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A Trip With Pluto

Grade: 6 Subject: Science Date: November 21, 2022

Unit: C Sky Science Teacher: Candace Halvorson Duration: 40 mins



GLO: 6–7 Observe, describe and interpret the Key Questions: Formative
movement of objects in the sky; and identify pattern What is the order of Assessments:
and order in these movements. planets from the sun? Knowledge
assessment (TTA)

SLOs: Learning Objectives: Previous

1. Recognize that the Sun and stars emit the light by which they Students will be able to Knowledge
are seen and that most other bodies in space, including Earth’s
identify the order of the Needed:
Moon, planets and their moons, comets, and asteroids, are seen by
reflected light.
planets from the sun. The order of the
9. Recognize that the other eight known planets, which revolve Students will be able to planets from the sun.
around the Sun, have characteristics and surface conditions that identify distinguishing
are different from Earth; and identify examples of those features for all 8
12. Understand that Earth, the Sun and the Moon are part of a
solar system that occupies only a tiny part of the known universe.


Resource #1: “Pluto Gets The Call” by Adam Rex


● Book: “Pluto Gets The Call”

● Student follow along sheets
● Pencil crayons/markers


Preparation Before Class:

● Student follow along page

Introduction (_10_min.):
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: Toss The Apple
What is one thing you remember from our class last thursday? If you weren't here, what is something you know
about space?
Student with the apple will give their answer to the question before saying another students name and tossing
them the apple
Transition to Body:
Today we are gonna take a trip through the solar system with the dwarf planet Pluto as our guide!

Body (_25_min.):

Before starting the book see if anyone remembers the order of the planets and write them down on the board.
Have a student that was in attendance at the previous lesson share their group's phrase for the acronym.

Learning Activity #1: Book Reading

Hand out the follow along planet poster and explain the expectations for each planet:
● Write the Planet name on the given line
● Colour the planets appropriately according the the illustrations and descriptions in the book
● Write at least one fact about each planet

Read the book “Pluto Gets The Call” by Adam Rex

Students will write the information they get from the story on their planet page. They will also name the planets
and colour them as the teacher reads through the story.

Collaboration time. Once through the story students will be given time to finish coloring and consult with a friend
to compare the facts they have written down.

Closure ( _5_min.):

Clean up:
Students will be asked to clean up their coloring supplies and put everything away

Ask the class what has been their favorite space activity so far?

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