English Language and Literature SBA by Kenisha McClintock

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Caribbean Secondary

Examination Certificate
English Language & Literature
School Based Assessment


Name Of Candidate: Kenisha Mcclintock

Name Of Center: Berbice High School
Candidate Number: 0900060565
Center Number: 090006
Teacher: S.Kendall
Territory: Co-Operative Republic Guyana


Plan of Investigation………………………………………………………………2

Piece 1……………………………………………………………………………..3

Piece 2……………………………………………………………………………..4

Piece 3……………………………………………………………………………..5

Reflection Entry 1………………………………………………………………….6

Reflection Entry 2………………………………………………………………….7

Reflection Entry 3………………………………………………………………….8

Oral Presentation Plan……………………………………………………………...9

Written Report……………………………………………………………………..10
Firstly, I would like to thank god for giving me the patience, strength and resources needed to

complete this School Based Assessment. Also, I would like to thank my teacher and my group

members for helping me meet the necessary expectations for this SBA. Finally I would like to

thank my family and friends for their moral support.

My group’s topic for the English S.B.A. is ‘Food’, however, I will be focusing on ‘ The Impact of

Food On The Body’. I was intrigued by this topic after observing the way people around me on the

way they eat and how they affect the body. In order to complete my investigation, I plan to read,

listen and watch articles relating to my subtopic online.

As a student of English, this SBA will help to widen my vocabulary and strengthen my

researching and reasoning skills. This SBA will also help to improve my comprehension skills and

my ability to use English Language orally and literary. By doing this investigation I will gain more

insight about the eating habits of people.

ARTIFACT 1: Poem On Food

Description: The Page link above by Sonia Vijan is about a poem on the different types of
food and how they are bad and good for health when consumed irresponsibly.
ARTIFACT 2: Video On How The Six Basic Nutrients
Affect Your Body

How The Six Basic Nutrients Affect Your Body

Description: The video link above by Bestie shows the many ways in which the different
types of foods we consume daily and how they affect our body.
ARTIFACT 3: Speech on Food

Short Speech on Food

Category: Speech (English)On March 18, 2019 by Ananda

We all are a living being and for our survival, we need something which will provide every

nutrition to our body and keep us healthy and fit. Only food can give us a healthy survival. Good

morning respected teachers and fellow students. Today I’m here to give a speech on food.

Food is a very important thing for human survival. We should eat 3 meals a day. Our meal should

consist of a proper combination of carbohydrates, fat, protein, calcium, vitamins, iron and other

healthy components. If we skip any of the components then we might face some major problem or

body will start functioning wrong.

We should eat green leafy vegetables, fruits, drink milk and eat dairy products. If we will start

depending heavily upon junk food then our parts of the body will also start malfunctioning or get

damaged easily. We will fall sick often or other major problems can affect our lives. We should

always eat homemade healthy food since it is cooked with hygiene and best and healthy products

are used to prepare it. Junk food is either made up of unhygienic material or kept for many days.

Every living being needs food to survive. For example, plants prepare their own food by

photosynthesis. Human-beings and animals likewise need food to survive.

Due to the development, many industries have been set up and agricultural activities have got

affected. The crops are grown using artificial techniques. The cultivation process is highly affected.

So, we should not waste food. We should have it as much as it is required because many people are

not even getting 3 meals in a day.

At last of my speech, I would like to say that today I wanted to convey two messages. Firstly, we

should eat healthy to stay healthy. We should avoid junk food to avoid several diseases. Secondly.

We should not waste food. I hope everyone will follow these rules in your daily life. Thank you for

listening to me and giving your crucial time.

Reflection 1: How The Artifacts Selected Shaped My
Thinking On The Topic?

Before I thought food was just something to sustain life or to be eaten when stress, happy or was struggling in

life. But while researching about food and how it effects and impact the body, I learned about how it affects our

health positively and negatively and how over eating can even lead to death. It’s scary to think that food can be

the death of you. The food we eat gives our bodies the "information" and materials they need to function

properly. If we don't get the right information, our metabolic processes suffer and our health declines. If we get

too much food, or food that gives our bodies the wrong instructions, we can become overweight, undernourished,

and at risk for the development of diseases and conditions, such as arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease. In short,

what we eat is central to our health. Consider that in light of Webster's definition of medicine: "The science and

art dealing with the maintenance of health and the prevention, alleviation, or cure of disease." After finding my

three piece I have gained knowledge on how to be aware of what is good and bad for my health and diet and I

will try to be a healthier person.


In the poem “You Are What You Eat. So Say No To Junk!” it can be seen that the author took into

consideration all ages when writing this poem as it is easily understood and can be remembered

after the first read. The author when straight to the point by using the names of the different foods

people like to eat and saying how it was good and bad for health.

In the video

In the Speech
With the completion of this SBA I have gained more insight about the importance of eating healthy

as well as the benefits attainable by living a healthy life style. The sub-topic I choose to investigate

intrigued me as I was amazed as well as scared by the myriad of benefits as well as the

disadvantages of eating food such as eating too much junk food can cause you to become obese

while eating your fruits and vegetables can also help you to reduce weight and keep your body

health. Through the execution of this SBA I was able to increase my knowledge on the topic

“Food” and sub-topic “The Impact of Food On The Body”.


• Topic: Food

• Sub-topic: The Impact of Food On The Body

• Genre: dramatic poem

• Source: Original Piece

• Language: Standard English

• Reason For Selecting Genre: I love to act and I believe it will allow me to express

myself and broadcast my message more effectively as I am very passionate about

the arts.
Written Report

To begin this school-based assessment a topic was chosen. Since all the group members were fond
of food, the topic “Food” was chosen. In order to complete this SBA nine artifacts in total were
checked in which three of the artifacts which best suit the topic were selected. These artifacts
included an article, a poem, and a video. The article and video were chosen because they had
factual information and were informative, educating the viewers on the topic. The poem was
chosen because it shared one of the researchers’ experiences with the topic.
The article (Negative Effects of Fast Foods) comments on how detrimental the frequent consuming
of fast food is to the body. It educated the researchers on reasons why fast food is bad for health
and some of the unhealthiest fast food options. The article gave an inept understanding of the
negative effects of fast foods.
In the video (How food can be used as medicine) helps the researcher to prove how easy it can be
to just produce your own medicine without needing to spend your money. Apart from that it also
states how our health is important and so is food a part of our everyday life and we should make
medicine to be as of the same, to cure our bodies from sickness.
The poem chosen (My Comforter), reflected one of the researchers own experiences. It educated
the readers on how the researcher uses food to cope with unbearable or uncontrollable emotions.
The poem depicted reasons why people would turn to food for an emotional relief.
In completing this SBA the difficulties encountered were the steady absence of two group members
and the lack of effective communication from the group members. This hindered the completion of
the SBA as they were also absent when their artefacts were needed and it was not communicated
that they would be absent. However, this was resolved by working with the members who were
present and had the necessities needed for the completion of the SBA.



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