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you are not intentionally growing closer together as a couple, then you are slowly drifting apart. Yikes!

The first time I heard that statement, I was taken aback. Are we intentionally growing closer? Are we doing what it takes to stay connected with each other? The start-up of a new school year is a great time to re-evaluate priorities and schedules. Its that time of year when EVERYONE is vying for some of our time, talents, or kids! Our calendars are quickly filled with school, kids activities, sports, church, Bible Studies, care groups, meetings, etc. What a blessing to have such opportunities! Yet, how in the midst of all these demands, can we find balance and continue growing our marriages? Ginger and I encourage you to schedule time each week with your spouse. Men, this is an opportunity for you to step up and take leadership. Ginger and I spend 3-4 nights a week talking after dinner for 20 or 30 minutes. Most of that time is spent catching up on the days activities, talking about the kids, or preparing for the evening activities. Then, on the weekend we spend some time just talking about life, whether on a date or sitting outside on the porch. At first, we had to be intentional each time, now it has become a regular part of our routine. Our kids have learned that when it is mom and dad time, they need to occupy themselves and are not allowed to interrupt during those few minutes in the evening. Now many of you are probably thinking, There is no way we have time in the evening to say anything but hi to each other, let alone 20-30 minutes. Our way may not work for you. It works for us. Figure out what works for you as a couple and then go with it. It really is that simple. Looking for an opportunity to get away, reconnect, recharge, and grow your marriage? Well, look no further. A Praise God for the wonderful response when Weekend to Remember is coming our FamilyLIFE team joined forces with Doulos to a city near you. Spend the week- Partners and World Link Ministries, July 9-16. end with FamilyLIFE investing in Together, they set up beachheads for family your marriage. But Gene it just ministries in the cities of Bayamo and Placetas, wont work for us this year, you Cuba. Over 200 people attended the marriage us victory in these battles may say. Bless another couple by seminars. God gaveCuba: 28 people prayed to for the families of sending them. I am always amazed receive Christ, 77 renewed their commitment to how resistant people are to going- God and their family and 54 couples said they but once they go they dont want wanted to participate in HomeBuilders small to leave. Some even become volun- group studies. And, we were invited to return in February 2012 to train pastors in buildingteers or missionaries! ministry for families!!



Do not withold good from those to whom it is due, when it is within the power of your hand to do so. Proverbs 3:27

August 2011

beautiful feet

She FINALLY lost that tooth!

prayer requests
(this was was written by Gene)

01 PRAISE!! Home Schooling has started. Concern Home schooling has started.

02 MINISTRY Please pray for our trip to North Carolina in October, as we share about FamilyLIFE and how people can become part of the Homebuilders movement.

03 SPIRITUAL & PHYSICAL PROTECTION Please pray for physical protection as Gingers health has had a few bumps in the road, but has improved over the last few weeks.

3209 Ozark Dr. Bryant, Arkansas 72022 515.291.9282 ginger 515.291.9272 gene

Gene & Ginger McClugage

missionaries ___________

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