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Tarea 6

1) Pag. 136 study the gramar

Grammar: Modals for giving advice

Modals for giving advice

Use modals of advice to talk about what is or isn You should choose a career that fits your
´t a good idea. Modals are followed by the simple personality.
form of a verb. Miguel ought to become an engineer.
Linda shouldn´t take that office job.
Had better is stronger than should or ought to. It You had better talk to the academic advisor
means something bad could happen if the advice before you decide on a major.
isn´t followed. I´d better not miss any more days of work.
Use maybe, perhaps, or I think with modals to Maybe you should become a health care worker.
make the advice sound gentler and friendlier.
2) 137 conversation translate


Close your book and listen to the conversation. Why doesn´t Bob like his job?

Miranda: Hi Bob. How´s it going?

Bob: Not so good. I think I need a new job.

Miranda: You do look stressed out. What is it you do again?

Bod: I´m an administrative assistant. That´s like a secretary, but I have more responsibilities.

Miranda: Do you have a good boss?

Bod: Sure. He´s the owner of the company, and he´s pretty nice, actually.

Miranda: So what´s the problem? Is it the other people you work with?

Bod: No, my co-workers are fine, but I do the same thing every day.

Miranda: Maybe you should start looking for a more interesting job.

Bod: You´re right. I can probably find something better.

Conversación traduccion

Cierre su libro y escuche la conversación. ¿Por qué a Bob no le gusta su trabajo?

Miranda: Hola Bob. ¿Cómo te va?

Bob: No tan bien. Creo que necesito un nuevo trabajo.

Miranda: Pareces estresada. ¿Qué haces de nuevo?

Bod: Soy asistente administrativo. Eso es como una secretaria, pero tengo más responsabilidades.

Miranda: ¿Tienes un buen jefe?

Bod: Claro. Es el dueño de la empresa y, de hecho, es bastante agradable.

Miranda: ¿Entonces cuál es el problema? ¿Son las otras personas con las que trabaja?

Bod: No, mis compañeros de trabajo están bien, pero hago lo mismo todos los días.

Miranda: Quizás deberías empezar a buscar un trabajo más interesante.

Bod: Tienes razón. Probablemente pueda encontrar algo mejor.

3) Pag 140 study the gramar

Grammar: Indefinite pronouns

Pronouns refer to specified nouns (people, places, I know the career advisor. She lives in my
or things). neighborhood. Somebody locked the door. (I don
Indefinite pronouns refer to unspecified nouns ´t know who did it).
(people, places, or things).
Use everybody/everyone/everything to talk about Everything in the book is important. You need to
all of a group of nouns. study all of it.
Use nobody/no one/nothing to talk about none of I want to sell my computer, but no one I know
a group of nouns. wants to buy it.
Use somebody/someone/something to talk about You should talk to someone at the career
an unspecified noun. counseling center.
Use anybody/anyone/anything to emphasize that You need work experience. Anything you do will
it´s not important to specify a certain person, be helpful.
place, or thing. (It doesn´t matter what it is).
Use anybody/anyone/anything in negative I don´t know anybody at my school.
statements and in questions. Do you know anyone at your school?
Indefinite pronouns always take the singular form Everyone has useful skills and knowledge.
of a verb.

4) Pag 141 ex A arriba

Complete the sentences with the simple present form of the verb in parentheses.

1. Everybody in my family enjoys (enjoy) eating ice cream.

2. The university is looking for someone who plans (plan) to study manotecnology.
3. Nothing is (be) more discouraging than doing a job you don´t like.
4. Nobody really knows (know) what will happen in the future.
5) Pag 144 ex A, B arriba

Circle the correct indefinite pronouns to complete the sentences.

1. An inventor is (nobody/somebody) who is interested in problem solving.

2. Pritchard wanted to do (something/anything) to solve the problem of unsafe drinking water of
people around the world.
3. Pritchard did not work in a high-tech laboratory; he developed his innovation with almost
4. (Everybody/nobody) wants to make the world a better place.
5. I hope to do (something/anything) important with my life.

Complete the letter with should, shouldn´t, had better, or ought to.

I am happy you asked me for advice. If you want to become an innovator, you should think about a
problem you want to solve. Since there are lots of problems in the world, it shouldn´t be too hard!
Remember, it takes a long time to solve a problem well, so you ought to be patient.

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