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Cult : Nutrition
"Fitness is not a destination but a way of living"
About Problem Statement is a health and fitness app envisaging becoming a one-stop
You are a product manager on the growth team of Cultfit. The team has been given a
service for your overall health needs, including workouts, fitness mandate of increasing the monthly revenue. What would be the top initiative you would
programs, yoga, healthy meal kitchens, and mental well-being. It offers drive to achieve this desired outcome? Assume you have infinite tech bandwidth.
services in both online and offline formats

"Building an ecosystem of fitness Revenue Model

and healthcare and making being
Vision Most of the revenue comes from the
healthy easier" Fitness vertical which is ~63% followed by
the vertical which contributes ~35% Health and Fitness ecosystem in the revenue. Others consisted of about
3% of revenue.
Online Fitness Vertical Offline Fitness Vertical

Offline sessions with different workout

Video-based live classes. On-demand Subscription-based model for Health and fitness
fitness sessions, Yoga and meditation, formats Access to different gyms across the
Weight loss transform packages city as per your needs and as per your plans As mentioned before Cult works in two formats online and offline.
Cult consists of different subscription plans giving access to a variety of services
Offline or online.
Eatfit Vertical These services include access to ELITE/PRO gyms, access to unlimited at-home
workouts with calorie trackers and weight loss programs, etc.
Focused on Healthy eating, a food delivery service with its own
Apart from this Cultfit allows you to redeem 2 free trials to group workouts/gyms at
cloud kitchens Eatfit website/Swiggy/Zomato as operational
any of your preferred Cult centers and a 7-day trial for Cult-home subscription plan.

Subscription-based Food delivery model

Cultsport runs cloud kitchens that prepare meals and deliver them according to the service
Apparel and equipment Therapy/Yoga sessions for Healthcare vertical with
People can order as per the time slots of meals (breakfast, dinner, etc.), or they can go
vertical selling cult mental health and well offline clinics and lab
merchandise being testing services
for Eat now option in which the meal is delivered in real-time.
Eat fit also runs a subscription-based meal plan where users can subscribe to meals
weekly or monthly. The meal timetable is flexible and diverse.
User Research on Fitness practices User Survey: Creating the target User Profile 72% 28%
Male Female
Major takeaways from the Survey conducted: 58 responses recieved
User Research consisted of three parts: User Surveys, User interviews,
and Field Studies. While User Surveys gave a good insight into collective Age Demographics The Target user segment Major Activities preferred by our segment:
audience fitness practices, User interviews gave depth into what our 18 - 24 yrs (69%) usually works out more than Sports Activities, working out in a gym and
users face in their fitness journeys. The third method was similar to 25 - 30 yrs (26%) 3-4 times in a week. Eating healthy
usability testing but in this case, it required the interviewee to experience
the user journey along with the User. Top Fitness Goals: Major dropout reasons answered in surveys:
Emotional and Mental wellness (55%) 1) I lack motivation (43%)
User Interviews: Exploring the depth of pain points Eating healthy and muscle-building (43% each) 2) I don't have time to go to gym/classes etc. (34%)
7 user interviews were taken while focusing on their fitness goals and Improve metabolism (34%) 3) I don't know where to start(19%)
their current practices. What are the friction points they face while
targeting those and what they have done to rectify them.
Major pain points users pointed out:
While only 61% of people
"I prefer working out at home as I use the free trial by Cult,
" Group classes feel like they
don't have time to go out and only 33% come back to
are generalizing my fitness "I ordered chole kulche
Youtube is a better and free
level with other people. I just from eatfit once and i take a subscription
alternative for Cultfit. It has a good
started working out and don't was not sure how it was
recommendations and many
want to injure or exhaust contributing to my
influencers/gymnasts as well to
myself on the first day or healthy lifestyle"
guide through which feels more
rather get demotivated"
authentic. 47% of users prefer having
access to personalized
meal plans according to
Field Studies: Cultfit Experience their goals
What users say about not taking/leaving subscription:
Went to Cultfit Gym and Group classes with a friend for 7 days who
took a subscription and was inactive for a while. Within the span of 7 "Changed
"Felt I was better doing 46% of users like to work
days, I analyzed her behavior and emotional status. subscription to a "Going to cult center is out at home with/out
home gym/ using play for
local gym" effort"
football " Virtual trainers.
Positive: From day 1 to day 7 we tried different types of classes and gym
which made it more fun and interactive. "I prefer local gym" "Commitment with the long
"Grew out of it" term subscription, lack of 41% of users like to
Negative: The pace was a bit rushed sometimes. Cannot track how workout in gyms with
"the Centre was 5 kms from my flexibility and high
attending several classes help with the goal which we seek out from Cultfit subscription fees " trainers
place, it became a hassle , so left"
which was also a reason she became irregular before this experiment.
Mapping Business outcomes to Product outcomes Business Outcome
to be targeted

"Increase the Monthly

revenue for Cultfit"

A major source of revenue for Culfit comes from two verticals i.e. Fitness and
Food delivery models. The revenue equations for both of them have been
simplified to identify possible Product outcomes which will directly affect the
Business outcome that we are targeting.

Business Model of Cultfit: It generates recurring revenue by creating a habit of

exercise. The more people use it consistently, the more Cult will grow as a
brand and a business as well. This business strategy is being kept in mind while
diversifying into the equation.

The revenue equation has been divided into two verticals responsible for major
revenue streams. This activity helps us to identify the product outcomes which
can be focused on creating solutions as these outcomes act as a leading
indicator that directly affects the business outcomes. In our case: An increase
in Monthly Revenue. The product outcomes identified (in red boxes) in the
given diagram

As we saw in the User research some of the product outcomes sync with the major takeaways
from the research. The possible solutions for the problem have been created while keeping the
user research and the product outcomes in mind.
Detailed analysis of the problem How do we know its a real problem? Defining the Job to be done
Inspiration: To look after my health and fitness by
"While only 61% of people use the free trial by
working out and eating healthy
Why do we need to solve this problem now? Cult, only 33% come back to take a
Options: Everything is available on Youtube with a lot of
The Fitness and Health industry saw a massive decline in subscription"
information and can be used without fear of wasting any
revenue during COVID. But as things have started getting -Refer to the user survey insights from the previous slide
money. Cult centers or gyms are far from my place so I'd
normal and people returning to gyms and being more health Cult has more than 200 centers all over India and prefer a closer local gym.
conscious, it has become a very important task to focus on according to the ORB52's research report, we get to Pain points: I don't know where to start or how to
user retention and market capture as we can see some know that 70% of Cult centers have less than 300 track my health with enough motivation to
competitors catching up eg. Healthifyme, iFIT, Noom etc. paying users. continue after I have spent my money on it
FY22 has been kind to Cult as everything is coming back to Its largest center in Delhi NCR has 20% occupancy vis
JTBD: When I am looking to work on my health and fitness,
normal as the pandemic recedes. But the increase in revenue a vis its capacity. And as these centers are rented, it
but am not able to due to a lot of workloads and less
has been possible at a loss of approximately 700 Cr. becomes crucial for Cult to manage its revenues
motivation. Please help me in restarting my healthy
coming in to balance it out and eventually start making
Another reason to work on this problem is that the Global practices so that I can improve my lifestyle for good.
Fitness App Market size is expected to grow from $3,312.58
Million in 2019 to $13,016.77 Million by the end of 2025 at a
User Persona
Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 25.61%.

Vijay is a Sr. BA at a fintech firm in Mumbai. He is living with his friends and is a huge travel
enthusiast. He loves to go on treks but due to excess workload, he doesn't get time to
condition his body for the same. He plays football with his colleagues and friends occasionally.

During COVID, he switched to eating healthy and noticed drastic changes in his health and
Vijay Verma, 26 immunity. Post-pandemic he wishes to continue his healthy lifestyle along with hitting the gyms
Mumbai for maintaining a healthy body structure.

Goals Pain Points

Want to keep eating healthy and continue Now that he shifted to Mumbai, away from his parent's house,
his lifestyle like before at home during the eating healthy is a hassle.
Pandemic. He has never been to a gym and doesn't know his way around
Want to hit the gym and work on toning his different gym equipment.
body structure. Doesn't want to spend a lot of money just to discontinue later.
Want a flexible plan which can adjust to his Social connection is very important when it comes to working
work load. out or doing any activity.
Possible Solutions and their prioritization Solution vs
Impact Cult Buddy Cult Nutrition
Cult Buddy : Your Virtual Guide Cult Nutrition analysis
Medium High
An AI powered Virtual Guide based on user Creating a Nutrition profile by planning (Reach is high as this solution is
their meals. Reach (Reach is less as the solution
information available to all the users
caters to users going to the
Offering this solution as a separate subscription irrespective of the type of workout
gym/group Centre)
Personalization is the key when it comes to an they choose.)
plan and included in ELITE and pro plans as well.
activity that is completely user driven. High Medium
Creating a meal recommendation model with the Impact on
Understanding the fitness level of the user when (Increased orders for
help of preferences of what type of food the user Business
(It solves for the major dropout
they get onboarded and suggesting workouts reason due to the lack of vertical bringing additional
prefers. Profiling a user based on gender, the calorie
based on their goals and the pace in which they outcomes motivation in users) revenue along with Cult
range they want to consume, diet preferences, Nutrition plans)
want to achieve it.
supplement preferences, etc. High
Guide the user on what are the type of exercises Low
Create a plan for a day/week where the user has (The solution requires the user
or workout regime they can follow along with an (No other competitor provides
the flexibility to shuffle from their favorite meals. Confidence to look into the app again and a Nutrition plan as per the
option of tracking their growth according to their
Cross-selling by nudging the user to pre-order their again while working out which user's preferences as of now)
goals. might become irritable)
meals from Eatfit or giving a DIY option.
A question-answer board with top nutritionists. The business effort will be
Pain points which it will solve Business comparatively less as the Cook at
Business effort will be required
Pain points which it will solve Viability home section catalog already
A guided experience will help the users feel to create ML models and
provides DIY recipes and
After the pandemic has receded, people have preparing workout segments
comfortable and being able to work out properly will vertical can be integrated for meal
started focusing on their health and immunity for proper recommendations
give them a confidence boost on the day 1 itself. This pre-order.
levels. People dont know what kind of food is
is the start of creating a healthy habit which Cult is Assumption: Tech
required to maintain a balanced diet and how a
looking for. bandwidth is taken as Both of the solutions help the users in their own
person can achieve their nutritional goals by Indian infinite
Validating the solution diet consumption which is a major pain point. way and are impacting the product outcomes
Validating the solution identified in previous slides such as helping with
As per the surveys and interviews, with 50%
User survey suggests one of the top three fitness Cult the retention rate, conversion of users from trial
responses, the topmost dropout reason for the users
goals for people is to Eat healthily and improve Nutrition users to subscribers, increasing cross-selling
is that they lack motivation and do not know where to
start. Users don't feel assured of what they are doing their metabolism. Users feel they don't have channels for Eatfit vertical, etc.
is correct thus they drop out of it. enough knowledge about food and their nutritional
value. But as per the prioritization, we are going ahead with Cult Nutrition as
the winning solution as it will attract a new segment of users who are
more focused on their nutritional needs and immunity while
Confidence boost Engagement Guided Experience impacting current users as well
Wellness Balanced diet Social experience
Solution Chosen: Cult Nutrition Steps taken for creating a MVP for the chosen solution

Feature brainstorming and High level Wireframes Listed down the needs of the customer and jobs to be done to get a rough idea of what features will
be needed for MVP
Created user journey on pen and paper and then iterated on High level wireframe using Figma
Mind mapping

Cult Nutrition will be provided as a separate subscription

plan and as a part of the Cult ELITE and PRO subscriptions
along with a 7-day trial mode.

Cult NUTRITION is solving the major pain point for the users. The ability
to understand one's nutrition profile. Eating healthy is now the most
important priority for users post-pandemic. Immunity building seems
to be the need of the hour.

Create a Nutrition profile

Once you have the access to
Nutrition subscription or trail
access. the users will be
taken for a profile creation

Users need to enter details

such as age, height weight,
fitness goals, etc. This data is
configured to calculate the
calorie range which the user
can consume as per the
goals decided by them.

The Logic created for solutions is based on limited knowledge about nutritional needs.
In a real-life scenario, this must be done with a thorough consultation with a
Professional Nutritionist, and changes to the algorithms/logic be made accordingly
DIY menu or The DIY menu and preorder options below the meals give the option to a user to either see a
preorder DIY recipe or to pre-order it through Eatfit vertical(cross-selling). They can complete the
Section A: Feed options
transaction by going to the cart and completing the order.
Feed will allow the users to have a community-like
experience where the users can post about their meal prep
and healthy lifestyle. Sharing meal prep has become quite a
trend on Instagram stories and thus giving users a channel
for the same would catalyze it. Calorie
intake in
today's meal


Eat fit cross


Section C: Nutrition profile

The profile section displays the users about their
consumption trends. Other components like FAQs and
suggestions can be added according to the
consumption trends of the user.
Section B: Meal planning
Users can see the calendar and the meal which
has been planned for the day. They can select a Section B: Meal planning
date on the calendar to plan a meal for that While planning for next meals the user will have the option for filtering their diet. A shuffle button has
date or select an option for planning the whole been given to the users to help them to find what they want to eat. Option of adding more meal types
week like pre workout has been given as well.
Performance Metrics and System Design User Value realization through this solution

NSM For Business:

Revenue generated by pre-order from the Nutrition vertical
(North Star Metric) For users: Attracting new user segment
Changes in their lifestyle Adding to the vision of creating a Health
Immunity building ecosystem.
NSM supporting
No. of users taking a subscription plan for Cult Nutrition Creating healthy eating habits Decreasing acquisition costs through cross

Activation 1. No. of users who complete the Nutrition profile creation form.
Metrics 2. No. of users taking a 7-day free trial for the Cult NUTRITION plan.. System design
User perspective Business perspective

1. No. of users planning at least one meal for a

1. Daily/Monthly Active users
2. No. of pre-orders being created using the
Engagement 2. No.of users pre-ordering at least one meal
meal planner.
Metrics from their meal planning.
3. No. of users buying the subscription plan
3. No. of users posting on the feed about their
for Cult Nutrition.
meal preps or lifestyle
4. Percentage of ELITE and PRO members
4. No. of users liking/commenting on other posts
using the Nutrition section.
in the feed.

Retention Metrics Tech health Metrics

1. No. of users planning meals for more

1. The time taken to shuffle the meals from the catalog is too much.
than a week.
2. Filter Changes not getting updated in real-time.
2. No of users renewing their monthly plans.

Second order Consequences What can be done?

The calorie range is decided by taking the user's goals
Use of in-app notifications to make the user understand
into consideration. The calorie intake chart generated
the importance of steady improvements in case of healthy
creates a negative impact on the user in case they cross
living and using optimistic language by showing the
the calorie intake limit. This can demotivate them to drop
off from the app.

Essentially making the users believe that

"Fitness is not a destination but a way of living"

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