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1. How does culture influence the Filipino character?

Culture is defined as the way of life an entire society. Culture has such an
impact on Filipino personalities that it plays a significant role in the initiation of
Filipino patterns of behavior that evolve into more permanent habit. From a
young age, practically all Filipino are taught the importance of underlying social
order. It indicates that we can pick up a trait from the society to which we are

2. Five allege irregularities committed by ranking officials in government

 Juetengate (2000)- Chavit Singson expose on Pre. Joseph Estrada receiving jueteng
payoffs and bribes. This led to the impeachment of Estrada and eventual downfall.

Reactions: It’s shameful because even our president the father of the nation
set a bad model for its constituents.

 PhilHealth corruption scandal (2020)- involving former president and CEO Ricardo
C. Morales and several other officials for the alle corruption and anomalies within
the agency based on the testimonies of former anti-fraud legal officer Atty.
Thorson Montes Keith on July 24,2020.

Reactions: People are working hard in order for them to invest money for their
health, but the funds are used to enrich the government, Worse yet, the issue
is dissipating without a solution.

 Priority development Assistance Fund Scam (2013)- Involving businesswoman

Janet Lim- Napoles, Juan Ponce Enrile, Jinggoy Estrada Ramon Revilla Jr. and two
former representatives.

Reaction: it was terribly unjust on behalf of the tax payers. There is no project,
and it has been referred to as a ghost project, instead of exploiting those
activities to our profit. A monetary embezzlement has occurred.
 New Bilibid Prison drug trafficking scandal- involving former Justice Secretary, now
senator Leila de Lima and several other government officials linked to illegal drug
trade at the New Bilibid Prison.

Reaction: The Philippine government is serious about bringing down drug

gangs, and it’s hard to think that even a high-ranking official would be
involved. People have a hard time trusting government officials because they
make regulations while also breaking them.

 Hello Garci Scandal (2004)- scandal involving Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on
committing electoral fraud during the 2004 National Elections.

Reaction: Our vote is a kind of self-expression for us. Money, on the other
hand, can tip the scales in favor of powerful politicians that are undeserving of
our vote.

3. Strengths and weaknesses of Filipino characters that you experienced.


 ABILITY TO SURVIVE- I experience this strength in a way that I make do

with what is available in my surroundings. Able do adopt in many
 HARDWORK and INDUSTRY- As a student I have experience this type of
strength. I work hard in order for me to have good grades.

 LACK OF DISCIPLINE- I have experience this trait in a way that I have no
discipline in managing my own time sometimes.
 LACK OF SELF ANALYSIS- Sometimes I comment something to others
without thinking that it may hurt others feelings
4. Reaction to a politician campaign ad at least six (6) candidates. Three (3) LOCAL and
three (3) NATIONAL.



His election program and earlier accomplishemes were not shown in his campaign
video. Despite the fact that he is a proffesional actor, he elected not to film scenes in which
he impersonates the working class or make claims about how community service is his
deepest love. He merely danced to the beats of Budots.

What many of Binay’s critics saw as an insult, he has subsequently embraced nognog
as the underdog who succeeds.


His campaign video includes his platforms and achievements and contains many
pictures that he helped many people. I must say that it was very impressing.

She presented the campaign video aesthetically. They put so much effort in this
video she presented her achievements and shows what she can do.


He also presented himself very well. The campaign video is very aesthetic.

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