Short About DNA

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(DNA is the short form of Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid)

 Definition :-
The molecule inside cells that contains the genetic information responsible for the
development and function of an organism.
A self-replicating material that is present in nearly all living organisms as the main
constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of genetic information and found in Nucleus.
 Structure:-

This structure was presented by Watson and Crick. DNA has a double helix structure. It is
composed of two polynucleotide strands. Sugar phosphate backbone runs in opposite directions. The
two strands are held by hydrogen bond between nitrogenous bases. If we know the the sequence of
one strand we can guess the sequence of the other.

 Parts :- It has three main parts

1) Pentose Sugar ( Deoxyribose)
2) Phosphate Group
3) Nitrogeous Bases
(a) Adenine
(b) Thymine
(c) Cytosine
(d) Guanine
 It should be Noted that always
 (A=T) And ( G = C ).

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