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Disck Brake Analysis

College of Electrical and

Mechanical Engineering

Group Members:
Sameer Mujeeb 346892
Hasnain Abbas 352966
Sarfaraz Ahmed 349226
PC Hasnain Badar (Improvement) 325245


Heat and Mass Transfer

Submitted Dr. Bilal Anjum

Dated 18/1/2023
In this Project we have done analyses of the disc brake through thermal analysis.
Ansys Software is used for this purpose. The thermal analysis is done by steady state thermal
analysis method. When brakes are applied through brake pads, friction is created at ends of disc
brake which generates heat at that particular area. It then transfer from disc brake through
conduction into air through convection and thus dissipates. A disc brake of 235mm diameter and
15mm thickness is imported on Ansys. The disc has a hollow part at center of 80mm diameter.
Firstly Meshing is done, and then heat is generated at the outer part of disc brake. Initial Values
are assumed and put into the analysis. The part is then solved to find the values of Temperature
at any point inside the disc break and heat flux of the disc brake. The values solved through
Ansys are then verified through Mathematical Analysis. The values generated theoretically were
close to the simulated values error was about 0.51% for temperature and 9.07% for heat flux.

Disc Brakes are the newest technology in brake industry that has
revolutionized the breaking system. It has replaced the Brake Drums due to its faster braking
capability and less heat problems. Disc brake works on the phenomena of fluid Pressure. When
brakes are applied at the handle Pressure is created at small area piston connected to handle
which causes a pressure to exert on the piston of larger area at brake pads thus creating a large
force which can immediately stop a vehicle. The pressure exerts a large force which can be
found through the following formula;
Plever = Pbrake
Flever*Alever = Fbrake * Abrake
Fbrake = (Flever * Alever )/ Abrake
The force Applied at the disc brake end is multiplied many times due to area difference thus
generating a large force.
When brake pads slides against the disc brake friction is generated thus creating heat in return
high temperature at that area connected to brake pads. This heat then dissipates to hollow center.
If the disc has low heat transfer rate then time required for cooling the disc is longer. We have to
analyze whether this Gray Cast Iron Disc Brake has high heat transfer or not. Our main aim is to
analyze its heat dissipation capability.

The material of Disc Brake is Gray Cast Iron. The Disc Brake has an Outer
diameter of 235mm with inner diameter of 80mm. Its thickness is about 15mm. Holes of 15mm
and triangular shapes of 17mm and 20mm are created for ventilation. Model is imported into
Ansys Steady Thermal Analysis. Meshing is done on it having 34371 elements. After Meshing
Initial Conditions are put for temperature and total heat flux analysis. Temperature created due to
friction is assumed to be 100⁰C and ambient temperature to be 22⁰C at which convection
coefficient is 1.24W/m2 ⁰C. After initial conditions are assumed the disc brake is solved for the
temperature and heat flux values. Temperature values turn out to be 100⁰C max and 92⁰C min,
whereas for heat flux its values are 6608.8 W/m2 max and 2.02e-6 W/m2 min. This concludes the
Thermal Analysis.
For Mathematical Analysis, we assumed the Disc brake to be a Hollow Cylinder thus using
equations for it to Verify the results obtained through Ansys. The result obtained through
equation is close to the simulation.

Result and Discussion:

The result obtained through Ansys shows that the Gray cast iron Disc
Brake has low heat transfer rate as shown in the figures but has a bit higher rate through
ventilated holes
Also the result obtained through Mathematical Analysis is close to values of simulation.
The answer for temperature distribution for particular radii comes out to be 98⁰C close to the
simulated value, similarly the value for heat flux is 3744.14 W/m 2. Comparing the simulated
answers with equation there is about 0.51% error in temperature distribution and 9.07% error in
average heat flux.

It is conclude that this Disc brake has low heat flux though hollow part but
increases at ventilated hole. Also results obtained through equations are close and thus the
simulated result is verified theoretically.
Still the heat generated has low heat rate thus require better heat transfer material.

Temperature Distribution Equation;
T=T2 - [((T2-T1)/ln(r2/r1))*ln(r2/ r)]
Temperature at r1 =80mm is T1=92⁰C
Temperature at r2 =200mm is T2=100⁰C
Temperature at r =150mm can be calculated
T=97.5⁰C (Calculated)
T=98⁰C (Simulated)

Error=97.5/98 *100=99.49%
Heat Flux Equation:
q=Q + qcond + qconv
q =ṁCp∆T – (k*2ℿL(∆T))/ln(r1/r2) + hA(Ts-T∞)
∆T= T1-T2 , A=2ℿ(r1 - r2)
T1=100⁰C, T2=92⁰C T∞=22⁰C
r1 =200mm, r2 =92mm
h=1.24 W/m2⁰C, k=40 W/m
Cp = 460

q=3744.14 W/m2
The flux comes out to be 3744.14 W/m2
Which is the average of max and min flux shown in simulation
qmax =6808.8W/m2
qmin =2.02e10-6 W/m2
qavg =3404.4 W/m2 (Simulated)
Error=3404.4/3744.14 *100=90.93%

Material Used:
3D Model:


Initial Condition:
Initial Temperature Condition

Initial Heat Flux Condition

Temperature Distribution

Heat Flux Distribution

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