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I/You/We/They + infinitive I/You/We/They + do not/don’t + infinitive Do + I/you/we/they + infinitive? -Habits and routines (with frequency adverbs).
He/She/It + infinitive + -s/-es He/She/It + does not/doesn’t + infinitive Does + he/she/it + infinitive? -Permanent situations.
-General facts, states and universal truths.
Present Examples: Examples: Examples: -0 and 1st Conditionals.
I work in a school. I don’t work in a school. Do you work in a school? -Timetables (Future use).
She works in a hospital. She doesn’t work in a hospital. Does she work in a hospital? Time expressions: every day/month,
once/twice/three times… a week/month…,
always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever,
never, on Mondays/Tuesdays…, at the
weekend, etc.

I + am/’m + gerund (-ing) I+ am not/’m not + gerund (-ing) Am + I + gerund (-ing)? -Actions happening at or around the moment
You/We/They + are/’re + gerund (-ing) You/We/They + are not/aren’t+ gerund (-ing) Are + you/we/they + gerund (-ing)? of speaking.
He/She/It + is/’s + gerund (-ing) He/She/It + is not/isn’t + gerund (-ing) Is + he/she/it + gerund (-ing)? -Temporary situations.
Present -Fixed arrangements (Future use).
Continuous Examples: Examples: Examples: Time expressions: now, at the moment, at
I am working right now. I ‘m not working right now. Am I working right now? present, nowadays, today, still, always* (for
You are studying. You aren’t studying. Are you studying? complaints or emphasis).
She is doing her homework. She isn’t doing her homework. Is she doing her homework?

-Regular verbs: -Regular and Irregular verbs: -Regular and Irregular verbs: -Finished past actions (with a definite time
I/You/He/She/It/We/They + infinitive -ed I/You/He/She/It/We/They + did not/didn’t + Did + I/you/he/she/it/we/they + expression).
Past -Irregular verbs: infinitive infinitive? -Actions taking place one after another in the
Simple I/you/he/she/it/we/they + 2nd column past.
-Actions that interrupt other past actions in
Examples: Examples: Examples: progress (past continuous).
I worked hard yesterday. I didn’t work hard yesterday. Did you work hard yesterday? Time expressions: yesterday, last
She went to the cinema last weekend. She didn’t go to the cinema last weekend. Did she go to the cinema last week/month/year…, two days ago, when, in
weekend? 1989, then.

I /He/She/ It + was + gerund (-ing) I /He/She/ It + was not/wasn’t + gerund (-ing) Was + I/he/she/it + gerund (-ing)? -Actions in progress in the past.
You/we/ they + were + gerund (-ing) You/we/they + were not/weren’t + gerund Were you/we/they + gerund (-ing)? -Past actions in progress interrupted by
Past (-ing) another past action (past simple).
Continuous Time expressions: while/when/ as.
Examples: Examples: Examples:
I was working. I wasn’t working. Was she working?
You were eating. You weren’t eating. Were they eating?
I/You/We/They + have/’ve + past I/You/We/They + have not/haven’t + past Have + I/you/we/they + past -Recently completed actions.
participle (-ed/3rd column) participle (-ed/3rd column) participle (-ed/3rd column)? -Past actions connected with the present.
Present He/She/It has/’s + past participle He/She/It has not/hasn’t + past participle Has + he/she/it + past participle -Finished actions with a present result.
(-ed/3rd column) (-ed/3rd column) (-ed/3rd column)? -Life or personal experiences (emphasis on
Simple Time expressions: already, yet, just, never,
Examples: Examples: Examples: ever, for, since, so far, lately, recently, this
I have worked this morning. I haven’t worked this morning. Have you worked this morning? week, today.
She has eaten an apple. She hasn’t eaten an apple. Has she eaten an apple?

I/You/He/She/It/We/They + will/’ll + I/You/He/She/It/We/They + will not/won’t + Will + I/you/he/she/it/we/they + -General predictions or predictions that may
infinitive infinitive infinitive? happen in the future.
-Decisions taken at the moment of speaking.
Examples: Examples: Examples: -Offers, promises, threats and requests.
I will do voluntary work. I will not do voluntary work. Will you do voluntary work? -1st Conditional.
She’ll buy a mansion. She won’t buy a mansion. Will she buy a mansion? Time expressions: tomorrow, next week,
tonight, in two days/weeks, etc.

I + am/’m + going to + infinitive I + am not/’m not + going to + infinitive Am + I + going to + infinitive? -Future plans or intentions.
You/We/They + are/’re + going to + You/We/They + are not/aren’t + going to + Are + you/we/they + going to + -Predictions based on present evidence.
Be going to infinitive infinitive infinitive? Time expressions: tomorrow, next week,
He/She/It + is/’s + going to + infinitive He/She/It + is not/isn’t + going to + infinitive Is + he/she/it + going to + infinitive? tonight, etc.
Examples: Examples: Examples:
I am going to study German next year. I’m not going to study German next year. Are you going to study German?
She is going to buy a car. She isn’t going to buy a car. Is she going to buy a car?

. e what the peopl~ usually do Saturday morning and what the are
doing now in the example.

visit her friends / travel to Oxford 2 clean his room / write e-mails
Sandlj usuallu visits her friends on Henrlj _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Saturday mornin g but she is travelling
~o Oxford now.

3 go shoppin g / go to the dentist 4 plalj basketball/ride her bike

Eliza bet h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Vicklj

~~(> Complete with the Present Simple 0 the Present Progressive

Tom is a farmer and he's got lots of work to do everlj dalj.

He (1) (get up) at 5 o'clock everlj
morning and (2) (have) a big breakfast.
Then, he (3) (feed) all the animals on the
farm .
At the moment, Tom (4) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not do) anlj

work . He's in his bedroom. He (5) (wear) his

pljjamas and he (6) (read) a newspaper.
Tom (7) (love) living on the farm, but
e 8 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not like) getting up earllj in the

Lessoh 1
~ Look at the phrases below. Find examples of these phrases in activity 1. Then, complete
the sentences with prepositions.
1 Quick! Get the car. It's raining .
2 Do you often travel around the
• go / get / drive to a place country _____ train?
• go / travel by car / bus
3 How do you get _____ the office
/ train / plane, etc.
every day? Do you walk?
• get on/off a bus / train
/ plane / bike 4 Danny! Get your bike and come
• get int%ut of a car here right now!
5 My father never travels plane.
He's afraid of flying .

~ Choose a or b.
1 My dad always _ _ _ _ to work. 4 Jane never _ _- - the Underground.
a is walking b walks a is using b uses

2 Isabel _ _ _ _ off the plane at the 5 Look! Mr Jones _ _ _ _ a taxi.

moment. a is driving b drives
a is getting b gets
6 Chinese?
3 Graham and Winifred _ _ _ _ to Italy a Do you b Are you
by car now. understand understanding
a are travelling b travel

~ Complete the dialogue with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs
in brackets.
jimmy Hey, Leroy . Why (1) you _ _ _ __
(take) the bus today? You (2) _ _ _ _ _ __
(usually / not take) the bus to school.
Leroy That's right. My mum (3) (drive) me to
school every day.
jimmy So, why not today?
Leroy Well, she (4) _ _ _ _ _ (meet) someone at
the airport at the moment. What about you? You
(5) (walk) to school every day .
jimmy Not every day. I (6) (sometimes / go) by bus. Hey, is that your brother over there?
Leroy Yeah, he (7) (ride) his bike today . Erm, Jimmy, (8) you _ _ __
(know) where to get off the bus?
jimmy Yeah, don't worry, I'll show you.

~ Write the verbs in the past tense. Then, listen and check your answers. C
make eat
leave spend
prepare start
see invite
fall drink
find drive
take come
sWim arrive

37 Complete with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

~ast Saturda\:j I (1) . (go) to m\:j friend's birthda\:j part\:j . There
2) (be) lots of people there and we (3) _ _ _ __
da nce) all night. We (4) (eat) lots of cake and snacks and
5) (drink) lemonade. We all (6) (have)
8 great time and I (7) (not want) to leave.
- hen, on Sunda\:j, it (8) (be) m\:j birthda\:j . So, I
9) (invite) ever\:jone to m\:j house and we (10) _ _ _ __
ave) another part\:j. We (11) (not blow) up an\:j balloons,
Jut we (12) (pla\:j) lots of games in the garden.
-: (13) (be) a brilliant weekend!

Paul He\:j Tom! 1(14) _ _ _ _ _ (not see) \:jou at basketball practice
Tom I (15) _ _ _ _ _ (be) out with m\:j friend Jerr\:j .
Paul Doesn't Jerr\:j live in Bristol? When (16) _ _ _ __
he (come) to London?
Tom Yesterda\:j morning, and he (17) _ _ _ _ _ (ring) me straight awa\:j.
Paul That's nice. What (18) \:jou (do)
Tom We (19) _ _ _ _ _ (take) the bus to the cit\:j centre and
we (20) (spend) some time walking around.
Paul (21) \:jou (visit) the Science Museum?
Tom No. Jerr\:j doesn't like museums. So, we (22) (have)
lunch at a fast food restaurant, and then he (23) (leave).

~ look and write sentences using the Past Simple Past Progressive when

1 Linda / vacuum / she / break / 2 Mr and Mrs Jones / drive / to 3 my mother and 1/ pLant /
vase work / they / have / accident vegetables / my friends / arrive
Linda was vacuuming when
she broke the vase

4 Jerry / make / saLad / he / 5 Tina / waLk / park / she /

cut / finger find/€10

(' ~ Complete the text with th Past Simple th Past Progressive the verbs in brackets.

I (1) _ _ _ _ _ (walk) home from school yesterday when

I (2) (meet) my cousin Jake. He (3) (want)
to pLay football so we (4) (go) to the park. At the park,
we (5) (see) our friend Mario. He (6) (try)
to climb a tree. He (7) (climb) higher when
he (8) (faLL) and (9) (sprain) his wrist.
It (10) (be) quite bad so I (11) (go)
for heLp. I (12) _ _ _ _ _ (run) home to get my mum when I
(13) (falL) and (14) (break) my ankle.
In the end, Jake (15) (call) for an ambulance and they
(16) (take) Mario and me to hospital.

<'" ~ Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

1 I was sleeping """
n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ they crashed .
3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 feLL and broke my Leg .
4 I was kicking a balL in the garden _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Complete with the Futu going to the verbs in the box.

send stay not sunbathe not swim do not travel )

1 Mary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at a hotel near the beach next weekend.

2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bob an e-mail tomorrow?

3 I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to Brazil next summer. I haven't got any money.

4 Kathy and Beth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . They hate sitting in the sun.

5 We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the pool. It's cold .

6 Mike _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lots of water sports when he goes on holiday. He just loves the sea .

~ Look at the pictures a the prompts below and write sentences with the Futu going to

1 Tony / play / football

Tonl,J isn't going to plal,J football.

He's going to plal,J basketball

2 Mr Jones / buy / car

3 Mr and Mrs Felix / crash into / wall

4 Kelly / go rock climbing


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