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Homework Should be Abolished

When I typed in the word "homework" in Zhihu, I immediately noticed the first three results:
"What should I do if I don't have time to finish my homework but don't want to copy the answers
either?" "Why do some students still get high scores even though they always copy the answers to
their homework?" "How do you view the situation that family harmony changes into chaos when
it concerns homework?"
These imply three points of the unreasonableness of homework that can show us why
homework should be abolished.
Firstly, homework has become an additional study load. We've all been there during high
school: getting up at six o'clock, studying at school for a whole day, going home after five p.m.,
and finishing a mountain of homework until midnight. Learning should be mostly finished at
school, instead of being such a burden for students 24/7.
Secondly, homework does not directly affect students' academic records. Redundant
homework exercises are meaningless because once a student gets too familiar with a type of
exercise, he stops thinking when he sees a similar question text and try to do it by instinct, which
increases the chance of making mistakes. It is more reasonable for teachers to introduce examples
in class and let students consolidate their knowledge according to their own understanding.
Third, homework is a major obstacle to peace within a family. Students struggle to delay
doing their homework, while parents go crazy when they see their children have trouble doing
their homework quickly and correctly. They either turn a blind eye or supervise their children,
check their homework or even do it for them, which is an extra burden for the parents too.
Homework shouldn't be such a ticking time bomb for domestic peace.
If students need to study even after they get out of school, why do schools even exist?
Home should be a place for love and coziness, not for work. Thus, homework should be abolished.

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