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ARTICLE X exclusively to the Local

Sec 6. Source of Revenue via just
Sec 1. Territorial and Political
share in the national taxes.
Subdivisions Cities, Municipalities,
Determined by law. Automatically
barangays and Autonomous
released to them. Mandanas Case
regions **important**
Sec 2. Local Gov Code, Autonomy
Sec 7. Source of Revenue
of Local Political Autonomy,
Equitable Share in Proceeds from
Administrative Autonomy (Nat’l
utilization and development of
Gov still has measure of control
National Wealth within their
over LGUs) Question: LGUs are
Respective Jurisdictions. Including
given Local Autonomy Local
sharing the same with the
autonomy is the Decentralization
inhabitants by way of Direct
of Power, but there are still powers
that are reserved to the National
Government. Sec 8. Term of elective local
officials (except barangay officials)
Sec. 3 Local Government Code =
shall be three years; no such
Mandate of Congress. Local
official shall serve for more than
Government Code of 1991. LGC
three consecutive terms.
provides for a more accountable
Local Gov structure. Local Officials Sec 9. No question
remain accountable to the National
Sec. 10 No PCMB, may be
Government LGUs cannot pass
CreaDiviMergAbol or it Boundary
ordinances that are contrary to law
substantially altered, XPN:
Sec. 4 very important shows the accordance of criteria in the LGC,
difference between the power of REQ: Must be approved in with a
general supervision plebiscite by registered voters
(majority vote) in the jurisdiction
The Power of General Supervision
who will be affected by the
– The power of a superior officer to
CreaDiviMergAbol or BoundAlter of
oversee lower officers, to perform
the PCMB
their function according to law.
President can discipline local Sec. 11 No question **congress
officials. The President exercises may pass a law that can create a
DIRECT supervision in special metropolitan political
Independent Cities, Autonomous subdivision** MMDA v. Bel-Air
Regions and Provinces. (Charter = (read)
Law that creates the Local
Government Unit)
Sec. 12 Independent Cities – If
To ensure that the acts of their
mentioned in their charter,
component units are within the
prohibits their voters from voting
scope of their prescribed powers
for provincial elective officials.
and functions = Supervision.
Independent Component City -
Sec 5. Source of Revenue via taxes,
fees, and charges. Accrued
Highly Urbanized City – minimum with patriotism and justice, and
Pop of 200k, annual income of at lead modest lives. [MEMORIZE]
least 50 Mil
Article XI: Accountability of the
Sec. 13 No question Public Officers
Sec. 14 No question Concept of
Public Office is the right,
Regional Development Councils
authority, and duty created and
AUTONOMOUS REGIONS conferred by law by which a given
period either fixed by law or
Sec. 15 No Question enduring at the pleasure of the
Sec. 16 in relation to Sec. 4 appointing power.

Sec. 17 No question Nature of Public Office

1.    Public Trust- means Public
Sec. 18 Duty of Congress to come
Office Position should be of
up with an Organic Act (Creates
rendering service to the public.
the Autonomous Region)
2.    Public Office is not a Property-
The creation of the the holder of the office should not
autonomous region is passed when claim that he as the full right and
approved by majority of the votes he owns his position.
cast involving the LGUs and 3.    Public Office is not a
Provinces, Cities, and Contract- anyone being removed
Geographical Areas voting from the office should not blame
favorably shall be included in the the government for any damages
Autonomous Region. he sue after being removed.

Sec. 19 No Question Impeachment –method of national

inquest into the conduct of Public
Sec. 20 No Question Men.
Sec. 21 Preservation of Peace and
Order – duty of the local police Officials to be removed by the
agencies Impeachment
1.    President and Vice-President
Defense and Security – 2.    Member of the Supreme Court
responsibility of the National 3.    Members of the Constitutional
Government Commission
4.    Ombudsman

Grounds for Impeachment
1.    Culpable Violation of the
Constitution- willing to violate the
Sec.1 Public Office is a Public constitution.
Trust. Public officers and 2.    Treason- giving alliances other
employees must, at all times, be than the Republic of the
accountable to the people, serve Philippines.
them with utmost responsibility, 3.    Bribery- accepting gift which
integrity, loyalty and efficiency; act has a certain exchange.
4.    Betrayal of the Public Trust-
loss of the trust of the public and Bar Council to the President.
5.    Other High Crimes Confirmation of the Commission
on Appointment is not needed.
Steps on an Impeachment Trial 2.    Qualifications:
1.    Filling of an Impeachment a.    Natural Born Citizen of the
complain from the House of Philippines
Representatives. b.    Must be 40 years old on the
2.    A required vote f 1/3 of the time of their appointment
Member of House. c.    Must be member of Philippine
3.    Impeachment Trial in the Bar
Senate. d.    Must have a recognized
4.    2/3 vote of the senators to probity and independence
decide the faith of the one being 3.    Term of Office – seven years
impeached. without reappointment in the
Penalty in Impeachment Case
1.    Removal to the Office.
2.    Disqualification to hold any
office in the Republic of the

The Ombudsman (Office of the

Special Prosecutor)
-known as the “Tanodbayan”  
-serves as the WATCHDOG of the
Government Offices and Agencies.

Power of the Ombudsman

1.    Investigate- made an
investigation on a certain complain
against a Government Officials
2.    Prosecute- suggest a solution
to the complain

Composition of the Ombudsman

1.    One Over-all Deputy
2.    One Deputy Ombudsman for
the 3 Major Islands in the
Philippines (Luzon, Visayas,
3.    One Deputy Ombudsman on
the AFP and law enforcing Agency.

Ombudsman Personnel
Appointment and Term of Office
1.    A list of at least 6 candidate
should be passed by the Judicial

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