Sarmiento - Related Review of Literature

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Hospitals face Global Emergency what happens next is shocking

By: Phoebe T. Sarmiento





The Covid-19 pandemic struck the world with terror and horror, it has placed global health-care systems and their
facilities under jeopardy causing them to tremendous amounts of stress and pressure. Health-care systems are
put under structural scrutiny and intense amount of criticism due to lack of resiliency and preparedness in terms
of architectural spaces in this time of unexpected event. The pandemic has highlighted the importance of health-
care facilities in term of planning and designing which would help combat ongoing crisis and considering for
preparation for unexpected future health situations.

Purpose of this review

“This study aims to investigate how hospitals reacted to the crisis in terms of their physical spaces, which
architectural features permitted the necessary transformations, and how this data can inform hospital design
research in the future.”

Capolongo Stefano, et al. “COVID-19 and Healthcare Facilities: a Decalogue of Design Strategies for Resilient
Hospitals.” Acta Biomed 2020; Vol. 91, Supplement 9: 50-60

Andrea Brambilla, et al. “Flexibility during the COVID-19 Pandemic Response: Healthcare Facility Assessment
Tools for Resilient Evaluation.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Yandi Andri Yatmo, et al. “Modular Isolation Units for Patients with Mild-to-Moderate Conditions in Response to
Hospital Surges Resulting from the COVID-19 Pandemic.” International Journal of Technology 12(1) 43-53

Udomiaye Emmanuel, et al. “Architectural design strategies for infection prevention and control (IPC) in health-
care facilities: towards curbing the spread of Covid-19.” International Journal of Environmental Research and
Public Health

Fang Dongping, et al. “Large-scale public venues as medical emergency sites in disasters: lessons from COVID-
19 and the use of Fangcang shelter hospitals in Wuhan, China.” BMJ Global Health 2020;5

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