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I am Intelligent and energetic S Vbe C +

I am not lazy and pessimistic S VbeN C -

Am I Mean and rude ? Vbe S C ?

I am Usually Funny S Vbe C +

I Am not Usually funny S VbeN C -
Am I Usually funny ? Vbe S C ?

I Speak English S Vi C +
I Don’t Speak English S VdoN Vi C -
Do You Speak English ? Vdo S Vi C ?

He Often Walks in a park S Afq Vi C -

He Doesn’t often walk in a park S VdoN Afq Vi C +
Does He Often Walks In a park ? Vdo S Afq Vi C ?

Where does he study language

Where does he sometimes study language ?

PRESENT SIMPLE I take a photo for the journal Photo are taken for the S + Vi + C Sps + Vbe + V3 Regular common action
I do my homework journal Things true
My homework is done Timetable hours shop-pubblic transport
how do you feel in the moment
PRESENT I am taking a photos for the newspaper The photos are being S + Vbe + Ving + C Sps + (is are) being + Action happen in the moment
CONTINUOUS I’m doing my homework taken for the newspaper V3 Scheduled organized certain things (time
I’am visiting my granny in one hour My homework is being reference)

PAST SIMPLE I took a photo for the newspaper Photos were taken for S + V2 + C Sps + have been + V3 Conclused action in the past
yesterday night. the newspaper Used with the time
I did my homework yesterday My homework was
PAST CONTINUOUS I was taking a photo for the newspaper Photo was being done S + was were + Ving + C Sps + was were being Action in progress with reference of time,
I was doing my homework for the newspaper + V3 not finish action
My homework was Two actions at the same time while
being done

PRESENT PERFECT I have taken photo for the newspaper Photo has been taken S + have/has + V3 Sps + have been + V3 Happen in the past
I have done my homework for the newspaper no specific detail of time
My homework has been
PRESENT PERFECT I have been living in my flat since 2021 Started in the past but is still continuing in
CONTINUOUS I Have been driving my car since I was 18 the future.
I’ve been feeling good for a month For o since
PAST PERFECT I knocked on the door, but my mum had My homework had been S + had + V3 + C Sps + had been + V3
alredy gone out. done
I called my brother but he had gone out.
FUTURE SIMPLE I will do my homework My homework will be S + will + Vi + C Sps + will be + V3 Intection plan probably
done Promice

BE GOING TO + INFI I am going to do my homework My homework is going S + Vbe + going to + V1 + C Sps + Vbe going to be scheduled things organized abosolutely
to be done + V3 things certain to do
MODAL I must do my homework My homework must be

MODAL PERFECT I should have done my homework My homework should

have been done

+ V infinitive
2 COULD possibility for the future
3 MAY possibility
4 MAIGHT possibility
5 SHOULD advice, obligation

Modal Verbs




REAL SITUATION Present Present TREE IS IN HEALT if the tree is healthy, the tree doesn’t fall
POSSIBLE SITUATION TREE IS IN HEALT if the tree is healthy, the tree will not fall
UNREAL SITUATION PRESENT ; FUTURE TREE IS IN HEALT if the tree was sick, the tree would be dangerous
PAST SITUATION TREE WAS FALL If I had cut the tree, the tree wouldn’t fallen on the street

I met a friend who I hadn’t seen for a long time.

While I was walking around my city, I was looking for a new coat
While I was walking around my city the birds were singing
I have been smoking for two years
I have been sporty since I was young.
Marco, Lara, Fernando and Marisa are friends. They usually visit a new city every month. They are laughing together
because are lost. They were looking at the map the wrong way round so they couldn’t find the correct place where
they were. If you look the maps in the wrong way round you can’t find a correct way to get home. They had arrived
in Milano yesterday evening so they didn’t know the right position where they were because their hotel was very far
away from the city center.

They are two friends from India. They meet in the different place every year and they spend the weekend
sightseeing. They grew up together in a small village in India. They met each other at primary school so they became
a best friends. Now they are working in a different city so when they want to see each other they they find a big
events in a small city. In this photo they were at a Carnival in Rio they are celebrating together with gold confetti.
Giselle is wearing a red dress, she was laughing because she is very happy and she is opening her hand and throwing
the confetti. Marisa is wearing a stripey orange dress and she is blowing on his hand and throwing the confetti in
front of the photographer.
This is an ancient village called Montereggioni located in Tuscany. This village is surrounded by a circular ancient
stone wall. Along the wall there are eleven towers. There is a white street that you can go across with everything.
There is an olive grove around the village.

They are in his city library. Marco is there because he is researching a book for his survey. He rarely goes there, only
when he needs some information. He was researching a book in a Science section when suddently Marta came in the
same room. She recognized him because of his hair and a moment later she tapped him on the back. Marco turned
around and he was amazed when he recognized her. She was very nice and she smiled at him, Marco was a little shy
and with his elbow he knocked the book off the shelf. They laughed together, Marta picked up the book from the
floor and she put it in Marco’s hand. She gave him a kiss on his cheek and after that she left. He couldn’t believe
what had happend and feeling surprised he put the book back on the shelf and continued the reperch thinking about

This picture is a photo of Marco the dad and Louis his Son. They usually go to the park on Saturday Mornig they get
on well each other. Before to reach a playground they went to granny’s home to say hello at the grandparents. His
grandmother is very heppy when she give at Louis the candy.

Luis recivd seven candies, he eat only once of that. He is eating the other during the rest of the week.

He has played in that park since he was young. In the picture he is playing on the swing. He is wearing a blue jeans a
blue shoes a red jacket and a red hat.

They are going to meet some friends in the afternoon bat before they are reaching them mum for the dinner.

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