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GENERAL EDITORS Frederick E. Crowe and Robert M, Doran COLLECTED WORKS OF BERNARD LONERGAN A SECOND COLL ION edited by Robert M. Doran and . John D. Dadosky of Reps Cllege, Toronto by Unites of Toroma Press 8 The Absence of God in Modern Culture" " hink should gin not with modern eulere but wi it eas! pred ‘ecm. Even a recerly ny years go ea ll dominant American (Catholic cicles. ‘Then it ax ame simpy cae, Iw concede Ire, asthe oppose ot babar. twas matter of ariring and ain Ting the tastes ae ls, the cals vt and ean that were peste ‘pos one ina good home andthe screamin the bora te Tia notion, ofcourse, hada yeryancentinage-Ieemmed oat of Crock pa ‘noand Rowan dacinae udu alg mena to he exberance of {he Renaissance and is pruning inthe Oounterstermation schools of the Joie sen tas normative riher than an empiri ation fen ‘are, a aur of modelo be imitated, fel characters to heeled, ofeteral verdes nd universally lid “The defect of this noon of cue wat, ofcourse spate, I refereed notto dhe ular of mankind bt tpt ular tha may beamed dest The need to reve this potion of cure! was a need to gene, to dice nthe cultaresof mankind thei common generic 1 [The Cia es Lect Fordham Uae, 3 Mach 3968 fi pute ‘hed Pree nd mer of no Cipher F Mean fe Yor nha Ue re 8 Foe ee ‘on temaenegwcom ora anersio and gp Tsp Emerg ed ee heel ee i 7 The Aen of Cd in Modern Cae {uncon andl the diference in the mode in which that function was fa fled, whethersmang pene riberorin the ancient high leant in the mathe and ates of histor Ue. “To thisend {shold ie to recall a dinincton smedmes made between the sca and the coral The acl i comected of at ay of ‘yin which men ve eer in seme ory a therefore petite ‘ahion, Such orderlne it ie observed i he fal and inser i society with it clases and le, n edvcaton inthe sate adits asin. the economy adeno, i the churches and ects, Sachs the veil snditieupon it ha the catalan. For men not only a things They to undenaand ei nding, Ty wih o dcr and o expe the appropriations, dhe meaning, the sgnieance the valu, ab the we ‘ofthe of te hole and in tpt Such discovery and expres ‘onsite the cara nd, qe eden, care stat ace onde ‘ssoul boy, for any ienent socal order wil be ejected the moment ici widely judged inappropdate,neaingles, relevant, sels, jot not wore "Now fis ganic dha eure edhe mening of way of i ctu smay be dvd second to be manner whic that ening appre ended and communicated. On all cull levels there are tes and an bos language and art. There meanings felt and ined and acted out intke the meaning lean the dream before the dherapi interprets, the meaning ofthe work of rt before te ride Soca on and elt tootherworks, te endl nuanced and cue td intricate rearing of ‘very speech the ntersjectve meaning anes and fom, perch fd lone, intonation an gesture, the pamonate meanings fier Sonal reson, of hig deeds and great achiemens, of al we adie, pre, revere, are, and all we dst, condemn, louhe abominate. Such Ismeaning fr undivenated conscious, and it would seem to consi tate the spontinena auttance of every clare, not contet tp ac ot what fel and ina, Rates, seek to micor ‘spontaneous ving by analyaing i aking als eleents explicit, wbject- ing ther to scrutiny, eaiation, criti So ar and teresa become he 9 Wh Roc, ag wd Sah Gsm, so (oa 1 Bower Ga. Vaso) [Mc hank war pba in gan i onan Lanerpn rear oho eda 8 ASwond Catksion ‘Mai nt only of artis and writers but ao of eres sd historians The ations of caftumen and arsine are span hy the coeros fe ‘ss a he inventions of eehnologits The provers af ie mes he ce to the efcions of pllosopher. Regie are complete By the: ‘logies. The denies of prone sd peoples no ont work tcaetes oe but ao ae sud by biographers, hin, psychlogite scone, sociologist nd pla neorise Modern cule shares with its lancitpredecesor thi rfl, ob etifing component Boh sxppose ways of han lig. oth wap he ‘mane meanings. In both the immanent rneaning eaborted, o panded evaate, tte ot rjc in the ela fa ano letes, 'n science and philosophy, i history and daotogy. Init terete liastous possiiy ofa cont Patwern human Bing art on be tne and human Ting acuta sapenructate detest shuld be bed, Beyond snares there ae dilferencen OF these the mua name tat asthe developmen ofthe modem notion of sence a developmen that hus been dese by Poof Herber Bere as ne tha "ovens ething since the rie of Chritnnty and seduces the Ream and Reformation to she rank of mere apiden, sere mera dapacesets, within dhe spsem of medical Chstendom’* Fo, sf hou pt fe a ccusted tomar the end ofthe seenteendh centary was the begining not meet of muck nore and much beter since buts sion afscienee quite iterenc ozs he notion worked oy Ae and tsken for granted ly his followers. Ta put the matter summa, eee ‘ey nodon for Arte bu today is marginal it plac ers be powiliy: Cana was ey noton for Arid bat ay dee ‘notin name, i is eplaced by corelasion, The univer ad sett vere norma in Arsotian science, but modern srienee tes ner, sais 38 ool in ts unrelenting efforts to approximate w concrete process ‘Where de Artin clamed certide the mesiem sees dang samhing more than probably. Whete the Araottian whe te knoe things their esence and properties, the minern sent steed sth consol and results, Final the preige of cis new ies of ses unguexioned its fectvenes has een pally demonstrated tu conti, ‘ung neces forthe suv ofthe earth's teeming population ie bond oa 4 Busters rin Mal Se uh. a The Ahcoecof Godin Modern Catate 1: yu nesable hat the sce the nee of aoc sh poe sony sec the ro of te clea supertrce,that whatworke ‘he atralwdenes should hae reperemsons nthe han sens, i phic In holy However, the exact nate and maar of this Inuece hae ved, an wil ayn i aor dieences “he eo which rer by pking ofthe human ones a Soon in Ath te nC tno {she Arca mame ares the analogy of rtrd ana ‘Sonar int ne cure perma, proposes pedal carl ‘tony and endenors to ven nes hypotheses ar probably ve The Ger tan name ses the bsedilerence between ara and haa cence. [igre out ty Wie Diy ta deren ee the ey ds ‘ne spn The dat ray oar sence re at gene et inaguage odes der, ay them ident them; one need. inno re ad rhe: that ns he gi scat happens oe gen shan sy eter leer. Inte bi Sarena tes fee af coed, bt dats ae aa fora nan sence nota naumich ay ae eno only Sonnac there wach them we ommomense meen Than, {ie could wend int ew courts any pen hemi, and bloga See plead wir ar mech euipment x hey deed. They coud coun, meas wes esrb, ecrd al, dine t hl bear” coment. ‘atl bony by gong beyond tijuana yang to the meaning othe pocedings hat hy ou ore they mere ding ‘ihn cout ofa or eh co laced ot {ich andthe appropiate mening ae staal the wounds ad actions acaba "Auer consequence i noted Presi cme every, com monte mesg ont fe a ora haan sence, be omc and berrencc ad itory sure basi imporance, Phe fomencgyierrets our pstre and tovements, ou ct and deed Hermencate inerorets oa words, History makes vx ware that nan tneaning chong wh lace a ie. Cleary sac a epee ing and toch etorateechoiqus for the soy of teatngs greatly re dc the rleace counting seernng,crrlaing, nd 0 owe the ‘aitessenchfin ay from he sit of aril cence a towards 3 Cire conmecon wth or stong reaction aan sda, Nai, penonenologil peor, or ext hough. 1 am indicating of cours, 10 more tan broad tendencies. Sigmund rel eterpreted meanings but although he was a Viennese be tid 4n tems of «pray proces mole on energy acraiation aid is ‘har In conta a group of American snc sents deine the or fenton of ein by the meaning whic the actor aah i! Ard whe We have thoroughgoingRehavorss for whom, even wien awake, We are ‘somnambulsts? there also thi force in pacology tha vo the ie salfeieny both of Preud and of trightorvad experinentalissIn bit, the pint Lam atempring co make lo way its contrat between peoples ‘rvations. Rather it har odo wih radical dismmain modern cule ‘iene o be conceied and worked nti tot dependence of phir phy oriino? istrcall ther, modern sence rewout ofn option o Asse Funes is development and is succes are to a great extent dc tothe ‘round rue of the Royal Socery tht exclded from consierstion gues tion ha could not be sealed by an appeal to overation or expert Final philosophy is notte name of wom one thing, soc are phys “emis, biology: On the contry. it he ram siting wna ‘ot conflicting dingy At eae until piloopters eect i not agement ‘thea comprehensive in their dlagroemens, i woud he ual fr iets nor insist on their atonomy. Sill shi sony one side ofthe petre. For the moment the scien ‘ceases o speak of dhe objects it hs Beldame eg eo spe of i tence il he i subsesibing to some secant of Buna cgoitionl ity, to ome vie ofthe relation betmeen ch acy a abject some apinion on the pose objects to be reached hough ha elton, ‘Whether he knows or et wheder he ami itor ao, healing eg 5 Sep Nin aman Maan an Pre Ther Er Dike wa Sur ey Sn dP a ‘Aion oe Toa Brad re aoa ee, $n Pg ol Roca, Pal and Pp i ay ore {rans Dens Se (Ne Hele Unies Pew, 17 6 Test Pivaneand Ege Shi ey Ted nl Ty of tn (Sew York Harper to, Seeding ing a Nae tab ca nition theory, pitemoloy, and metapin® Mole epic the mi ‘dn malty he doctor despite himsel The madera scents wih a ‘aim to complete atanomy ithe phe mal TThive been atempsing to character the rll, objecting mer strate in mover culture, 2nd | ay now draw cose oy opie ad ‘bree that the madern notion of cence cds wo replace ekg which {watt of God snl ether thing inti elation to Cod ith Elghous Studies, which Wea of ma hi posed dealings with God or got oF domes ° oramover scence isan empirical cence Whetberitsudies natureor ‘man, whedher tis rented by Gehasorim Byte Gaiden, Je begins rom dat cers elt unis and celaonship win ‘hat andiisabjeco the check of veicaton tothe errecton and re on to he efeted by confrontation wih farther relevant data, Now sch procedures cannot iad one yond hi work. The divine fot data {o be alse by seme oro be uncovered by intrespection, Nor wll any ineligible uniy or relahoosipveriabl within sac data lead wcll Tejon sch dita to God, Prelely because mor sence is peclaized “oowledge of man and of nae, tcannotinlde tovledge of God. God incite man nor mature Iewoald oni be the dary of tenting God ‘dh na or wih nature one tempted eo Know Got eg the et ‘sf moder cence, Religion, however, ery man. So we have sors af eign, phe nometigie af region, pichologie of religion, socologis of eligi, Doss of eligi, and nite these many pars nt x whole, the ‘science of religion, These disciplines cannot of course, cae Use aia ‘emma confronting modem sence the mama ha ey follow de ‘model provided ty natura cence, they tend toward reductlnin that “pics human ing and epeily aman eligi ofl serous content. Tu the measive shat they ina on their pete diference fron the nat ral cence, they rik ling thelr autonomy and becoming the cape of sone fshion or fad in philoso. But whichever ay they tend at esis a sintion tate the eis the pic ementin he eit Complement oe Pa Heian, Gute Mean end hj. Sua oft Pos Poy rr Heng Ce Hage AVNinot a) ao 20 et pd i eto Mae i retin be ASceond Cleson ‘mich certain they cannot make sentfcatements about Gad. A ong they ean iin the boundaries sped by the melds ofa modern ‘ence they camo get beyond dererbing and explaining che mulihicy snd the vareyof aman religous, ‘God, then saben from modern scence. Even the modern scence ‘religion, though ie bears wines to the divine, speaks ot of Gad ba fran Tis ofcourse, is simply the inevitable rest of ypeialiation, of Aisinguishing diferent els of tretigtion, of working out approprite methods in each ed and of exctoding enc of tec prce pty pussy fee subjecs separately othe wetings ofS Arse he ho steal itintion been dolgy atl posh, a 30 ho ‘ological angument isnot what ater would edie, = sc pitomphe ‘sume. nthe wage oft Thorns plop and theology are ain ‘Wished, but the dsinetion does noe to separations his ected liveways occur wich theolgial Suma Wits Desces oes eller {prove pilowphy with it proper and independent foundations, std 0 not wy to digi but sso to separate pilonphy and theology. Sl, Descartes da not atempeto xpareplilosphy and scence, on te onray be stempred o prove the conservation ef momen by peat ing to ahe immutability of God. Sach x sparstion was flected mately wen Newton di for merhanies what at hadl done for geometry. ea effected formally bythe rule shat if hypothesis innotyeriable, sot Siem Sut increasing specialzalon prevent moder cence fom speaking ‘Ged, one would expect to enable modern theology to spesk ef Ca ‘he noe fly and eter: However whe hope ad ae ha teal ‘eo, T have to rant hat yet achieved Contemporary teotoy and. ‘speci contempory Catholic theology aren afeveih ferment. A ol theology i eng recognized as obsolete, There seating of ne theo Jogi fragments. Buta ne iteration ~and by his mean; notte Jnsegration ofthe od ype, bara new pe of integration — not et play Insight Lec me dveibe the sation bly ude ve headings Flt, the modem scence or aiipine ftligows sues hs ender the assumptions and antiqued the methods ofa thelogysucce iy Melchior Cano's Dy ts alg. Sch a theoogy was etait nt ‘impor. Th is eternal Fetipler are immmtable, Change acide tal, Bat religous suds deal meted with endless mate of etal ‘The find thatthe expenions of ruth aid the enuneltons of pees are neither eteral nor immutable, They conceitate the Hato 5 The Alene of Godin Moder Gare re whole nge of rece n which ht chang occ. They eg ig ws Therotng facade nor eso problems in bri rou ses hare tripped the el clog ery snes nr npc fring sh medieval and ebscquent slim wer. Thy ave done 90 Up mecting the wares tos flr and more poner arty han te ben ate yerer neon . Sect te enol ape Te sme coated ety, conned ne holgiton ook gle tte Jenin bibles andropomorpiie concn of God Remay besuned {pin Clmentof Ajai raement ven ough wide, one muscovite Father ofa shape a ig Taviogasghtand or sie" Now tuning or sete ona place a avg ig ttt ollpilsophic esque of bel teen here aren aed iterry andres ten pt re queso abot the cone poston af te ere she nny arses hea i he ‘Sing ted fn the aroma ha eaurectn, he oa Franc ndjohannine tome : “Thy eres the dat moter pop. Toki ot only repeat the pb so ak o people of ody. The ol elo a cmon jr woe cen re {Grek ted medio shou Bat he onset of oer ences imam onan mm py. cn, dong ios climate wie Phenomcodogy, pense, extent Belong {Bert owt ta hep jet a i neces pices proccss ad his dima tr demon, Moree, Bix movereat of Phitnophy omrds cneretanc and epi the entretnes of Mr Tan ving rng ig nt of von approaches, proces, (Saare pong ver re nha in elo Tour. tere te clap of Thi, In he tires ceed sulin te eendanc After the wat ened fora wo Be olin ts rund Sie Vaan seco fae whe. Aguna a reat JE venerne gre the ony of Cabal dug Bt Aas no tongs gh or pple san ater comenporary Cable trong Norte eden change aly pring Po he amumpson 18 Cnet of Aetna, Soma 1,74 Sin, {eines Monde Zwee ad, Sa ac ore Oo Sn {lapee 1 Hine ewe ti on whi Thomism ese va ay casi. sapped th execs ‘single prea psy ac igh ned Be sape pas Skt ceil deta bn tence ean he epee sist jersanent orc ane Thy hin ne AVine-infn, dere wes frei erm nosed ee ‘evra pera ei Thy sttand change ens ape ‘ex qesions thy once ae eramesnstecndinc ne Shy eno respecte ay, hve carta wong int ween, ofthe dogma compas once w promis! in Cabote Wea Nene “ce inp he cco 0 former again, ech at tary teens, tng, n plas oem pean is Tek Phloophicsare nt cpt grmntng eee tahoe "aly oD gna arora be hae anc het ing One ito een daa erg one hs eps anc, phenomenon, pana, xeon Osea ee ‘atone tendon titty menagl ens een ‘Scr Guha an een ore i nt onl dog ha a a ake fr aly dag hat bette ge ander scene Not ence a stout Go ato cer satenentabnt we neo aban he ‘ets aon hitrogapiy spp reece poceac ee e fem he dt cers nao te scene ‘Toconchte athe hes spreetaeea jane hey xp pena von sl nytt npr a i ng he rts oth rns tad te een Sending te protien ention a oe ote ‘tive religious statement, imposes on theology the task of recasting its notion of theological method in the ment hoconghgeng and profound Eo avetenquatng othe amor ck oes star bitline a Cts os Swen precy bran ch dence senate el rece ohne of hw arr The a ths Cae Shot oig tough ating ped canine ‘oct ne being eps nove oss fld coy cs Suge benete BT he Jak ses Gece bom te sperarctte em celui atom ese eae domain of feeling, insight, judgment, decision. aa cf man an wor nto fe dering aca theconalowe ate anda sce of owe an a pon thes ates beige abe Cat rode care Tine the pre of a orl Titre son pinay scan in secular te naa a tum cece in phos, sory hed ot oie tothe operat es npr here snd ene pose fom hl tment th sia ep ie tract and gan osha ee adeno woo inch and ged ee prail prpwe fiona owt qt conse ht in proce fret eal cange porate npc ern ep ae pops of ‘Scscel par chuldbe oerent Se, howee, haben che an Son om lait tower clue Ton space he ds Bete athe ol exept ta he ed eeepc in the anier she noon thee the meshes Soul chang, a he Ganges cena wl be min, see of to our gaia. neon ple che ait aie den ‘ence ght Aran none cence nyse ‘und wantng,formecem sce des mx ered rom ede ‘crayon dos so denon coens om ch frimips Ine hed pecs chachnn fond ha the aa ‘Bence tiequemy wee pected ins eden erent sae {ae adit sci, tea gone ete dee ‘rete bxawonmans ato ail orn ecg ghana depen be oar wee cre ‘fom acknowledge ini character of nen elie ht hey ‘egw isan aberaon tt do be eked a overcome When {Styne coated hs here wich hy comared wb hema Sed mance oa heey thy ted mora, 80 a ner hy fom sching earch mer awh eluent the had nt mia Or Pe ead de Chart “fat he peu as mung he apene exione, Wineve i oid nut Wye n,m vag pen we {Cloves plenty of soe, fade of mena For ar reat plsinded eso ol shot ond ane bree Space of ethng new Rae ia engage! fy 2S 8 ASecond Colston te tatnolngerexstand an nomen ina disineelire dat has ‘epnced ic Chas have ben depced wey aerwly sy ‘nding abot alin the second coming ot Carwin nes secre oem etna se Ot at the ict of he mater tat the aot church sve ten Greek and Roman tare tt eel chrch was peal ogee inde formation of meta elute hatin Hesesnce chun wuss