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This is the story of how a son of a mechanic founded one of the world's most valuable and successful

car brand.

So, a very good afternoon to one and all present over here, Today I will tell the story of the founder
of Ferrari, Mr. Enzo Ferrari. But did you know that its founder Enzo Ferrari was only interested in
producing performance cars and assembling a world class team that could win races? He reluctantly
agreed to produce car for public so that he could fund his racing dream.

1.Find your passion as early as possible.

Enzo was born on 18 February 1898 in Modena Italy. However, you'll be amazed to know that his
birth certificate actually mentions his birthday as 20th February. This was due to heavy snow. His
birth certificate was made two days after his actual birth and Enzo had one elder brother and his
father owned a small metallurgical workshop. He had very less formal education. At the age of ten
years his father took him and his brother to watch a race in Bologna. He was completely blown away
by the action and excitement and decided at that moment that he wanted to be a race driver.

2.Never accept defeat

Enzo family suffered 1916. it was the year that turned Enzo's life upside down where his father and
brother both passed away due to Italian flu. Enzo served in Italian army during world war I. Later he
himself suffered from flu and was discharged from the army. As a teenager without his father and
brother to guide and no job he was completely heartbroken. He tried to get a Job in Fiat but was
rejected. But Enzo was not one of those to accept defeat. In 1919 he started working as a test driver
and later as a raised driver in a Milan based company C.M.N. Finally, after eleven years, he got his
dream job. Soon he joined Alfa Romeo as the race driver. After that he won his first sakwito deserve
where he met the parents’ of famous world war I pilot Francesco Baraka. The mother of Baraka
advised Ferrari to use his son's prancing horse symbol on his car as a sign of good luck.

3.Do what you are good at.

Enzo founded Scuderia Ferrari whose aim was to find appropriate cars and drivers for them to race.
Enzo last took part in a race in 1931 just before the birth of his son Alfredo better known as Dino
Ferrari. After that he started focusing on building Scuderia Ferrari into the greatest racing team in
the world. Friends, as we are going to frequently use the term Scuderia Ferrari will refer the term by
the initial SF. Did you know that in 1935, SF beat Hitler bagged? Mercedes in German Grand prix.
Alfa Romeo decided to control the racing division which led to Enzo quitting in 1939 but
unfortunately, he was prohibited to use the Ferrari name for four years.

4.Think smart and you will always find a solution.

From that moment his aim was to beat Alfa Romeo and in the same year he founded Auto Avio
CostruZioni to build racing cars. SF started using the Prancing horse symbol in yellow background
which was the colour of Modena in the car from 1942.Around this time he started having affair with
his mistress Linda Lardi. He had his second child Piero Ferrari with Linda in 1945.

5.Aways Persevere

with the breakout of world war, Ferrari's factory was forced to undertake war production for the
government. The factory was bombed twice but was quickly rebuilt and moved to Marinello. From
1945 he started designing the car which would bear his name and founded Ferrari S.P.A in 1947 with
the debut of 125s. In 1950, Ferrari enrolled in the newly brought Formula One World championship
and is the only team to remain continuously present since its introduction. Soon the company had to
start selling sports car to finance various racing competitions.

6.Never quit no matter what the problems are.

In 1956 his son Dino died of muscular dystrophy who at the time was designing the 1500 CC V six
engine. Enzo was devastated and all of Ferrari's V six engines are named Dino in his honour. Enzo
respected his drivers but was known to instigate them against each other in the hope of improved
performance. Between 1955 and 1966, six SF's drivers were killed in car crashes along with several
spectators in various racing competitions. He was tried for manslaughter but was later acquitted. But
the problems were still not over. In 1961 several top engineers and executives resigned because of
the increasing role that his wife Laura was playing in the company. Due to increasing financial
problems, ford offered to buyout the company for $18 million, but in the end moment Enzo refused
fearing that he would lose control over the company's racing program. However, in 1969 Enzo finally
sold 50% of his shares to his rival Fiat so that he could continue focusing on the racing program. Enzo
received several honours and honorary degrees during his long and illustrious career. F 40 was the
last car to be created under him which was unveiled in 1987.Enzo Ferrari died on 14th August 1988
in Maranello at the age of 90, though his death was not made public until two days later to
compensate for the late registration of his birth as had been requested by him. Over the course of
his lifetime, his cars won more than 4000 races and claimed 13 World championship. Ferrari is the
most successful racing team in Formula One and all this is because of Mr. Enzo Ferrari. So, my
friends, if you are passionate about something, work hard persevere and never quit. You'll be
successful for sure.

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