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Daily Lesson Plan School Placement 1

All subjects (excluding Gaeilge)

*Complete all sections in Calibri font 11. Do not alter any headings/aspects of this template
Date: 11/04/2019 Subject: Art Time: 13.20 Duration of Lesson: 35 Mins Class: 1st Class
Number of Pupils: 16
Weekly Theme: Animals
Strand(s): Paint and colour
Strand Unit(s)/Element(s) (Underline one): Painting
Content Objective(s)/Learning Outcome(s) (Underline one): Explore colour with a variety of materials and media
Learning Objectives:
1. The child should be enabled to draw an easter bunny on the work sheet by joining the dots

2. The child should be enabled to add features to the bunny from prior knowledge

3. The child should be enabled to use different paint colours for the colouring of their animal

1. Method (observation or teacher task): Teacher observation
2. Assessment of: Child’s ability to explore colour while painting their bunny cut out
3. To be recorded (assessment notebook/checklist): Assessment notebook
Teacher Questioning:
Lower order questions
1. Have you ever seen a bunny rabbit before? Where?
2. Have any of you ever had a pet rabbit?
3. What colours are you going to use for your bunny rabbit?
Higher order questions
1. What features would you find on a bunny rabbit?
2. Where might you see a bunny rabbit?

Language Development opportunities in this lesson: New words: features,

Literacy Development opportunities in this lesson:
Teaching Methodologies: (Underline where relevant)

 Talk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.

 Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work.
 Active Learning: hands on experience.
 Skills Through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring,
analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating.
 Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.
 Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situations
Daily Lesson Plan School Placement 1
All subjects (excluding Gaeilge)
*Complete all sections in Calibri font 11. Do not alter any headings/aspects of this template
 I will show the children a picture of a bunny rabbit painting.
 I will then tell the children that for today’s art lesson, we will be drawing our very own bunny rabbit, and
painting it afterwards.
 I will inform them that I want to see a variety of different colours being used.
 I will hand out worksheets and inform the class to use their pencil to draw the outline of the bunny rabbit.
 Once they have drawn the outline they must begin painting their rabbit.
 I will then inform them that they are to use a variety of colours, and they can also mix two colours together to
make a new colour, i.e. red and yellow to make orange.
 They also have the option of leaving some parts uncoloured, such as white patches on the ears or mouth.
 I will also give them the option of stapling/glueing a second sheet of white paper below the rabbit if they would
like to draw additional elements such as grass and flowers.

Cognitive: I will ask the children about their paintings and why they chose the colours they used.
Social: I will inform the children to put their paintings to one side of the class and get ready for the next lesson.
State how (identify at least one of the following: Content, Activities, Resources) and state for whom (include pupil
initials as relevant)
DM, RH and HR will be assisted throughout the lesson.

Differentiation method(s) used (Please tick as appropriate)

Content x
Activities X
Resources x

Blank pages
Interactive whiteboard
Paint brushes
Paint trays
Water jars
Worksheets (bunny dot to dot)
Daily Lesson Plan School Placement 1
All subjects (excluding Gaeilge)
*Complete all sections in Calibri font 11. Do not alter any headings/aspects of this template

Linkage within subject + Date(s):

Linkage and Integration across the curriculum + Date(s):

Record of Assessment (Not to be completed here): This section is to be hand-written in your assessment notebook and
on a checklist (as relevant) during/after the lesson has been taught. Report on the findings and interpretation of the
assessment of each lesson objective. Include information on specific children (initials only) as relevant.

Action Plan for future lesson(s) (Complete below). Based on the lesson taught and completed record of assessment,
create an action plan below which will inform future planning and teaching.

Version: October 2018

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