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Historical Events in Science,

Technology and Society

Who invented the following?

Steam engine James Watt

Mechanical computer Charles Babbage
Light bulb Thomas Edison
Telephone Alexander Bell
Airplane Wright brothers
Printing machine Johannes Gutenberg
• Science – systematic knowledge of the
physical and material world gained through
observation and experimentation
• Technology – the practical application of
knowledge especially in a particular area,
e.g. engineering (www.merriam-
The birth of technology
• The birth of “technology” was when the first
human-like species, Homo habilis, made
sharp cutting edges from stone.
(18th to 19th
Industrial Revolution centuries)

agrarian, rural industrial,

societies urban

Manufacturing Shift to powered,

was done in special purpose
homes using machinery,
hand tools or factories, and
basic machines mass production
(18th to 19th
Industrial Revolution centuries)

Locomotive steam engine

Industrial Revolution

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th industrial revolution


Amazon Alexa
Some definitions
• Internet of things - the interconnection via the
Internet of computing devices embedded in
everyday objects, enabling them to send and
receive data.
• Nanotechnology - the branch of technology that
deals with dimensions and tolerances of less than
100 nanometers, especially the manipulation of
individual atoms and molecules.
• Quantum computer - a computer that makes use
of the quantum states of subatomic particles to
store information.
• (www.dictionary.com)
Discuss the importance of the following
• Wheel • Movies
• Gunpowder • X-ray
• Printing machine • Morse code
• Telescope • Airplane
• Microscope • Rockets and space
• Photography flights
• Telephone • Computers
• Motor car • Mobile phones
Featured S&T of the week
• E-commerce – a term for any type of
business, or commercial transaction, that
involves the transfer of information across
the internet.
Intellectual revolutions that
defined society
Variables that influence the development of
science ideas, science discoveries, and

Creativity Science
Passion to Ideas
Passion to discoveries
Critical discover
Thinking Technology
Nicolaus Copernicus
• Astronomer
• When everyone else
believed that the Earth
was the center of the
universe, he proposed
that the planets instead
revolved around the sun
Charles Darwin
• Known for his Theory of
• In his book “The Origin
of Species,” he
presented evidence on
how species evolved
over time and presented
traits and adaptations
that differentiate
Sigmund Freud
• A famous figure in the
field of psychology
• He developed an
observational method
known as
• He believed that people
could be cured by
making conscious their
unconscious thoughts
and motivations, thus
gaining insights.
• Form groups of 4.
• Discuss examples of advancements in science
and technology that were influenced by
Copernicus, Darwin, and Freud. Give five
examples each.
• Write your outputs on a clean sheet of paper.
Provide short explanations for each example.
• Be ready to present your output in class. At
least 3 groups will be called to present.
Featured S&T of the week
Cradles of Early Science - Mesoamerica

• Mesoamerica – includes the entire area of Central

America from Southern Mexico up to the border of
South America
• Maya civilization
• Inca civilization
• Aztec civilization
Cradles of Early Science - Mesoamerica

Maya civilization
• Known for their works in astronomy
• Incorporated their advanced understanding of
astronomy into their temples and other religious
• Used their temples for astronomical observations (ex.
pyramid at Chichen Itza)
• Could predict solar eclipses
• Used astrological cycles in planting and harvesting
• Known for measuring time using two complicated
calendar systems
Cradles of Early Science - Mesoamerica

Maya civilization
• Developed the technology for growing different
crops and building elaborate cities using ordinary
machineries and tools.
• Built hydraulics systems with sophisticated waterways to
supply water to different communities.
• Built complicated looms for weaving cloth
• One of the first people to produce rubber products
• The pyramid at Chichén Itzá
in Mexico is situated according
to the sun’s location during the
spring and fall equinoxes.
• At sunset on these two days, the
pyramid casts a shadow on itself
that aligns with a carving of the
head of the Mayan serpent god.
• The shadow forms the serpent’s
body; as the sun sets, the
serpent appears to slither down
into the Earth.


By ATSZ56 - Own work, Public Domain,

Cradles of Early Science - Mesoamerica

Inca civilization
• Developed scientific ideas and tools to help them in
everyday life:
• Roads paved with stones
• Stone buildings that surmounted earthquakes and other
• Irrigation system and technique for storing water for
their crops to grow in all types of land
Machu Picchu
Cradles of Early Science - Mesoamerica
• Chinampas are raised
Aztec civilization agricultural fields between
• They were formed by
rooting rectangular cane
frames to the lake floor
and filling them with
alternating layers of
aquatic weeds, muck and
earth until they rise up
about one meter above the
surface of the water.
• Willow trees were planted
Chinampa along the edges of the
fields and their roots help
to contain the chinampas.
Cradles of Early Science - Mesoamerica

Aztec civilization
• A light narrow
boat used for
traveling in water

Cradles of Early Science - Asia

• Known for manufacturing iron and metallurgical
• Famous for medicine (e.g. Ayurveda – traditional
• Also good in astronomy and mathematics
• The idea of zero, binary numbers, decimal system, ruler
Cradles of Early Science - Asia

• Known for traditional medicine (e.g. acupuncture,
herbal medicine)
• Four great inventions of Ancient China
• Compass
• Gunpowder
• Papermaking
• Printing technique
• Also made significant contributions in astronomy
Ancient China’s printing technique

Magnetic compass

Cradles of Early Science - Asia

Middle East
• Muslim chemists and alchemists played an
important role in the foundation of modern
Cradles of Early Science - Africa

• Developed geometry to preserve the layout and
ownership of farmlands of the Egyptians living
along the Nile River.
• Built great structures such as pyramids and dams
• Studied human anatomy and pharmacology, and
applied important components such as
examination, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis
for the treatment of diseases.
Cradles of Early Science - Africa

• Invented the ox-drawn plow
• Toothbrush and toothpaste
• Hand-held mirror


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