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850 [Music]
00:00:06.000~00:00:07.680 this is not an hour anyone should be
00:00:07.680~00:00:08.559 awake | this is not an hour anyone should be
00:00:08.559~00:00:13.200 ever and here i am | awake
00:00:14.000~00:00:17.359 all right let's get ready it's quarter
00:00:17.359~00:00:18.480 possible | all right let's get ready it's quarter
00:00:20.720~00:00:21.920 radio show
00:00:21.920~00:00:24.960 which means i'll be laughing and it will | radio show
00:00:26.560~00:00:31.439 and then you'll forget outside your
00:00:31.439~00:00:33.760 i just go straight on i mean if you | and then you'll
forget outside your
00:00:35.280~00:00:37.600 minutes
00:00:39.280~00:00:42.320 okay let's go
00:00:43.280~00:00:46.559 i'm roman kemp i'm a radio dj and a tv
00:00:46.559~00:00:47.280 presenter | i'm roman kemp i'm a radio dj and a tv
00:00:50.079~00:00:51.120 years
00:00:51.120~00:00:54.320 from doing i'm a celeb | years
00:00:54.960~00:00:57.120 to presenting the new year's fireworks
00:00:57.120~00:00:58.160 happy new year | to presenting the new year's
00:01:02.960~00:01:06.240 every weekday morning at 6 a.m
00:01:06.240~00:01:08.159 it's an amazing thing to be able to say | every
weekday morning at 6 a.m
00:01:09.760~00:01:11.680 millions of people which is you know
00:01:11.680~00:01:12.880 it's a very privileged | millions of people which is
you know
00:01:16.320~00:01:17.759 just thinking how can we make people
00:01:17.759~00:01:19.680 laugh how can we entertain people and | just thinking
how can we make people
00:01:22.320~00:01:24.560 wear a big smile on my face
00:01:24.560~00:01:26.720 but i'm also aware that life isn't | wear a big smile
on my face
00:01:28.880~00:01:30.880 like a lot of people in my generation i
00:01:30.880~00:01:34.240 struggle with my mental health | like a lot of people
in my generation i
00:01:34.799~00:01:37.520 it's been a hard year for everyone but
00:01:37.520~00:01:38.960 i'm talking about this now | it's been a hard year
for everyone but
00:01:42.240~00:01:45.360 in august 2020 six months into the
00:01:45.360~00:01:46.399 pandemic | in august 2020 six months into the
00:01:50.320~00:01:53.439 and unexpectedly i had no idea he was
00:01:53.439~00:01:55.439 struggling | and unexpectedly i had no idea he was
00:01:58.079~00:01:58.960 over three
00:01:58.960~00:02:01.680 quarters of men feel unable to confide | over three
00:02:03.119~00:02:05.840 about their problems it isn't just a
00:02:05.840~00:02:07.520 coincidence | about their problems it isn't just a
00:02:10.800~00:02:14.800 found seven other men
00:02:14.800~00:02:18.319 joe's age in that situation | found seven other men
00:02:19.760~00:02:22.400 found why are so
00:02:22.400~00:02:24.560 many young men losing their lives like | found why
are so
00:02:25.599~00:02:27.440 and why aren't they talking to their
00:02:27.440~00:02:29.440 friends | and why aren't they talking to their
00:02:29.440~00:02:37.840 that's what i have to figure out | friends
00:02:47.920~00:02:50.720 this is where i first met joe seven
00:02:50.720~00:02:51.760 years ago | this is where i first met joe seven
00:02:54.160~00:02:55.440 gigs and i was
00:02:55.440~00:02:58.400 bricking it joe was the producer he was | gigs and i
00:03:00.480~00:03:03.360 i could tell that day they he'd drawn
00:03:03.360~00:03:04.560 the short straw | i could tell that day they he'd
00:03:06.879~00:03:08.480 new kid can you just
00:03:08.480~00:03:10.800 just go and like do this bit with him | new kid can
you just
00:03:12.800~00:03:14.000 oh my god
00:03:14.000~00:03:16.800 like why am i stuck with the newbie why | oh my god
00:03:17.760~00:03:19.920 the celebrity kid you know i mean like
00:03:19.920~00:03:21.360 that i knew it | the celebrity kid you know i mean
00:03:23.680~00:03:25.200 feel that
00:03:25.200~00:03:27.599 no matter what happened that day it was | feel that
00:03:29.200~00:03:31.040 ridiculous it was
00:03:31.040~00:03:32.560 we're doing the job we're getting it | ridiculous it
00:03:35.440~00:03:38.799 we clicked straight away and since then
00:03:38.799~00:03:40.879 we spent pretty much every single day | we clicked
straight away and since then
00:03:42.159~00:03:43.200 you know we were going out we were
00:03:43.200~00:03:44.799 talking to the biggest celebrities on | you know we
were going out we were
00:03:46.159~00:03:48.959 film junkets and i'd be sat here talking
00:03:48.959~00:03:49.280 to | film junkets and i'd be sat here talking
00:03:52.319~00:03:54.239 right next to me by my feet holding a
00:03:54.239~00:03:56.080 microphone up like this is joe just | right next to
me by my feet holding a
00:03:56.959~00:03:59.920 making sure we get the content always my
00:03:59.920~00:04:00.720 career | making sure we get the content always my
00:04:02.640~00:04:04.560 with him side by side hand in hand the
00:04:04.560~00:04:06.560 whole way | with him side by side hand in hand the
00:04:08.400~00:04:10.319 that you know not only had i lucked out
00:04:10.319~00:04:11.439 not only did i have | that you know not only had i
lucked out
00:04:12.799~00:04:15.519 doing it with my best mate next to me
00:04:15.519~00:04:19.199 and that's special mouth open yeah | doing it with my
best mate next to me
00:04:19.199~00:04:23.359 really ready yeah | and that's special mouth open
00:04:24.560~00:04:27.360 i don't have a brother i have a sister i
00:04:27.360~00:04:28.960 have harley who who is | i don't have a brother i
have a sister i
00:04:32.479~00:04:35.919 but i never had that person that i could
00:04:35.919~00:04:39.440 rinse stupid resting faces | but i never had that
person that i could
00:04:42.080~00:04:43.840 football
00:04:43.840~00:04:46.639 i had my mates but never had that that | football
00:04:47.120~00:04:50.160 kind of feeling and
00:04:50.160~00:04:51.919 for me joe was the first person that i | kind of
feeling and
00:04:54.840~00:04:57.840 huh
00:05:03.710~00:05:06.779 [Music]
00:05:08.320~00:05:10.080 it's his voice that's the thing that
00:05:10.080~00:05:12.400 like i want reminding of | it's his voice that's the
thing that
00:05:15.520~00:05:17.039 about a [ __ ] there at work or i'm just
00:05:17.039~00:05:20.080 feeling a bit down | about a [ __ ] there at work or
i'm just
00:05:21.360~00:05:25.520 just miss him
00:05:25.520~00:05:28.639 i just missed my mate | just miss him
00:05:32.400~00:05:35.440 this was our last day out
00:05:35.440~00:05:37.120 a club i'm common it was one of the | this was our
last day out
00:05:39.039~00:05:41.919 outside and we could all socialize again
00:05:41.919~00:05:43.280 and i remember him being really excited | outside and
we could all socialize again
00:05:44.000~00:05:45.120 everyone meeting up when we took the
00:05:45.120~00:05:48.800 football and it's trying to skill that | everyone
meeting up when we took the
00:05:50.840~00:05:53.039 sunburnt
00:05:53.039~00:05:56.080 but the reality is | sunburnt
00:05:57.680~00:05:58.880 at this point it would have been
00:05:58.880~00:06:00.080 struggling with something that's the | at this point
it would have been
00:06:02.560~00:06:04.720 and that's what's so scary when i tell
00:06:04.720~00:06:06.960 you you can't see it like you can't see | and that's
what's so scary when i tell
00:06:06.960~00:06:09.120 it | you you can't see it like you can't see
00:06:19.440~00:06:22.960 the day that we found out started
00:06:22.960~00:06:26.720 like any other day i went to the radio | the day that
we found out started
00:06:28.160~00:06:31.919 thing i noticed was joe wasn't there
00:06:31.919~00:06:34.720 the show went on and got five minutes | thing i
noticed was joe wasn't there
00:06:36.240~00:06:39.120 um let me know you're okay mate and at
00:06:39.120~00:06:39.840 this point | um let me know you're okay mate and at
00:06:39.840~00:06:44.080 genuinely i'm thinking he's overslept | this point
00:06:44.240~00:06:47.520 and then it started to get worrying
00:06:47.520~00:06:50.000 the gap between 7 to 7 30 the mood went | and then it
started to get worrying
00:06:51.520~00:06:54.720 sirius and one of my producers went to
00:06:54.720~00:06:57.520 joe's house to check on him | sirius and one of my
producers went to
00:07:00.479~00:07:02.720 producer then came into the room
00:07:02.720~00:07:05.599 and she says to me | producer then came into the room
00:07:05.840~00:07:08.720 he's in the house
00:07:11.680~00:07:14.000 and
00:07:14.800~00:07:17.840 i knew
00:07:20.080~00:07:22.960 and i said um
00:07:26.160~00:07:31.840 i said is he gone
00:07:33.280~00:07:35.919 she said yeah
00:07:39.199~00:07:45.840 she said he's gone
00:07:51.360~00:07:54.560 it takes three minutes for me
00:07:54.560~00:07:58.560 to run from my house to his house | it takes three
minutes for me
00:08:00.879~00:08:02.800 get there
00:08:02.800~00:08:05.840 had i known something was happening | get there
00:08:05.840~00:08:09.280 three minutes away from me | had i known something
was happening
00:08:09.840~00:08:13.840 part of my world was completely ending
00:08:20.350~00:08:23.569 [Music]
00:08:24.000~00:08:26.160 i spent every day with joe and didn't
00:08:26.160~00:08:27.520 see any signs | i spent every day with joe and didn't
00:08:30.879~00:08:32.880 i want to know if any of our mates
00:08:32.880~00:08:35.360 clocked anything | i want to know if any of our mates
00:08:36.959~00:08:39.599 friends who became close to joe as well
00:08:39.599~00:08:43.440 there he is no i could | friends who became close to
joe as well
00:08:45.920~00:08:47.279 of groups of guys
00:08:47.279~00:08:49.680 experts at disguising how we're feeling | of groups
of guys
00:08:51.760~00:08:55.120 this whole situation was
00:08:55.120~00:08:57.200 the last game of football that we played | this whole
situation was
00:08:58.399~00:09:00.720 yeah happiest man in the world scored a
00:09:00.720~00:09:02.080 hat-trick it's called a hat-trick and | yeah happiest
man in the world scored a
00:09:03.040~00:09:03.839 bagged the hat-trick
00:09:03.839~00:09:07.360 no absolutely that is carnage | bagged the hat-trick
00:09:09.600~00:09:11.279 he had a lot of abilities football not
00:09:11.279~00:09:11.839 one of them | he had a lot of abilities football not
00:09:14.560~00:09:15.920 happy-go-lucky
00:09:15.920~00:09:19.120 people i knew if you said let's go to | happy-go-
00:09:20.959~00:09:22.080 he's like yeah right
00:09:22.080~00:09:23.920 let's go i'm booking a train i don't | he's like yeah
00:09:25.920~00:09:27.200 saddens me now like
00:09:27.200~00:09:29.680 a really like deep conversation with him | saddens me
now like
00:09:31.279~00:09:33.040 thought he was
00:09:33.040~00:09:34.880 great yeah because he was always so | thought he was
00:09:37.200~00:09:41.360 friendly and i guess in that respect
00:09:41.360~00:09:42.959 there's a little bit of regret there but | friendly
and i guess in that respect
00:09:45.200~00:09:48.399 something we've got to deal with
00:09:49.120~00:09:51.440 it's hard hearing that none of us really
00:09:51.440~00:09:54.000 had that chat with joe | it's hard hearing that none
of us really
00:09:55.839~00:09:57.600 on behind his amazing
00:09:57.600~00:10:01.120 happy persona is our situation unique or | on behind
his amazing
00:10:02.880~00:10:04.399 conversations
00:10:04.399~00:10:07.120 if not there must be so many young men |
00:10:08.399~00:10:11.760 going through what joe was alone
00:10:11.760~00:10:13.360 to get a sense of the scale of the | going through
what joe was alone
00:10:18.079~00:10:20.640 of increasing demand here the nhs have
00:10:20.640~00:10:22.399 partnered with the police to create a | of increasing
demand here the nhs have
00:10:23.279~00:10:26.399 emergency service
00:10:26.560~00:10:29.040 the team's calls come in via 999
00:10:29.040~00:10:30.320 concerned loved ones | the team's calls come in via
00:10:30.320~00:10:33.839 or people themselves in crisis | concerned loved ones
00:10:34.640~00:10:37.519 a young male 16 years of age has rung in
00:10:37.519~00:10:38.560 stating | a young male 16 years of age has rung in
00:10:40.640~00:10:42.640 he wants to die and said his life's
00:10:42.640~00:10:45.279 [ __ ] that's it that's that's his comment | he wants
to die and said his life's
00:10:47.040~00:10:48.880 more people have experienced the mental
00:10:48.880~00:10:50.720 health crisis during the coronavirus | more people
have experienced the mental
00:10:51.440~00:10:53.760 than ever previously recorded there's a
00:10:53.760~00:10:56.320 suicide risk for a 13 year old just | than ever
previously recorded there's a
00:10:57.760~00:11:00.160 is that a rare thing that young there's
00:11:00.160~00:11:02.240 definitely more younger people coming | is that a
rare thing that young there's
00:11:04.000~00:11:05.279 the moment
00:11:05.279~00:11:07.519 13 is very young i think the the | the moment
00:11:09.279~00:11:11.920 oh my god yeah they made an attempt and
00:11:11.920~00:11:12.880 i made an attempt | oh my god yeah they made an
attempt and
00:11:16.160~00:11:17.040 more and more that
00:11:17.040~00:11:20.880 kids teenagers are making these comments | more and
more that
00:11:22.240~00:11:24.320 nottinghamshire police
00:11:24.320~00:11:26.079 hi i've been called about concerns for |
nottinghamshire police
00:11:28.640~00:11:30.160 i'm just going to see if i can help you
00:11:30.160~00:11:32.880 in any way i'd say about 90 | i'm just going to see
if i can help you
00:11:35.040~00:11:36.959 suicides are males
00:11:36.959~00:11:39.839 wow a lot will be relationship | suicides are males
00:11:41.200~00:11:43.360 feeling like they've let the parents or
00:11:43.360~00:11:45.120 the partners down | feeling like they've let the
parents or
00:11:46.320~00:11:49.200 should be in life a lot worried that the
00:11:49.200~00:11:50.720 friends are really confident and | should be in life
a lot worried that the
00:11:52.560~00:11:53.920 are and they're not going to have that
00:11:53.920~00:11:56.160 in their life and | are and they're not going to have
00:11:57.839~00:12:00.560 employment okay
00:12:00.560~00:12:03.600 and what have you taken | employment okay
00:12:05.279~00:12:07.680 okay
00:12:09.600~00:12:11.360 we need to we need to get an ambulance
00:12:11.360~00:12:14.160 to you really don't we | we need to we need to get an
00:12:16.639~00:12:18.720 bye-bye
00:12:18.720~00:12:21.120 so we need to get moving quite quickly | bye-bye
00:12:21.920~00:12:25.839 yeah we'll go find him
00:12:28.399~00:12:31.360 when you're arriving at a situation like
00:12:31.360~00:12:32.399 this | when you're arriving at a situation like
00:12:34.079~00:12:35.600 you're going to say or
00:12:35.600~00:12:38.800 um i always just try to talk to people | you're going
to say or
00:12:40.800~00:12:41.920 though quite
00:12:41.920~00:12:45.200 informal putting them at you people that | though
00:12:46.079~00:12:47.760 they can change so quickly so you've
00:12:47.760~00:12:50.240 just always got to be prepared | they can change so
quickly so you've
00:12:50.240~00:12:53.839 i believe we're here | just always got to be prepared
00:13:00.720~00:13:04.800 it is so intense i've been here for
00:13:04.800~00:13:07.440 four hours and there's a 13 year old boy | it is so
intense i've been here for
00:13:10.480~00:13:14.800 a 31 year old man 16 year old boy
00:13:14.800~00:13:18.000 there's constantly someone that they're | a 31 year
old man 16 year old boy
00:13:18.959~00:13:22.720 rush to and help before it's too late
00:13:27.440~00:13:30.320 how was it and made quite a serious
00:13:30.320~00:13:32.320 attempt on his life this evening | how was it and
made quite a serious
00:13:33.839~00:13:35.279 better now he's got a lot of future
00:13:35.279~00:13:36.079 planning | better now he's got a lot of future
00:13:37.200~00:13:38.880 so he's agreed for the ambulance to come
00:13:38.880~00:13:40.399 back and check him out and they're | so he's agreed
for the ambulance to come
00:13:43.440~00:13:45.760 referral to the local mental health team
00:13:45.760~00:13:48.079 to contact him one day so they'll be | referral to
the local mental health team
00:13:50.320~00:13:52.480 it's been a busy night they've kept this
00:13:52.480~00:13:53.360 person safe | it's been a busy night they've kept
00:13:55.120~00:13:57.680 for ongoing mental health support
00:13:57.680~00:13:59.680 i was so shocked to hear the ages of | for ongoing
mental health support
00:14:03.120~00:14:04.800 i thought our friendship group was young
00:14:04.800~00:14:06.800 to be dealing with the loss of joe | i thought our
friendship group was young
00:14:06.800~00:14:11.920 but tragically teenage suicide rates are | to be
dealing with the loss of joe
00:14:14.839~00:14:17.839 rising
00:14:19.680~00:14:21.440 i'm in northern ireland which is the
00:14:21.440~00:14:24.160 highest suicide rates in the uk | i'm in northern
ireland which is the
00:14:26.639~00:14:28.480 likely to take their own life here
00:14:28.480~00:14:31.680 as they are in england i want to find | likely to
take their own life here
00:14:33.199~00:14:34.959 to help the boys and young men who have
00:14:34.959~00:14:38.399 been affected by suicide | to help the boys and young
men who have
00:14:38.639~00:14:41.760 hello lads hey good to meet you how are
00:14:41.760~00:14:43.279 you | hello lads hey good to meet you how are
00:14:47.279~00:14:49.680 lost their best mate carl two months
00:14:49.680~00:14:50.639 into lockdown | lost their best mate carl two months
00:14:54.639~00:14:56.160 so i mean i guess today i just i just
00:14:56.160~00:14:58.000 wanted to know more about about | so i mean i guess
today i just i just
00:15:00.800~00:15:02.639 he's always playing up in school
00:15:02.639~00:15:04.560 in terms of the friend group was he me | he's always
playing up in school
00:15:06.800~00:15:09.040 always brought like happy energy always
00:15:09.040~00:15:10.560 messed about you could go in the school | always
brought like happy energy always
00:15:12.720~00:15:13.680 come in and just
00:15:13.680~00:15:14.959 bring up your whole day do you know what | come in
and just
00:15:17.839~00:15:19.360 one of the things i kind of want to know
00:15:19.360~00:15:22.079 about is is what it's | one of the things i kind of
want to know
00:15:24.880~00:15:27.279 know growing up in an area
00:15:27.279~00:15:30.079 where you know that you know suicide is | know
growing up in an area
00:15:31.120~00:15:33.279 prevalent thing it seems to be as big as
00:15:33.279~00:15:35.199 it as ever been | prevalent thing it seems to be as
big as
00:15:37.440~00:15:39.360 just heard in the recent week
00:15:39.360~00:15:41.519 and you're just wondering like are we | just heard in
the recent week
00:15:42.800~00:15:43.440 we can do
00:15:43.440~00:15:45.600 what is it that you heard in this week | we can do
00:15:47.199~00:15:50.560 someone in my school again
00:15:50.560~00:15:52.079 said yeah so that was this week | someone in my
school again
00:15:54.720~00:15:57.199 wow does it scare you that it is such a
00:15:57.199~00:15:58.079 prevalent thing | wow does it scare you that it is
such a
00:16:00.320~00:16:01.920 who who's going to be next
00:16:01.920~00:16:03.680 it's like every time i call our dad i | who who's
going to be next
00:16:05.680~00:16:08.399 just pop our paranoid wake up check my
00:16:08.399~00:16:09.519 phone straight away because i don't want | just pop
our paranoid wake up check my
00:16:10.959~00:16:13.199 again
00:16:14.320~00:16:17.199 a local charity lighthouse supported by
00:16:17.199~00:16:18.160 comic relief | a local charity lighthouse supported
00:16:20.000~00:16:23.040 suicide in north belfast hello
00:16:23.040~00:16:25.920 hello they work with suicidal people as | suicide in
north belfast hello
00:16:27.440~00:16:30.000 lost someone
00:16:30.480~00:16:33.360 what's the work that you guys do when
00:16:33.360~00:16:35.040 you know you've got a group of | what's the work that
you guys do when
00:16:37.680~00:16:39.279 one of their friends has taken their own
00:16:39.279~00:16:40.959 life well that individual group with | one of their
friends has taken their own
00:16:42.959~00:16:44.399 then of
00:16:44.399~00:16:47.680 of harm or you know ultimately | then of
00:16:50.000~00:16:51.839 in with preventative measures around
00:16:51.839~00:16:52.160 that | in with preventative measures around
00:16:54.639~00:16:56.240 and normalize these feelings
00:16:56.240~00:16:59.600 yeah of owning their grief | and normalize these
00:17:01.440~00:17:02.639 their their pain
00:17:02.639~00:17:04.959 yeah but working through it knowing that | their
their pain
00:17:06.480~00:17:08.480 when people say to me young man don't
00:17:08.480~00:17:10.319 they don't do this type of stuff i say | when people
say to me young man don't
00:17:10.720~00:17:13.280 provide the space do it well and
00:17:13.280~00:17:14.720 actually the results | provide the space do it well
00:17:17.760~00:17:19.360 have lost someone close to them to
00:17:19.360~00:17:20.160 suicide | have lost someone close to them to
00:17:22.799~00:17:24.319 lighthouse have been helping carl's
00:17:24.319~00:17:25.199 school friends | lighthouse have been helping carl's
00:17:26.959~00:17:28.960 four months and this evening
00:17:28.960~00:17:31.200 they've invited me to join their session | four
months and this evening
00:17:32.640~00:17:33.600 a week before
00:17:33.600~00:17:35.360 and i was like can't wait to see you | a week before
00:17:37.280~00:17:37.520 up
00:17:37.520~00:17:39.360 and stuff expect him to get the message | up
00:17:40.799~00:17:42.320 that was my last message him and then
00:17:42.320~00:17:44.240 he's gone nice what i mean | that was my last message
him and then
00:17:45.440~00:17:47.120 know yourself what the feeds like does
00:17:47.120~00:17:48.720 that helplessness that you can't yeah | know yourself
what the feeds like does
00:17:50.480~00:17:52.960 that constant coming to terms with
00:17:52.960~00:17:55.520 this is real and this has happened when | that
constant coming to terms with
00:17:56.960~00:17:58.880 i felt like it was there was a good part
00:17:58.880~00:18:00.240 like that was my fault | i felt like it was there was
a good part
00:18:01.840~00:18:03.760 feeling because i was closest to him
00:18:03.760~00:18:04.320 like | feeling because i was closest to him
00:18:05.760~00:18:06.880 like i could see his house from my
00:18:06.880~00:18:08.000 mummy's window | like i could see his house from my
00:18:10.960~00:18:12.640 call from a few days before he had
00:18:12.640~00:18:14.640 once you're trying to pick out reasons | call from a
few days before he had
00:18:15.919~00:18:18.000 it'll just your your thought process of
00:18:18.000~00:18:18.960 it will kick it on | it'll just your your thought
process of
00:18:20.400~00:18:22.080 but it's none of our faults like the
00:18:22.080~00:18:23.919 difficulty with that is a lot of people | but it's
none of our faults like the
00:18:26.640~00:18:28.000 weighs them down and they
00:18:28.000~00:18:29.760 then develop mental health issues | weighs them down
and they
00:18:32.400~00:18:34.400 we all were there and regrettably karl
00:18:34.400~00:18:35.919 made this choice | we all were there and regrettably
00:18:37.840~00:18:40.000 look after our own mental health
00:18:40.000~00:18:41.919 and reach out and talk to one another | look after
our own mental health
00:18:43.600~00:18:44.480 problem
00:18:44.480~00:18:46.960 the thing that scares me the most is as | problem
00:18:48.320~00:18:50.640 we couldn't see a tad thing wrong the
00:18:50.640~00:18:51.919 fact that you can be | we couldn't see a tad thing
wrong the
00:18:54.799~00:18:56.480 nearly every second every day
00:18:56.480~00:18:58.640 and not notice a single thing wrong so | nearly every
second every day
00:18:59.520~00:19:01.280 if your best mates can't notice it then
00:19:01.280~00:19:03.600 how you can those support networks are | if your best
mates can't notice it then
00:19:05.600~00:19:07.440 have built up with each other
00:19:07.440~00:19:08.720 you know that's the message we're trying | have built
up with each other
00:19:11.520~00:19:13.760 to talk to be open and just talk it
00:19:13.760~00:19:16.000 through | to talk to be open and just talk it
00:19:16.640~00:19:19.520 what an amazing lucky group of lads to
00:19:19.520~00:19:20.000 have | what an amazing lucky group of lads to
00:19:22.160~00:19:24.080 whoever wasn't talking i was looking
00:19:24.080~00:19:25.760 around and you can see one another | whoever wasn't
talking i was looking
00:19:27.360~00:19:30.080 you know how are you feeling it was so
00:19:30.080~00:19:32.320 nice | you know how are you feeling it was so
00:19:35.120~00:19:36.880 the next morning the boys want to help
00:19:36.880~00:19:40.640 me improve my gaelic football skills | the next
morning the boys want to help
00:19:40.640~00:19:43.600 jesus what a booth | me improve my gaelic football
00:19:44.799~00:19:46.320 and i want to take the opportunity to
00:19:46.320~00:19:49.679 talk to them about last night | and i want to take
the opportunity to
00:19:51.760~00:19:53.600 listening to youtube yesterday it made
00:19:53.600~00:19:56.799 me feel you and i feel | listening to youtube
yesterday it made
00:19:59.520~00:20:01.120 through in my mind like all the time
00:20:01.120~00:20:02.720 like | through in my mind like all the time
00:20:04.559~00:20:05.440 you know what i mean do you ever feel
00:20:05.440~00:20:06.640 like you don't feel like you | you know what i mean
do you ever feel
00:20:08.400~00:20:09.919 feel like maybe if i had to say one
00:20:09.919~00:20:12.000 different word to him on one day that | feel like
maybe if i had to say one
00:20:12.880~00:20:14.480 outcome but what would you what would
00:20:14.480~00:20:15.280 you have said to him | outcome but what would you
what would
00:20:17.919~00:20:19.039 the thing with suicide you don't really
00:20:19.039~00:20:20.159 get to say goodbye | the thing with suicide you don't
00:20:21.440~00:20:22.799 something yeah you just you gotta have a
00:20:22.799~00:20:24.480 long time to kind of say bye and stuff | something
yeah you just you gotta have a
00:20:25.039~00:20:26.320 never got the chance to say bye to him
00:20:26.320~00:20:27.760 never got to hear that he loved me and | never got
the chance to say bye to him
00:20:29.520~00:20:31.760 what would you say to him now that i
00:20:31.760~00:20:32.559 love him | what would you say to him now that i
00:20:35.679~00:20:36.080 than that
00:20:36.080~00:20:38.320 yeah it's really hard really hard you | than that
00:20:38.320~00:20:41.200 know you just miss him | yeah it's really hard really
hard you
00:20:42.480~00:20:44.080 hearing him open up like that i mean
00:20:44.080~00:20:46.320 does it does it make you worried or does | hearing
him open up like that i mean
00:20:47.200~00:20:48.640 you know comfortable that he's talking
00:20:48.640~00:20:50.559 about it and and that that you got his | you know
comfortable that he's talking
00:20:51.280~00:20:54.400 just i know that i can like help him if
00:20:54.400~00:20:55.280 he's feeling that | just i know that i can like help
him if
00:20:58.720~00:21:01.520 i can worry about him but i've gotten
00:21:01.520~00:21:02.000 why i have | i can worry about him but i've gotten
00:21:04.480~00:21:05.039 friend
00:21:05.039~00:21:06.799 yeah we're going for the same thing yeah | friend
00:21:08.240~00:21:10.320 missed card this one's a team in the car
00:21:10.320~00:21:11.280 yeah i | missed card this one's a team in the car
00:21:14.559~00:21:17.760 i wanna just live like i want
00:21:17.760~00:21:20.000 us to live our life in the foodless just | i wanna
just live like i want
00:21:21.280~00:21:21.840 want that
00:21:21.840~00:21:24.720 yeah you guys are doing a great thing | want that
00:21:25.919~00:21:27.120 that's that's the most important thing
00:21:27.120~00:21:28.559 you know i mean | that's that's the most important
00:21:30.080~00:21:31.840 proud that's the best thing
00:21:31.840~00:21:34.880 i don't know why you know | proud that's the best
00:21:36.640~00:21:39.520 it's amazing to see these boys at such a
00:21:39.520~00:21:40.640 young age | it's amazing to see these boys at such a
00:21:41.919~00:21:44.559 happened to them but i can relate to the
00:21:44.559~00:21:45.760 disbelief | happened to them but i can relate to the
00:21:45.760~00:21:49.039 and what if that they feel | disbelief
00:21:50.159~00:21:52.960 why in so many cases are young men not
00:21:52.960~00:21:56.640 reaching out to those that are close to | why in so
many cases are young men not
00:21:56.840~00:21:59.840 them
00:22:08.400~00:22:10.640 i'm in scotland at the university of
00:22:10.640~00:22:11.520 glasgow's | i'm in scotland at the university of
00:22:14.480~00:22:15.120 hello
00:22:15.120~00:22:16.960 good to meet you how are you to meet | hello
00:22:18.720~00:22:20.559 i've been doing research into suicide
00:22:20.559~00:22:21.760 for | i've been doing research into suicide
00:22:24.480~00:22:26.240 who brought me into the field of suicide
00:22:26.240~00:22:27.280 research | who brought me into the field of suicide
00:22:28.799~00:22:30.720 that was oh my god shock um
00:22:30.720~00:22:32.720 when it comes so close to home as you've | that was
oh my god shock um
00:22:34.000~00:22:35.679 it just it takes on a whole different
00:22:35.679~00:22:37.760 perspective | it just it takes on a whole different
00:22:39.840~00:22:41.919 attempting to understand what's going on
00:22:41.919~00:22:44.640 inside the suicidal mind we're trying to | attempting
to understand what's going on
00:22:45.360~00:22:47.520 the fact that three-quarters of all
00:22:47.520~00:22:49.840 suicides in the uk are by men | the fact that three-
quarters of all
00:22:51.039~00:22:52.960 whole range of factors some things
00:22:52.960~00:22:55.919 impacting on your sense of masculinity | whole range
of factors some things
00:22:57.120~00:22:59.760 social inequality and also perhaps men
00:22:59.760~00:23:01.039 are less likely to seek | social inequality and also
perhaps men
00:23:04.400~00:23:06.240 comes together into this sense of
00:23:06.240~00:23:08.400 entrapment and that's what meant | comes together
into this sense of
00:23:10.799~00:23:11.600 do you think
00:23:11.600~00:23:12.960 are kind of like the thoughts that are | do you think
00:23:14.880~00:23:17.200 are they thinking of are they thinking
00:23:17.200~00:23:18.000 of others | are they thinking of are they thinking
00:23:19.600~00:23:21.440 others they think that the people their
00:23:21.440~00:23:22.559 loved ones | others they think that the people their
00:23:24.799~00:23:25.679 we talk about
00:23:25.679~00:23:27.440 tunnel vision that's all of us you don't | we talk
00:23:29.039~00:23:31.280 and we've been doing work in a clinical
00:23:31.280~00:23:32.880 context with people who've attempted | and we've been
doing work in a clinical
00:23:34.000~00:23:35.840 and when we work with them to complete
00:23:35.840~00:23:37.840 what are known as safety plans | and when we work
with them to complete
00:23:39.600~00:23:41.440 straightforward simple
00:23:41.440~00:23:43.520 interventions because suicide is | straightforward
00:23:45.039~00:23:46.480 up until the very last moment
00:23:46.480~00:23:47.760 so if we just look here there's six | up until the
very last moment
00:23:49.679~00:23:51.600 the first step is we ask people to think
00:23:51.600~00:23:52.720 about what makes you | the first step is we ask
people to think
00:23:54.640~00:23:55.919 people to think about things that we
00:23:55.919~00:23:57.440 know what can distract you | people to think about
things that we
00:23:59.279~00:24:00.880 increases in suicidal thoughts
00:24:00.880~00:24:02.640 and steps three and four we try and get | increases
in suicidal thoughts
00:24:04.880~00:24:07.520 go to in that moment of crisis yeah and
00:24:07.520~00:24:09.440 pick up the phone and say | go to in that moment of
crisis yeah and
00:24:11.919~00:24:14.159 it's hard because i feel like
00:24:14.159~00:24:17.840 looking at this i know that if my friend | it's hard
because i feel like
00:24:18.559~00:24:21.520 shown one of these
00:24:21.600~00:24:23.440 i'm convinced my name would be down
00:24:23.440~00:24:25.679 there | i'm convinced my name would be down
00:24:25.760~00:24:30.080 and that is hard i i totally i get that
00:24:30.080~00:24:33.200 and sometimes small things can make such | and that
is hard i i totally i get that
00:24:33.840~00:24:36.320 and if somebody has planned ahead
00:24:36.320~00:24:38.000 thinking well actually | and if somebody has planned
00:24:40.559~00:24:42.720 and having it thought through in advance
00:24:42.720~00:24:46.480 absolutely key absolutely key | and having it thought
through in advance
00:24:46.480~00:24:48.799 wow | absolutely key absolutely key
00:24:50.559~00:24:53.840 that makes me really really sad
00:24:53.840~00:24:55.520 to think that people in those moments | that makes me
really really sad
00:24:57.520~00:24:58.720 a favor
00:24:58.720~00:25:01.600 and they're taking a burden off someone | a favor
00:25:04.320~00:25:06.480 because you just wish that that person
00:25:06.480~00:25:09.730 knew how wrong they are | because you just wish that
that person
00:25:13.520~00:25:15.279 i want to understand more about the
00:25:15.279~00:25:17.679 headspace someone is in before making an | i want to
understand more about the
00:25:20.080~00:25:21.520 i want to speak to someone who's
00:25:21.520~00:25:29.840 actually been there and survived | i want to speak to
someone who's
00:25:31.840~00:25:33.760 i'm in edinburgh to meet someone who
00:25:33.760~00:25:38.240 attempted suicide when he was just 19. | i'm in
edinburgh to meet someone who
00:25:39.200~00:25:41.600 fergus nice to meet you i'll give you
00:25:41.600~00:25:42.320 one of them | fergus nice to meet you i'll give you
00:25:42.320~00:25:46.960 one of them nice to meet yeah who's this | one of
00:25:48.080~00:25:51.120 fergus is now in a much better place
00:25:51.120~00:25:53.600 and is growing a very impressive tash to | fergus is
now in a much better place
00:25:55.440~00:25:57.360 if you don't mind like i want to be able
00:25:57.360~00:26:00.559 to understand a little bit about | if you don't mind
like i want to be able
00:26:03.279~00:26:03.760 why
00:26:03.760~00:26:06.960 were you choosing to suffer in silence | why
00:26:08.799~00:26:10.640 i was always a pillar of strength in my
00:26:10.640~00:26:12.559 friendship group and | i was always a pillar of
strength in my
00:26:14.080~00:26:16.000 expectation and from the second i
00:26:16.000~00:26:17.600 arrived at university that kind of threw |
expectation and from the second i
00:26:19.200~00:26:21.200 a bit socially isolated
00:26:21.200~00:26:22.880 lovely people but not like-minded not | a bit
socially isolated
00:26:24.799~00:26:26.880 very very lonely
00:26:26.880~00:26:29.520 and i was suddenly then unable to sleep | very very
00:26:30.720~00:26:33.200 couldn't eat anything for days at a time
00:26:33.200~00:26:35.200 and i just had no energy whatsoever and | couldn't
eat anything for days at a time
00:26:36.799~00:26:38.640 spiral a little bit and get frustrated
00:26:38.640~00:26:40.000 with the fact that i was feeling the way | spiral a
little bit and get frustrated
00:26:41.360~00:26:42.799 and i just i just remember sitting in my
00:26:42.799~00:26:44.400 room | and i just i just remember sitting in my
00:26:46.240~00:26:48.880 suicidal thoughts where i thought
00:26:48.880~00:26:52.559 i'd rather not be here anymore | suicidal thoughts
where i thought
00:26:55.919~00:26:57.919 message in our family whatsapp group she
00:26:57.919~00:27:00.559 said how's life with the boys | message in our family
whatsapp group she
00:27:03.679~00:27:05.039 with everyone else
00:27:05.039~00:27:08.159 two hours later i attempted suicide | with everyone
00:27:10.799~00:27:12.720 in that i didn't even feel comfortable
00:27:12.720~00:27:15.279 saying goodbye i'd rather just draw a | in that i
didn't even feel comfortable
00:27:18.159~00:27:20.159 what was the real message that you
00:27:20.159~00:27:22.720 should have sent | what was the real message that you
00:27:23.919~00:27:28.000 what i should have said is
00:27:28.000~00:27:31.279 i'm happy to know that you're concerned | what i
should have said is
00:27:36.799~00:27:38.159 and in the back of my mind i knew what
00:27:38.159~00:27:39.840 that meant but i don't think i ever | and in the back
of my mind i knew what
00:27:41.600~00:27:42.640 i've never really thought about it like
00:27:42.640~00:27:45.840 this to be to be honest before actually | i've never
really thought about it like
00:27:48.559~00:27:49.919 didn't choose to die
00:27:49.919~00:27:53.039 i didn't make the decision | didn't choose to die
00:27:53.520~00:27:55.600 because it was another way of me not
00:27:55.600~00:27:56.960 confronting the fact that i was leaving | because it
was another way of me not
00:27:58.320~00:28:00.960 i just wanted peace i just wanted a
00:28:00.960~00:28:02.480 break from my own mind | i just wanted peace i just
wanted a
00:28:05.120~00:28:06.080 life around
00:28:06.080~00:28:09.440 after that moment the day after i | life around
00:28:12.559~00:28:16.320 i got a message from a friend saying
00:28:16.320~00:28:18.080 i'm getting a puppy from this litter | i got a
message from a friend saying
00:28:20.480~00:28:23.760 he was fully fully not serious
00:28:23.760~00:28:27.120 yeah i was like yes and the day that i | he was fully
fully not serious
00:28:28.559~00:28:31.520 i had a routine to fulfill i had a
00:28:31.520~00:28:32.720 reason to go outside | i had a routine to fulfill i
had a
00:28:34.720~00:28:36.559 getting any responses but that turned
00:28:36.559~00:28:38.799 out to be incredibly important and | getting any
responses but that turned
00:28:40.559~00:28:41.919 hadn't ever
00:28:41.919~00:28:43.440 comprehended in my own head before that | hadn't ever
00:28:45.760~00:28:48.480 oh and then once they were out of my
00:28:48.480~00:28:51.600 mouth out in the world | oh and then once they were
out of my
00:28:51.919~00:28:54.720 i could slowly start to unpack the
00:28:54.720~00:28:56.720 reality of the situation i'd been in | i could slowly
start to unpack the
00:28:58.159~00:28:59.520 comfortable enough to explain to my
00:28:59.520~00:29:00.799 family about what happened | comfortable enough to
explain to my
00:29:04.000~00:29:06.480 truthful and honest to my family again
00:29:06.480~00:29:08.240 for the first time in years | truthful and honest to
my family again
00:29:11.200~00:29:12.720 christmas and really enjoyed my third
00:29:12.720~00:29:14.000 year at university | christmas and really enjoyed my
00:29:17.279~00:29:19.200 happy which is not something i could
00:29:19.200~00:29:21.039 have i could have put money on | happy which is not
something i could
00:29:21.039~00:29:23.600 beforehand | have i could have put money on
00:29:24.960~00:29:26.720 i found it quite cathartic speaking to
00:29:26.720~00:29:28.240 fergus because it did stop | i found it quite
cathartic speaking to
00:29:31.440~00:29:35.279 about how could you not think about us
00:29:35.279~00:29:36.480 or you know how could you not think | about how could
you not think about us
00:29:39.039~00:29:40.399 sadder but
00:29:40.399~00:29:43.760 takes away the anger part for sure | sadder but
00:29:46.399~00:29:48.080 feeling like that
00:29:48.080~00:29:51.520 come on what you found | feeling like that
00:29:54.159~00:29:55.200 come on you little
00:29:55.200~00:29:57.679 truffle pig even if it just starts with | come on you
00:29:57.679~00:30:09.840 your dog | truffle pig even if it just starts with
00:30:10.559~00:30:15.120 all right this is your own kemp special
00:30:15.120~00:30:18.960 of porridge with water um | all right this is your
own kemp special
00:30:22.640~00:30:26.159 protein oats but that almost sounds like
00:30:26.159~00:30:29.200 some kind of bad thing you'd go to a | protein oats
but that almost sounds like
00:30:30.399~00:30:33.840 you got the protest um
00:30:33.840~00:30:35.360 once you had a little bit of jam in | you got the
protest um
00:30:35.360~00:30:37.840 there | once you had a little bit of jam in
00:30:48.840~00:30:51.840 wow
00:30:53.120~00:30:56.480 so i'll take one which is a vitamin d
00:30:56.480~00:30:58.000 because we live in england and you need | so i'll
take one which is a vitamin d
00:30:59.519~00:31:00.640 the vitamin d
00:31:00.640~00:31:03.919 um and the other one is citrulline which | the
vitamin d
00:31:04.640~00:31:07.679 an anti-depressant anti-anxiety
00:31:07.679~00:31:11.120 type pill i've this has been i've taken | an anti-
depressant anti-anxiety
00:31:12.799~00:31:15.760 12 years so i'm 27 now i started taking
00:31:15.760~00:31:18.559 it when i was 15. | 12 years so i'm 27 now i started
00:31:22.880~00:31:27.360 massively they make my mood
00:31:27.360~00:31:30.480 normal they make me feel normal they | massively they
make my mood
00:31:33.200~00:31:35.440 worrying about things that are in my
00:31:35.440~00:31:37.440 head and and that worry takes over | worrying about
things that are in my
00:31:38.960~00:31:43.679 and that's when it gets too much for me
00:31:43.679~00:31:47.039 some days are better than others | and that's when it
gets too much for me
00:31:51.039~00:31:55.519 really suffer if i don't take them
00:31:56.480~00:31:58.559 i'm realizing how important it is to be
00:31:58.559~00:32:00.720 honest with the people closest to you | i'm realizing
how important it is to be
00:32:03.519~00:32:06.000 to say i've had my own issues
00:32:06.000~00:32:08.320 one in five people in the uk will have | to say i've
had my own issues
00:32:10.559~00:32:12.080 and i don't think there should be any
00:32:12.080~00:32:14.720 stigma around that there was one day in | and i don't
think there should be any
00:32:15.519~00:32:17.760 a year before joe died where i was at my
00:32:17.760~00:32:19.519 lowest | a year before joe died where i was at my
00:32:22.960~00:32:27.039 by my own brain on everything
00:32:27.039~00:32:30.320 how i look what i was doing wrong | by my own brain
on everything
00:32:31.600~00:32:34.720 am i doing my job because of who
00:32:34.720~00:32:37.200 my dad is am i being a good boyfriend | am i doing my
job because of who
00:32:37.200~00:32:40.000 all these pressures | my dad is am i being a good
00:32:40.880~00:32:44.080 all of these pressures just came
00:32:44.080~00:32:48.080 on top of me i just remember being in | all of these
pressures just came
00:32:51.600~00:32:53.519 do and the only thing i could do was
00:32:53.519~00:32:57.039 go to the floor | do and the only thing i could do
00:33:00.640~00:33:04.080 around my head and just crying
00:33:04.080~00:33:08.320 and just i remember saying to myself | around my head
and just crying
00:33:11.440~00:33:16.159 why am i carrying on
00:33:17.279~00:33:21.039 and i just know that i called my mum
00:33:21.600~00:33:25.600 i just called my mum
00:33:25.600~00:33:28.960 and i said to her | i just called my mum
00:33:30.399~00:33:32.640 i i think i was even making sense i was
00:33:32.640~00:33:35.679 just crying | i i think i was even making sense i was
00:33:36.080~00:33:38.720 and she got in the car and she made sure
00:33:38.720~00:33:40.480 that my sister was on the phone to | and she got in
the car and she made sure
00:33:42.480~00:33:45.200 put the phone down
00:33:49.440~00:33:52.799 and i'm so glad that i made that phone
00:33:52.799~00:33:55.039 call | and i'm so glad that i made that phone
00:34:05.279~00:34:08.960 let's go my mom literally forced me to
00:34:08.960~00:34:10.639 talk to her about my feelings when i was | let's go
my mom literally forced me to
00:34:11.760~00:34:14.240 and she thought something might be up oh
00:34:14.240~00:34:16.560 yeah | and she thought something might be up oh
00:34:16.960~00:34:19.839 just in time i was 15 when i was first
00:34:19.839~00:34:21.839 prescribed antidepressants | just in time i was 15
when i was first
00:34:25.440~00:34:28.560 i still remember the first time you took
00:34:28.560~00:34:30.720 me to the doctors to go and | i still remember the
first time you took
00:34:32.720~00:34:34.320 you've got was it clinical
00:34:34.320~00:34:36.480 yeah clinical depression i mean no | you've got was
it clinical
00:34:38.560~00:34:40.320 needs antidepressants
00:34:40.320~00:34:42.480 and maybe they feel guilty that even | needs
00:34:43.520~00:34:45.919 i did have a battle i remember saying to
00:34:45.919~00:34:46.639 dad | i did have a battle i remember saying to
00:34:49.760~00:34:51.280 wasn't that you suffered depression
00:34:51.280~00:34:52.560 because your life was bad | wasn't that you suffered
00:34:54.960~00:34:57.280 that's what i saw in you i saw mood
00:34:57.280~00:34:58.240 swings | that's what i saw in you i saw mood
00:35:03.760~00:35:06.320 although i speak to her about everything
00:35:06.320~00:35:07.920 i've never explained fully | although i speak to her
about everything
00:35:10.400~00:35:12.160 that's because i didn't want a warrior
00:35:12.160~00:35:13.839 but now i'm thinking that this sort of | that's
because i didn't want a warrior
00:35:16.240~00:35:19.200 at air times where you've seen me in
00:35:19.200~00:35:21.040 such a state where you're worried at | at air times
where you've seen me in
00:35:23.040~00:35:24.480 few of those
00:35:24.480~00:35:28.000 yeah i mean how long ago was it when you | few of
00:35:29.839~00:35:30.320 down
00:35:30.320~00:35:34.240 and you were bad crying yeah | down
00:35:37.040~00:35:39.760 moments like
00:35:39.760~00:35:42.720 how dark it gets from my perspective no | moments
00:35:44.320~00:35:46.160 i just remember feeling like it was just
00:35:46.160~00:35:48.880 too much in my head | i just remember feeling like it
was just
00:35:50.160~00:35:51.760 hard for me to tell you this like
00:35:51.760~00:35:54.720 because like it's hard | hard for me to tell you this
00:35:56.839~00:35:59.839 like
00:36:00.079~00:36:05.520 take a big breath and then let it out
00:36:07.280~00:36:09.119 it's hard because that day that i i
00:36:09.119~00:36:10.720 thought about going to the train station | it's hard
because that day that i i
00:36:10.720~00:36:13.839 and jumping in front of a train | thought about going
to the train station
00:36:17.280~00:36:20.800 oh sorry i never told you that but
00:36:21.359~00:36:24.960 but i still don't believe you
00:36:24.960~00:36:28.320 would do something like that | but i still don't
believe you
00:36:35.839~00:36:38.880 i know but you know that you mean so
00:36:38.880~00:36:42.079 much to me and dabro | i know but you know that you
mean so
00:36:50.640~00:36:52.960 nice to have you back home though always
00:36:52.960~00:36:54.000 did you leave home also | nice to have you back home
though always
00:36:57.200~00:36:59.440 wait for that family whatsapp to ping
00:36:59.440~00:37:01.200 well we're we're busy again we've got | wait for that
family whatsapp to ping
00:37:01.839~00:37:04.720 on board we're parents i like post on
00:37:04.720~00:37:06.640 instagram and my first comment | on board we're
parents i like post on
00:37:09.839~00:37:12.480 oh guys
00:37:12.880~00:37:15.599 my dad always asks me how i am but we've
00:37:15.599~00:37:17.200 never really had | my dad always asks me how i am but
00:37:21.040~00:37:25.280 younger like like 13 14 yeah
00:37:25.280~00:37:28.560 to becoming like an adult did your | younger like
like 13 14 yeah
00:37:30.400~00:37:32.000 talk about
00:37:32.000~00:37:34.240 their feelings or anything like that no | talk about
00:37:36.960~00:37:39.520 i think it was just part of that age and
00:37:39.520~00:37:41.520 part of that generation | i think it was just part of
that age and
00:37:44.720~00:37:45.200 ever
00:37:45.200~00:37:46.400 struggled mentally or do you think do | ever
00:37:48.000~00:37:49.599 think i've ever really suffered
00:37:49.599~00:37:53.119 and experienced depression apart from | think i've
ever really suffered
00:37:53.520~00:37:56.079 afterwards when i was sick yeah you know
00:37:56.079~00:37:57.920 the few years that i had of recovery | afterwards
when i was sick yeah you know
00:37:59.359~00:38:01.839 taken out and i was thoroughly depressed
00:38:01.839~00:38:03.599 you know it was completely on the floor | taken out
and i was thoroughly depressed
00:38:05.920~00:38:06.800 depression
00:38:06.800~00:38:09.920 depression for me made me feel like if i | depression
00:38:11.839~00:38:14.720 i would feel like i am in a bubble and
00:38:14.720~00:38:16.960 the world outside of my bubble | i would feel like i
am in a bubble and
00:38:20.400~00:38:22.800 i couldn't burst it and what got you out
00:38:22.800~00:38:24.640 of it what got happened | i couldn't burst it and
what got you out
00:38:28.400~00:38:32.240 sent me to a an osteopath
00:38:32.240~00:38:34.079 an osteopath he was a therapist he was a | sent me to
a an osteopath
00:38:36.320~00:38:39.839 and then as he was talking to me i spent
00:38:39.839~00:38:42.000 what i must have spent about four weeks | and then as
he was talking to me i spent
00:38:43.839~00:38:45.440 every day when i used to go cried my
00:38:45.440~00:38:47.760 eyes out come back and i felt better | every day when
i used to go cried my
00:38:50.240~00:38:51.680 sudden you realize that
00:38:51.680~00:38:54.560 this fog that is around you starts to | sudden you
realize that
00:38:56.000~00:38:58.800 the key was what for me it was talking
00:38:58.800~00:39:00.720 talking son yeah you had gone through | the key was
what for me it was talking
00:39:03.599~00:39:05.200 get out of the house and put that
00:39:05.200~00:39:05.760 somewhere | get out of the house and put that
00:39:07.920~00:39:09.359 sitting around here you know
00:39:09.359~00:39:11.839 is it's a form of therapy what we're | sitting around
here you know
00:39:12.400~00:39:14.640 yeah you know that's what we're doing
00:39:14.640~00:39:16.000 and uh chatting about it | yeah you know that's what
we're doing
00:39:16.000~00:39:19.520 on that note what's for dessert | and uh chatting
about it
00:39:21.680~00:39:25.119 that was it was really nice it was um
00:39:25.119~00:39:27.760 some conversations there that i've never | that was
it was really nice it was um
00:39:29.440~00:39:31.440 i've never heard my dad say to me before
00:39:31.440~00:39:33.359 that for three years of his life he felt | i've never
heard my dad say to me before
00:39:34.000~00:39:37.119 he was in a bubble and like you know i
00:39:37.119~00:39:39.119 didn't know that my mum | he was in a bubble and like
you know i
00:39:41.119~00:39:43.040 to someone and
00:39:43.040~00:39:45.760 i didn't know that | to someone and
00:39:46.240~00:39:48.640 for me it was the doctor in medication
00:39:48.640~00:39:49.440 for my dad | for me it was the doctor in medication
00:39:52.720~00:39:54.160 and there are lots of different ways to
00:39:54.160~00:39:56.400 get yourself back on your feet | and there are lots
of different ways to
00:39:56.400~00:39:59.760 help is out there | get yourself back on your feet
00:40:05.440~00:40:07.200 but what can we do right now to
00:40:07.200~00:40:09.040 encourage guys to have more of these | but what can
we do right now to
00:40:10.800~00:40:12.400 chats that could open the door to
00:40:12.400~00:40:16.400 someone getting the help that they need | chats that
could open the door to
00:40:17.520~00:40:20.079 in reading i'm meeting lysander whose
00:40:20.079~00:40:21.520 childhood friend ashley | in reading i'm meeting
lysander whose
00:40:21.520~00:40:25.839 took his own life in 2017. | childhood friend ashley
00:40:30.400~00:40:31.839 good to meet you thanks so much for
00:40:31.839~00:40:33.359 chatting to me mate absolutely man no | good to meet
you thanks so much for
00:40:35.839~00:40:38.880 so lysander how do you no ashley how did
00:40:38.880~00:40:40.560 you know ashley so we met | so lysander how do you no
ashley how did
00:40:42.800~00:40:44.160 obviously we were quite young
00:40:44.160~00:40:46.880 yeah you kind this tree here when we | obviously we
were quite young
00:40:47.599~00:40:50.000 yeah we said ah so high off it's so high
00:40:50.000~00:40:50.880 up yeah | yeah we said ah so high off it's so high
00:40:50.880~00:40:52.960 we | up yeah
00:40:56.560~00:40:58.160 would you say that that was your well
00:40:58.160~00:40:59.920 that was your best friend yeah 100 | would you say
that that was your well
00:41:01.599~00:41:03.200 ying and we've got even
00:41:03.200~00:41:06.800 young necklaces yeah hey funny party | ying and we've
got even
00:41:07.680~00:41:10.079 stats
00:41:11.119~00:41:14.400 are you whistling yeah
00:41:14.880~00:41:21.839 yeah not too bad do you yeah
00:41:25.200~00:41:28.480 so that that's ashley's dad yeah yeah oh
00:41:28.480~00:41:30.480 man that's nice but you still see his | so that
that's ashley's dad yeah yeah oh
00:41:31.920~00:41:33.359 literally i would say they're basically
00:41:33.359~00:41:35.040 family to me at this point in time | literally i
would say they're basically
00:41:35.599~00:41:37.680 yeah so yeah one big family man how are
00:41:37.680~00:41:39.119 they doing now | yeah so yeah one big family man how
00:41:41.440~00:41:42.160 then
00:41:42.160~00:41:46.079 um but it's it's still hard every day | then
00:41:46.079~00:41:50.720 i'm not gonna sugarcoat her and lie um | um but it's
it's still hard every day
00:41:50.800~00:41:52.720 we all take every day as it comes but
00:41:52.720~00:41:54.640 yeah it's still pretty difficult for | we all take
every day as it comes but
00:41:54.640~00:41:57.119 everyone | yeah it's still pretty difficult for
00:41:59.119~00:42:02.400 yo yo yo hello lysander's introducing me
00:42:02.400~00:42:03.359 to tom | yo yo yo hello lysander's introducing me
00:42:05.599~00:42:08.800 friends let's have a look at these
00:42:08.800~00:42:12.960 okay he was a hat in the gym type person | friends
let's have a look at these
00:42:17.200~00:42:18.800 i wish we had more videos to be fair
00:42:18.800~00:42:20.319 that's one thing i wish i had | i wish we had more
videos to be fair
00:42:22.079~00:42:23.520 videos more everything yeah
00:42:23.520~00:42:25.119 ever since then we've got something | videos more
everything yeah
00:42:27.040~00:42:29.440 yeah yeah you know i guess speaking to
00:42:29.440~00:42:30.880 you guys i almost feel like i'm | yeah yeah you know
i guess speaking to
00:42:32.319~00:42:34.319 on does it get easier do you do you
00:42:34.319~00:42:36.319 start understanding those things more | on does it
get easier do you do you
00:42:38.640~00:42:39.599 still hard
00:42:39.599~00:42:42.240 like but i definitely find you know it | still hard
00:42:44.000~00:42:46.240 you know we just sort of we still talk
00:42:46.240~00:42:47.920 about him and we really really talk good | you know
we just sort of we still talk
00:42:48.560~00:42:50.800 funny memories i always like to think to
00:42:50.800~00:42:52.240 myself like what would actually say to | funny
memories i always like to think to
00:42:53.119~00:42:54.800 and no it's something that would be
00:42:54.800~00:42:57.599 positive do you still speak to him | and no it's
something that would be
00:43:00.240~00:43:01.599 lot to be fair
00:43:01.599~00:43:02.800 it's really weird it's like i'm really | lot to be
00:43:04.640~00:43:07.599 i get that a lot yeah um i haven't
00:43:07.599~00:43:08.400 dreamed about | i get that a lot yeah um i haven't
00:43:10.720~00:43:12.800 i'll
00:43:13.040~00:43:15.440 yeah exactly you guys now do you kind of
00:43:15.440~00:43:17.760 feel like you owe it to each other | yeah exactly you
guys now do you kind of
00:43:19.760~00:43:21.359 before we've done it anyway like
00:43:21.359~00:43:24.079 we would but it wasn't as in-depth yeah | before
we've done it anyway like
00:43:25.599~00:43:27.359 yeah we'd say you were right but now
00:43:27.359~00:43:28.880 you're like yeah are you actually all | yeah we'd say
you were right but now
00:43:29.680~00:43:31.280 we do have two okay so it's like hey
00:43:31.280~00:43:32.720 how's it going and it's like yeah i'm | we do have
two okay so it's like hey
00:43:34.640~00:43:35.920 yeah so that's the
00:43:35.920~00:43:37.680 how are you doing mentally though yeah | yeah so
that's the
00:43:39.760~00:43:42.240 things a bit harder i love that that's
00:43:42.240~00:43:43.440 that time where it's like | things a bit harder i
love that that's
00:43:45.119~00:43:46.640 i i've been a bit down
00:43:46.640~00:43:49.920 the two okay rule if you don't mind i'm | i i've been
a bit down
00:43:51.520~00:43:54.079 100 keep it i i'm gonna use that
00:43:54.079~00:43:55.440 honestly it does help because it does | 100 keep it i
i'm gonna use that
00:43:56.960~00:43:59.680 actually don't think i am okay and it's
00:43:59.680~00:44:00.960 a matter of | actually don't think i am okay and it's
00:44:02.960~00:44:04.720 okay to hear that someone else
00:44:04.720~00:44:08.400 isn't okay i wish i had said to joe | okay to hear
that someone else
00:44:12.160~00:44:13.839 i know you know this already but i need
00:44:13.839~00:44:15.280 to tell you again | i know you know this already but
i need
00:44:17.280~00:44:19.040 stuff it shouldn't have to be
00:44:19.040~00:44:21.040 a battle it should be normal for people | stuff it
shouldn't have to be
00:44:22.400~00:44:24.560 just talk about how they feel you know
00:44:24.560~00:44:26.160 the the difference between saving | just talk about
how they feel you know
00:44:27.119~00:44:29.359 just having a conversation about what's
00:44:29.359~00:44:30.720 making you feel | just having a conversation about
00:44:32.960~00:44:34.640 difference to someone
00:44:34.640~00:44:37.839 you know | difference to someone
00:44:43.520~00:44:47.280 oh that's cold yeah a bit chilly
00:44:47.280~00:44:49.520 you know asking someone if they're okay | oh that's
cold yeah a bit chilly
00:44:51.680~00:44:54.880 every single day and we glaze over it
00:44:54.880~00:44:56.240 that's the fastest part of the | every single day and
we glaze over it
00:44:58.000~00:45:00.880 all right what's the real thing when
00:45:00.880~00:45:02.000 really that's | all right what's the real thing when
00:45:05.599~00:45:08.400 that that is the most important question
00:45:08.400~00:45:11.280 you can ask a friend | that that is the most
important question
00:45:12.640~00:45:15.760 when i first wanted to make this it was
00:45:15.760~00:45:16.560 for | when i first wanted to make this it was
00:45:19.200~00:45:20.720 someone that might be going through
00:45:20.720~00:45:23.119 something | someone that might be going through
00:45:23.359~00:45:25.040 but now the onus has changed from
00:45:25.040~00:45:27.200 someone having to talk about their own | but now the
onus has changed from
00:45:28.319~00:45:30.960 be the person that makes someone else
00:45:30.960~00:45:33.040 talk | be the person that makes someone else
00:45:34.560~00:45:37.119 be inside dying for someone to ask them
00:45:37.119~00:45:38.960 how they are | be inside dying for someone to ask
00:45:38.960~00:45:47.839 be that person | how they are
00:45:56.160~00:45:59.040 it was sad but reassuring to hear that
00:45:59.040~00:46:00.000 our friends can | it was sad but reassuring to hear
00:46:02.160~00:46:04.400 him
00:46:04.800~00:46:06.800 but how must it feel for those closest
00:46:06.800~00:46:08.240 to him | but how must it feel for those closest
00:46:08.240~00:46:15.839 i'm going to see joe's family | to him
00:46:26.960~00:46:29.359 know i know i know thank you so much
00:46:29.359~00:46:30.240 that's all right | know i know i know thank you so
00:46:30.240~00:46:32.640 thank you | that's all right
00:46:33.680~00:46:35.440 joe's sister lou has made an album
00:46:35.440~00:46:37.599 containing all of the amazing messages | joe's sister
lou has made an album
00:46:39.280~00:46:42.800 after his death oh is a nice one
00:46:42.800~00:46:45.359 i love that picture of him so cool yeah | after his
death oh is a nice one
00:46:46.640~00:46:48.560 that was my birthday he would be in
00:46:48.560~00:46:50.720 charge of getting all the people that | that was my
birthday he would be in
00:46:51.280~00:46:53.680 allowed to come in getting them in and
00:46:53.680~00:46:55.839 he'd do it | allowed to come in getting them in and
00:46:57.760~00:46:58.960 comedy sketch
00:46:58.960~00:47:00.480 i always admired joe for that because | comedy sketch
00:47:02.160~00:47:03.119 life
00:47:03.119~00:47:04.960 this day was the one that he always | life
00:47:06.319~00:47:08.319 people that he's done some weird things
00:47:08.319~00:47:11.440 i think it was he got nicole scherzinger | people
that he's done some weird things
00:47:12.800~00:47:14.020 scherzinger milk again
00:47:14.020~00:47:17.770 [Laughter] | scherzinger milk again
00:47:18.319~00:47:20.559 packed so much into his life didn't he
00:47:20.559~00:47:21.359 really it's | packed so much into his life didn't he
00:47:23.599~00:47:25.839 do
00:47:29.599~00:47:33.359 the memories that i have with him
00:47:33.359~00:47:36.079 are incredible and and every single one | the
memories that i have with him
00:47:37.440~00:47:41.359 so funny but i wish that like
00:47:41.359~00:47:43.200 i knew everything that was going on do | so funny but
i wish that like
00:47:44.400~00:47:48.720 i know that i know it's very hard
00:47:48.720~00:47:50.839 you know it's difficult to understand | i know that i
know it's very hard
00:47:52.160~00:47:54.160 you think it will never happen to you
00:47:54.160~00:47:56.079 you know you hear these stories and you | you think
it will never happen to you
00:47:59.119~00:48:01.440 and you never think that you will be in
00:48:01.440~00:48:02.160 the same | and you never think that you will be in
00:48:05.119~00:48:05.440 you
00:48:05.440~00:48:09.599 are you just miss him very much really | you
00:48:11.119~00:48:14.160 you get this sort of
00:48:14.480~00:48:17.520 realization this sort of creeping panic
00:48:17.520~00:48:20.559 that you'll never hug him again | realization this
sort of creeping panic
00:48:23.040~00:48:23.920 the fridge
00:48:23.920~00:48:27.440 and say what's for dinner mom yeah | the fridge
00:48:31.040~00:48:36.319 very sad you know about that
00:48:37.119~00:48:41.680 and wish it wasn't so sorry
00:48:42.960~00:48:46.839 he just wished that he wished that those
00:48:46.839~00:48:48.480 people | he just wished that he wished that those
00:48:52.400~00:48:55.839 well you just want to tell them that
00:48:55.839~00:48:59.119 they're loved and that people | well you just want to
tell them that
00:49:01.440~00:49:03.599 out there who can help them
00:49:03.599~00:49:07.200 and not to go down a certain path | out there who can
help them
00:49:10.240~00:49:12.000 to end their pain
00:49:12.000~00:49:14.400 it means you carry that pain for them | to end their
00:49:16.480~00:49:20.079 and no family should have to do that
00:49:20.079~00:49:22.079 my message really is to tell people who | and no
family should have to do that
00:49:23.760~00:49:27.280 stay and get help because help is out
00:49:27.280~00:49:27.760 there | stay and get help because help is out
00:49:30.800~00:49:31.280 them
00:49:31.280~00:49:33.839 and they don't want them to go they want | them
00:49:35.520~00:49:38.960 and that's that's what i want to say
00:49:38.960~00:49:45.839 is please stay don't go | and that's that's what i
want to say
00:49:52.000~00:49:53.760 joe's family are in the process of
00:49:53.760~00:49:55.520 setting up a charity | joe's family are in the
process of
00:49:57.920~00:49:59.359 line
00:49:59.359~00:50:01.200 it will bring mental health workshops | line
00:50:03.839~00:50:05.680 encourage kids to talk to each other
00:50:05.680~00:50:08.559 about their emotions | encourage kids to talk to each
00:50:10.720~00:50:13.839 see what this might look like
00:50:18.240~00:50:20.319 mental health learning is currently at
00:50:20.319~00:50:22.640 individual schools discretion | mental health
learning is currently at
00:50:24.839~00:50:26.160 center
00:50:26.160~00:50:29.119 right so today for phsc we are going to | center
00:50:30.480~00:50:31.440 emotions
00:50:31.440~00:50:33.599 i'm in tamworth at the will the coat | emotions
00:50:34.720~00:50:37.520 to sit in on one of their year six pshe
00:50:37.520~00:50:38.960 classes | to sit in on one of their year six pshe
00:50:41.440~00:50:42.960 does he start doing now what's what's my
00:50:42.960~00:50:43.839 hulk doing | does he start doing now what's what's my
00:50:46.880~00:50:48.960 one of the school's top priorities is to
00:50:48.960~00:50:50.720 ensure pupils know that negative | one of the
school's top priorities is to
00:50:52.960~00:50:55.040 we shouldn't disguise them and talking
00:50:55.040~00:50:56.800 about them should be normal as well | we shouldn't
disguise them and talking
00:51:00.079~00:51:03.200 come out alex tears yeah and it's all
00:51:03.200~00:51:05.280 right to cry because | come out alex tears yeah and
it's all
00:51:08.319~00:51:10.559 that it's not all right to cry because
00:51:10.559~00:51:11.920 they're told that | that it's not all right to cry
00:51:14.000~00:51:15.040 a man and man up
00:51:15.040~00:51:17.200 and actually it's the right to cry and | a man and
man up
00:51:18.400~00:51:21.520 good boy well done so if you're feeling
00:51:21.520~00:51:24.559 sad for a week okay or or longer longer | good boy
well done so if you're feeling
00:51:26.079~00:51:28.240 what is that still sadness what could
00:51:28.240~00:51:30.480 that be classed as | what is that still sadness what
00:51:33.760~00:51:36.800 okay what is depression it's basically
00:51:36.800~00:51:37.680 like | okay what is depression it's basically
00:51:40.720~00:51:44.240 for like a long period of time
00:51:44.240~00:51:46.319 yeah it's feeling really really sad | for like a long
period of time
00:51:48.000~00:51:51.520 people that are depressed
00:51:51.520~00:51:53.359 there were genuine moments where i was a | people
that are depressed
00:51:55.680~00:51:56.559 some of the things that they were
00:51:56.559~00:51:57.839 talking about some of the topics they | some of the
things that they were
00:51:59.280~00:52:01.359 i don't think i've ever heard a kid talk
00:52:01.359~00:52:03.359 about depression before | i don't think i've ever
heard a kid talk
00:52:06.480~00:52:08.000 at the beginning it was almost like i
00:52:08.000~00:52:10.640 had that you know innate feeling of | at the
beginning it was almost like i
00:52:11.760~00:52:13.839 that young but hearing what they had to
00:52:13.839~00:52:15.760 say on a topic that | that young but hearing what
they had to
00:52:18.319~00:52:21.280 really inspirational
00:52:21.920~00:52:24.160 this school is ahead of the curve and
00:52:24.160~00:52:25.920 has put mental health at the center of | this school
is ahead of the curve and
00:52:27.599~00:52:29.839 and seeing a generation of younger boys
00:52:29.839~00:52:31.920 coming up who feel confident to talk | and seeing a
generation of younger boys
00:52:33.520~00:52:46.079 gives me some hope
00:52:46.079~00:52:50.240 very creased my mum will not be happy | gives me some
00:52:51.920~00:52:54.480 i've learned so much over the past few
00:52:54.480~00:52:55.119 months and | i've learned so much over the past few
00:52:57.520~00:52:59.359 do right now that's really easy that is
00:52:59.359~00:53:01.040 simple and it's just putting a message | do right now
that's really easy that is
00:53:01.839~00:53:04.240 ask people to check in on their friends
00:53:04.240~00:53:06.079 you don't know if one of your best mates | ask people
to check in on their friends
00:53:06.400~00:53:09.200 is really struggling one conversation
00:53:09.200~00:53:10.960 could stop someone from doing something | is really
struggling one conversation
00:53:11.839~00:53:14.720 has a huge effect on others i want to
00:53:14.720~00:53:18.160 post the video that i wish i'd seen | has a huge
effect on others i want to
00:53:18.800~00:53:22.640 hello um you may or may not have seen
00:53:22.640~00:53:22.960 but | hello um you may or may not have seen
00:53:26.319~00:53:28.640 my friend joe producer joe as you may
00:53:28.640~00:53:29.760 know him | my friend joe producer joe as you may
00:53:33.119~00:53:34.640 i'd go as far as saying that that's the
00:53:34.640~00:53:36.240 lowest i've ever been it was the lowest | i'd go as
far as saying that that's the
00:53:38.319~00:53:41.599 and since then i met some incredible
00:53:41.599~00:53:42.319 guys | and since then i met some incredible
00:53:45.839~00:53:47.040 that had lost someone and
00:53:47.040~00:53:49.200 and now they have their own rule where | that had
lost someone and
00:53:50.800~00:53:53.440 twice and i love that and i wanted to
00:53:53.440~00:53:54.000 share that | twice and i love that and i wanted to
00:53:55.680~00:53:58.160 is so good so what i'm asking you to do
00:53:58.160~00:53:59.760 is do what they told me which is | is so good so what
i'm asking you to do
00:54:02.800~00:54:04.559 see if they're all right ask if they're
00:54:04.559~00:54:07.280 okay twice that's all i'm asking today | see if
they're all right ask if they're
00:54:11.280~00:54:15.280 it's done don't they look me posting on
00:54:15.280~00:54:19.040 social media is not gonna solve | it's done don't
they look me posting on
00:54:20.720~00:54:22.400 know you you hope anything
00:54:22.400~00:54:23.760 good that you put out there has that | know you you
hope anything
00:54:25.520~00:54:27.280 even if one person that sees this post
00:54:27.280~00:54:29.440 today calls their friend | even if one person that
sees this post
00:54:31.200~00:54:34.000 then i'll feel like i've won
00:54:34.000~00:54:36.240 paul's just said just checked in with a | then i'll
feel like i've won
00:54:37.680~00:54:39.440 know i'm always there for them
00:54:39.440~00:54:41.920 there you go one person says done | know i'm always
there for them
00:54:42.559~00:54:45.440 on a good friend who lives alone oh this
00:54:45.440~00:54:46.400 is nice | on a good friend who lives alone oh this
00:54:47.920~00:54:49.440 turned around and thanked me for it said
00:54:49.440~00:54:50.559 love you mate | turned around and thanked me for it
00:54:52.559~00:54:54.160 is
00:54:54.160~00:54:56.559 nice just lots of people saying they're | is
00:54:58.960~00:55:00.720 oh my i normally get love this has your
00:55:00.720~00:55:04.720 dad no one's asked about my dad yet | oh my i
normally get love this has your
00:55:04.880~00:55:06.720 hey roman i did exactly that which
00:55:06.720~00:55:08.319 resulted in an old friend | hey roman i did exactly
that which
00:55:10.079~00:55:12.240 second time if they're okay
00:55:12.240~00:55:14.480 only to find out he is really struggling | second
time if they're okay
00:55:14.480~00:55:18.480 and feeling so low and even suicidal | only to find
out he is really struggling
00:55:19.359~00:55:21.119 saying they felt so alone but asking
00:55:21.119~00:55:24.880 twice really did make that difference | saying they
felt so alone but asking
00:55:25.839~00:55:28.079 it is amazing i mean you know that's
00:55:28.079~00:55:29.359 already that videos have | it is amazing i mean you
know that's
00:55:31.920~00:55:34.079 that that translates into phone calls to
00:55:34.079~00:55:35.839 people today | that that translates into phone calls
00:55:37.520~00:55:39.680 that have their mates it is just that
00:55:39.680~00:55:40.880 thing of | that have their mates it is just that
00:55:42.799~00:55:45.040 feel
00:55:46.240~00:55:49.599 if you're struggling it's okay to cry
00:55:49.599~00:55:52.880 and it's okay not to feel great | if you're
struggling it's okay to cry
00:55:55.920~00:55:57.280 your mates
00:55:57.280~00:56:00.720 family or professionals | your mates
00:56:03.599~00:56:06.559 can do our bit to help as well
00:56:06.559~00:56:08.240 so let's start by asking the question | can do our
bit to help as well
00:56:08.240~00:56:10.559 today | so let's start by asking the question
00:56:13.119~00:56:16.079 are you okay roman
00:56:28.640~00:56:30.640 comic relief funds many charities in the
00:56:30.640~00:56:32.880 uk and around the world like the one you | comic
relief funds many charities in the
00:56:35.200~00:56:36.799 to help them continue their work and
00:56:36.799~00:56:39.000 donate 10 pounds text the word give to | to help them
continue their work and
00:56:40.480~00:56:44.240 to donate 20 pounds text give to 70220
00:56:44.240~00:56:46.400 or to donate 30 pounds text the word | to donate 20
pounds text give to 70220
00:56:48.480~00:56:50.160 text costs your donation amount plus
00:56:50.160~00:56:51.839 your standard network message charge | text costs
your donation amount plus
00:56:54.319~00:56:55.280 comic relief
00:56:55.280~00:56:57.280 you must be 16 or over and have the bill | comic
00:56:58.319~00:57:00.079 for full terms and conditions more
00:57:00.079~00:57:02.160 information or to donate any amount | for full terms
and conditions more
00:57:03.280~00:57:06.079 visit bbc dot code uk forward slash red
00:57:06.079~00:57:13.680 visit bbc dot code uk forward slash red

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