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TERM II--2021-22

Class: VIII Max Marks: 40

No of pages: 5 Time: 90 Mins.

 Read the instructions carefully.

 All questions are compulsory.
 Write your name, class, roll number and subject clearly on your answer sheet.
 Write the question numbers and page numbers clearly on your answer sheets.
 This question paper contains 21 questions distributed into 4 sections A, B ,C and D
 Section A contains 10 questions (1 mark each)
 Section B contains 5 questions (2 marks each)
 Section C contains 5 questions (3 marks each)
 Section D contains 1 question ( 5 marks )
I. Choose the correct answer 1X10=10
1. Pollen grains are transferred from stamens to __________ of carpel.

a. Anther b.Style
c.Stigma d. Filament
2. Analyse the factor which led to the Green Revolution in India.
a. Judicious use of pesticides b. Proper use of water
c. Increase in land area under cultivation d. Introduction of high-yielding varieties of
3. The disease which occurs due to deficiency of vitamin C is-
a. Goitre b. Beri-beri
c. Scurvy d. Cheilosis

4. A child is frightened by a loud noise and shouts for help. In which order, the different
types of neurons involved will act.
a. Motor neuron Relay neuron Sensory neuron
b. Motor neuron Sensory neuron Relay neuron
c. Sensory neuron Motor neuron Relay neuron
d. Sensory neuron Relay neuron Motor neuron
5. In the given figures which of the following acts as both exocrine and endocrine gland.

i. ii. iii. iv
a. i and ii b. Only ii
c. i and iii d. ii and iv

6. The vein which brings clean blood from the lungs into the heart is known as:
a. Pulmonary vein b. Hepatic vein
c. Superior vena cava d. Pulmonary artery

7. Which is incorrect about malarial disease?

a. It occurs due to bite of female Anopheles mosquito.
b. Its causative organism is Plasmodium.
c. It cannot be controlled by any drug.
d. Its symptoms include fever, profuse sweating

8. ________________ hormone increases heartbeat when we get a fright.

a. Testosterone b.Adrenaline
c.Thyroxine d.Progesterone

9. A person with blood group A can receive blood from –

a. A only b. AB or A
c. A or O d.A or B

10. The below question consists of two statements –Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer this
question selecting the appropriate option given below.
Assertion (A) –HIV –AIDS is a bacterial disease.
Reason (R) – It spreads through breast feeding and sexual contact.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false but R is true

II. Answer the following in 3-4 sentences 2X5 =10
11. a. Differentiate between unisexual flowers and bisexual flowers. (1 point)
b. Discuss the aims of artificial pollination. (2 points)

12. Interpret the general characteristics of the pollen grains of animal pollinated plants and
insect pollinated plants.

13. Draw a neat well labeled diagram of human brain.

14. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

Rashes, Joint pain,

Muscle Pain, Nausea

a. Predict the disease. Name the causative agent of this disease.

b. Describe any two preventive measures to cure this disease.

15. Differentiate between endocrine gland and nervous system.

III. Answer the following in 5-6 sentences 3x5=15
16. a. State any one function of Stamen and Sepal.
b. Given below is the diagram of a typical flower. Label any four parts of the flower.


d. b.


17. Dev is son of a farmer. He attended a seminar at his school. He heard harmful effects of

pesticides & insecticide. He saw his father spraying pesticides in their field. Instead Dev
suggested his father to look at alternate methods like organic farming.
a. Can you give some points that would help him to convince his father to stop using
pesticides in large quantities?
b. Point out two merits and demerits each of organic farming.

18. a. Draw a neat labelled diagram of structure of yeast.

b. A balloon is fitted over a glass bottle that has some warm water mixed with a tablespoon
of yeast and two tablespoons of sugar .After half an hour the balloon is seen getting
inflated.Identify the gas produced. Prove its presence.

19. The table given below shows some important vaccines for infant and children.
Study the table carefully and answer the following questions.
Vaccines Diseases Age-Groups Safety
DPT Infectious Infants and young Nearly 70%
OPV Poliomyelitis All infants upto 5 Nearly 100%
years of age
a. Elucidate how does vaccination works?
b. Expand the following abbreviations – DPT and OPV.
c. Who was the first ever person to produce a vaccine? Name the disease it was developed

20. a. Suggest any two major harmful effects of consuming alcohol.

b. A friend of yours met with an accident and fractured his arm. Write the steps how you
will treat him.

IV. Answer any ONE of the following in 7-8 sentences. (5)

21. Read the passage and answer the following questions. (1+2+2)
Poultry farming has a big scope and marketing opportunities. Poultry enterprise is increased
by 12.5% annually. The poultry marketing is also increased day by day due to changed food

habit of eating meat and egg. The main objective of this study was to identify status of
commercial poultry enterprise with its income opportunities. Poultry entrepreneurs have to
make booking for layer and boiler chicks before five months according to their demand.
Average hatcheries produced forty thousand chicks per week.

a. State two exotic poultry breeds.

b. Suggest any two points to be kept in mind while housing the birds.
c. Differentiate between broiler and broody hen.
Beekeeping (apiculture) has been an important part of human society since around 4500
BCE (Crane, 2013). When non-destructive methods of honey removal appeared in the mid-
1800s with the development and dispersal of the Langstroth removable frames hive design,
apiculture evolved into a wide-spread individual and commercial practice. While other areas
of agriculture have experienced significant technology innovations since the 1800s,
innovation in some areas in beekeeping has essentially stagnated. However, the practice of
beekeeping and hive management is not without problems and issues that could be resolved
with technological or management interventions and innovation.



a. Label the parts A and B

b. Discuss any two desirable characters of bee varieties suitable for honey production.
c. What is pasturage and how is it related to honey production?

Verified By : Mrs. Parvathy Panicker

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