Complex Exponential Signals

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Complex Variables & Transforms | Neha Hafeez

Complex Variables & Transforms | Neha Hafeez


A complex exponential signal is an exponential signal whose samples are complex numbers
(i.e., having real and imaginary components). A complex signal is made up of two real signals,
one for the real component and the other for the imaginary part. A complex signal's linear
processing, such as filtering with a time-invariant linear filter, relates to applying the
processing to both the real and imaginary parts of the signal.

The main reason we are interested in the complex exponential signal is that it is an alternative
representation for the real cosine signal. Periodicity of complex the exponential. Recall the
definition: if z = x + iy where x, y R, then ez def = exeiy = ex(cosy + i siny). It's clear from
this definition and the periodicity of the imaginary exponential (§I) that ez+2πi = ez, i.e.: “The
complex exponential function is periodic with period 2πi.” Complex exponentials provide a
convenient way to combine sine and cosine terms with the same frequency complex
exponentials are signals of great importance to the study of signals and systems. They can be
related to sinusoids through Euler's formula, which identifies the real and imaginary parts of
purely imaginary complex exponentials. Strictly speaking, exp(x) cannot be considered
periodic. By definition, if exp(x) is periodic, then there must be some period, T, for which
exp(x + T) = exp(x). Equivalently, exp(x) = exp(x) * exp(T) => exp(T) = 1. This is only true if
T = j*n*2*pi, where n is any integer.

Rising exponential function is unstable and decaying exponential function is stable The
complex exponential function takes on all complex values except for 0 and is closely related to
the complex trigonometric functions, as shown by Euler's formula. Any complex number is
then an expression of the form a + bi, where a and b are old- fashioned real numbers. The
number a is called the real part of a + bi, and b is called its imaginary part. Traditionally the
letters z and w are used to stand for complex numbers the complex exponential. The
exponential function is a basic building block for solutions of ODEs. Complex numbers expand
the scope of the exponential function, and bring trigonometric functions under its sway.

Complex Variables & Transforms | Neha Hafeez

Continuous time complex exponential

A continuous time complex exponential signal is the one that is defined for every instant of
time. The continuous time complex signal is defined as − Where, A is the amplitude of the
signal. s is a complex variable. The complex variable s is defined as,

𝑠 = 𝜎 + 𝑗𝜔

Therefore, the continuous time complex function can also be written as

⟹ 𝑥 (𝑡) = 𝐴𝑒𝜎𝑡 (cos 𝜔𝑡 + 𝑗 sin 𝜔𝑡)

Depending upon the values of 𝜎 and 𝜔, we obtain different waveforms as shown in Figure-3.

Complex Variables & Transforms | Neha Hafeez

Complex Variables & Transforms | Neha Hafeez

Discrete-time complex exponential sequence

A complex exponential signal which is defined at discrete instants of time is known as discrete
time complex exponential sequence. Mathematically, the discrete-time complex exponential
sequence is defined as,


Depending on the magnitude of a, we obtained different types of discrete-time complex

exponential signals as,

For |𝑎| = 1, both the real and imaginary parts of complex exponential sequence are sinusoidal.
For |𝑎| > 1, the amplitude of the sinusoidal sequence increases exponentially.
For |𝑎| < 1, the amplitude of the sinusoidal sequence decays exponentially.
The graphical representation of these signals is shown in Figure-4.

Complex Variables & Transforms | Neha Hafeez

Close all set(gca , 'FontSize',12,'FontWeight','b')
clear all subplot(423)
//INITIALIZATION stem(t,imag(x),'R','lineWidth',3)
fs=5; ts=1/fs; xlabel('Time Samples')
t=0:ts:20-ts; c=
0.103 +1.03j; ylabel('Imaginary
x=50*exp(c*t); Part') grid on axis tight

set(gca , 'FontSize',12,'FontWeight','b')


subplot(421) subplot(425)
stem(t,real(x),'b','lineWidt ,3) xlabel('Time Samples')
h',3) xlabel('Time ylabel('Magnitude') grid on
Samples') ylabel('Real axis tight
Part') grid on axis tight

set(gca , 'FontSize',12,'FontWeight','b') plot3(t,real(x),imag(x),'r','lineWidth

//TIME SAMPLES xlabel('Time Samples')
subplot(427) ylabel('Real Part') zlabel('Imaginary

stem(t,angle(x),'M','lineWidth',3) Part')

xlabel('Time Samples') title ('3D Plot of complex exponential

ylabel('phase') grid on axis tight Function') grid on axis square

set(gca , 'FontSize',12,'FontWeight','b') set(gca,'FontSize',14,'fontWeight','b')

subplot(4,2,[2,4,6,8]) sgtitle('Complex Exponential Signal in


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