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The play opens with Orlando bitterly complaining to Adam, a servant of his
Act 1, Scene 1
brother Oliver. Oliver has inherited their fa...

Celia tries to cheer up Rosalind, who is sad over her father's exile. They discuss
Act 1, Scene 2
Fortune and Nature, trying to underst...

Rosalind declares her love for Orlando to Celia, but they are interrupted by Duke
Act 1, Scene 3
Frederick. Without preamble, he banish...

In the Forest of Arden, Duke Senior speaks to his "brothers in exile" of the
Act 2, Scene 1
sweetness and safety of country life in com...

Duke Frederick discovers that Celia is missing, having joined Rosalind in

Act 2, Scene 2
banishment. "Can it be possible that no man sa...

After the wrestling match at court, Adam lectures Orlando, asking, "Know you
Act 2, Scene 3
not, master, to some kind of men/Their grac...

Rosalind, Celia, and Touchstone arrive in the Forest of Arden, weary from their
Act 2, Scene 4
flight. As two shepherds approach, the t...

The scene opens in the forest with Amiens singing a verse about the simple
Act 2, Scene 5
pleasures of the forest, where "Here shall he...

Orlando and Adam enter the forest, where Adam bemoans that he can go no
Act 2, Scene 6
farther and that he will die of hunger. "Here li...

Duke Senior and the First Lord look for Jaques, who shows up just at that
Act 2, Scene 7
moment. Jaques excitedly announces that he has...

Back at court Duke Frederick grills Oliver on the whereabouts of Orlando,

Act 3, Scene 1
praising his own "mercy" for not taking reveng...

Orlando writes love poems to Rosalind and posts them on the trees of the forest.
Act 3, Scene 2
Meanwhile, Corin and Touchstone discuss...

Touchstone woos Audrey, a goat herder, while Jaques observes from a distance
Act 3, Scene 3
and mocks his foolishness. Touchstone compa...

Rosalind and Celia await Orlando, who has promised to visit Ganymede, but he's
Act 3, Scene 4
late. Rosalind is on the verge of tears a...

Act 3, Scene 5 Rosalind, Celia, and Corin eavesdrop as Silvius, a lovelorn shepherd, begs his love
Phoebe not to be so scornful. Phoebe...
Jaques hails Ganymede (Rosalind) to make his (her) acquaintance. They discuss
Act 4, Scene 1
Jaques's melancholy nature, which he loves...

Duke Senior's Lords have killed a deer in their hunt, and Jaques proposes they
Act 4, Scene 2
should present the hunter who took it dow...

Rosalind and Celia, disguised as Ganymede and Aliena, await Orlando, who is
Act 4, Scene 3
once again late. Celia scoffs that he must b...

Audrey is impatient to be married, and Touchstone reassures her that it will

Act 5, Scene 1
happen. However, Touchstone has a rival for...

Orlando is surprised to discover that Oliver has fallen in love with Aliena (Celia)
Act 5, Scene 2
on very short acquaintance. Oliver a...

Audrey and Touchstone are eagerly discussing their upcoming nuptials when two
Act 5, Scene 3
of Duke Senior's pages arrive. Touchstone ...

The couples and their friends gather for the wedding. Rosalind, as Ganymede,
Act 5, Scene 4
reaffirms that everyone is on board with he...

Rosalind addresses the audience directly, saying that while it is not the custom for
a lady to deliver an epilogue, it's...

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