is mostly 60% of machines work done in Oman in the Furniture sector.

Furthermore, it was the first factory that stopped using paint and moved to PVC and

melamine wood which is a huge step that has been made, and now to be mentioned most

of the wood factories and wood distributors are using or selling these items just since

SWP create use it. SWP has gained Diwan of the royal court to be the main furniture

supplier and designing assistant and this expand to be more enhanced with the royal

family and started to supply the tools offices in all of the country. In 2010, SWP started to

manufacture and supply customers out of the border of Oman, especially in the UAE and

Saudi Arabia. SWP started to expand its range of manufacture to include solid wood

(natural) and has established a production line with 100% Italian machines and fully

integrated designs to suit the Arabic designs and environment. SWP started to attract

professional and experienced managers to ensure high quality and customer satisfaction.

5.2) Business size

THE COMPANY was really reserved regarding the capital of it but according to the ins of

the accountant, it is exceeding the 1.5 m Omani rials, the main goods that the company

provides is home furniture such as bed, cupboard, dressing tables, dining table…etc.

office furniture such as tables, chairs, sofa, meeting tables…etc. decoration such as

partitions, selling decoration…etc. doors such as solid wood doors, PVC doors, hidden

doors, sliding doors..etc. The total number of employees in the SWP 51 employees in

2022 most of them full-time employees.

5.3) Specialty of the organization

Sultan wood product manufacture and supply are all kinds of home, office, hotels,

showroom, coffee shops, and restaurant furniture. All of this furniture is customized and

suits the targeted organization by itself and responds to the privet requirements with high

standers of quality and global strangers. This item in including the on-site fixing and

delivery. SWP provides the 3D design for the full building with all the items going to be

sued in the real colors and design with the care of the global standers and the aims to

introduce green Buildings as it is one of the values to protect the environment5.4)


Every single organization has its own competitors in the same sector they operate in, and

it is healthy for the sake of improvement. SWP has huge competition from the local

factories and the global company. Starting with the local one, after the sultan has

encouraged the locals to do private business and the facilities provided there started a lot

of competition in the local market because the startups lower the prices and it gets all

about the prices and the modern design only and forget IG about the quality. This caused

in the beginning a lower in the orders at SWP. On the other side, the big organization that

launched in Oman such as home center, Danope home, and Ikia has also had a big

impact on the performance of SWP if the huge organization has an enormous reputation

and advertising campaigns that lead people to be the favorite choice and target it as a

prestige. In addition to this organizations can compete in the local market easily by

lowering the prices or by the ease of influence on customers. Internet and modern online

shopping have a big impact as if people can search and compare the items they need

with minimum effort and global brands always have been the first preference for the young

and the new generation

.5.5) Brief summary of all department

Management department\ In the management department, the orders are reserved

from the customers and discussed for the sake of coming out with best results

possible. In addition to discussing the materials used for the work and making

appointments to take the right Measurement insuring and guarantees that the work

don going to fit 100%. Also, they are responsible to give the customers some

advice on giving to choose the colors, and designs and how to fit the right items in

the right place. In addition to, being responsible to respond calls and messages

from customers. The management department in charge of the response to any

customer has an issue with his furniture which is under warranty, they must visit

the site if needed, assess the situation, plan what to do, have an agreement with

the customers, and make sure the issue solved within the agreed time. {RFE; jerry


Finance and storage Department The finance and storage department are

responsible to finalize the bell after the management department reaches a final

agreement with the customers. Also, they are in charge of sending quotes to the

customers when it’s requested by them. This department response to make the

balance sheet and submitting the vat payment with the bills that approve it to the

government to stay legally approved. Also, they are responsible to make the salary

payment and submitting it to the bank monthly. In addition to being in charge of

the store and buying the materials needed the right quantity and at the right prices,

additional to meeting the standers of quality products who’s is the most important

thing for the factory. And paying the expenses such as electricity bill, water bill,

car, and trucks petrol, car and trucks service, tickets, food, over time and machines

services. {RFE, Shamsu}

Designing department \ The design department is in charge of finalizing the order after

reserving it from the customers to avoid any further mess understanding by making 2D

drowning and 3D designs based on the customer’s colors and design choices and offer

him some ideas to finalize their order with better looking and high level of quality. Also,

they are responsible to make 2D drowning to submit it to the operation department with

the right and detailed information and Measurement to avoid mistakes and be as efficient

as possible. {RFE, ram}

Operation department \ In the operation department they are responsible to reserve the

order from the. Designing department and start manufacturing process by distributing

each item to the professional and their workers who are only specialized on that product.

And they are responsible to motivate and encourage workers to work harder and meet

the factory goals as efficiently as possible. In addition to submitting the products after

being finished to the management department to check it and confirm everything wither

is it meet the standards or not. {RFE, ajmal}

Delivery and transportation controlling\ In this department they are in charge of confirming the

customers about the Delivery date and the time expected to arrive, in addition to fixing the items

on the customers site. Also, they are responsible to deliver any customer comments on the work

and if there is something extra to do or to serve. Addition to, deliver the items arrive in Oman ports

Muscat, Sohar, and Aldqum to the factory site and make sure to protect it from any damages.

{RFE, Basel alshuraiqi}

ADVERTISING AND SOCIAL MEDIA \ IN this department they are responsible to make the

commercial ads and they are in charge of the social media platforms and making posts, stories,

taking pictures of the done work, and tracking numbers of customers coming from these sites.

Also, they are responding to the questions asked threw these platforms {RFE, AHMED ALNASRI}

6) SWAT Analysis

{Strength} {Weakness}


{Opportunities} {Threats}
LOCATION Economic issues

• Strength

• Sultan product with more than 22 years in the service and s has been working on

the reputation this reflected on the customer’s attitude to words trusting on the

factory even when the prices rise. Loyal customers keep dealing with and

encouraging others to do so. In addition to the Diwan and other governmental

organizations who keeps dealing with. Weakness

• SWP has an issue with the management lately after 2 of the managers left the

work after they can’t cope with the high work after interning the new line machines

production and their lack of experience distribution of the work became harder to

the manager available and the processing time has been expanded and some of

the mistakes has need made from some of the workers and this because the new

line and lack of experience. SWP is forced to have Omani employees and this

became a challenge to fit an Omani into this work environment which is mostly

Foreigners and the culture and norms are extremely different so the time of training

and adapting takes longer than Han planned. Also, after training them it is easy to

miss an employee if they find a better opportunity, and the owner has his words to

help Omanis get and deserve better opportunities. All in all, this has been quite a

challenge yearly

• Opportunities

Sultan wood product has many opportunities now, especially since the factory is

located in an industrial area which is close to most of the row material which will

save a lot of time, money, and effort. Addition to people usually goes to these areas

to purchase furniture, raw materials, and checking items, which higher the chance

to gain new customers. In addition to the online market as it expands social media

platforms increase the chances to gain more customers even outside the border

• Threats

• The huge competition nowadays has been affecting the local markets in all the

word by the big organization so SWP has been dealing with this after big

organization lunched in Oman and this organization has really huge advertising

campaigns and can control the market by increasing the prices or lowering it. So

naturally, customers have been attracted to this organization and are willing to pay

more for Sam items they can get from the locals because it is just a popular brand.

In addition to the tax bills raise which affect the sales prices, the higher price the

lower quantity ordered. Also, after the last Covid-19 pandemic the transportation

fees are extremely higher than it was before the pandemic and the lack of the raw

materials needed to operate after some of the factories have close and gone

bankrupt or the amount of work has been lowered to the minimums.

7) Problem Identification and Solution

7.1) Problem description

It is almost impossible to find angry profitable or nonprofitable organization devoid of

external or internal problems. These problems can be overcome but either way, some

organizations cover comes easily and other do not, and it does depend on the problem

status. Sultan wood product has a high level of efficiency that could overcome any

problem pumped up. SWP suffered from two things at the moment first the lack of raw

materials and this happens for many reasons: -

1- after Covid-19 factories have been closed and the others lower their production

2- transportation delays due to the high demand

3- suppliers lower the quality and find other consume time

The Second issue is with management and it happens due to: -

1- new workers who need close supervision

2- lake of management after two of them left and haven’t been replaced

3- the increased work pressure especially in the summer

7.2) Consequences of the problem

1- the factory can’t meet the time agreed with the customers to submit the work

2-lowering the customer satisfaction and mite make some customers frustration

3-Delays can expose the factory to the legal issue

4-Making fast decisions which may lead to lower quality and loss of money

5-Losing a lot of time and causing some pressure while messing with raw materials and


6-Workers making mistakes when the idea is not clear

7-Fast and average training may cause loss of time and mistakes possibility increase

7.3) Solutions

There are many solutions that the SULTAN WOOD PRODUCT Directors and managers

can do to overcome these hurdles,

1-Storage: buying larger quantities from materials that can last longer and don’t spoil. In

this step, it will save money because of the higher quantity the less price. In addition to

avoiding the prices raising later on. In addition, this will ensure that the work will be

completed without stopping.

2-Contract: having a long-term contract with suppliers and confirming to meet the same

quality and prices standers for the long term

3-More search and tour: factory directors usually attend conferences and visit the

industrial countries to search for better quality, products and ways to work every 3 years,

suggest to have a yearly tour to have better ideas and potential suppliers.

4-Knowledge workers: contracting workers who have good CVs in the business and test

them before having a full contract.

5-Backup plan: having a full idea of how to replace any position in case that position has

been missed

8) Competitors

all organizations have their own competitors in the same sector they working in, and it is

healthy for the sake of improvement. SWP has huge competition from the local factories

and the global company. Starting with the local one, after the sultan has encouraged the

locals to do private business and the facilities provided there started a lot of competition

in the local market because the startups lower the prices and it gets all about the prices

and the modern design only and forget IG about the quality. This caused, in the beginning,

a lower in the orders at SWP alzabroq the main example of local competition, this factory

has been established near the factory and manufactures the same as swp does. On the

other side, the big organization that launched in Oman such as home center, Danope

home, and Ikia has also had a big impact on the performance of SWP if the huge

organization has an enormous reputation and advertising campaigns that lead people to

be the favorite choice and target it as a prestige. Take the example of MIH which start

making MDF wooden sheets with less quality at low prices and this affected swp in the

beginning because the sheets look the same. In addition to this organizations can

compete in the local market easily by lowering the prices or by the ease of influence on

customers. Internet and modern online shopping have a big impact as if people can

search and compare the items they need with minimum effort and global brands always

have been the first preference for the young and the new generation

9) Conclusion

In the conclusion, I wrote in this report about the sultan wood product and the function of

each department in the factory and discussed some of the problems that this organization

is dealing with and offered some solutions that could be really helpful to solve them. Also,

SWAT analysis has been applied to this directorate and presents all the strengths,

weaknesses, and opportunities that the factory is surrounded with, and what are the

threats that it may affect negatively. Finally, this internship has taught me huge lessons.

The most important thing is that I learned how to deal and negotiate with customers

directly. Another essential aspect is that it is assisting me to improve numerous abilities

such as teamwork which is really important to have a healthy organization in the long

term. In addition, I formed new ties with people in the same field I was in. In addition, I

discovered new fields outside of my majors, such as logistics, transportation, and wood

manufacture. To summarize, this internship provided an enormous chance for me to study

and prepare for my future career. And that is the most valuable experience I have had till


10) References

Statista, Oman furniture e comers.

Furniture Market in Oman to 2025, (March, 2021)


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