AAII JOURNAL 2013-07 Value and Momentum by Kevin Truitt From Agy

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1 vesting's Odd Couple:

Value and Momentum
By Kevin Truitt

Article Highlights
• Severa! research studies argue that value and momentum strategies work weil together.
• Diversrfication benefits are achreved by combrnrng the best elements of both strategres.
• Characteristics to look for are low pric~armngs ratios and bullish moving average formations.

For value investors, the stock actually converge to its mtrinstc

sweet spot in investing is being value. Investors arc highly dependent
able to buy an undervalued stock on other mvestors' actions (buying a stock
right before its value is recognized dnves its pnce higher, ail else equal).
This core market dynamic is why Nel-
by the market and just before its son looks for undervalued stocks th at are just starting
stock priee begins to take off. to be bought by other investors, the latter evidenced by a
But how can a value investor tell when a stock is in the stock's positive technical/momentum considerations. He does
sweet spot? The answer, accorcling to Brian Nelson, prestdent not bclieve it is cnough for a stock just to be undcrvalued.
of investment research company Valuentum Securities, is to Whcn it takes too long for a stock's value to be recognized
iclentify stocks with good value that are just starting to exhibit by the market, both the power of compounding and the
good technical/ momentum characteristics. stock's annualizcd rate of return are adverselv affected. A

Domg so helps an mvestor avoid: 30°'o return in mne months, for example, is far better than
• value traps: stocks whose priees continue to fall-so- a 30% return over five years. lnvestors who focus only on
called "falling knives"-or stocks whose value will never value, growth or competitive advantage analysis may not be
be recogruzed by the market, ustng everything tn their tool kit to maxunize returns.
• underperformancc due to the opporturut) cost associated The value school of invcsong has seen this happen be fore.
with holding a stock with great potential, but whose value For a long cime, "value investing" and "growth investing"
takes an inordinate amount of cime to be recognized by were rnistakenly viewed as scparate and incompatible styles
the market and of im·esting. Legendai)· investor Warren Buffett dcbunked
• speculative momentum or irrational high-yielcling stocks tlus myth when he said, "Growth and value investing are
whose technicals are unsupported by thcir fundamental joined at the hip. Value is the discounted present value of an
valuation ("greater fool" stocks). invcstment's future cash flow; growth ts simply a calculation
Mam· tnvestors oftcn base their investment decision on
used to deterrmne value." S1milarly, sorne value 1m·estors •
whether a stock is undcrvalued or overvalued or whether tt have vtewed value and momcntum as bcmg likewisc mcom-
has excellent competitive advantages or other qualitative roca- patible investmcnt strategies, even though therc is a benefit

sures. Nelson believes this a great start but it's an incomplcte to combining them.
assessmcnt, as stocks can sta\· undcrvalued or overvalued for .\s a common examplc, Yalue inYestors haYe tradition-
decades (and sorne stocks may ne,•cr converge to an estimated ally been conditioned not to accept tcchnical/ momenrum
intrinsic value). Only when there is buying or selling in the analysis. Priee movcment strategies have often been disrnissed
stock bascd on its overvalued or undervalued state does a as a sclf-fulfilling prophecy, the belief that they only work

12 - ------- ~
------------------- --~-- -
AAII Journal
becat. ,< .mes tors arc buying and
r 1tn r
"~lliP, , ~~ l • •>n rcchrucal/momcntum Figure 1. Performance of Value, Momentum and Combination Strateg•es
indtc~tur \Jdson argues that thts 1sn't
a bain 1'-'t'd 'tew of the markets. Value US Stock Selection
invcsttr'~ works sometimes because ~w.=~~~~~------~--------~r---------J
••••• Value (8R • 0.20)
peopL hu) or sell based. on value prin llo"*'wm (SR • 0.75)
400 - · - combo (SR•1.13)
ctplcs. dfl\ tng a stock higher or 10\ver,
respecu,·d }. An understanding of thesc -
1 350 1'(\'al,llom) • .O.Il
markd drnanùcs helps tm·estors relate to
the rheorv bchind why stocks admired -.aE250

• •
br both '.ùue (tnclusi,·e of growth) and !zoo
r~chntcal/momenrum in\·cstors can be lj150

arrracci,·c. The possibilit:y of pncc to· :::1

"'- -....
E 100
fatr-value convergence for tlùs cohort (J
of stocks ts enhanced.

Research Says Combine ~L-----~~--------~~~--------~~~--------~

OUOI.~O 01.01190 01.01.00
Value With Momentum
Source: Research paper by Clifford S. Asness, Tobias J. Moskowitz and Lasse H. Pedersen,
Sc\ eral research studies-most "Value and Momentum Everywhere, • February 2009.
notabl\'. a srudy . clone by. Cliff Asncss
of \QR Capttal, Tobias J\Ioskowit7. of
the UruYcrsiry of Chicago and Lasse H. that generally a value investor can expect
Pedcrsen at the New York Umversity
Why These Styles
to outperform the market by about 3%
Complement Each Other
m their paper "Value and l\fomentum to 4% a year, white a momentum inves-
Everywhere"-make the argument that tor is likely to outperform the market Figure 1 shows that the 50/50
value and momentum strategies work by about 4% to 5% per ycar. He goes combinauon portfolio of value and
weil togcther. In their research, Asness, on to point out that combining value momentum produces better cumulauve
et al. show that over rime combining and momentum strategtes outperforms long-term rcrurns and better risk-adjust-
,·alue and momenturn strategtcs across on average by 5% pcr ycar. This may ed long-term performance. The logical
di,·erse markets and as set classes results not look like much of an ad,·antage quesuon though is, why? The answer
m stgnificancly higher risk-adjusted rates O\·er using either value or momentum thar Moskowttz offers in his article
of returns. alone, but portfolio \'Olaulity is reduced ·~~ Bett<.:r Bet" is that while value and
Modern portfolio theory indicatcs by about 50%. momcnrum appear to be at odds wtth
that when you combine assets that arc Figure 1 is from the Asness, et al. one another, 1t JS this very opposttion to
not perfeccly correlated, or move in op- study and shows the cumulative returns one another that accounts for the reas on
posite directions, both portfolio volatility and Sharpe ratios for the period from they secnùngly work so weil together.
and ovcrall risk are reduced. By applying January 1975 through July 2, 2007, for He explains that momentum investmg
this same sort of thinking to combining each of the three strategies. The blue works weil tn the short term-a year
the best elements of t\'\'O seemingly in- Value line represems the returns of or less-while value investirJg focuscs
compatible investment strategies-value a long-short portfolio. This portfolio on the long ter m. Combining value and
and momentum-Asness, ~foskowitz was long stocks with good Yalue char- technical/ momenrum characteristics is
and Pcdersen found that an investor can acteristics (a high ratio of book value also a long-tcrm proposition, as it is
garner significant benefits of diversifica- to market value, or the inverse of the conditioned on pricc-to-fair value con
tion by combining the best elements of price-to-book ratio) and shortcd stocks vergence (the value prenùse).
value and momenturn strategies. In their with poor value characteristics (a low The example .Moskowitz gives is that
research, Asness, et al. found "that value ratio of book value to market value). during the technology boom of the nùd-
• The Momentum green line is a long-
(~omentum) in one asset class is posi- 1990s momcntum investors produced
ttvcly correlated with value (momenrum) short portfolio that is long stocks that much better returns than value inves-
10 have performed weil recencly and short tors, who stayed away from technologv
• other as set classes, and value and .mo-. those stocks with poor momentum char- stocks. But when the technology stock~
rncnturn are negatively correlated wtthin
and across asset classes." acteristics. The red Combo line shows crashed and burned, value investors gen-
11oskowitz in his October 2012 cumulative return over this period for erated rn:tter returns because they wcre
article "A Better Be•" published by the a portfolio that is a 50/50 combination invested m a completely different group
l10 . ... . of value and momentum. of stocks. He suggests that a strategy
· "'ersity of Chicago, makes the pomt

Juty 2013 13
Figure 2 · Valuentum Best ldeas Portfolio mcthan for mdu~try pccrs. Though an
mdtvidual im·cstor could simply use a
low n:latin. price-earnings ratio and a
low Pl (, rauo to identify stocks with
Value of $100,000 gond 'aluc.. charactcrisucs, mcluding a
155,000 1

DCF modcl wtll prov1de a more com-

145,000 <
pn:hcnsive valuation analysts.
135,000 <
Academie research and ~elson's
125,000 1 rcsearch also suggest that value metrics
115,000 such as a high book-to-market-value
ratio (the inverse of the price-to-book
ratio) or a low EV /EBITDA rauo
95,000 are uscful mdicators for an investor
85,000 to focus on. Enterprise value (EV) is
the cumulauve value of market capi-
talizauon, short term debt, long-term
debt, minority interest and preferred
-Best ldeas Newsletter Portfolio - S&P 500 Index (SPY) cqutty lcss cash. Earnings before inter-
est, taxes, depreciation and amortization
Source: Valuentum Securities. (lmiTDA) ts often used as a proxy for
cash flow. The EV /EBITDA ratio is the
that combined value and momentum m combined long-short value and momen vnlunuon ratio a would-be buyer might
a situation like this would have allowcd rum stratCg)' and recommended applying asstgn ro the cnure company.
an investor to profit from thcse market ir to a large number of stocks, such a Nelson's merhodology also utilizes
extremes without being exposed to the strategy is not practical for the mdividual a rclntive value npproach and considers
probabiliry of a major Joss. investor. 1\elson, however, has an idca a stock to be undervalued if it has a
The conclusion of the Asness, et for a Sl!nilar strategy thar individual pricc-earnings rauo and price-earnings-
al. study is thar the negative correlation investors could folio": to-growth (PrG ratio below average
between value and momentum strate- In much the sarne way thar I Iall for tts mdustn peers. This relative value
gies coupled with their lugh expected of Fame baseball player Ted \\ tlliams approach is coupled w1th the low pnce-
returns make a simple strategy of equally wrote about pitches bemg m his strikc to-book ratio or low PEG ratio metrics
weighting a portfolio with value and zone, Nelson belie,·es 1t 1s the cohort to providc a more comprehensive valu-
momentum stocks a powcrful strategy of good value and good momentum auon analysts. Based on lus research, it
that produces higher cumulative long- stocks on the long side and poor value appears that a high book-co-market value
term rates of return chan either value and poor momentum stocks on rhc rauo (a low price-to-book ratio), a low
or momentum atone (across every asset short stde that are the major dm·crs of EV/EBITDA multiple, a low relative
class). The Asness study also points out the outperformance when value and pncc ·earrungs ratto and a low PEG ratio
that combining value and momentum momentum strategies are combincd. arc useful value signais that an individual
results in a significantly higher Sharpe To ferret out those stocks thar are likely investor can use to identify stocks with
ratio than eithcr a value or momentum to be in the investor's strike zone, lùs good value characteristics.
strategy alone and makes the portfolio methodology utilizes certain value and
less volatile across markets and rime momenrum signais. Momentum Signais
periods. [The Sharpc ratio mcasures how Therc is a considerable amount of
much return a strategy generates rela- Value Signais academie research suggesting that rela-
tive to the levcl of risk it incurs. Higher To identify stocks thar appcar robe tive returns can s1gnal whether future
Sharpe ratios imply a strategy produces unden·alued, Nelson primarily utilizcs a priee performance will be above or be-
more return for each unit of risk. To three-stage discoumed cash Aow (DCT) low the market's return, particularly oYer
learn more about the Sharpc ratio, sec mode!. This mode! is used to estima re a the next six to 12 months. (Exarnples
"lnterpreting the Sharpe Ratio" in the company's intrinsic value by calcula ting include "l\lomenrum" b\' ~arasimhan
May 2013 AAII joNrnal.) the present ,-alue of future expected Jegadeesh and Sheridan Titman, 2001.
cash Aows. He also utilizes a relati\'e and "Momcntum Strategies" b,•
~ . Louis
value approach. A stock is considered to K. C. Chan, ct al, 1996). Eugene Fama at
How lnvestors Can be undervalued if ir has a low price-to-
Combine the Strategies the University of Chicago, was quored in
earnings ratio and a low price-earnings- the Financial Analyse Journallast year as
Though Asness, et al. used a 50/50 to-growth (PEG) ratio compared to the saying, "Of ail the potential embarrJss·

14 Mil Journal
' eY Chara~t~ristics for Finding Good Value and Moment~!;;
• Price-earnings ratio below the industry or sc.:ctor median 50 day) are above the longer-tcrm 200-day moving
• Price-earnings to-growth (PEG) rauo bclow 1 0 and an; rage
below the industn medlan • The current priee is at !cast 75% of the stock':; 52-
• EV /EBITDA' ratio below or equal to 10.0 week lugh
• Increasmg rchtt\C strength over past 52 wecks, 26 *E 1"/ éBITD 1 is mterprise ~'Oille (total market capital-
wceks 13 wceks and 4 weeks ization pl11s total debt) divided I!J eamings before interest, taxes,
' depredation and alllottizatiotr.
• The shorter-term mO\'tng aYcrages (5-day, 20-day, or

ments to market efficiencr, momentum his or her entry and exit pmnts on the this 24-month period.
is the pnmary one." most unden·alued stocks. ·\ combina
ln tn1ng to idcncify stocks with tian of the two strategies can be used Conclusion
good momentum charactenscics, Nelson to help weed out the value traps and
gencralh uses four factors. The first "dead-money'' ideas to bolster overall The research srudies by Asness and
are movmg averages, with an emphasts rerurns. Such a strateg) doesn't require others provide evidence that combming
on situattons where the shorter-term value investors to abandon what they're value and momentum strategies offer m-
movmg average crosses a medlum- or currently do mg, but rather s1mply 0\'er vestors the opporturuty to achieve higher
longer-term mo,'Îng a'·erage from below lays a timeliness assessment to augment rates of return with lower risk th an would
(a bullish signal). The second is the performance. Focusmg on the very be achieved \\1th either stratero lndil.1du-
moncy flow index ~fFI), wluch is an best (rimely) opportunities in the tra- ally. Nelson's research adds to these stud-
oscülator that uses priee and volume ditional value portfolio can result ln an ies br highlighttng the facr that the results
to measurc buymg and selling pressure. even more conccntratcd, low turnover of combining value and momentum
Chartists often look for an overbought portfolto, which can result ln less tax strategies are very likely dm·en by focus-
signal, above 80, and an oversold signal, and !css transaction costs and better ing on a subset or cohort of stocks that
below 20, to indlcate unsustainable long-term performance. For Nelson, possess good value and good momentum
near-term priee extremes. The third is most turnover occurs as a result of a characteristics. Nelson believes individual
the accumulation/ distribution ratio. A value trigger, mcaning the stock IS no investors can profit from this research by
hean accumulation (bu)'Ïng) or distribu- longer undervalued, as opposed to a focusing on such stocks.
tion (selling) week can signal the future momentum trigger, such as a negative Curremly it does not appear that the
near-term direction of the 6rm's share assessment of a srock's moving ave rages. strategy of combining good value and
priee as investment dollars conttnue to good momentum has gruned enough
move in or out of the stock in the da •vs Testing the Strategy populariry to reduce its benefits. (Too
and weeks ahead and drives the stock The efficacy and usefulness of any much focus on any single anomaly

priee up or clown, respecti,·cly. The final mvestment strateg)' are the returns it tends to reduce or eliminate the excess
indicator is upside/ downside volume. produces in the real world. Figure 2 returns.) One reason why is that value:: m-
The leve! and trend of the upside/ shows the results that were achieved vestors have beeo conditioned to ignore
downside (U /D) volume ratio indicates with a mode! portfolio constructed by technical/ momentum analysts, w hile
whether institutional participation has \Jelson. The cumulative return for the many chartists do not pay stgnificant
becn bullish or bearish rccentlv.•
model portfolio from May 2011 to May attention, if any, to valuation multiples.
2013 was 55.9°·o versus 30.2°/o for the Cntil combining value and momentum
Low, Not High, Turnover exchange-traded fund S&P 500 Index b.ecomes more W:dely used, lt is pos-
The biggcst bencfit of a combincd (SPY). Valuentum's stock strategy out- stble that combuung low valuation and
value-momentum strategy is that the performed the S&P 500 Index (SPY) upward priee momcntum will be a use fui
approach allows an investor to improvc by close to 26 percentage points during stratero· for individual invcstors. ..l

Kevfn Trultt eamed an MBA ln corporate finance from the DePaul Universlty's Kellstadt Graduate School of Business. He has
over 15 years of commercial banldne experience at Flrst Chlcaeo BMO Harris and National City Bank Kevin currently serv
the Chlcaeo AAII chapter's board of dlrectors. Flnd out more at m .aaH.com/authoa/bvfn=Crultt. . es on

July 2013 ---

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