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The Intersection

of Data Privacy
and Cybersecurity
How 125 Data, Privacy, and Cybersecurity Leaders
are Overcoming Organizational Challenges to
Empower Cyber-Secure Digital Transformation
The Intersection of Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

Click below to navigate

3 Executive
4 Methodology

6 Data Security and the

Journey to the Cloud 8 Enabling Cyber-
Secure Digital

10 Centralizing Data
Access and Control 13 Keeping Up with Data
Privacy Regulations

16 Making the Case

for Data Privacy

The Intersection of Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

Executive Summary
ata privacy and cybersecurity leaders in data governance, security, and
have risen to the top of corporate privacy teams.
agendas since the onset of the
In addition, with increasing volumes
global pandemic, fueled by the rapid shift
of data being stored and shared in the
to remote work and accelerating digital
cloud, many security leaders are seeing
transformation roadmaps. the benefits of centralized data access
In addition, public interest in data privacy and control.
is stronger than ever with tech giants like Compliance with fast-evolving data
Apple and Facebook engaged in a PR privacy regulations is also a top priority
war over their use of customer data. for data governance, security, and privacy
This report, conducted with our partners leaders, in order to avoid both financial
at Okera, summarizes our research into and reputational penalties.
how businesses are responding to these Alongside the survey results, we present
challenges. highlights from several top executives
Our findings show that digital who shared their views on the intersection
transformation initiatives are continuing of data privacy and cybersecurity, as well
as what they believe lies ahead. ■
apace and that providing secure access
to sensitive data is a key concern for

Key Findings

have moved at least half of
The #1
benefit of centralizing data
their organization’s data to the authorization and control is
cloud ensuring data security at a fine-
grained level

are either ‘very confident’ or
see compliance with data privacy
‘extremely confident’ that they as a top priority
know where all their data is

are not concerned about
penalties and fines due to non- compliance
compliance is the leading driver of data privacy

Source: Corinium Intelligence, 2021

The Intersection of Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

his representative survey of 125 employees, and 61% having more
data privacy, cybersecurity and data than 10,000 employees. Participating
leaders was conducted in April and companies included: Home Depot,
May 2021. Travelers Insurance, Procter & Gamble,
Pfizer, and JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Respondents included Chief Data and
Analytics Officers, Chief Data Officers, We asked the respondents 15 questions
Chief Information Officers, Chief Privacy about how they are overcoming
Officers, Chief Information Security challenges to enable cyber-secure digital
Officers, and Business Information transformation, keeping up with data
Security Officers, as well as other privacy regulations, and ensuring secure
individuals of similar standing. data access and control.
The research focused on large The survey findings were then combined
companies in North America with 93% with commentary from ten industry experts
of respondents having more than 1000 to put these unique findings into context. ■


Raj Badhwar Michael Owens

Voya Financial Equifax

Lydia Payne-Johnson
Director, Information
Sharon Bauer Security, Identity and Risk
Founder & Privacy Management,
Consultant, The George Washington
Bamboo Data Consulting University

Rick Doten Dan Power

VP, Information Managing Director,
Security & CISO, Data Governance,
Carolina Complete Health State Street Global Markets

David Levine Marian Reed

VP, Corporate & President and
Information Security, CSO, Cybersecurity Consultant,
Ricoh USA, Inc SecurRisks Consulting

Nong Li Miguel Sanchez Urresty

Founder & CTO, Chief Data and Analytics
Okera Officer LATAM, Principal

The Intersection of Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

nsuring data security and privacy scale data security. For example, all
is hard, and there seems to be no respondents have made investments
end to the string of major hacks and to comply with data protection laws. A
breaches making headlines. As I write mere 6% report that they focused only
this foreword, ransomware attacks on on a single privacy regulation such as
companies like JBS and Colonial Pipeline GDPR. The remainder are addressing
are front page news in the United States. multiple regulations, with an impressive
Only a few weeks prior, a ransomware 49% reporting a higher level strategic
group followed through on its threat to approach, in which they automate
release personnel files of the Metropolitan and standardize enforcement with
Police Department of the District of multiple laws.
Columbia. The examples are endless
Similarly, 70% report that they’re very
and unrelenting. Simply put, digital data
or extremely confident that they know
is stolen because it’s valuable, and the
where all their data is. This is highly
global supply of data is increasing
encouraging, because once companies
every day. know where their data is, they can
We all know and appreciate that manage it. Like everyone concerned with
governments at all levels have issued data security, we at Okera encourage a
guidance, orders, and regulations to zero-trust approach to data access and
reduce the frequency and mitigate the authorization. It may be counterintuitive
severity of cyber attacks. at first, but by locking down data by
default, it becomes easier for companies
When the European Union issued the
to feel confident using an automated
General Data Protection Regulation
data authorization platform like Okera to
(GDPR) in 2018, it demonstrated the
provision access to those who need it for
seriousness of data protection by
legitimate business purposes.
imposing fines up to 4% of revenue for
companies that failed to comply. Four We at Okera thank Corinium Intelligence for
percent is a huge number when you conducting this survey and for the fascinating
consider the investments companies follow-up interviews with front-line industry
make to reduce their tax burden. But experts. I hope you learn and enjoy the ah-
we have all heard about companies ha! moments as much as we did.
that are not worried about fines, so we No matter what software or processes
asked about it in this survey. The answers you employ, I wish that you, your
surprised us. The data indicates that many employees, customers and partners can
companies (45%) are indeed not worried always use data responsibly to achieve
about fines, but that doesn’t mean they’re your goals and accelerate innovation. ■
not worried about compliance. On the
contrary, respondents overwhelmingly
report (94%) that compliance is an
organizational priority, but their
motivations appear to be focused on
building trust with their customers and
partners. In other words, they’re looking at
compliance strategically.
Nong Li
Additional survey results indicate a Founder & CTO,
maturing and readiness for enterprise- Okera

The Intersection of Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

Data Security and the

Journey to the Cloud

Data, security, and governance teams are facing

fresh challenges as businesses walk the path of digital

What percentage of your organization’s data has been migrated to the cloud?
Select one


10% 9%
10% 7%
4% 4% 3%
1-10% 11-20% 21-30% 31-40% 41-50% 51-60% 61-70% 71-80% 81-90% 91-100%

disgruntled employee uploads on behalf of data access and
customer data to a third- governance technology company “New innovations
party platform, triggering
the public naming and shaming of
Okera, shows that companies are
putting more of their data into the
have completely
your company. A cache of regulated cloud as they walk the path to digital changed our
data is left unencrypted on an open transformation.
server, creating a prime target for a In fact, 72% already have moved at
While nightmare scenarios like
least half of their organization’s data
to the cloud. This has many benefits,
structure and what
these are enough to keep data such as the ability to conduct analytics we thought IT
privacy and cybersecurity executives
up at night, unfortunately, such
at speed, rapidly scaling artificial
intelligence and machine learning
security would be.
events are increasingly common.
Considering high levels of public
initiatives, and reducing capital
expenditure on hardware.
It’s a new world –
interest in data privacy and the rapid However, it also creates new everything’s moving
acceleration of digital transformation
roadmaps for enterprises, strong data
challenges, like how to ensure data
security at a fine-grained level and
to the cloud”
governance frameworks and effective how best to manage the thorny Rick Doten
cybersecurity are essential. question of data access and control – VP, Information Security at Centene
Our survey of 125 data privacy, especially by third parties. Corporation and CISO at Carolina
security, and governance executives Complete Health

The Intersection of Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

Accelerating Cloud “The move to the cloud means companies

.Transformation Roadmaps
Before the global pandemic, digital
transformation was already underway for
are relying more and more on third parties,
which extends and increases the number of
many enterprise companies. However,
the disruption it caused changed external entities that are involved in every
mindsets and accelerated roadmaps.
As the pandemic required
supply chain”
organizations to rapidly pivot to Michael Owens
remote work and expand their digital BISO, Equifax
infrastructure, the conventional ‘walled
garden’ approach to network security
was replaced by borderless networks.
“The explosion of remote working
Meeting Data Residency risk is involved and informs the
Requirements appropriate decisions about where
has created borderless networking
data should reside.
in a way that we have never seen,” This increased reliance on third
says Equifax BISO Michael Owens. parties complicates requirements Levine continues: “If the data and
“Services that were done in-house are when it comes to where data is stored, backup are in the US, that’s one thing,
now being moved to the cloud. That’s where it is backed up, and who has but if the data, backups, or users
redefining what traditional network access to it. Depending on how are in Europe, that will likely have
boundaries look like.” regulated the industry, this could have significant implications.”
At the same time, our research shows significant ramifications on compliance. The accelerated transition to the
that companies are moving more data “If you’re using a cloud-based cloud has presented security and
to the cloud and buying more cloud- provider or solution, you have to look privacy-focused executives with new
based services. This means businesses at a variety of key aspects including challenges. Business leaders must
are more reliant on third parties to what data will be involved and its consider where data is, how well it’s
assure both their data security and the classification,” says David Levine, VP protected and how it is accessed
data privacy of their customers. of Corporate and Information Security to keep up with fast-evolving data
and CSO at information management privacy regulations.
“The move to the cloud means
companies are relying more and more and digital services company Ricoh As digital transformation initiatives
on third parties, which extends and USA, Inc. progress and more sensitive data is
increases the number of external Asking these questions helps uploaded to the cloud, secure access
entities that are involved in every security and privacy-focused and control of all data will become an
supply chain,” says Owens. executives to determine how much ever more pressing priority. ■

What cloud services providers do you use? S

[select all that apply]

AWS Microsoft Azure Oracle Cloud Other

73% 40% 40% 35% 27% 23% 2%


Google Cloud IBM Cloud Alibaba Cloud N/A -

all on

The Intersection of Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

Enabling Cyber-Secure
Digital Transformation

As businesses continue to transform

digitally, privacy, security, and data
teams are balancing priorities on
multiple fronts

rom a data privacy perspective, the results of our transformation roadmap and ensure that data privacy and
survey of 125 security, privacy, and data executives security concerns are being considered.
are encouraging. They show that keeping up with “I created an IT security committee, which had
data privacy regulations was a key priority for executives stakeholders from Legal, HR, and Privacy,” says Reed.
as they facilitate cyber-secure digital transformation. “They felt that they had a stake in the game and that their
However, keeping up with data privacy regulations is not voices were being heard.”
their only concern. Our research shows that respondents Collaborating in this way was an essential part of building
are balancing other challenges too, like the potential for a digital transformation roadmap that prioritizes data
role bloat and policy complexity as they scale (50%), data privacy and security by design.
breaches, internal or third-party misuse of data (50%) and
“Don’t design it, bring it to them and then hope for
rogue datasets (43%).
the best,” concludes Reed. “Instead, make them part of
To face these challenges, privacy and security leaders the design phase so that they are actually helping you
need to develop a strong working relationship and come develop the program to meet the needs of both privacy
together early to develop a strategic roadmap to enable and security.”
cyber-secure digital transformation.
“It goes back to the age-old saying that you can’t
do privacy without security, and you can’t do security
without privacy,” says SecurRisks Consulting President
and Cybersecurity Consultant Marian Reed. “Most
organizations and most security programs are really
focused on deploying tools to make sure that the whole
network is protected without really understanding the
business or the data that’s involved.”
“It goes back to the age-old
She continues: “You have to look at the overall business saying that you can’t do privacy
risk and figure out what are the security components that
really make sense, and what do we need to deploy in without security, and you can’t
this organization to protect it? And you can’t do that if you
don’t have your privacy team at the table.”
do security without privacy”
One method of doing this effectively is to bring Marian Reed
key stakeholders together regularly to discuss the President & Cybersecurity Consultant, SecurRisks Consulting

The Intersection of Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

When Spinning up New Dealing with Internal Misuse regulated data being exposed online.
Services is a Problem of Data In April 2021, Experian, one of the
The potential for role bloat and Our research also revealed that the largest credit bureaus in the US,
policy complexity as they scale is a potential for misuse of data, either by unintentionally exposed the credit
leading concern for 50% of senior employees or by third parties, is a top scores of tens of millions of Americans
executives, according to our research. concern for half of data, privacy, and to anyone online who could supply a
name and mailing address.
“Things like role bloat and rogue security leaders.
datasets we have versions of in our In this case, poor API security meant
“When it comes to rogue datasets
on-premises environment, too. So, that the database could be queried
our biggest challenge from a security
most of those concerns are not brand directly, without requiring any kind of
perspective is not some hacker, it’s
new,” says Dan Power, Managing authentication. With more data sharing
the disgruntled employee who sits
Director of Data Governance Global between businesses and third parties
down the hall,” says Power.
Markets at financial services firm State taking place, it’s increasingly important
Street. “But they are bigger, and the He continues: “It’s a constant moving for businesses to share properly
velocity and the scale have changed.” target. Some new file sharing platform encrypted data through secure APIs.
comes up that an employee knows “Digital transformation has led to
The potential for bloat in the
about and suddenly they’re uploading a lot of APIs. So, API security is a
technology stack has been fueled
data to it and you don’t even know concern,” says Voya Financial SVP
by the explosion of software as a
until it’s too late.” and CISO Raj Badhwar. “We put a lot
service (SaaS). For enterprises with
multiple business functions operating Of course, internal, or third-party of focus on API security to make sure
across the US and internationally, this misuse of data need not necessarily that any API that is exposed externally
surge in the use of SaaS could cause be tied to malicious intentions. or internally or otherwise in the cloud
security and integration issues as well Negligence can also lead to private or environment is fully authenticated.” ■
as inefficient spending.
“What happens is that one person
doesn’t realize there’s another person What are your biggest concerns about enabling
on the other side of the company cyber-secure digital transformation?
doing much the same thing, but with a [select all that apply]
different vendor. And they don’t have a
way to communicate,” says Power. “The
initial expense of buying the license or
the subscription isn’t the problem. It’s 58%
seven or eight years later when you Ability to keep up with evolving
find out that you’ve essentially paid for data privacy regulations
the same solution repeatedly.”

“When it comes to 50%

rogue datasets our Role bloat and policy
complexity as you scale

biggest challenge from

a security perspective
is not some hacker, 50%
Data breaches and internal
it’s the disgruntled / 3rd party misuse of data

employee who sits

down the hall” 43%
Dan Power Making manual copies of data
- creating rogue data sets
Managing Director, Data Governance,
State Street Global Markets

The Intersection of Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

Centralizing Data Access

and Control

With more confidential, personally identifiable,

and regulated data stored in the cloud, businesses
are increasingly focused on improving their
data governance practices and ensuring
secure access

U The Benefits of Centralizing

nderstanding where sensitive Of course, there are several
data is located is the first step priorities relating to the location Data Authorization and Control
on the path to securing it. of data in the cloud, or elsewhere.
This aspect of data governance has Managing multiple databases and
Data-focused executives should
been a persistent challenge for data- IT systems can complicate the task
know not only where the data is, but of effectively controlling data security
focused executives for many years. also its classification, how it is being and access. Technical difficulties in
“It’s all about data governance. It’s controlled, who has access to it, and granting secure fine-grained access
something the industry has been how that access is monitored. to data where it lives can lead to
ignoring for decades,” says Rick
Doten, VP of Information Security at “We need to know where our data problems like the creation of rogue
Centene Corporation and CISO at is, what it is, which applications access datasets.
Carolina Complete Health. it, and who uses those applications,” According to our research, the
As companies continue to transform concludes Doten. “Then, we need to biggest benefit of switching to
digitally, developing proper data be able to tag it and control it. Data a centralized platform for data
governance practices is essential, governance is the answer.” authorization and control is to ensure
especially when data is increasingly
being stored and shared in the cloud. How confident are you that you know where all of your data is?
On that front, our research is very [select one]
encouraging. An impressive 70% of
data privacy, security, and governance
executives are either ‘very confident’ 40% 44%
or ‘extremely confident’ that they
know where all their data is, and only
4% are ‘not at all confident’. 20% 26% 26%
This suggests that businesses are 10%
rapidly maturing in their approach to 4%
data governance, and that they feel 0%

they have the tools they need to do it. Not at all confident Somewhat confident Very confident Extremely confident

The Intersection of Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

data security at a fine-grained level. This would allow Does your company take a zero-trust, least-privilege
all sensitive data to be managed by a tightly controlled, approach to secure data access?
centralized process, mitigating the dangers associated with [select one]
rogue datasets.
“Having a single pane of glass view into the overall
health, compliance, and auditing of your entire company
All or most of the time --
as well as its the applications and data – that that would be this is a guiding principle that
fantastic,” adds Equifax BISO Michael Owens. every data team is expected 64%
Other benefits that companies attribute to centralized to follow
data authorization and auditing include adoption of a
zero-trust policy for data access, improved customer
experiences, the ability to drive innovation, and create new
revenue opportunities.
Getting data into the hands of the right people is critical
to data-driven businesses. Our research suggests that
the benefits of centralized data access and control on Sometimes --
business drivers like improving customer experiences it varies project to project 29%
and enabling innovation are even more desirable
than conventional concerns like improving operational
efficiency and cost savings.
“I think that it certainly will help with business value,
automation and also more optimization of processes which
leads to greater efficiency and speedier delivery,” says
Voya Financial SVP and CISO Raj Badhwar.
Rarely or don’t know --
Adding value in this way helps security, privacy and
we haven’t formalized our
governance leaders to position investments into data approach to data access
governance and security as value-generating in themselves. governance 5%
“The security function generally is not a moneymaker. It
is commonly a cost center,” continues Badhwar. “So, any
added benefit that you can give to the business through
any kind of centralization optimization certainly is welcome.”

“We need to know where our data

is, what it is, which applications
access it, and who uses those
applications. Then, we need to be
able to tag it and control it. Data
governance is the answer”
Rick Doten
VP, Information Security & CISO, Carolina Complete Health

The Intersection of Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

Adopting a Zero-Trust If you could centralize data authorization and auditing across your
Approach to Data Access entire data ecosystem, how would your company benefit most?
[rank in order of biggest benefit]
Zero trust has become an
increasingly important priority for
security teams since the pandemic Ensuring data
began. This is largely due to the rapid security at a fine-
grained level
transition to working from home, as
the resulting pivot away from a ‘walled
garden’ approach to data security. Zero-Trust
policy for data 4.32
Our research shows that another
key benefit of centralizing data Improve customer
authorization is the ability to adopt a experiences and
zero-trust approach. However, while retention
64% of respondents reported that zero Drive business
trust was already adopted as a guiding innovation
principle all or most of the time, 29% and revenue 4.13
have not yet implemented it uniformly.
Part of the problem is that overlaying Cost savings
a concept like zero trust on an existing
and operational
security stack is no simple task.
Instead, many security leaders are Avoiding
regulatory fines
focusing on aspects of zero trust to for being out of 3.54
complement their existing framework. compliances
“You can’t just go buy zero trust. It Visibility into who
would be great if you could as it’s is accessing data
and when
such a broad, sweeping endeavor
with many nuances. The important
thing, however, is just to get started,”
says David Levine, VP of Corporate
and Information Security and CSO at
information management and digital
“There are lots of different aspects of [zero
services company Ricoh USA, Inc. trust], like multi-factor authentication and
“There are a lot of different aspects
to that, like multi-factor authentication micro-segmentation, which is even more
and micro-segmentation, which is
even more important now with the
important now with the proliferation of
proliferation of ransomware.” ransomware”
While a zero-trust approach is very
David Levine
different from traditional methods VP Corporate & Information Security, CSO, Ricoh
of looking at perimeter defense,
it all comes down to making sure
that only the people who need
access to particular applications
or environments have it. This is
particularly important for companies in
heavily regulated industries that hold
large amounts of sensitive data.
“We have databases that grow by
half a billion records a day so it can be
hard to keep your arms around all that
data and to give access thoughtfully,”
says Power. So, we’re prioritizing
investments based on simplifying
our infrastructure and making it more
resilient.” ■

The Intersection of Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

Keeping up With Evolving

Data Privacy Regulations

Compliance with data privacy regulations is a top

priority for security, privacy, and governance teams

I “You take a
n January of 2018, California This is surprising as penalties, at least
became the first state to pass theoretically, can be extraordinarily
comprehensive consumer data
protection legislation in the US. Since
large. However, these concerns may
be mitigated by the belief that smaller,
reputational risk
then, several states have followed less prominent companies may not when you fall
suit, with several more bills currently
moving through their respective state
become the target of regulators. Or, if
they are targeted, that the fines will not out of regulatory
However, the lack of centralized,
be as significant. compliance. If you
The survey results strongly
federal regulations on data privacy suggest that companies take privacy lose customer trust,
in the US has created a regulatory
landscape that is not only fast-moving
regulations seriously. However,
interpreting this survey result
you can’t simply pay
but also fragmented.
These factors, as well as the
is somewhat difficult, as 31% of a fine to fix it”
respondents report not being worried
introduction of sweeping data privacy about fines specifically because they Raj Badhwar
regulations internationally, like GDPR are already in compliance. SVP and Global CISO, Voya Financial.
in Europe and POPIA in South Africa,
are likely driving data privacy up the Our findings hint that there may
list of priorities for businesses in the be reasons to seek compliance for
US. Our research shows that 94% reasons other than fear of being fined,
of data, security, and governance which is discussed next.
executives now consider meeting “It’s a business decision. If the fines
compliance requirements ‘very much are manageable, some companies
a priority’, or ‘an extremely important just budget that in,” says Rick Doten,
priority’. VP, Information Security at Centene
Interestingly, 45% of respondents Corporation and CISO at Carolina
reported they are not worried about Complete Health. “If it is more expensive
penalties or fines due to data privacy to do all this stuff to be compliant, then
regulations. they’ll just pay the fine.”

The Intersection
Intersection of
of Data
Data Privacy
Privacy and
and Cybersecurity

A New Focus on Reputational How much of a priority is compliance with data privacy for your
Risk organization?
Customer trust, once lost, can [select one]
be difficult to regain. Reputational
damage due to being non-compliant is 1% 5%
another reason for businesses to take Not at all a priority Somewhat of a priority
compliance seriously.
“You take a reputational risk when you
fall out of regulatory compliance,” says
Raj Badhwar, SVP and CISO at Voya
Financial. If you lose customer trust, you
can’t simply pay a fine to fix it. So senior
leaders are very worried about the
reputational risk.”
50% 44%
Very much a priority An extremely important
“There is naming and shaming priority
happening all the time by regulators
and the media,” adds Sharon Bauer, Are you worried about penalties or fines due to data privacy regulations?
Founder and Privacy Consultant at [select one]
Bamboo Data Consulting. “And more
recently by nonprofit organizations who 50%
are putting companies in the spotlight if
they abuse people’s privacy.” 40% 45%
In contrast, some privacy and security 30%
leaders are proactively using customer-
facing data privacy policies for positive
public relations. This approach is 10%
particularly timely as the very public 3%
conflict between two of the largest
Yes - because Yes - because we No - because we’re No - because we’re
technology companies in the world,
we’re not yet in don’t know if we’re not worried about in compliance
Apple and Facebook, plays out in the
compliance in compliance penalties or fines
media over their use of customer data.
due to data privacy
“We asked ourselves, how can we
create a strategic advantage out of
this regulation?” says Miguel Sanchez
Urresty, Chief Data and Analytics How is your company responding to the rapid expansion and evolution of
Officer LATAM at financial firm Principal. data privacy laws?
“If we are compliant and we can make [select one]
that public, we can increase customer
confidence in our company. For me, Strategically -- Minimally --
that’s going to be an advantage point we are automating and standardizing we focus only on GDPR (or another
for businesses in the future.” how we enforce compliance with all similar regulation)
data privacy laws

49% 45%

Tactically --
we reproduce the work we invested
in one regulation to respond to new

The Intersection of Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

Two Approaches for Data “If you benchmark the organization

Privacy Compliance against the gold standard in privacy,
then the organization will likely be
All the participants in our research
compliant with all other regulations,”
have implemented protections for
says Sharon Bauer, Founder and
personally identifiable information (PII)
Privacy Consultant, at Bamboo Data
stored in their systems. The responses
Consulting. “For example, if GDPR
suggest that the vast majority are
is the gold standard and the most
operating in multiple states or regions.
prescriptive privacy legislation out of
Only 6% are responding to rapidly
all of them, then it may make sense to
expanding and evolving data privacy
benchmark yourself against the GDPR.”
regulations minimally, by focusing on
one specific regulation. Meanwhile, our research also
Of course, different businesses shows that an impressive 49% of
operating in different industries and respondents are taking a strategic
regions will base their approach to approach by automating and
data privacy compliance on their standardizing flexible systems to to
circumstances. However, our research dynamically enforce compliance with
hints at a rapidly maturing response a wide variety of evolving regulations.
to regulations as companies progress “Standardization and centralization are
beyond tactical projects to strategic good things in this area, as long as the
automation and standardization. laws are uniformly applied,” says Voya
45% of respondents are taking a Financial SVP and CISO Raj Badhwar.
tactical approach by reproducing the Ultimately, businesses will decide
work invested into one regulation how to approach the rapid evolution
to respond to new regulations. One of data privacy laws based on their
effective means of doing this is by unique circumstances. However, all
taking the requirements of the most businesses will need to keep their
stringent regulation and applying them eye on the horizon as new laws are
uniformly across the business’ data introduced at the state level, federally,
privacy landscape. or internationally. ■

“We asked ourselves, how can we create a

strategic advantage out of this regulation?
If we are compliant and we can make that
public, we can increase customer confidence
in our company”
Miguel Sanchez Urresty
Chief Data and Analytics Officer LATAM, Principal

The Intersection of Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

Making the Case for Data

Privacy and Cybersecurity

To secure budgets for data

privacy and security initiatives,
governance, security, and privacy
leaders must be able to prove the
so"ware’s utility to the business
as well as ROI

n the past, some organizations treated privacy and risk and privacy risk programs to create an integrated
cybersecurity as siloed risk areas. Other organizations approach that supports business risk management,
experienced a ‘turf war’ between CISOs and CPOs over establishes realistic controls that support business
who should own the responsibility for data privacy. processes, and enables better investment decisions,”
However, the rapid escalation and increasing says Lydia Payne-Johnson, Director, Information Security,
sophistication of cyberthreats, the evolving regulatory Identity and Risk Management at The George Washington
landscape, and the acceleration of digital transformation University.
are highlighting the need for CISOs and CPOs to focus on “Thinking of privacy as a component of your overall
common objectives. security stack is what sometimes gets missed,” Payne-
“CISOs and CPOs need to align their information Johnson concludes.

“CISOs and CPOs need to align their information risk and privacy
risk programs to create an integrated approach that supports
business risk management, establishes realistic controls that
support business processes, and enables be#er investment decisions”
Lydia Payne-Johnson
Director, Information Security, Identity and Risk Management, The George Washington University

The Intersection of Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

Framing Risk in Business

and Cybersecurity Consultant Marian
Reed. “For too many years, we’ve
“For too many years,
CISOs and CPOs need to work
[taken the approach of] scaring our
executives by warning that we could
we’ve [taken the
together when justifying investments
into the access and security of get fined. But no one has really talked approach of] scaring
confidential, personally identifiable, or
regulated data to senior leadership or
to them about the impact at the
business operational level.” our executives by
the board. Our research shows that the top warning that we
three drivers of investments into
Our research points to a significant
variation between businesses in terms the secure access of confidential, could get fined. But
of who is responsible for authorizing
the budget to ensure that sensitive
personally identifiable, and regulated
data are better regulatory compliance
no one has really
data is properly accessed and (54%), improved business efficiency talked to them about
secured. (50%), and managing costs (44%).
When it’s time to justify that spend, “I think the CPO and CISO need to the impact at the
however, the responsible person
should communicate the risk of
be in almost constant communication
about how they are determining
business operational
inaction in a context the board and measuring how adequately level”
can understand – the language of risk is being assessed within the
business risk. Marian Reed
organization,” adds Equifax BISO
President and Cybersecurity Consultant,
“One of the key things is that you’ve Michael Owens. “It should be a very
SecurRisks Consulting
got to be able to explain to your collaborative relationship and when
executive team what the risks are,” possible, a combined risk assessment
says SecurRisks Consulting President should be seamlessly presented to

Who in your organization authorizes the budget to Which of the following drivers have the biggest impact on
assure that confidential, personally identifiable, and investment decisions relating to the access and security for
regulated data is properly accessed and secured? confidential, personally identifiable, and regulated data?
[select one] [select up to three]

Better regulatory
CEO 5% compliance 54%

Improved business
21% efficiency 50%

CDO/ Managing costs

CDAO 29% 44%
Improved data
CISO 22% insights for 42%

Chief Privacy Cybersecurity /

Officer / Chief 16% data security 40%
Compliance Officer

Other Keeping up with

(please specify) 7% competition 28%

The Intersection
Intersection of
of Data
Data Privacy
Privacy and
and Cybersecurity

the board.” What metrics do you use to measure the performance of

Measuring the Success of Tech Investments your tech investments?
Another key component of justifying investments into [select all that apply]

data privacy and security technology is how the success
of those investments is measured.
Our research highlights the leading metrics that Utilization
organizations are using, including utilization, like the (number of users, 62%
number of permitted users and consumption patterns consumption patterns)

(62%), ROI (53%), and time to market or delivery on

business objectives (40%).
While ROI is often promoted as the most important
measurement of success, the leading metric selected
by our respondents was a much more basic metric:
utilization. Users can and do reject technology that does
ROI 53%
not provide business benefits. The survey results suggest
that simple usage and consumption metrics can proxy
achievement for goals that are much harder to measure,
such as building a data culture or technical maturity. Time to market / delivery
Secondly, data, privacy, and security leaders are on business objectives 40%
measuring the ability of technologies to drive ROI and
their impact on overall business goals. And while ROI
may be challenging to prove, particularly about security
and privacy risk avoidance, many organizations do have
means to quantify indirect ROI.
Satisfaction surveys 37%
“We are held accountable [for our investment decisions]
and we have to show the return on investment, either
direct or indirect. And most of us have a calculator for
that,” says Voya Financial SVP and CISO Raj Badhwar.
Cost reductions
“You’re going to have some returns from the betterment
of data security by the reduced number of exfiltrations or
unauthorized access. You must also quantify the reduced
reputational risks.” Reduced serv fects 35%
CISOs and CPOs must foster a strong working relationship
to champion the cause of privacy and security risk
throughout businesses. In addition, by presenting a clear
and unified message to the board they can more effectively
Increased revenue
justify investments designed to ensure secure access to
confidential, personally identifiable, and regulated data. ■

The Intersection
of Data
and Cybersecurity
Trends 2021

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The Intersection of Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

About Okera

Use Data Responsibly with Universal Data Authorization

Okera, the universal data authorization company, helps modern, data-driven enterprises
accelerate innovation, minimize data security risks, and demonstrate regulatory
compliance. The Okera Dynamic Access Platform automatically enforces universal
fine-grained access control policies. This allows employees, customers, and partners to
use data responsibly, while protecting them from inappropriately accessing data that is
confidential, personally identifiable, or regulated. Okera’s robust audit capabilities and
data usage intelligence deliver the real-time and historical information that data security,
compliance, and data delivery teams need to respond quickly to incidents, optimize
processes, and analyze the performance of enterprise data initiatives.

Okera began development in 2016 and now dynamically authorizes access to hundreds
of petabytes of sensitive data for the world’s most demanding F100 companies and
regulatory agencies. The company is headquartered in San Francisco and is backed by
Bessemer Venture Partners, ClearSky Security, and Felicis Ventures

.For more information, please visit:

About the Editor

Gareth Becker is an experienced editor and content
marketer and produces B2B stories that focus on
emergent trends in data and analytics, cloud computing,
information security and more.

He works with world-leading brands to shine a light on

fresh ideas and innovative products using a range of
multimedia content.

To share your story or enquire about appearing in a

Corinium report, blog post or digital event, contact him Gareth Becker
directly at Content Strategist,
Corinium Global Intelligence

The Intersection
of Data
and Cybersecurity
Trends 2021

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