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What makes you happy?


Mental Health
What makes you in your Best Mode?
“able to make a contribution to his or her
What is your end goal? Most mental illnesses don’t have a single
What is the purpose of what you are cause. Instead they have a variety of
According to the World Health doing? causes, called risk factors.
Organization (WHO), mental health is How can your vision about your self will The more risk factors you have, the
“a state of well-being in which the be materialized?
more likely you are to develop a mental
How can other people benefit from what
individual realizes his or her own you are doing? illness. Sometimes, the mental illness
abilities, can cope with the normal develops gradually. Other times, it
stresses of life, can work doesn’t appear until a stressful event
productively and fruitfully, and is triggers it.
able to make a contribution to his Genetics-Mental illnesses sometimes run in
Myth-Mental illness is incurable and lifelong. families, suggesting that people who have
or her community”.
Fact-With the right kind of help, treated a family member with a mental illness may
appropriately and early, most people recover
be somewhat more likely to develop one
fully and have no further episodes of illness.
For others, mental illness may recur
throughout their lives and require ongoing Environment-Living in a stressful
treatment. environment can make you more likely to
develop a mental illness. Things like living in
Myth-Only certain types of people develop a
poverty or having an abusive family put a
mental illness.
“individual realizes his or her own abilities” lot of stress on your brain and often
Fact-Everyone is vulnerable to mental health
Who are you? How do you describe trigger mental illness.
problems. It affects people regardless of
yourself? What are you different roles? Childhood trauma-Even
if you’re no longer
age, education, income or culture.
Your strength? Your limitations? Your skills, in a stressful environment, things that
talents, potentials??? happened to you as a child can have an
Myth-Mental illness is caused by a personal
Your values system? Your hard core? impact later in life.
“can cope with the normal stresses of life”
Fact-A mental illness is not a character flaw. It Stressful events-like losing a loved one, or
What makes you upset? being in a car accident
is caused by a complex interplay of genetic,
What makes you angry? biological, social and environmental factors. Negative thoughts-Constantly putting yourself
What makes you in distress mode? Beast down or expecting the worst can get you
stuck in a cycle of depression or anxiety.

Unhealthy habits: like not getting enough sleep, 9. Avoid alcohol and other drugs Keep alcohol use to a
or not eating. minimum and avoid other drugs. Sometimes people use
Drugs and alcohol: Abusing drugs and alcohol alcohol and other drugs to "self-medicate" but in
Illogical thinking — Unusual or exaggerated beliefs reality, alcohol and other drugs only aggravate
can trigger a mental illness. It can also make
about personal powers to understand meanings or problems.
it harder to recover from mental illness. influence events; illogical or “magical” thinking typical 10. Get help when you need it Seeking help is a sign of
Brain chemistry. Mental illness involves an of childhood in an adult. strength — not a weakness. And it is important to
imbalance of natural chemicals in your brain Nervousness — Fear or suspiciousness of others or remember that treatment is effective. People who
and your body. a strong nervous feeling. get appropriate care can recover from mental
Unusual behavior – Odd, uncharacteristic, peculiar illness and addiction and lead full, rewarding lives.

Anxiety Disorder
Signs & Symptoms Mood Disorder
If several of the following are occurring, it Obsessive-Compulsive
may useful to follow up with a mental health
Sleep or appetite changes — Dramatic sleep
.1..Value yourself-Treat yourself with kindness and respect,
and appetite changes or decline in personal and avoid self-criticism. Make time for your hobbies and
care. favorite projects, or broaden your horizons.
In Touch Community 0917 – 800-
Mood changes — Rapid or dramatic shifts in 2. Take care of your body-Taking care of yourself 1123
emotions or depressed feelings. physically can improve your mental health.
3. Surround yourself with good people:-People with 0922 – 893- 8944
Withdrawal — Recent social withdrawal and
loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed.
strong family or social connections are generally healthier HOPE helpline 0917- 558 – 4673
than those who lack a support network.
Drop in functioning — An unusual drop in 4. Give yourself-Volunteer your time and energy to help NCMH 0917 – 899- 8727
functioning, at school, work or social someone else.
0908 – 639 -2672
activities, such as quitting sports, failing in 5. Learn how to deal with stress-Like it or not, stress is
school or difficulty performing familiar tasks. a part of life. Practice good coping skills: Try One-Minute

Ms. Oj Bagos – 0956 – 842 –

Stress Strategies, exercise, take a nature walk, play with

Problems thinking — Problems with
your pet or try journal writing as a stress reducer.
concentration, memory or logical thought and 6. Quiet your mind-Try meditating, mindfulness and/or
8588 ( 9am – 4pm M-F)
speech that are hard to explain. prayer. Relaxation exercises and prayer can improve
Increased sensitivity — Heightened sensitivity to your state of mind and outlook on life.
sights, sounds, smells or touch; avoidance of 7. Set realistic goals-Decide what you want to achieve nger account
academically, professionally and personally, and write down
over-stimulating situations.
Apathy — Loss of initiative or desire to
participate in any activity.
the steps you need to realize your goals. Aim high, but be
realistic and don't over-schedule.
8. Break up the monotony-Although our routines make us

Feeling disconnected — A vague feeling of more efficient and enhance our feelings of security and
being disconnected from oneself or one’s safety, a little change of pace can perk up a tedious
surroundings; a sense of unreality.

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