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Name Minerals Present Properties Found, Formed Uses

and Processed
Frying Pan Iron, Aluminium, Iron - It is a good Iron - Have been Iron - Iron is used
Copper conductor of heat found in Egypt to make alloy
and electricity. dating from steels like carbon
around 3500 BC. steels with
Aluminium - has They contain additives such as
low density, is about 7.5% nickel, nickel, chromium,
non-toxic, has a which indicates vanadium,
high thermal that they were of tungsten, and
conductivity, has meteoric origin. manganese.
excellent These began
corrosion forming when the Aluminium - is
resistance and can first organisms widely used in the
be easily cast, capable of packaging
machined and photosynthesis industry for the
formed. It is also began releasing production of
non-magnetic and oxygen into the coils, cans, foils,
non-sparking. world's oceans, and other
which combined wrapping
Copper - It is with dissolved iron materials
malleable, ductile, to produce
and an extremely haematite or Copper - Most
good conductor of magnetite. Iron copper is used in
both heat and ore requires electrical
electricity. removal of silicate equipment such
impurities of a as wiring and
finer size by motors. This is
flotation for because it
higher-grade conducts both
products of +60% heat and
Fe. electricity very
well, and can be
Aluminium - In drawn into wires.
1824, Danish
physicist Hans
Christian Ørsted
attempted to
produce the
metal. He reacted
chloride with
amalgam, yielding
a lump of metal
that looked similar
to tin. He
presented his
results and
demonstrated a
sample of the new
metal in 1825.
The production of
aluminium from
bauxite is a two-
step process:
refining bauxite to
obtain alumina
and smelting
alumina to
aluminium. Hall-
Héroult smelting
process in which
the aluminium and
oxygen in the
alumina are
separated by

Copper - copper is
often found near
mines, industrial
settings, landfills
and waste
disposals. The
copper was
concentrated in
the host solutions
up to a thousand
times more than it
would typically be
in rocks. Pure
copper metal is
produced from a
process, beginning
with the mining
and concentrating
of low-grade ores
containing copper
sulfide minerals,
and followed by
smelting and
refining to
produce a pure
copper cathode.

Windows Trona, Silica, Trona - Trona - is found at Trona - is used to

Feldspar Colourless, gray- Owens Lake and make glass, paper
white, light Searles Lake, products, laundry
yellow; colourless California; the detergents, and
in transmitted Green River many other
light. Formation of products. It also is
Wyoming and used in the
Silica - under Utah; the manufacturing of
normal conditions Makgadikgadi other chemicals,
of temperature Pans in Botswana such as sodium
and pressure is a and in the Nile bicarbonate
solid, crystallized Valley in Egypt. (baking soda) and
mineral. The deposition of sodium
trona in Wyoming phosphates
Feldspar - Perfect started about 50- (detergents).
cleavage, with 60 million years
cleavage faces ago during the Silica - has
usually Eocene Age in the widespread
intersecting at or Wilkins Peak industrial
close to 90 Member of the applications
degrees. Green River including use as a
Consistent Formation. Trona food additive, i.e.,
hardness, specific is a sodium anti-caking agent,
gravity and pearly carbonate as a means to
luster on cleavage compound that is clarify beverages,
faces. processed into control viscosity,
soda ash or as an anti-
bicarbonate of foaming agent,
soda, or baking dough modifier,
soda, as it is and as an
commonly known. excipient in drugs
and vitamins.
Silica - found in
stone, soil, and Feldspars - play
sand. It is also an important role
found in concrete, as fluxing agents
brick, mortar, and in ceramics and
other construction glass applications,
materials. It is and also are used
formed when as functional
silicon is exposed fillers in the paint,
to oxygen. The plastic, rubber
technique involves and adhesive
drilling a typical oil industries.
or natural gas well
thousands of feet
below the earth's
surface and using
explosives to
create small
cracks in the rock.
Then water, frac
sand, and
chemicals are
pumped under
high pressure into
the well for the
purpose of
expanding the
cracks and holding
them open.

Feldspar - It has
been found on the
moon and in some
meteorites. Many
feldspars are
igneous as they
precipitate out in
magma as it cools.
They may also be
formed as
minerals in veins
of other rocks. The
ore is crushed by
primary and
crushers and
ground by jaw
crushers, cone
crushers, and rod
mills until it is
reduced to less
than 841 µm (20
Coins Nickel, Copper, Nickel - malleable, Nickel - it is Nickel - it is used
Zinc ductile, and has primarily found in to make coins. It
superior strength the ores is used in making
and corrosion pentlandite, wires. It is used in
resistance. pyrrhotite, gas turbines and
garnierite, rocket engines as
Copper – It is millerite, and it has the
malleable, ductile, niccolite. Most capability to resist
and an extremely mined nickel corrosion even at
good conductor derives from two high
of both heat and types of ore temperatures. It is
electricity. deposits that form used to make a
in very different variety of alloys
Zinc - brittle and geological which are further
crystalline at environments: used to make
ordinary magmatic sulfide armour plating,
temperatures, but deposits, where nails, or pipes.
it becomes ductile the principal ore
and malleable mineral is Copper - Most
when heated pentlandite [(Ni, copper is used in
between 110°C Fe) 9S8], and electrical
and 150°C. laterites, where equipment such
the principal ore as wiring and
minerals are motors. This is
nickeliferous because it
limonite [(Fe, Ni) conducts both
O (OH)] and heat and
garnierite (a electricity very
hydrous nickel well, and can be
silicate). Nickel drawn into wires
requires higher
smelting Zinc - Used to
temperatures (in make rubber and
the range of 1,350 paint. Also used
°C [2,460 °F]) in for healing
order to produce wounds.
an artificial nickel-
iron sulfide known
as matte, which
contains 25 to 45
percent nickel. In
the next step, iron
in the matte is
converted to an
oxide, which
combines with a
silica flux to form
a slag.

Copper - copper is
often found near
mines, industrial
settings, landfills
and waste
disposals. The
copper was
concentrated in
the host solutions
up to a thousand
times more than it
would typically be
in rocks. Pure
copper metal is
produced from a
process, beginning
with the mining
and concentrating
of low-grade ores
containing copper
sulfide minerals,
and followed by
smelting and
refining to
produce a pure
copper cathode

Zinc - is found in
several ores, the
principal ones
being zinc blende
(zinc sulfide) and
calamine (zinc
silicate). Zinc is
obtained from its
ores by
concentrating and
roasting the ore,
then reducing it to
zinc by heating
with carbon or by
electrolysis. Zinc is
extracted from
the purified zinc
sulfate solution by
electro winning,
which is a
specialized form
of electrolysis.
Jewellery Gold, Silver, Gold - conducts Gold - is usually Gold - used to
Diamond heat and found embedded make ornamental
electricity, ductile in quartz veins, or objects and fine
and malleable. placer stream jewellery for
gravel. Scientists thousands of
Silver's - believe all the years.
malleability, gold on Earth
ductility, and formed in Silver - It is used
resistance to supernovae and for jewellery and
atmospheric neutron star silver tableware,
oxidation. collisions that where
occurred before appearance is
Diamond - has the the solar system important. Silver
highest hardness formed. Once is used to make
and thermal extracted, the mirrors, as it is
conductivity of gold is refined the best reflector
any natural with one of four of visible light
material, main processes: known, although
properties that floatation, it does tarnish
are used in major amalgamation, with time. It is
industrial cyanidation, or also used in
applications such carbon-in-pulp. dental alloys,
as cutting and Each process solder and brazing
polishing tools. relies on the initial alloys, electrical
grinding of the contacts and
gold ore, and batteries.
more than one
process may be Diamonds - Are
used on the same used for industrial
batch of gold ore. purpose. Its
property of
Silver - is hardness is useful
sometimes to drill, grind or
encountered in cut materials.
pure form. It also Hence, some
is mined from the blades used for
minerals cutting and drills
acanthine (silver in the industry
sulfide) and used diamonds.
stephanite. Silver They are present
also is found in on the edges and
the common tips in small sizes.
(silver chloride)
and polybasite.
Silver is formed
from sulfur
compounds within
the earth where
its crust heats up
to between 200-
and 400-degrees
Fahrenheit. Silver
is extracted from
lead ores in large
furnaces, a
process called

Diamonds - are
found in two
Most are found in
kimberlites, which
are pipe-like
created as a result
of volcanic and
tectonic activity.
formation occurs
when carbon
deposits deep
within the earth
(approximately 90
to 125 miles
below the surface)
are subject to high
temperature and
pressure. Some
stones take shape
in a matter of days
or months, while
others take
millions of years
to materialize.
Excavated ore is
transported to a
processing plant.
The kimberlite is
first crushed and
then processed
through the plant,
which consists of a
series of screens,
jigs and scrubbers
and a gravity pan
or DMS plant to
remove lighter
particles and
create a
concentrate of
heavy material,
which includes the

Cell phone Cobalt, Tungsten, Cobalt - It is a Cobalt - is found in Cobalt - is used in

Manganese hard the minerals many alloys &
ferromagnetic, cobaltite, super alloys to
silver-white, skutterudite and make parts in
lustrous, brittle erythrite. Most aircraft engines,
element. cobalt is formed gas turbines, high-
as a by-product of speed steels,
Tungsten - It has nickel refining. corrosion-
the highest Cobalt contained resistant alloys,
melting point of in and smelted and cemented
all metals at with copper carbides. It is
3410∞C with a concentrate is used in magnets
boiling point of oxidized along and magnetic
5700∞C. with iron during recording media.
the final It is also used as a
Manganese - A conversion to catalyst for the
hard, brittle, blister copper. It petroleum and
silvery metal. then enters the chemical
slag layer, which industries.
can be treated
separately, usually Tungsten - is
in an electric commonly used in
furnace, and the heavy metal
cobalt recovered alloys such as high
by reduction with speed steel, from
carbon to a which cutting
copper-iron-cobalt tools are
alloy. manufactured. It
is also used in the
Tungsten - It is so-called 'super
chiefly obtained alloys' to form
from the minerals wear-resistant
scheelite and coatings.
wolframite. It is
harvested from Manganese is
the minerals by used to make
reducing tungsten clear glass, to
oxide with desulfurize and
hydrogen or deoxidize steel in
carbon. Tungsten steel production
is extracted from and to reduce the
ore through a octane rating in
series of chemical gasoline. It also is
reactions. The used as a black-
exact process brown pigment in
varies by paint and as filler
manufacturer and in dry cell
ore composition, batteries. Its
but ores are alloys help stiffen
crushed then the aluminium in
roasted and/or soft-drink cans,
sent through a according to
variety of Chemicool.
precipitations, and
washings to
obtain ammonium

Manganese occurs
naturally in rocks
and soil and can
be found in water,
food, and air.The
abundance of
manganese is in
the form of
nodules and crusts
along the ocean
floor. Pure
manganese is
produced by
and electrolytic
processes, while
are produced by
the smelting of
ores in a blast
furnace or, more
commonly, in an
electric furnace.

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