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Exercise 1: Write the missing letter

l _ on Kang_r_o P_nda G_ra_fe

Tig_r P_ng_in Hi_ _o Ze_ra

Sn_k_ D__r M _ nkey Sp_der

Exercise 2: Read and tick or cross (x)

Can: có thể
Can’t = can not: Không thể
Kangaroos can hop Monkey can’t climb Penguin can swim Zebra can’t walk

Tiger can fly Snake can crawl Panda can’t climb Hippo can run

Exercise 3: Write has or have

1. Monkey ___________ long tail.

2. Penguins __________short arms.

3. Hippo _________big legs.

4. Giraffes __________ a high neck.

5. Kangaroos __________ long legs

6. Turtle ________ a hard shell

Exercise 4: Read and write

Yes, it can No, it can’t
Yes, they can No, they can’t

Can kangaroos hop? Can a tiger fly? Can hippo run? Can panda sing?

……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ………………………

Can monkey climb? Can a penguin swim? Can a turtle crawl? Can Zebra walk?

……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ………………………

Exercise 5: Read and write the missing letter

A: Does a kangaroo have long legs?
B: Yes, it does
A: Do kangaroos have a short tail?
B: No, they don’t

A: _________ Penguins have short arms? A: _______turtle have a hard shell?

B: _____________________________ B: __________________________

A: ________ Hippo have small legs? A: ________monkeys have a short tail?

B: _____________________________ B: ____________________________

A: _______ Giraffes have a high neck? A: ___________ snake have small eyes?

B: ______________________________ B: _____________________________

Exercise 6: Read and match

1. What do hippo have? a. It can crawl 1 - …….
2. Do giraffes have a high neck? b. No, they can’t 2 - …….
3. What does turtle can? c. It has big legs 3 - …….
4. Can pandas sing? d. No, I don’t 4 - …….
5. Do you like monkey? e. Yes, it can 5 - …….
6. Can penguin swim? f. Yes, they do 6 - …….

Exercise 7: Put the words in the correct order to make sentences

1) Giraffes – high neck – have
2) I – like – don’t – hippo
3) penguin – Can – crawl - ?
4) have – Does – small – snake – eyes - ?
5) What – can – turtle – does - ?
Exercise 8: Circle the odd one out
A. kangaroos B. monkey C. swim D. penguin

A. tail B. penguin C. neck D. eye

A. hop B. fly C. crawl D. tail

A. monkey B. red C. green D. blue

Exercise 9: Find the missing letter

1. Do a kangaroo have long legs ________________________
2 . Hippo have big legs ________________________
3. What do turtle can? ________________________
4. Do giraffes have a high neck? ________________________
5. Do you likes monkey? ________________________
6. A: Do kangaroos have a short tail? ________________________
B: No, they do.
Exercise 10: True or Flase
Hi, I'm Tibo. Today, I went with my parents to the
zoo. Here, there are many animals. I like panda very
much. It's quite fat. It has short legs. The eyes are
small and round. Panda love to eat bamboo. It can
climb trees and swing on them. I hope everyone
likes pandas because they're so cute

1. Tibo likes panda very much. __________________

2. Panda have long legs __________________
3. Panda love to eat fish __________________
4. It can climb trees and swing on them. __________________
5. Tibo hopes people don't like pandas because they're ugly __________________

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