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a) In the above given case about the employee of a marketing department of a multinational

company. The head of department has supervised the employee to prepare a plan for a
product launch that he and his supervisor both will be part of in preparing the marketing plan.
After the completion of plan the boss removed the name of the sub-ordinate and decided to
hand it to the upper management just using is name. The employee learned about the
misconduct of his boss and was in complete dilemma on whether to talk about the matter or
let it go.

In my opinion it is not ethical to remove a person’s name from a document when that person
has worked hard to produce that document. The person should always be able to give credit
to other’s people work and their documents are soft or hard copy document. The person has
spent their precious time and money for the completion of that document.

b) I would be very much disheartened by the wrong doing of the boss as the position he holds
in the company is the respectable one and should be able to distinguish between the
decisions. The respect I had to my boss will be gone and also I would be willing to talk to the
upper management about the mishap that has happened towards me. The hard work and
dedication I have put into preparing the plan would go in vain for me.

I would definitely talk about the matter to my boss as it would be very wrong to not give
credit to the people and especially to the sub ordinates that have put much effort and have
faith over many opportunities that the company can provide to them for their future
endeavors. And also I should not take it in a fully negative way because sometimes people
may forget about putting names in the paper. It is a much hassle in gaining trust and respect
form the upper level management that in pressure some people may conduct some mistakes.

c) The matter should be solved in the infant stage so that it may not harm any individuals in
their time and effort that they have put towards the company and their career. These types of
matter should be discussed thoroughly with the person entitled and also to other peer
members about the happenings. First of all I would not directly go to CEO’s secretary so that
this type of matter may not harm the image of the individual.

The companies have certain code of conduct that should be followed by the employees and
management if any issues arise in the company. Code of conduct can be simply understood as
the rules and regulations that are to be followed while they are the part of the company. I will
first try to talk to the boss about the issue and if the boss realizes the mistake and give credit
to the hard work and effort I have put into. And if the boss does not acknowledge than I
would not have any options left other than report the issue to the secretary. This type of issues
should not be let to go because the faith between the employees and their heads should
always remain for better functioning and utilization of resources.

d) The companies are always functioning with the rules and regulations that are formed to
bind every employee and individual associated with the company. Any things that happen
within the boundary of the company are or can be made liable for. The chain of command
that lies between the manager and sub ordinates are to be strictly followed on every decision
making processes that involve the company matters.
If the matter is discussed directly to the CEO’s secretary, than the matter would have already
gotten out of the hand of lower level or middle level management. Communication is the key
to effective planning and implementation of any decisions. As being head of the company
these type of issues should not be bothering them rather should help them in effective
decision making process by fulfilling the gaps between the departments and the head of the

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