Equilibrium of force system ىﻮﻘﻟا نزاﻮﺗ

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Al-Najaf Technical Institute Engineering Mechanics

Civil Techniques Department 1 . Academic year, 2020-2021

Equilibrium of force system ‫ﺗﻮازن اﻟﻘﻮى‬

In static, a body is said to be in equilibrium when the force system acting upon it has a
zero resultant. When a body is in equilibrium, the resultant of all forces acting on it is
zero. Thus, the resultant force Rand the resultant couple Mare both zero, and we have
the equilibrium equations.

. ‫ﯾﻘﺎل ﻟﻼﺟﺴﺎم ﻓﻲ ﺣﺎﻟﺔ اﻟﺴﻜﻮن ﺑﺎﻧﮭﺎ ﻓﻲ ﺣﺎﻟﺔ ﺗﻮازن ﻋﻨﻤﺎ ﺗﻜﻮن ﻣﺤﺼﻠﺔ اﻟﻘﻮى اﻟﻤﺆﺛﺮة ﻋﻠﯿﮭﺎ ﻣﺴﺎوﯾﺔ ﻟﻠﺼﻔﺮ‬
‫وﺗﻜﻮن ھﺬه اﻻﺟﺴﺎم ﺧﺎﺿﻌﺔ ﻟﻤﻌﺎدﻟﺘﻲ اﻟﺘﻮازن‬

R = ΣF=0
M =ΣM=0
These requirements are both necessary and sufficient conditions for equilibrium.

Free Body Diagram (F B D)

Lecturer : Hussein A. Jaaz 27

Al-Najaf Technical Institute Engineering Mechanics
Civil Techniques Department 1 . Academic year, 2020-2021

Lecturer : Hussein A. Jaaz 28

Al-Najaf Technical Institute Engineering Mechanics
Civil Techniques Department 1 . Academic year, 2020-2021

Lecturer : Hussein A. Jaaz 30 Building and construction Engineering Branch

Al-Najaf Technical Institute Engineering Mechanics
vil Techniques Department 1 . Academic year, 2020-2021

Example: Determine the magnitude T of

the tension in the supporting cable and the
magnitude of the force on the pin at A for the
jib crane shown. The beam AB is a standard
0.5m I-beam with a mass of 95 kg/m length.
‫اﻟﻤﻄﻠﻮب ﺣﺴﺎب ﻗﻮة اﻟﺸﺪ ﻓﻲ اﻟﺴﻠﻚ وﻗﻮة رد اﻟﻔﻌﻞ ﻓﻲ ﻧﻘﻄﺔ‬
A ‫اﻻﺳﻨﺎد‬
Mass = 95 kg/m * 5 m = 475 kg
W= mass * g = 475 kg * 9.81 N/kg = 4660 N
= 4.66 KN
+↻ ∑ 𝑀𝐴 = 0


+→ ∑ Fx = 0 → Ax -19.61Cos25°=0
Ax =17.77kN
+↑ ∑ Fy = 0 → Ay +19.61*Sin25°-4.66-10=0
Ay =6.37kN

A = √Ax 2 + Ay 2 → A = √17.772 + 6.372

A = 18.88 kN

Lecturer : Hussein A. Jaaz 32 Building and construction Engineering Branch

Al-Najaf Technical Institute Engineering Mechanics
Civil Techniques Department 1 . Academic year, 2020-2021

Example: The system of knotted cords

showing in figure support the
indicated weights. Compute the tensile
force in each cord.
‫اﻟﻤﻄﻠﻮب ﺣﺴﺎب ﻛﻞ ﻗﻮى اﻟﺸﺪ ﻟﻜﻞ ﺣﺒﻞ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻤﺠﻤﻮﻋﺔ‬

The lower part:

DSin75∘- CSin30∘=0
D=0.5176C …….1
DCos75∘+CCos30∘-400=0 ….2
Sub (1)in (2)
C=400 lb
D=207.06 lb

The upper part:

B=914.16 lb
Free-body diagram
A=846.41 lb

Lecturer : Hussein A. Jaaz 33 Building and construction Engineering Branch

Al-Najaf Technical Institute Engineering Mechanics
Civil Techniques Department 1 . Academic year, 2020-2021

Example: Cords are passing through

frictionless pulleys to weights of 200 lb
and 400 lb and tensioned to the weighting
cylinder. Determine the angle θ and the
normal pressure N between the cylinders
and the smooth horizontal surface.
Cosθ=0.5 → θ=60∘
N+400Sin60∘=800 → N=453.59 lb

Example : Two weightless bars pinned

together and support a load of 35 kN.
Determine the forces P and F acting
respectively along bars AB and AC that
maintain equilibrium of pin A.
5 2
-F( 41
)+P( )=0
√ √13

F=0.7104P ….1
3 4
P( )-F( )-35=0
√13 √41
3 4
P( )=F( )+35
√13 √41
0.3883P=35 ….2 sub(1) in (2)
P=90.14 kN
F=0.7104(90.14) → F=64.03 kN

Lecturer : Hussein A. Jaaz 34

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