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School or District: North Shore Elementary Date: 3/6/2023

Please check type of instructional material:

( ) Book (/ ) AV (Video, CD, etc.) Film Other (Identify)

Tit|e. Ruby Bridges


Publisher or Producer: Euz*lan Palcy

It is expected that the material in question has been rea , viewed, or listened to in its entirety. Plea e complete the following
questions. If insufficient space is provided, attach additional sheets. (Please sign your name to each additional attachment.)

1. What brought this material to your attention? A per ission slip that was sent home.

2. Did you examine the entire material? ( yes ) |f not, what parts did you examine? The first 50 minutes of the movie

3. To what in the material do you object? (Please be specific. Cite pages, film sequence, etc.)

The word Nigga, jiggaboo, pickaninny, negro, child putting a noose around a dolls neck, adults screaming "i'm going to hang you"

4. What do you believe is the theme or purpose of this material?


5. What do you feel ight be the result of a student using this material?

Teaching them racial slur, how they are different and white people hate black people

6. For what age group would you recommend this material?

8th grade American History class

7. In your opinion, is there anything of value in this material?

Not for second graders - there is more in the movie but I ran out of space to type it.

8. Have you read any critical reviews of this material? If so, what? Please be specific.

Yes - several say how it very agressive with the anger racism of these white people in the movie. I even saw it is rated NR on one site.

9. What would you like the school or district to do about this material? Check your choice.

Remove it from Elementary school approved list of films. If that isn't possible send home a letter explaining the material.

Do not assign it to my child

Other (Please explain).

blgnatur TObjector Date (M/D/Y)
PCS Form 2-3185 (Rev. 8/21) Category C
Re iew Date 8/22 CC # 5620

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