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Tourism and Hospitality Service Quality Management Personalities

1. Walter A. Shewhart

 Two of Shewhart's contributions continue to influence the daily work of quality—namely,

control charts and the Plan–Do–Study–Act (PDSA) cycle.

2. William Edwards Deming

 Deming has been universally acclaimed as one of the Founding Fathers of Total Quality
Management, if not the Founding Father. The revolution in Japanese manufacturing
management that led to the economic miracle of the 1970s and 1980s has been
attributed largely to Deming.

3. Joseph M. Juran
 Dr. Juran has a well-deserved reputation as the founder of a range of quality
management techniques. His quality management approach is based on three key
principles: the Pareto principle; quality management principles; and the Juran Trilogy –
quality planning, quality control, and quality improvement.

4. Philip B. Crosby

 Philip Crosby (1926-2001) was an influential author, consultant and philosopher who
developed practical concepts to define and communicate quality and quality
improvement practices. His influence was extensive and global.

5. Armand V. Feigenbaum

 Feigenbaum coined the term “total quality control” and he believed that quality should be
managed as part of the overall business strategy.. He is also famous for his concept of
the 'hidden plant' which showed how much capacity is lost due to mistakes made during

6. Kaoru Ishikawa

 Ishikawa is credited with developing the Japanese quality circle movement and
introducing the idea of Company-Wide Quality. Ishikawa's fishbone diagram is very
useful for analyzing problems and finding the potential causes of quality issues. The
seven basic quality tools were first proposed by Ishikawa.

7. Genichi Taguchi

 Innovative Methods and Techniques. The executive director of the American Supplier
Institute, Genichi Taguchi is well-known for developing a methodology to improve quality
and reduce costs, known in the United States as the "Taguchi Methods." He also
developed the quality loss function.

8. James H. Donnelly

 He is the author of more than a dozen books, which include widely adopted academic
texts as well as professional books.

9. A Parsu Parasurman

 Parasuraman (“Parsu”) is considered one of the most influential figures in the field of
services marketing and service quality, and is widely known for his work on SERVQUAL,
E-S-QUAL, and the Technology Readiness Index (TRI). He has published over one
hundred articles in prestigious academic and management journals.

10. Valarie A. Zeithaml

 She is the first author of the best-selling business book Delivering Quality Service:
Balancing Customer Perceptions and Expectations, which won the Choice Book Award
and is now in its 20th printing. She is also the first author of the Irwin/McGraw-Hill
textbook Services Marketing, now in its sixth edition.

11. Leonard L. Berry


 Professor Berry has written ten books in all, including: Discovering the Soul of Service;
On Great Service; Marketing Services: Competing Through Quality; and Delivering
Quality Service. He is the author of numerous academic articles and an invited lecturer
throughout the world

12. Mary Jo Bitner

 Mary Jo Bitner is one of the founders of the service marketing discipline, committing her
career to the study of cusotmer satisfaction in service encounters, customer-employee
interactions, servicescapes, and technology delivered service.

13. Bernard H. Booms


 In 1981, using the above mentioned information, Bernard H. Booms and Mary J. Bitner
further developed the traditional marketing mix developed by the American Professor of
Marketing Jerome McCarthy into the extended marketing mix or services marketing mix.

14. Christopher Lovelock

 Christopher was a founding father of the services marketing field and he was recognized
around the world as a leading authority on service management.

15. Theodore Levitt


 He was the author of The Marketing Imagination, and his works have been translated
into eleven languages. He was also the author of numerous articles on economic,
political, management, and marketing subjects.

16. Walt Disney

 Few individuals have had a greater impact on both the entertainment industry and the
popular culture of the 20th century than Walter Elias Disney. His many innovations
include the first cartoons with synchronized sound, the first full-length animated feature
film and, of course, the theme park.

17. Bruce Lava

 Laval retired from his last position as Executive Vice President of Operations Planning
and Development for Walt Disney Parks and Resorts in 2001. One of Mr. Laval's most
celebrated accomplishments is his invention of the Disney FASTPASS system which is
found throughout Disney Parks worldwide.


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