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Jen B.


March 13, 2023– Monday

6:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Maa National High School
Talomo, Davao City, Davao del Sur

I thought before being a teacher is undemanding, but when I possess

this noble profession I have realize that being a teacher is takes a lot of
responsibility that must be accomplished everyday. Come to think about
it. Teacher is not only an instructor but also janitor, Manager, mother and
etc. I do believe in a saying that " A Teacher takes a hand opens a mind
and touches the heart".
As teachers, we have endless possibilities to have an impact on the lives
of others, including students, teachers, principals, and all other staff
members. In addition, as a teacher it is our duty to give a quality
learning to every students teaching them with a passion and
compassion. Hence, teacher open the minds and heart of every
children to see the world around them.

March 14, 2023–Tuesday

6:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Maa National High School
Talomo, Davao City, Davao del Sur

I am awake by the alarm that I set yesterday night, I decided to wake up

and prepared everything for school. I am arrived on my sites early and
went to our classroom. While the class is on going there is suddenly
announcement that interrupted the whole class.
The voice in nowhere speak “ The class is suspended due to the
typhoon “.All of the students are happy and excited by shouting so loud.
Finally, our co-teacher said that we are all going home. We are so very
happy as well because a little bit we can relax. What my realization that
day is that the government really do his best to protect his people and try
to prevent disaster that possible cause destruction.
March 15, 2023–Wednesday
6:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Maa National High School
Talomo, Davao City, Davao del Sur

Being one of the pre-service teacher, I am very thankful that I have given
an opportunity to teach a students. I have realize that, I have a lot of
things that I must learned and apply. One of these are the strategies and
methods of teaching as well as classroom management that I should
master as a teacher. However, to do my job I need to set a priorities
and always put first what is the most important thing and I will do my
very best to fulfill my duty. Furthermore, I know that I have a lot of
learning in order to be an excellent teacher. So, now is a time to apply
what I have learned and make a good version of myself.

March 16, 2023–Wednesday

6:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Maa National High School
Talomo, Davao City, Davao del Sur

I am very happy that we are deployed at Maa National High School

again, since we been here before in our observation but now we are
officially an intern students here. I really like this school because of its
good environment. It is so refreshing, there are a lot of trees, flowers and
plants that you can enjoyed and most of all the teachers and students
are accommodating. Students are respectful and kind. Furthermore, I
am very glad that we are assigned to our cooperating teacher because
she is approachable and one of a kind. She really teach us how to be an
excellent teacher, by observing her the way she handle her class
amazed me because she is very outstanding. So far, that is one of my
favourite here in Maa National High School I could not say it one by one
but want I can say it has a kind and healthy environment.
March 17, 2023–Friday
6:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Maa National High School
Talomo, Davao City, Davao del Sur

I am very happy that we are deployed at Maa National High School

again, since we been here before in our observation but now we are
officially an intern students here. I really like this school because of its
good environment. It is so refreshing, there are a lot of trees, flowers and
plants that you can enjoyed and most of all the teachers and students
are accommodating. Students are respectful and kind. Furthermore, I
am very glad that we are assigned to our cooperating teacher because
she is approachable and one of a kind. She really teach us how to be an
excellent teacher, by observing her the way she handle her class
amazed me because she is very outstanding. So far, that is one of my
favourite here in Maa National High School I could not say it one by one
but want I can say it has a kind and healthy environment.

Jen B. Suazo

March 20, 2023– Monday

6:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Maa National High School
Talomo, Davao City, Davao del Sur

Today is the day that I will be one of the pre-service teacher that will
handle the class. I am so nervous but I try to calm my self. I study my
lesson well, so that I am confident enough to face my students. The time
goes by, and I am finally infront of the students. I am very glad that one
of my friend help me to scroll my PowerPoint presentation, so I am sure
that I will handle the class well. So far this is my satisfying teaching
demonstrating. Henceforth, handling the class is not easy, and it takes a
lot of courage to step infront of the class.
March 21, 2023–Tuesday

I went to school, and I went directly to our classroom and I saw my co-
pre-service teacher already delivered her lesson. I silently open the door
and greet my co-teacher and went to the chair. While, my co-teacher
lecturing her students, I was at the back listened to her. I was so enjoyed
watching her students because they are so attentive and participative
during her discussion. On the other hand, my time is arrived that I will
handle again the class at the 3 rd floor Grade 11 Venus students. I was
attacked by my stage fright again, since last Monday I felt the same
way. So far, I was glad that I was delivered my lesson well.

March 22, 2023–Wednesday

What I did about this day is that, I checked all of my student’s work.
While, my co- teacher busy lecturing so I will not waste my time. “Time is
precious”. So, whatever chances that I am not so busy I will do my tasks.
After I checked, I went to my friend because she requested me to set in
her class. Luckily, we don’t have a class due to Research Defense
Program. So, I have an opportunity set in and taking documents to my
friend. After that, we take our lunch together and she decided to went
home while me decided to go back to school for my class on the
March 23,2023- Thursday
This day, I continue checking my students work and making documents
with my co-teacher. We enjoyed talking with each other while busy
checking all of our student’s work. And listening with our favourite
music, while together hamming with the songs. The bell rang and we
together went upstairs, and my co-teacher started her class. Finally, the
class is done and we went to our different home happily.
March 24,2023- Friday
Today, we continue checking all student’s work here at the 3 rd floor
Grade 11 building. Since, there is a small space area here that we can
able to occupied and do our task. What I did is that I recorded all the
scores of my student’s so that I will pass it on time in my cooperating-
teacher table. So right now, I am so busy reading, checking, and
recording all of the student’s school work. I hope that I will finished it
right away.
March 27, 2023– Monday
6:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Maa National High School
Talomo, Davao City, Davao del Sur.

I went to the school and went directly to our classroom where my co-
pre-service lecturing. I am at the back listening to her. After her class,
my time has come, that I’m the one who handle my class. The most
struggled is that have experience is that there is a electricity interruption
during my class so instead of giving up I push myself to still handle
them. Then, I discuss my lesson from beginning up to the end. So far, I
successfully delivered my lesson well despite the hindrance.

I have a lot of realization about that day, One of this is that, as a

teacher you must ready all the time in any circumstances. So, whatever
happened you can still able to perform your duty in the class. For
instance, the electricity interruption aside from earthquake because it is
really need to evacuate to other area in order to be safe. Overall, the
class must go on whatever happens.

March 28,2023-Tuesday

On this day is that, I decided to do demo-teaching and I requested my

cooperating-teacher to make an observation on me during my class as it
is one of the requirements of being a pre-service teacher. So, I study my
lesson well and familiars everything in order for me to perform my
Demo-teaching successfully.

My realization is that, there is no difficult things to do if you are really

determined and passionate about something that you want to be in the
future. Although, teacher is one of the noble and demanding
professional but if you really do your best to reach you ambition. I am
very sure whatever obstacles and trials you will face, you can still stand
up and be victorious.
March 29,2023-Wednesday

I did not do anything this day but to check all my student’s work. I read
their essay carefully and do some correction also putting some scores.
After all, I decided to record their score on my recording sheets. I must
finish this one since Holy week is approaching. Since, it is really need for
their final grade on this semester.

I have realize is that, being a teacher is not easy because there is a lot
of things to do. For instance, make a lesson plan, PowerPoint
presentation, study your lesson and whatever you can be. So, it is very
true that a teacher is no time to rest perhaps, they can if it is in vacation
as well as, very true that a teacher is a life-long learners because all the
time they are learning about whatever in order to fulfilled their duty.

March 30, 2023 – Thursday

Today, I continue checking, reading and scoring all my student’s work at

4rth floor of Grade 11 building and I am with my co-pre-service teacher.
I have to finish this things in order to step to another things. We are very
happy talking with each sharing our life whatsoever while waiting for the
second period time.

My realization about this things is that, you need also to be friend with
you co-teacher in order to be comfortable with each other and sharing
goodness and badness in life. And encourage one another to continue
despite the trials, challenges, obstacles and whatsoever circumstances
still strong like a strong tree standing up in the middle of the stormy
season of life.

March 31,2023-Friday

This day I finalize all of my student’s work so that I will pass it on time to
my cooperating-teacher. I have to finish this one because she told me
that she need it before Holy week. So right now, I quickly do my task and
do everything that needed.

I have realize is that, by doing the tasks you need to be on time so that
you will not be late and be ready all the time because there are some
cases that the grade is needed and you need to do your best to finish it.
So, now I silently cheering myself. (go2x Jen, you can do it!). I am in the
busy mood and I hope no one will interrupt and disturb me.

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