Analysis Paper Guidelines

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Literature Analysis Paper (3-5 pages, double-spaced, 11 or 12pt font, Times New Roman or


The analysis paper is a longer and more focused version of your response papers. This
essay should analyze at least one of the texts that we’ve read so far (including Salvage the
Bones), breaking down how it delivers information, literary devices it uses (e.g. narration type,
development of plot—internal/external conflict, etc.—character types, metaphorical language,
etc.), and also the message it delivers. Begin by pinpointing a theme or viewpoint the text deals
with, and then explain how you think the author writes about it.

By examining the stylistic choices the author makes, you will discuss how the form
affects the content of the piece. That is, you should be making an argument for, and have a
thesis about, your particular interpretation of the text, and discuss how, literarily, the text
achieves this.

I am primarily interested in your analysis of the text or texts you choose to write about,
so no outside research is required. However, feel free to include brief references to scholarly
(peer-reviewed) sources to focus or contextualize your analysis if you wish (making sure to cite
them in-text in MLA style and in a Works Cited page at the end of your essay).

The analysis paper is worth 10% of your final grade. You will receive an A on your essay
if you (1) include specific details from the text; (2) balance description of the text (limit to a few
sentences of plot summary) with analysis of it (the majority of your essay); (3) make a
persuasive and coherently organized argument in favor of your own interpretation of an aspect
of the text. You are welcome to discuss your analysis essay with me during my office hour for
this class.

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