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AI has become an important part of our daily lives, from virtual assistants to cars that drive

themselves. AI research and development is often led by software engineers, but it would be
better if people with different backgrounds worked on it. This article will talk about how
important it is to use knowledge from different fields, what the benefits of diversity are in AI,
and how we can work together to make AI systems that are more reliable and open to everyone.
(Cisek, 2021)

AI systems are made to learn, change, and make decisions based on the information they get. To
make sure that these systems are accurate, useful, and fair, it is important to include different
ideas and knowledge in the development process. Here are some reasons why it's important for
AI to have people from different backgrounds:
Getting better at solving problems: Professionals from different fields can bring new ideas and
ways of looking at problems to the table, which can help AI systems come up with more creative

Reducing Bias: AI systems learn from the data they are given, and if the data has biases, those
biases can get into the systems by accident. People from different backgrounds can help find and
fix these biases, which will lead to more fair and just AI applications in the long run.
Boosting Creativity: AI development can use the creativity that comes from seeing things from
different points of view. Experts from different fields can share their own ideas, which can help
drive innovation and create AI technologies that are ground-breaking.
Making sure AI is ethical: AI has the potential to have huge effects on society. To make sure that
AI systems are developed in an ethical way, it is important to involve experts from different
fields, such as ethics, sociology, and psychology. These experts can help guide the development
process and stop bad things from happening. ("Why it's important for AI to have a variety of
minds," 2022)

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