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Class of Atty. Zarah Villanueva-Castro (FEU / San Beda)

Classes of Negotiable Instruments:
Negotiable Instrument - a writ t en cont ract f or t he payment 1. Pr omi ssor y Not e (PN) - uncondit ional promise in writ ing
of money which complies wit h t he requirement s of Sec. 1 of by one person t o anot her signed by t he maker engaging
t he NIL, which by it s f orm and on it s f ace, is int ended as a t o pay on demand or at a f ixed or det erminable f ut ure
subst it ut e f or money and passes f rom hand t o hand as money, t ime, a sum cert ain in money t o order or t o bearer.
so as t o give t he holder in due course (HDC) t he right t o hold 2. Bi l l of Exchange (BE) -an uncondit ional order in writ ing
t he inst rument f ree f rom def enses available t o prior part ies. addressed by one person t o anot her, signed by t he
( Revi ewer on Commer cial Law, Sundi ang and Aqui no) person giving it , requiring t he person t o whom it is
addressed t o pay on demand or at a f ixed or
Functions of Negotiable Instrument : det erminable f ut ure t ime a sum cert ain in money t o
1. Subst it ut e f or money order or t o bearer.
2. Medium of exchange
3. Tool used in commercial t ransact ion. Bills in Set: one composed of several part s, each part
numbered and cont aining a ref erence t o t he ot her part s, t he

Two Distinctive Features of NI: whole of t he part s const it ut ing but one bill.
1. Negot iabi l i t y - it is t hat at t ribut e or propert y whereby a Ri ght s of hol der s wher e par t s ar e negot i at ed
bill or not e or check may pass f rom hand t o hand similar separ at el y:
t o money, so as t o give t he holder in due course t he 1. If bot h are HDC, t he holder whose t it le f irst
right t o hold t he inst rument and t o collect t he sum accrues is considered t he t rue owner of t he

¾ Requisit es of Negot iabilit y:

payable f or himself f ree f rom def enses. bill.
2. But t he person who accept s or pays in due

a. It must be in writ ing and signed by t he maker or course shall not be prej udiced.
drawer; Obl i gat i ons of hol der who i ndor ses 2 or mor e par t s
b. Must cont ain an uncondit ional promise or order t o of t he Bi l l i n Set :
pay a sum cert ain in money; 1. The person shall be liable on every such part .
c. Must be payable on demand, or at a f ixed or 2. Every indorser subsequent t o him is liable on
det erminable f ut ure t ime; t he part he has himself indorsed, as if such
d. Must be payable t o order or t o bearer; and part s were separat e bills.
e. Where t he inst rument is addressed t o a drawee, he
must be named or ot herwise indicat ed t herein wit h Distinctions between a Negotiable Instrument and a
reasonable cert aint y. Negotiable Document of Title
2. Accumul at i on of Secondar y Cont r act s - secondary
cont ract s are picked up and carried along wit h NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT NEGOTIABLE DOCUMENT
Negot iable Inst rument s as t hey are negot iat ed f rom one OF TITLE
person t o anot her; or in t he course of negot iat ion of The subj ect is money The subj ect is goods
negot iable inst rument s, a series of j uridical t ies bet ween
t he part ies t heret o arise eit her by law or by privit y. The
Has all t he requisit es of Does not have t hese
indorsers become secondarily liable t o t he holder.
Sec 1 of NIL requisit es
Distinctions: Negotiable and Non-Negotiable Instruments A holder of NI may run Int ermediat e part ies are
af t er t he secondary part ies not secondarily liable if t he
f or payment if dishonored document is dishonored
by t he part y primarily
Must cont ain all requisit es Does not cont ain all
of sec. 1 requisit es of sec. 1
A holder, if HDC, may A holder can never acquire
Transf erable by Transf erable by
acquire right s over t he right s t o t he document
negot iat ion and assignment only
inst rument bet t er t han his bet t er t han his predecessors
HDC can have right s A t ransf eree acquires no
bet t er t han his t ransf eror bet t er right t han his
Prior part ies warrant Prior part ies do not NOTE
payment (secondary warrant payment but Uncondit ional promise Uncondit ional order
liabilit y) merely t he legalit y of Involves 2 part ies Involves 3 part ies
t it le Maker is primarily liable Drawer is only secondarily
Governed by NIL NIL only by analogy liable
Transf eree is a holder in Transf eree is assignee Only one present ment : f or Two present ment s: f or
due course only payment accept ance and f or
Def enses generally not All def enses available payment
available against last t ransf eree
Instances when BILL may be treated as a NOTE: e. Where t he inst rument is addressed t o a drawee, he must
1. Drawer and drawee are t he same person. be named or ot herwise indicat ed t herein wit h reasonable
1. Drawee is a f ict it ious person. cert aint y.
2. Drawee has no capacit y t o cont ract .
3. When inst rument is so ambiguous, t he holder may t reat 1. Must be i n wr i t i ng, si gned by t he maker or dr awer ;
it eit her as a BILL or a NOTE. - Ot herwise it cannot be a subst it ut e f or money.

Other Forms of Negotiable Instruments 2. Must cont ain an uncondit ional pr omi se or or der t o pay a
1. Cert if icat e of deposit issued by banks, payable t o t he sum cer t ain i n money;
deposit or or his order, or t o bearer
2. Trade accept ance Cer t ai nt y of sum payabl e.
3. Bonds, which are in t he nat ure of promissory not es The sum payable is a sum cert ain alt hough it is t o be paid:
4. Draf t s, which are bills of exchange drawn by one bank a. Wit h int erest ; or

upon anot her b. By st at ed inst allment s; or
All of t hese must comply wit h Sec. 1, NIL c. By st at ed inst allment s, wit h a provision t hat , upon
Note : Let t ers of credit are not negot iable. def ault in payment of any inst allment or of int erest ,
t he whole shall become due; or
Legal Tender d. Wit h exchange, whet her at a f ixed rat e or at t he
That kind of money t hat t he law compels a credit or t o accept current rat e; or
in payment of his debt when t endered by t he debt or in t he e. Wit h cost s of collect ion or an at t orney's f ee, in case
right amount . payment shall not be made at mat urit y. (sec. 2)
Accel er at i on cl ause - renders whole debt due and
Note : A negot iable inst rument alt hough int ended t o be a demandable upon f ailure of obligor t o comply wit h cert ain
subst it ut e f or money, is generally not a legal t ender. condit ions.

Incidents in “ Life” of Negotiable Instrument When pr omi se is uncondi t i onal

1. Issue An unqualif ied order or promise t o pay is uncondit ional
2. Delivery t hough coupled wit h:
3. Negot iat ion a. An indicat ion of a part icular f und out of which
4. Present ment f or accept ance, in cert ain kinds of bills of reimbursement is t o be made or a part icular
exchange account t o be debit ed wit h t he amount ; or
5. Accept ance b. A st at ement of t he t ransact ion which gives rise t o

¾ An order or promise t o pay out of a part icular f und is not

6. Dishonor by non-accept ance t he inst rument .
7. Present ment f or payment
8. Dishonor by non-payment uncondit ional.
9. Not ice of dishonor FUND FOR PARTICULAR FUND FOR
Drawee pays t he payee There is only one act : t he
Issue - t he f irst delivery of t he inst rument , complet e in f orm, f rom his own f unds; drawee pays direct ly f rom
t o a person who t akes it as a holder. af t erwards, t he drawee t he part icular f und
pays himself f rom t he indicat ed. Payment is
Del i ver y - t ransf er of possession, act ual or const ruct ive, f rom part icular f und indicat ed. subj ect t o t he condit ion
one person t o anot her t hat t he f und is suf f icient .
Hol der – ref ers t o t he: Part icular f und indicat ed Part icular f und indicat ed is
a. The payee or indorsee of a bill or not e who is in is NOT t he direct source t he direct source of
possession of it , or of payment but only t he payment .
b. The bearer t hereof (sec. 191) source of reimbursement .
Bear er - t he person in possession of a bill or not e which is
Indicat ion in t he Indicat ion in t he
payable t o bearer.
inst rument does not inst rument makes t he
Per son - includes a body of persons, whet her incorporat ed or
af f ect t he uncondit ional promise or order
not .
nat ure of t he promise or condit ional.
3. Payabl e on demand or at a f i xed det er mi nabl e f ut ur e
t i me;
Requisites of Negotiability (Sec. 1, NIL
a. It must be in writ ing and signed by t he maker or drawer;
Cer t ai nt y of t i me of payment
b. Must cont ain an uncondit ional promise or order t o pay a
An inst rument is payable at a det erminable f ut ure t ime which
sum cert ain in money;
is expressed t o be payable:
c. Must be payable on demand, or at a f ixed or
a. At a f ixed period af t er dat e or sight ; or
det erminable f ut ure t ime;
b. On or bef ore a f ixed or det erminable f ut ure t ime
d. Must be payable t o order or t o bearer; and
specif ied t herein; or
c. On or at a f ixed period af t er t he occurrence of a purpose of negot iable inst rument as a t ool in
specif ied event which is cert ain t o happen, t hough commercial dealings will be great ly hampered.
t he t ime of happening be uncert ain. (Revi ewer on Commer ci al Law, Sundi ang and

¾ ¾
An inst rument payable upon a cont ingency is not A bill may be addressed t o more t han one drawee
negot iable, and t he happening of t he event does not j oint ly, whet her t hey are part ners or not ; but not t o

¾ A promise t o pay “ when able, ” “ as soon as I can” , et c. ,

cure t he def ect . (sec. 4) t wo or more drawers in t he alt ernat ive or in
succession. ( Sec. 128)
wit hout specif icat ion of an absolut e dat e is not
negot iable. However, t here is a dif f erence of opinion as Test of Negotiability: presence of requirement s in Sect ion 1
t o whet her it is a condit ional promise or an absolut e of NIL.
promise t o pay at un unreasonable t ime:
a. Under t he f irst view, negot iabilit y is dest royed Factors that Determine Negotiability:
bot h by t he condit ion and by want of a f ixed 1. The whole inst rument it self
t ime f or payment ; 2. Only what appears on t he f ace of t he inst rument
b. Under t he second view, by t he general 3. Provisions of t he NIL, Sec. 1
principle t hat a promise t o pay wit hin a
reasonable t ime is not so cert ain as t o render BAR QUESTION (Q): Whi ch of t he f ol l owi ng
an inst rument negot iable. st i pul at i ons or f eat ur es of a pr omi ssor y not es (PN)
Af t er si ght Dr af t - payable only af t er t he expirat ion of t he af f ect or do not af f ect i t s negot i abi l i t y, assumi ng
st ipulat ed period f rom accept ance (legal sight ). t hat t he PN i s ot her wi se negot iabl e? Indi cat e your
answer by wr i t i ng t he par agr aph number of t he
When payabl e on demand: st i pul at i on or f eat ur e of t he PN as shown bel ow and
a. When it is so expressed t o be payable on demand, your cor r espondi ng answer , ei t her ‘ Af f ect ed” or
or at sight , or on present at ion; or “ Not af f ect ed. ” Expl ai n.
b. In which no t ime f or payment is expressed. (a) The dat e of t he PN i s “ Febr uar y 30, 2002. ”
Note: Where an inst rument is issued, accept ed, or indorsed (b) The PN bear s i nt er est payabl e on t he l ast day
when overdue, it is, as regards t he person so issuing, of each cal endar quar t er at a r at e equal t o 5%
accept ing, or indorsing it , payable on demand. above t he t hen pr evai l i ng 91-day Tbi l l r at e as
publ i shed at t he begi nni ng of such cal endar
4. Payabl e t o or der or t o bear er quar t er .
(c) The PN gi ves t he maker t he opt i on t o make
When payabl e t o or der payment ei t her i n money or i n quant it y of
The inst rument is drawn payable: pal ay of equi val ent val ue.
a. To t he order of a specif ied person or (d) The PN gi ves t he hol der t he opt i on ei t her t o

¾ The payee must be named or ot herwise indicat ed t herein

b. To him or his order. r equi r e payment i n money or t o r equi r e t he
maker t o ser ve as t he bodyguar d or escor t of

¾ It may be drawn payable t o t he order of :

wit h reasonable cert aint y. t he hol der f or 0 days.

a. A payee who is not maker, drawer, or drawee; or SUGGESTED ANSWER (SA):

b. The drawer or maker; or (a) NOT AFFECTED. The dat e i s not one of t he
c. The drawee; or r equi r ement s f or negot i abi l i t y.
d. Two or more payees j oint ly; or (b) NOT AFFECTED. The i nt er est i s t o be comput ed
e. One or some of several payees; or at a par t i cul ar t ime and i s det er minabl e. It
f. The holder of an of f ice f or t he t ime being. does not make t he sum uncer t ai n or t he
pr omi se condi t ional .
When payabl e t o bear er . (c) AFFECTED. Gi vi ng t he maker an opt i on r ender s
a. When it is expressed t o be so payable; or t he pr omi se condi t i onal .
b. When it is payable t o a person named t herein or (d) NOT AFFECTED. Gi vi ng t he hol der an opt i on
bearer; or does not make t he pr omi se condit i onal .
c. When it is payable t o t he order of a f ict it ious or
non-exist ing person, and such f act was known t o t he Additional provisions not affecting negotiability.
person making it so payable; or General Rule: t he inst rument is non-negot iable if it cont ains
d. When t he name of t he payee does not purport t o be a promise or order t o do any act in addit ion t o t he payment
t he name of any person; or of money.
e. When t he only or last indorsement is an Except ions:
indorsement in blank. (Sec. 9) a. aut horizes t he sale of collat eral securit ies in case
t he inst rument be not paid at mat urit y; or

¾ Where t he inst rument is addressed t o a drawee

5. Ident i f i cat i on of t he dr awee b. aut horizes a conf ession of j udgment if t he
inst rument be not paid at mat urit y; or
(meaning in a bill of exchange), he must be named c. waives t he benef it of any law int ended f or t he
or ot herwise indicat ed wit h reasonable cert aint y. advant age or prot ect ion of t he obligor; or
The holder must know t o whom he should present it d. gives t he holder an elect ion t o require somet hing t o
f or accept ance and/ or payment ; ot herwise, t he be done in lieu of payment of money.
g. Where an inst rument cont aining t he word "I pr omi se t o
Confession of j udgment – a writ t en st at ement signed by pay" is signed by t wo or more persons, t hey are deemed
t he def endant , set t ing f ort h t he basis of liabilit y and t o be j oint ly and severally liable t hereon. (sec. 17)

aut horizing t he ent ry of j udgment t hereon.

¾ Pr esumpt i on of consi der at ion. - every negot iable

Kinds of conf essi on of j udgment Consideration
a. cognivit act iomen – lit erally means “ he has
conf essed act ion” . It is a writ t en conf ession of inst rument is deemed pr i ma f aci e t o have been issued
act ion by t he def endant acknowledging is f or a valuable considerat ion; and every person whose
indebt edness t o t he plaint if f af t er t he act ion has signat ure appears t hereon t o have become a part y

¾ Val ue - any considerat ion suf f icient t o support a simple

been f iled. It is given af t er t he act ion is brought t o t heret o f or value.
save expenses.
b. relict a verif icat ionem – lit erally means “ his cont ract . An ant ecedent or pre-exist ing debt const it ut es
pleadings being abandoned. ” It is conf ession of value; and is deemed such whet her t he inst rument is

¾ Hol der f or val ue – one who has given a valuable

j udgment by wit hdrawal of t he def ense. payable on demand or at a f ut ure t ime.

Note: However, warrant s of at t orney t o conf ess j udgment , considerat ion f or t he inst rument issued or negot iat ed t o

are not aut horized nor cont emplat ed by our law. They are him.
void as against public policy because t hey enlarge t he f ield What const it ut es holder f or value:
f or f raud, because under t hese inst rument s, t he promissory where value has at any t ime been given f or t he
bargains away his right t o a day in court . The NIL does not inst rument , t he holder is deemed a holder f or value
sanct ion nor validat ed any provision ot herwise illegal. in respect t o all part ies who become such prior t o

t hat t ime.
Omissions and Provisions that do not affect Negotiability where t he holder has a lien on t he inst rument
( Sec. 6) arising eit her f rom cont ract or by implicat ion of
The validit y and negot iable charact er of an inst rument are law, he is deemed a holder f or value t o t he ext ent
not af f ect ed by t he f act t hat :
¾ Ef f ect of want of consi der at i on: a mat t er of def ense as
of his lien.
a. it is not dat ed; or
b. does not specif y t he value given, or t hat any value against any person not a holder in due course; and
had been given t heref ore; or part ial f ailure of considerat ion is a def ense pro t ant o,
c. does not specif y t he place where it is drawn or t he whet her t he f ailure is an ascert ained and liquidat ed
place where it is payable; or amount or ot herwise.
d. bears a seal; or Absence of consi der at i on – t ot al lack of any valid
e. designat es a part icular kind of current money in considerat ion f or t he cont ract is only a personal

¾ if it is not dat ed, t he inst rument will be considered t o be

which payment is t o be made. def ense.
Fai l ur e of consi der at i on – f ailure or ref usal or one part y

¾ considerat ion f or t he inst rument is presumed. ( ar t . 154

dat ed as of t he t ime it was issued. t o do, perf orm or comply wit h t he considerat ion agreed
upon is also only a personal def ense.

¾ sec. 73 specif ies where present ment f or payment should

NCC & sec. 25 NIL)

be made when t he place of payment is not specif ied III. T RANSFER AND NEGOT IAT ION

Rules of construction: Types of transfers:

a. Where t he sum payable is expressed in words and also in 1. Assi gnment - t ransf er of t it le t o t he inst rument , wit h t he
f igures and t here is a discrepancy bet ween t he t wo, t he assignee generally t aking only such t it le as his assignor
sum denot ed by t he words is t he sum payable; but if t he has, subj ect t o all def enses available against his
words are ambiguous or uncert ain, ref erence may be had assignor;
t o t he f igures t o f ix t he amount ; 2. Negot iat i on - t ransf er of a negot iable inst rument f rom
b. Where t he inst rument provides f or t he payment of one person t o anot her made in such a manner as t o
int erest , wit hout specif ying t he dat e f rom which int erest const it ut e t he t ransf eree t he holder t hereof
is t o run, t he int erest runs f rom t he dat e of t he 3. By Oper at i on of Law – such as by succession, by
inst rument , and if t he inst rument is undat ed, f rom t he insolvency.
issue t hereof ;
c. Where t he inst rument is not dat ed, it will be considered Distinctions between Negotiation and Assignment
t o be dat ed as of t he t ime it was issued;
d. Where t here is a conf lict bet ween t he writ t en and NEGOTIATION ASSIGNMENT
print ed provisions of t he inst rument , t he writ t en 1. Ref ers only t o 1. Ref ers generally t o an
provisions prevail; negot iable ordinary cont ract ;
e. Where t he inst rument is so ambiguous t hat t here is inst rument s;
doubt whet her it is a bill or not e, t he holder may t reat it 2. The t ransf eree is a 2. The t ransf eree is an
as eit her at his elect ion; holder; assignee;
f. Where a signat ure is so placed upon t he inst rument t hat 3. A holder in due course 3. An assignee is subj ect
it is not clear in what capacit y t he person making t he is subj ect only t o real t o bot h real and
same int ended t o sign, he is t o be deemed an indorser; def enses; personal def enses;
4. A holder in due course 4. Generally, an assignee
may acquire a bet t er merely st eps int o t he c. To t ransf er his right s as such indorsee,
right t han t hat of a shoes of t he assignor; where t he f orm of t he indorsement
prior part y aut horizes him t o do so.
5. A general indorser 5. An assignor does not But all subsequent indorsees acquire only t he
warrant s t he solvency warrant t he solvency of t it le of t he f irst indorsee under t he rest rict ive
of prior part ies; prior part ies unless indorsement . (sec. 37)

expressly st ipulat ed or
t he insolvency is known Such indorsement dest roys t he negot iabilit y of
t o him; t he inst rument and bars f urt her negot iat ion t o
6. An indorser is not 6. An assignor is liable a holder in due course.
liable unless t here be even wit hout not ice of d. Qual if i ed - const it ut es t he indorser a mere assignor

present ment and dishonor; of t he t it le t o t he inst rument . (sec. 38)
not ice of dishonor; made by adding t o t he indorser's signat ure
7. Negot iat ion is 7. Governed by Art s. 1624 words like "sans recourse, ” “ wit hout recourse",
governed y t he NIL. t o 1635 (on assignment "indorser not holder", "at t he indorser's own

of credit s) of t he Civil risk", et c.
Code. The purpose of t his kind of indorsement is t o
t ransf er t it le wit hout guarant eeing payment by

Methods of negotiation t he primary part y.
1. Or der Inst r ument – Indorsement and Delivery. It does not mean, however, t hat t he qualif ied
2. Bear er Inst r ument – Delivery only. indorser incurs no liabilit y at all. The ef f ect is
merely t o limit his liabilit y. He is secondarily
Indorsement - legal t ransact ion ef f ect ed by t he writ ing of liable f or breach of is warrant ies as an indorser
one's own name at t he: under Sec. 65. Thus, he is liable if t he
a. back of t he inst rument or inst rument is dishonored by NON-ACCEPTANCE
b. upon a paper ( al l onge) at t ached t heret o wit h or or NON-PAYMENT due t o:
wit hout addit ional words specif ying t he person t o a. f orgery;
whom or t o whose order t he inst rument is t o be b. lack of good t it le t o t he inst rument
payable whereby one not only t ransf ers legal t it le t o indorsed;
t he paper t ransf erred but likewise ent ers int o an c. lack of capacit y t o cont ract on t he part of
implied guarant y t hat t he inst rument will be duly prior part ies; or

¾ Gener al Rul e: indorsement must be of t he ent ire

paid. d. t he f act t hat t he inst rument was valueless
or not valid at t he t ime of t he indorsement
inst rument . which f act was known t o him.
Except i on: where inst rument has been paid in part , it e. Condi t i onal - right of t he indorsee is made t o

¾ Ki nds of i ndor sement : •

may be indorsed as t o t he residue. depend on t he happening of a cont ingent event
Part y required t o pay may disregard t he

a. Speci al - specif ies t he person t o whom or t o whose condit ions.
order, t he inst rument is t o be payable (sec. 34) This kind of indorsement has no ef f ect on t he

b. Bl ank - specif ies no indorsee: f urt her negot iat ion of t he inst rument . The
Inst rument is payable t o bearer and may be part y required t o pay, if he chooses, may make

negot iat ed by delivery (sec. 34) payment , disregarding t he condit ion wit hout
May be convert ed t o special indorsement by incurring any liabilit y because he is expressl y
writ ing over t he signat ure of indorser in blank aut horized t o do so under Sec. 39. But t he
any cont ract consist ent wit h charact er of person who received payment will hold t he
indorsement . proceeds subj ect t o t he right of t he condit ional
c. Rest r i ct ive - when t he indorsement eit her: indorser.
i. Prohibit s f urt her negot iat ion of t he
inst rument ; or f. Absol ut e - one by which indorser binds himself t o
ii. Const it ut es t he indorsee t he agent of t he pay:
indorser; or i. upon no ot her condit ion t han f ailure of
iii. Vest s t he t it l e in t he indorsee in t rust f or prior part ies t o do so; and
or t o t he use of some ot her persons. But ii. upon due not ice t o him of such f ailure.
mere absence of words implying power t o g. Joint - indorsement of inst rument payable t o 2 or
negot iat e does not make an indorsement more persons; all must indorse in order f or t he

• •
rest rict ive. t ransact ion t o operat e as a negot iat ion.
A rest rict ive indorsement conf ers upon t he Except ions t o t he rule requiring j oint
indorsee t he right : indorsement :
a. To receive payment of t he a. Where t he payees or indorsees are
inst rument ; part ners; and

b. To bring any act ion t hereon t hat t he b. Where t he payee or indorsee indorsing
indorser could bring; has aut horit y t o indorse f or t he
ot hers.
h. Ir r egul ar - a person who, not ot herwise a part y t o 2. Where it was made or accept ed f or
an inst rument , places t hereon his signat ure in blank accommodat ion and has been paid by t he
bef ore delivery. part y accommodat ed;

3. In ot her cases, where t he inst rument is
Rul es on Indor sement s: discharged when acquired by a prior part y.

• Ef f ect of t r ansf er wit hout indor sement :

a. t ransf er vest s in t he t ransf eree such t it le as t he IV. HOLDERS
t ransf eror had t herein (assi gnment ) , and
b. t he right t o have t he indorsement of t he Classes of holders:
1. simple holder (sec. 51)
t ransf eror.
For t he purpose of det ermining whet her t he 2. holder f or value (sec. 26)
t ransf eree is a holder in due course, t he 3. holder in due course (sec. 52, 57)
negot iat ion t akes ef f ect as of t he t ime when

t he indorsement is act ually made.
Applicable only t o order inst rument s Holder in Due Course

holder who has t aken t he inst rument under t he f ollowing
Indor sement of a bear er i nst r ument : where an
condit ions:
inst rument , payable t o bearer, is indorsed specially,
it may nevert heless be f urt her negot iat ed by
a. That it is complet e and regular upon it s f ace;
delivery; but t he person indorsing specially is liable
b. That he became t he holder of it bef ore it was
as indorser t o only such holders as make t it le
overdue, and wit hout not ice t hat it has been
t hrough his indorsement .
previously dishonored, if such was t he f act ;
Note: The rule only applies t o originally bearer
c. That he t ook it in good f ait h and f or value;
inst rument s. If it is originally a BEARER inst rument ,
d. That at t he t ime it was negot iat ed t o him, he had
it will always be a BEARER inst rument . As opposed
no not ice of any inf irmit y in t he inst rument or
t o an original order inst rument becoming payable t o
def ect in t he t it le of t he person negot iat ing it .
bearer, if t he same is indorsed specif ically, it can
NO LONGER be negot iat ed f urt her by mere delivery,
¾ When title defective - The t it le of a person who
it has t o be indorsed.
negot iat es an inst rument is def ect ive when he obt ained

t he inst rument or any signat ure t heret o, by:
St r i ki ng out i ndor sement s: t he holder may at any a. f raud,
t ime st rike out any indorsement , which is not b. duress, or f orce and f ear,
necessary t o his t it le. The indorser whose c. ot her unlawf ul means,
indorsement is st ruck out and all indorsers d. illegal considerat ion,
subsequent t o him, are t hereby relieved f rom e. negot iat ion in breach of f ait h,

liabilit y on t he inst rument . f. circumst ances amount ing t o f raud.
If t he inst rument is payabl e t o bear er on it s f ace,
t hen whet her or not t here are indorsement s on t he ¾ What constitutes notice of defect . - The person t o
back of t he inst rument would be immat erial t o t he whom it is negot iat ed must have:
t it le of t he bearer, who is presumpt ively t he owner a. act ual knowledge of t he inf irmit y or def ect , or
and holder by his mere possession of such b. knowledge of such f act s t hat his act ion in t aking t he
inst rument . None of t he indorsement would be inst rument amount ed t o bad f ait h. (sec. 56)
necessary t o it ’ s t it le since mere delivery would
have been suf f icient t o t ransf er t it le f rom one ¾ Notice before full amount is paid - where t he

holder t o anot her. t ransf eree receives not ice of any inf irmit y in t he
Where t he inst rument is payabl e t o or der on it s inst rument or def ect in t he t it le of t he person
f ace, t he sit uat ion is dif f erent . First , t he negot iat ing t he same bef ore he has paid t he f ull amount
indorsement of a special indorsee is necessary f or agreed t o be paid, he will be deemed a holder in due
t he f urt her negot iat ion of t he inst rument . Second, course only t o t he ext ent of t he amount paid by him.
t he last indorsement cont rols t he met hod of f urt her
negot iat ion. ¾ When person not deemed a holder in due course -

where an inst rument payable on demand is negot iat ed
When pr i or par t y (r eacqui r er ) may negot i at e: where an on an unreasonable lengt h of t ime af t er it s issue, t he
inst rument is negot iat ed back t o a prior part y, such

holder is not deemed a holder in due course.
part y may reissue and f urt her negot iat e t he same. But Reasonabl e t ime, what const it ut es. - regard is t o be
he is not ent it led t o enf orce payment t hereof against had t o t he

any int ervening part y t o whom he was personally liable. a. nat ure of t he inst rument ,
In t he f ollowing cases, a prior part y cannot f urt her b. t he usage of t rade or business wit h respect t o
negot iat e t he inst rument : such inst rument s, and t he
1. Where it is payable t o t he order of a t hird

c. f act s of t he part icular case.
person, and has been paid by t he drawer; Ef f ect : in t he hands of any holder ot her t han a
holder in due course, a negot iable inst rument is
subj ect t o t he same def enses as if it were non- IN A BILL OF 1. Drawer
negot iable. EXCHANGE 2. Accept or

3. Indorsers
Gener al Rul e: every holder is deemed prima f acie t o be 4. Persons negot iat ing by delivery
a holder in due course
Except i on: when it is shown t hat t he t it le of any person 1. Parties Primarily Liable

who has negot iat ed t he inst rument was def ect ive, t he a. Maker (Sec. 60)
burden is on t he holder t o prove t hat he or some person engages t o pay according t o t he t enor of t he
under whom he claims acquired t he t it le as holder in due

inst rument ; and
course (shif t ing of burden of proof ). admit s t he exist ence of t he payee and his t hen
Li mi t at i on: t he last -ment ioned rule does not apply in capacit y t o indorse at t he t ime of t he making
f avor of a part y who became bound on t he inst rument

of t he not e.
prior t o t he acquisit ion of such def ect ive t it le. (sec. 59) A person placing his name on t he f ace of a not e

is prima f acie a maker and liable as such; and
Rights of a holder in due course: he is presumed t o have act ed wit h care and t o
a. he may sue on t he inst rument in his own name; have signed t he inst rument wit h f ull knowledge
b. he may receive payment and if payment is in due of it s cont ent s.
course, t he inst rument is discharged.

b. Accept or or Drawee (Sec. 62)
c. holds t he inst rument f ree f rom any def ect of t it le of engages t o pay according t o t he t enor of his
prior part ies,

accept ance;
d. holds t he inst rument f ree f rom def enses available t o admit s:
prior part ies among t hemselves, and 1. t he exist ence of t he drawer,
e. may enf orce payment of t he inst rument f or t he f ull 2. t he genuineness of his signat ure and
amount t hereof against all part ies liable t hereon. 3. his capacit y and aut horit y t o draw t he
inst rument ; and
Payment in due cour se is payment made: 4. t he exist ence of t he payee and his t hen
a. at or af t er t he mat urit y of t he inst rument capacit y t o indorse.
b. t o t he holder t hereof Note: t he drawee is not liable unt il he accept s
c. in good f ait h and wit hout not ice t hat his t it le is

t he inst rument
def ect ive.
Where a check is cert if ied by a bank, it is
equivalent t o an accept ance. Since cert if icat ion is
Shelter Rule:
equivalent t o accept ance, a bank which has
a. derives his t it le t hrough a holder in due course, and
cert if ied a check whet her at t he request of t he
b. who is not himself a part y t o any f raud or illegalit y
holder or of a drawer, has t he same liabilit ies and
af f ect ing t he inst rument , has all t he right s of such
makes t he same warrant ies as an accept or. It
f ormer holder in respect of all part ies prior t o t he
cannot , af t er cert if icat ion, quest ion t he
lat t er.
genuineness of t he drawer’ s signat ure. If it
discovers t hat such signat ure is f orged subsequent
Rights of a Holder NOT in Due Course
t o cert if icat ion but prior t o payment , it cannot
1. He may sue on t he inst rument in his own name;
ref use t o pay on t he check. If it s discovery comes
2. He may receive payment and if t he payment is in
af t er it has paid t he check, it cannot recover
due course, t he inst rument is discharged;
back what it paid on t he ground of mist aken
3. He is ent it led t o t he inst rument but holds it subj ect
payment unless t he holder is guilt y of f raud or
t o t he same def enses as if it were non-negot iable;

4. He has all t he right s of t he holder in due course
If a drawee-bank accept s or pays a check despit e
f rom whom he derived his t it le in respect of all
a st op payment order f rom t he drawer, t hrough
part ies prior t o such holder, provided he is not
oversight or ot herwise, it cannot ref use t o pay
himself a part y t o any f raud or illegalit y af f ect ing
t he holder or recover what has been paid; neit her
t he inst rument .
may it debit t he drawer’ s account unless t he
accept ance nor payment was made prior t o t he
receipt of t he order.
2. Parties Secondarily Liable
Persons primarily liable on instrument : t he person who, by

a. Drawer (Sec. 61)
t he t erms of t he inst rument , is absolut ely required t o pay t he
admit s t he exist ence of t he payee and his
same. All ot her part ies are "secondar i l y" liable.

capacit y t o indorse;
Classification of parties according to liability engages t hat t he inst rument will be accept ed

or paid by t he part y primarily liable; and
IN A PROMISSORY 1. Maker engages t hat if t he inst rument is dishonored
NOTE 2. Indorser and proper proceedings are brought , he will
3. Persons negot iat ing by delivery pay t o t he part y ent it led t o be paid.

b. General Indorser (Sec. 66)
Warrant s:
1. genuineness of t he inst rument ; à inst rument is genuine and in all respect s what

2. his good t it le t o it ; it purport s t o be;

3. capacit y t o cont ract of prior part ies; and he has good t it le t o it ;

• à
4. inst rument is valid and subsist ing. all prior part ies had capacit y t o cont ract ;
engages t hat t he inst rument will be accept ed he has no knowledge of any f act which would

or paid by t he part y primarily liable; and impair t he validit y of t he inst rument or render
engages t hat if t he inst rument is dishonored it valueless.

and proper proceedings are t aken, he will pay b. Per sons Negot i at i ng by Del i ver y
t o t he part y ent it led t o be paid. warrant ies same as t hose of qualif ied indorsers;

c. Irregular Indorser – a person, not ot herwise a part y and
t o an inst rument , places his signat ure t hereon in warrant ies ext end t o immediat e t ransf eree
blank bef ore delivery. only.

Rul es:
If inst rument payable t o t he order of a 3 LIABILITY WARRANTY
person, he is liable t o t he payee and 1. To pay a sum cert ain. 1. No obligat ion t o pay.

subsequent part ies. 2. Requires Not ice of 2. Not ice of Dishonor is not a
If inst rument payable t o order of maker or Dishonor. requirement .
drawer, he is liable t o all part ies subsequent t o 3. Act ion can be brought 3. Act ion may be brought

t he maker or drawer. only on mat urit y of anyt ime.
If he signs f or accommodat ion of t he payee, he inst rument .
is liable t o all part ies subsequent t o t he payee.
1. No secondary liabilit y; 1. Wit h secondary liabilit y;
1. Uncondit ionally bound; 1. Condit ionally bound;
2. Absolut ely required t o 2. Undert akes t o pay only 2. Warrant s t hat he has no 2. Warrant s t hat t he
pay upon t he mat urit y of af t er cert ain condit ions knowledge of any f act , inst rument is, at t he t ime
t he inst rument . have been f ulf illed: which would impair t he of his indorsement , valid
a. due present ment f or validit y of t he inst rument and subsist ing.
payment or accept ance t o or render it valueless.
primary part y;
b. dishonor by such
4. Ot her part ies who may be liable:
part y; and
c. t he t aking of
Gener al Rul e: One whose signat ure does not appear on t he
proceedings required by
inst rument shall not be liable t hereon.
law af t er dishonor.
Except i ons:
1. The principal who signs t hrough an agent is liable;
2. The f orger is liable;
1. A part y t o eit her a not e 1. A part y only t o a bill; 3. One who indorses in a separat e inst rument (allonge) is
or a bill; 2. The drawer makes such liable;
2. Does not make any admission; 4. One who signs his assumed or t rade name is liable; and
admission regarding t he 3. Makes no warrant ies, but 5. A person negot iat ing by delivery (as in t he case of a
exist ence of t he payee and he engages t o pay af t er bearer inst rument ) is liable t o his immediat e indorsee.
his capacit y t o indorse; and cert ain condit ions are
3. Has warrant ies. complied wit h. Requisites for an Agent to escape liability:
1. must be duly aut horized;
GENERAL INDORSER IRREGULAR INDORSER 2. add words t o his signat ure indicat ing t hat he signs as an
1. Makes eit her a blank or 1. Always makes a blank agent , t hat is, f or or on behalf of a principal, or in a
special indorsement ; indorsement ; represent at ive capacit y; and
2. Indorses t he inst rument 2. Indorses bef ore it s 3. disclose his principal.
af t er it s delivery t o t he delivery;
payee; and 3. Liable t o t he payee and ¾ A signat ure by “ procurat ion” operat es as not ice t hat t he
3. Liable only t o part ies subsequent part ies unless agent has but a limit ed aut horit y t o sign, and t he
subsequent t o him he signs f or t he principal is bound only in case t he agent in so signing
accommodat ion of t he
act ed wit hin t he act ual limit s of his aut horit y. (sec. 21)
payee in which case he is Indorsement or assignment of t he NI by a corporat ion or
liable only t o all part ies by an inf ant passes t he propert y t herein,
subsequent t o t he payee. not wit hst anding t hat f rom want of capacit y, t he
corporat ion or inf ant may incur no liabilit y t hereon.
3. Part ies wit h Limit ed Liabilit y (sec. 65; Met r opol (sec. 22)
Financi ng v. Sambok, 120 SCRA 864)
a. Qual i f i ed Indor ser - warrant s t hat : Accomodation Party
One who has signed t he inst rument as maker, drawer, a. Absence or f ailure of considerat ion, part ial or t ot al;
accept or, or indorser, wit hout receiving value t heref or, and b. Want of delivery of complet e inst rument ;

¾ Li abi l i t y: such a person is liable on t he inst rument t o a

f or t he purpose of lending his name t o some ot her person c. Insert ion of wrong dat e in an inst rument , where it is
payable at a f ixed period af t er dat e and it is issued
holder f or value, not wit hst anding such holder, at t he undat ed or where it is payable at a f ixed period
t ime of t aking t he inst rument , knew him t o be only an af t er sight and t he accept ance is undat ed;

¾ Ef f ect s:
accommodat ion part y. d. Filling up of blank cont rary t o aut horit y given or not
wit hin reasonable t ime, where t he inst rument is
1. accommodat ion part y is generally regarded as a delivered;
sur et y f or t he part y accommodat ed; e. Fraud in inducement ;
2. When accommodat ion part y makes payment t o f. Acquisit ion of inst rument by f orce, duress, or f ear;
holder of t he not e, he has t he right t o sue t he g. Acquisit ion of t he inst rument by unlawf ul means;
accommodat ed part y f or reimbursement . h. Acquisit ion of t he inst rument f or an illegal

considerat ion;
Ri ght s of accommodat i on par t i es as agai nst each ot her : i. Negot iat ion in breach of f ait h;
t he ot her may demand cont ribut ion f rom his co- j. Negot iat ion under circumst ances t hat amount t o
accommodat ion part y wit hout f irst direct ing his act ion f raud;
against t he principal debt or provided: k. Mist ake;
1. he made t he payment by virt ue of j udicial demand; l. Int oxicat ion (according t o bet t er aut horit y);
or m. Ult ra vires act s of corporat ions where t he
2. t he principal debt or is insolvent . corporat ion has t he power t o issue negot iable paper
but t he issuance was not aut horized f or t he
Note: A cor por at i on cannot act as an accommodat ion part icular purpose f or which it was issued;
part y. The issuance or indorsement of negot iable n. Want of aut horit y of agent where he has
inst rument by a corporat ion wit hout considerat ion and o. apparent aut horit y;
f or t he accommodat ion of anot her is ul t r a vi r es. p. Insanit y where t here is no not ice of insanit y on t he
( Cr i sol ogo v. CA, 117 SCRA 594). part of t he one cont ract ing wit h t he insane person;
Order of liability of indorsers: q. Illegalit y of cont ract where t he f orm or
1. among t hemselves – indorsers are liable pr i ma f aci e in considerat ion is illegal.
t he order in which t hey indorse; but evidence is
admissible t o show t hat , as bet ween or among FRAUD IN FACTUM FRAUD IN INDUCEMENT
t hemselves, t hey have agreed ot herwise (sec. 68) 1. It exist s in t hose cases in 1. It is t hat which relat ed
2. t o t he holder – indorsers are liable in any order which a person, wit hout t o t he qualit y, quant it y,
negligence, has signed an value or charact er of t he
VI. DEFENSES inst rument which was in considerat ion of t he
f act a negot iable inst rument . In t his case,
inst rument , but was t he signer is led by
deceived as t o t he decept ion t o execut e what
1. Real/ Absolut e Def enses - t hose t hat at t ach t o t he
charact er of t he inst rument he knows is a negot iable
inst rument it self and are available against all holders,
and wit hout knowledge of inst rument . It implies t hat
whet her in due course or not .
it s, as where a not was t he signer knew what he
Exampl es:
signed by one under t he was signing but t hat he was
a. Alt erat ion;
belief t hat he was signing induced by f raud t o sign.
b. Non-delivery of incomplet e inst rument ;
as a wit ness t o a deed.
c. Duress amount ing t o f orgery;
d. Fraud in f act um or f raud in esse cont ract us; 2. This kind of f raud is a 2. Such t ype of f raud is only
e. Minorit y; real def ense because t here a personal def ense because
f. Marriage in t he case of a wif e; is no cont ract . It implies it does not prevent a
g. Insanit y where t he insane person has a guardian t hat t he person did not cont ract .
appoint ed by t he court ; know what he was signing.
h. Ult ra vires act s of a corporat ion, where t he But where t he signer by t he
corporat ion is absolut ely prohibit ed by it s chart er or exercise of reasonable
st at ut e f rom issuing any commercial paper under diligence could have
any circumst ances; discovered t he nat ure of
i. Want of aut horit y of agent ; t he inst rument , t he f raud
j. Execut ion of inst rument bet ween public enemies; cannot be considered a real
k. Illegalit y of cont ract where it is t he cont ract or def ense, as where a person,
inst rument it self which is expressly made illegal by who can read, signed a not e
st at ut e; and but f ailed t o read it .

l. Forgery.
2. Personal/ Equit able Def enses – t hose which are available Effects of Defenses:
only against a person not a holder in due course or a 1. Compl et e and undel i ver ed i nst r ument
subsequent holder who st ands in privit y wit h him.
Exampl es:
• as bet ween immediat e part ies and as regards a omissions t hat amount t o rat if icat ion, express
remot e part y ot her t han a holder in due course, t he or implied.

delivery must be aut horized in order t o be ef f ect ual Note: Persons precluded f rom set t ing up t he
where t he inst rument is in t he hands of a holder in def ense of f orgery may st ill recover damages under

due course, a valid delivery t hereof by all part ies t he NCC provisions on quasi-delict s.
prior t o him so as t o make t hem liable t o him is Rules on Forgery:

conclusively presumed A. Pr omi ssor y Not es
where t he inst rument is no longer in t he possession 1. Maker’ s signat ure f orged
of a part y whose signat ure appears t hereon, a valid Or der Inst r ument
and int ent ional delivery by him is presumed unt il a. Maker is not liable because he never
t he cont rary is proved became a part y t o t he inst rument .
b. Indorsers subsequent t o f orgery are liable

2. Incompl et e but del i ver ed i nst r ument because of t heir warrant ies.
where t he inst rument is want ing in any mat erial c. Part y who made t he f orgery is liable.
part icular, t he person in possession t hereof has a Bear er Inst r ument
prima f acie aut horit y t o complet e it by f illing up t he a. Maker is not liable.
b. Indorsers may be made liable t o t hose

blanks t herein.
it must be f illed up st rict ly in accordance wit h t he persons who obt ain t it le t hrough t heir
indorsement s.

aut horit y given and wit hin a reasonable t ime
if any such inst rument , af t er complet ion, is c. Part y who made t he f orgery is liable.
negot iat ed t o a holder in due course, it is valid and 2. Payee’ s signat ure f orged
ef f ect ual f or all purposes in his hands, and he may Or der Inst r ument
enf orce it as if it had been f illed up st rict ly in a. Maker and payee not liable
accordance wit h t he aut horit y given and wit hin a b. Indorsers subsequent t o t he f orgery is
reasonable t ime. liable.
c. Part y who made t he f orgery is liable

3. Incompl et e and undel i ver ed i nst r ument
it will not , if complet ed and negot iat ed wit hout Bear er Inst r ument
aut horit y, be a valid cont ract in t he hands of any a. Maker is liable. Indorsement is not
holder, as against any person whose signat ure was necessary t o t it le and t he maker engages
t o pay holder.

placed t hereon bef ore delivery.
However, subsequent indorsers are liable. b. Part y who made t he f orgery is liable
3. Indorser’ s signat ure f orged

4. For ger y
Or der Inst r ument
count erf eit making or f raudulent alt erat ion of any
a. Maker, payee, and indorser who signat ure
writ ing, which may consist of :
was f orged is not liable.
1. signing of anot her’ s name wit h int ent t o
b. Indorsers subsequent t o f orgery are liable
def raud; or
because of t heir warrant ies.
2. alt erat ion of an inst rument in t he name,
c. Part y who made t he f orgery is liable.
amount , name of payee, et c. wit h int ent t o
Bearer Inst rument

def raud.
a. Maker is liable. Indorsement is not
Ef f ect : signat ure is wholly inoperat ive, and no right
necessary t o t it le and t he maker engages
t o ret ain t he inst rument , or t o give a discharge
t o pay holder.
t heref ore, or t o enf orce payment t hereof against
b. Indorser whose signat ure was f orged is not
any part y t heret o, can be acquired t hrough or under

such signat ure
c. Part y who made t he f orgery is liable.
Except ion: unless t he part y against whom it is
B. Bi l l of Exchange
sought t o enf orce such right is precluded f rom
1. Drawer’ s signat ure f orged

set t ing up t he f orgery or want of aut horit y.
In an Or der Inst r ument
Cut-Off Rule a. Drawer is not liable.
General Rule: Part ies prior t o t he f orged signat ure b. Drawee is liable if it paid (nor recourse t o
are cut -of f f rom t he part ies af t er t he f orgery in t he drawer) because he admit t ed t he
sense t hat prior part ies cannot be held liable and genuineness of t he drawer’ s signat ure.
can raise t he def ense of f orgery. The holder can Drawee cannot recover f rom t he collect ing
only enf orce t he inst rument against part ies who bank because t here is no privit y bet ween
became such af t er t he f orgery. t he collect ing bank and t he drawer. There
Except ion: When t he prior part ies are precluded is no warrant y as t o t he signat ure of t he
f rom set t ing up t he def ense of f orgery. drawer. ( Associ at ed Bank v. CA)
Per sons pr ecl uded f r om set t i ng up t he def ense of c. Indorsers subsequent t o f orgery are liable.
f or ger y ar e: d. Part y who made t he f orgery is liable
1. Those who by t heir act s, silence, or negligence, In a Bear er Inst r ument
are est opped f rom set t ing up t he def ense of a. Drawer is not liable
f orgery; b. Drawee is liable if it paid. Drawee cannot
2. Those who warrant or admit t he genuineness of recover f rom t he collect ing bank because
t he signat ure in quest ion. These include act s or
it is bound t o known t he drawer’ s set t ing such alt erat ion as against an innocent

signat ure since t he lat t er is it s deposit or. drawee bank who has paid t he check.
c. Part y who made t he f orgery is liable. In cases of alt ered checks and checks wit h f orged
2. Payee’ s signat ure f orged indorsement s, t he drawee bank must not if y and
Or der Inst r ument ret urn t hem t o t he collect ing bank bef ore 4: 00 p. m.
a. Drawer, drawee and payee not liable. Cut - of t he next day of clearing, but t he drawee bank
of f rule applies. may st ill ret urn t hem even af t er such t ime provided
b. Indorsers subsequent t o f orgery are liable. he does so wit hin 24 hours f rom it s discovery of t he
c. Part y who made t he f orgery is liable alt erat ion or f orged inst rument s so t hat recovery of
Bear er Inst r ument t he amount may be had. BUT, in no event beyond
a. Drawer is liable. His indorsement is not t he period f ixed or provided by law f or f iling of a
necessary t o pass t it le. legal act ion by t he ret urning bank against t he bank
b. Drawee is liable. No privit y bet ween sending t he same.
drawer and payee because indorsement of Note: Alt erat ion is only a part ial real def ense
payee is not necessary ( Ang Tek Lian case, because a holder in due course can st ill enf orce it
87 SCRA 383) according t o it s original t enor.
c. Payee is not liable
d. Collect ing bank is liable because of
e. Part y who made t he f orgery is liable.
3. Indorser’ s signat ure f orged Presentment for payment – t he present at ion of an
Or der Inst r ument inst rument t o t he person primarily liable f or t he purpose of
a. Drawer, payee and indorser whose demanding and receiving payment .
signat ure was f orged are not liable.

b. Drawee is liable if it paid. General Rules:
c. Indorsers subsequent t o f orgery are liable. present ment f or payment t o charge persons

d. Part y who made t he f orgery is liable. primarily liable is not necessary
Bear er Inst r ument present ment f or payment t o charge persons
a. Drawer is liable. Indorsement is not secondarily liable is necessary
necessary t o pass t it le. Except ions:
b. Drawee is liable. a. drawer - where he has no right t o expect or require
c. Indorser whose signat ure was f orged is t hat t he drawee or accept or will pay t he inst rument
liable because indorsement is not (sec. 79)
necessary t o pass t it le. b. indorser - where t he inst rument was made or
d. Part y who made t he f orgery is liable. accept ed f or his accommodat ion and he has no
reason t o expect t hat t he inst rument will be paid if

5. Al t er at i on present ed.

Ef f ect : t he inst rument is avoided c. when dispensed:
Except ions: i. where, af t er t he exercise of reasonable
1. against a part y who has himself made, diligence, present ment as required cannot
aut horized, or assent ed t o t he alt erat ion be made;
2. subsequent indorsers ii. where t he drawee is a f ict it ious person;
3. holder in due course not a part y t o t he iii. by waiver of present ment , express or
alt erat ion - he may enf orce payment according implied. (sec. 82)

t o it s original t enor d. when t he inst rument has been dishonored by non-
Changes const it ut ing mat erial alt erat ion: accept ance (sec. 151)
1. dat e;
2. sum payable, eit her f or principal or int erest ; Sufficiency of presentment.
3. t ime or place of payment ; It must be:
4. number or relat ions of t he part ies; 1. made by t he holder or any person aut horized t o
5. medium or currency in which payment is t o be receive payment on his behalf ;
made; 2. at a reasonable hour on a business day;
6. t hat which adds a place of payment where no 3. at a proper place;
place of payment is specif ied; and 4. t o t he person primarily liable or if he is absent or
7. any ot her change or addit ion which alt ers t he inaccessible, t o any person f ound at t he place
ef f ect of t he inst rument in any respect . where t he present ment is made.
Note: a mat erial alt erat ion is one t hat alt ers t he How made:
ef f ect of t he inst rument ; one which changes t he 1. personal demand f or payment at t he proper place; and

it ems required t o be st at ed under Sec. 1, NIL. 2. readiness t o exhibit t he inst rument if required, and t o

Spoliat ion – alt erat ion made by a st ranger. receive payment and t o surrender t he inst rument if t he

The general rule denies t he drawee bank’ s right t o debt or is willing t o pay.
charge against t he drawer’ s account t he amount of Pur pose of exhi bi t i on:
an alt ered check. However, t he lat t er’ s negligence, To enable t he debt or t o:
bef ore or af t er t he alt erat ion, may est op him f rom
a. det ermine t he genuineness of t he inst rument and Presentment for acceptance – t he product ion or exhibit ion
t he right of t he holder t o receive payment ; and of a bill of exchange t o t he drawee f or his accept ance or

b. t o enable him t o reclaim possession upon payment . payment
When exhi bi t i on excused:
a. when debt or does not demand t o see t he inst rument General Rule: present ment f or accept ance is not necessary t o
but ref uses payment on some ot her grounds, and render any part y t o t he bill liable.
b. when t he inst rument is lost or dest royed.
Except ion: present ment f or accept ance must be made:

When made: a. Where t he bill is payable af t er sight , or where
where t he inst rument is payable at a f ixed or present ment f or accept ance is necessary in order t o
det erminable f ut ure t ime, present ment must be made f ix t he mat urit y of t he inst rument ; or

on t he day it f alls due
where it is payable on demand: b. Where t he bill expressly st ipul at es t hat it shall be
a. pr omi ssor y not e: present ment must be made wit hin present ed f or accept ance; or
a reasonable t ime af t er it s issue
b. bi l l of exchange: present ment f or payment will be c. Where t he bill is drawn payable elsewhere, t hen at
suf f icient if made wit hin a reasonable t ime af t er t he residence or place of business of t he drawee.
(sec. 143)

t he last negot iat ion t hereof
t he check must be present ed f or payment wit hin a Note: in all t he above cases, t he holder must eit her present
reasonable t ime af t er it s issue or t he drawer will be t he bill f or accept ance or negot iat e it wit hin a reasonable
discharged f rom liabilit y t hereon t o t he ext ent of t he t ime; ot herwise, t he drawer and all indorsers are discharged.
loss caused by t he delay.
How made :
1. made by or on behalf of t he holder;

Time of maturity:
every negot iable inst rument is payable at t he t ime f ixed 2. at a reasonable hour;
3. on a business day;

t herein wit hout grace
when t he day of mat urit y f alls upon a Sunday or a 4. bef ore t he bill is overdue and wit hin reasonable
holiday, t he inst rument s are t o be present ed f or t ime;
5. t o t he drawee or some person aut horized t o accept

payment on t he next succeeding business day
or ref use accept ance on his behalf .
when t he day of mat urit y f alls upon a Sat urday:
Inst rument is payable at a f ixed or det erminable
f ut ure t ime (t ime inst rument ) - present ed f or Days presentment may be made . If dat e of present ment is:
a. Sunday or a holiday – must be made on t he next
payment is on t he next succeeding business day
inst rument s is payable on demand - at t he opt ion of succeeding business day
t he holder, be present ed f or payment : b. Sat urday – bef ore 12: 00 noon on Sat urday provided
a. bef ore 12: 00 noon on Sat urday when t hat it is not a holiday.
t hat ent ire day is not a holiday or
b. t he next succeeding business day. When delay for presentment excused:
a. bill is drawn payable elsewhere t han at t he place of
How comput ed:
excluding t he day f rom which t he t ime is t o begin t o business or t he residence of t he drawee.
b. holder has no t ime, wit h t he exercise of reasonable
run, and by including t he dat e of payment
applies t o inst rument s which are payable at a f ixed diligence, t o present t he bill f or accept ance bef ore
period af t er dat e, af t er sight , or af t er t hat present ing it f or payment on t he day t hat it f alls
happening of a specif ied event . due.
Effect : does not discharge t he drawers and indorsers.
Proper place for presentment:
a. Where a place of payment is specif ied in t he inst rument Where presentment is excused:
and it is t here present ed; a. Where t he drawee is dead, or has absconded, or is a
b. Where no place of payment is specif ied but t he address f ict it ious person or a person not having capacit y t o
of t he person t o make payment is given in t he cont ract by bill.
inst rument and it is t here present ed; b. Where present ment can not be made af t er t he
c. Where no place of payment is specif ied and no address is exercise of reasonable diligence
given and t he inst rument is present ed at t he usual place c. Where, alt hough present ment has been irregular,
of business or residence of t he person t o make payment ; accept ance has been ref used on some ot her ground.
d. In any ot her case if present ed t o t he person t o make Not e: bill may be t reat ed as dishonored by non-
payment wherever he can be f ound, or if present ed at accept ance.
his last known place of business or residence.
Duty of holder where bill not accepted. - where a bill is
When delay in presentment excused – delay is caused by duly present ed f or accept ance and is not accept ed wit hin t he
circumst ances beyond t he cont rol of t he holder and not prescribed t ime (24 hours – sec. 136), t he person present ing
imput able t o his def ault , misconduct , or negligence. When it must t reat t he bill as dishonored by non-accept ance or he
t he cause of delay ceases t o operat e, present ment must be loses t he right of recourse against t he drawer and indorsers.
made wit h reasonable diligence.
Acceptance: t he signif icat ion by t he drawee of his assent t o • a bill may be accept ed bef ore it has been signed by t he
t he order of t he drawer. It is t he act by which t he drawee drawer, or while ot herwise incomplet e, or when it is
manif est s his consent t o comply wit h t he request cont ained overdue, or af t er it has been dishonored by a previous

in t he bill of exchange direct ed t o him. ref usal t o accept , or by non payment
when a bill payable af t er sight is dishonored by non-
How made : accept ance and t he drawee subsequent ly accept s it , t he
1) must be in writ ing holder, in t he absence of any dif f erent agreement , is
2) signed by t he drawee ent it led t o have t he bill accept ed as of t he dat e of t he

3) must not express t hat t he drawee will perf orm his f irst present ment .
promise by any ot her means t han t he payment of an uncondit ional promise in writ ing t o accept a bill

money. bef ore it is drawn is deemed an act ual accept ance
t he holder of t he bill present ing t he same f or accept ance in f avor of every person who, upon t he f ait h

may require t hat t he accept ance be writ t en on t he bill, t hereof , receives t he bill f or value.
and if such request is ref used, may t reat t he bill as where a check is cert if ied by t he bank on which it is

dishonored. drawn, t he cert if icat ion is equivalent t o an
where an accept ance is writ t en on a paper ot her t han accept ance.
t he bill it self , it does not bind t he accept or except in Ef f ect : t he drawer and all indorsers are discharged
f avor of a person t o whom it is shown and who, on t he f rom liabilit y t hereon.
f ait h t hereof , receives t he bill f or value.
Acceptance for Honor - an undert aking by a st ranger t o a bill
Period for drawee to accept - allowed 24 hours af t er af t er prot est f or t he benef it of any part y liable t hereon or f or
present ment in which t o decide whet her or not he will accept t he honor of t he person f or whose account t he bill is drawn
t he bill; if accept ance is given, it dat es as of t he day of which accept ance inures also t o t he benef it of all part ies
present at ion. subsequent t o t he person f or whose honor it is accept ed, and
condit ioned t o pay t he bill when it becomes due if t he
Constructive/ Implied acceptance: where a drawee ref uses
original drawee does not pay it .
wit hin 24 hours af t er delivery or wit hin such ot her period as Requi sit es:
t he holder may allow, t o ret urn t he bill accept ed or non- 1. t he bill must have been prot est ed f or dishonor
accept ed t o t he holder, he will be deemed t o have accept ed by non-accept ance or f or bet t er securit y;
t he same. 2. t he accept or f or honor must be a st ranger and
Note: same ef f ect if t he drawee dest roys t he inst rument . not a part y already liable on t he inst rument ;
3. bill must not be overdue;
Kinds: 4. accept ance f or honor must be wit h t he consent
1. Gener al - assent s wit hout qualif icat ion t o t he order of
of t he holder of t he inst rument .
t he drawer. For mal i t i es:
2. Qual if i ed - which in express t erms varies t he ef f ect of 1. must be in writ ing;
t he bill as drawn. 2. must indicat e t hat it is an accept ance f or
a. Condit ional - makes payment by t he accept or honor;
dependent on t he f ulf illment of a condit ion 3. signed by t he accept or f or honor;
t herein st at ed. 4. must cont ain an express or implied promise t o
b. Part ial - an accept ance t o pay part only of t he pay money;
amount f or which t he bill is drawn. 5. t he accept ed bill f or honor must be delivered
i. Local - an accept ance t o pay only at a t o t he holder.
part icular place.
ii. Qualif ied as t o t ime Notice of Dishonor - not ice given by t he holder or his agent
iii. The accept ance of some one or more of t o a part y or part ies secondarily liable t hat t he inst rument
t he drawees but not of all. was dishonored by non-accept ance by t he drawee of a bill, or
3. Const r uct ive by non-payment by t he accept or of a bill or by non-payment
by a maker of a not e.

Rights of parties as to qualified acceptance. - If such not ice is given by a not ary public, it is called
Holder : he may ref use t o t ake a qualif ied accept ance PROTEST.
and if he does not obt ain an unqualif ied accept ance, he

may t reat t he bill as dishonored by non-accept ance. Ef f ect of f ailure t o give not ice : part ies secondarily liable
Drawer or indorser : when he receives not ice of a are discharged

qualif ied accept ance, he must , wit hin a reasonable t ime,
express his dissent t o t he holder or he will be deemed t o Requi sit es:
have assent ed t heret o (implied assent ). 1. Given by holder or his agent , or by any part y who
may be compelled by t he holder t o pay;
Effect of taking a qualified acceptance : t he drawer and 2. Given t o secondary part y or his agent ;
indorsers are discharged f rom liabilit y on t he bill unless t hey 3. Given wit hin t he periods provided by law;
have expressly or impliedly aut horized t he holder t o t ake a 4. Given at t he proper place.

qualif ied accept ance, or subsequent ly assent t heret o.
When not i ce of di shonor di spensed wi t h:
Other rules of acceptance:
1. when part y t o be not if ied knows about t he dishonor, ¾ Not ice may be waived eit her bef ore t he t ime of giving
act ually or const ruct ively; not ice, or af t er t he omission t o give due not ice. Waiver
2. if waived; and may be expressed or implied.

3. when af t er due diligence, it cannot be given.

As t o who are af f ect ed by an express waiver depends on
How gi ven: where t he waiver is writ t en:
1. by bringing verbally or 1. if it appears in t he body or on t he f ace of t he
2. by writ ing t o t he knowledge of t he person liable t he inst rument , it binds all part ies; but
f act t hat a specif ied inst rument , upon proper 2. if it is writ t en above t he signat ure of an
proceedings t aken, has not been accept ed or has indorser, it binds him only.

not been paid, and t hat t he part y not if ied is
expect ed t o pay it . Not ice of dishonor is not required t o be given t o t he

drawer in any of t he f f . cases:
To whom given: 1. drawer and drawee are t he same;
1. Non-accept ance (bill) – t o persons secondarily 2. drawee is a f ict it ious person or not having t he
liable, namely, t he drawer and indorsers as t he case capacit y t o cont ract ;
may be. 3. drawer is t he person t o whom t he inst rument is
2. Non-payment (bot h bill and not e) – indorsers. present ed f or payment ;
Note: Not ice must be given t o persons secondarily 4. t he drawer has no right t o expect or require
liable. Ot herwise, such part ies are discharged. t hat t he drawee or accept or will honor t he
Not ice may be given t o t he part y himself or t o his inst rument ;
agent . 5. where t he drawer has count ermanded

payment .

By whom gi ven:
1. t he holder Not ice of dishonor is not required t o be given t o an
2. anot her on behalf of t he holder indorser in t he f f . cases:
3. any part y t o t he inst rument who may be compelled 1. drawee is a f ict it ious person or does not have
t o pay it t o t he holder, and who would have a right t he capacit y t o cont ract , and indorser was
of reimbursement f rom t he part y t o whom not ice is aware of t hat f act at t he t ime he indorsed t he
given. inst rument ;

2. indorser is t he person t o whom t he inst rument
Not ice of dishonor gi ven by or on behal f of a hol der is present ed f or payment ;
inures t o t he benef it of : 3. inst rument was made or accept ed f or his
a. all part ies prior t o t he holder, who have a right accommodat ion.

of recourse against t he part y t o whom t he
not ice is given; and If an inst rument is not accept ed by t he drawee, t here is
b. all holders subsequent t o t he holder giving no sense present ing it again f or payment , and not ice of
not ice. dishonor must at once be given. If t here was

accept ance, present ment f or payment is st ill required
Not ice of dishonor gi ven by or on behal f of a par t y and if payment is ref used, t here is a need f or not ice of
ent i t l ed t o gi ve not i ce inures t o t he benef it of : dishonor.

a. t he holder; and
b. all part ies subsequent t o t he part y t o whom An omission t o give not ice of dishonor by non-accept ance
not ice is given. does not prej udice t he right s of a holder in due course

subsequent t o t he omission.
Where an inst rument is di shonor ed i n t he hands of an
agent , he can do eit her of t he f f . : Dishonor by Non-Payment
a. direct ly give not ice t o persons secondarily
liable t hereon; or When inst rument dishonored by non-payment :
b. give not ice t o his principal. In such case, he a. it is duly present ed f or payment and payment is
must give not ice wit hin t he t ime allowed by ref used or cannot be obt ained; or
law as if he were a holder. b. present ment is excused and t he inst rument is

overdue and unpaid.
A part y giving not ice is deemed t o have gi ven due not i ce
where: Ef f ect of dishonor: an immediat e right of recourse t o all
a. t he not ice of dishonor is duly addressed, and part ies secondarily liable t hereon accrues t o t he holder.
b. deposit ed in t he post -of f ice, even when t here
is miscarriage of mail. Dishonor by Non-Acceptance

¾ Where a part y receives not ice of dishonor, he has, af t er Inst ances:

t he receipt of such not ice, t he same t ime f or giving a. When it is duly present ed f or accept ance and such
not ice t o ant ecedent part ies t hat t he holder has af t er an accept ance is ref used or can not be obt ained; or
t he dishonor. b. When present ment f or accept ance is excused and
t he bill is not accept ed (sec. 149)
Ef f ect : an immediat e right of recourse against t he 4. By any act which will discharge a simple cont ract
drawer and indorsers accrues t o t he holder and no f or t he payment of money;
present ment f or payment is necessary. 5. When t he principal debt or becomes t he holder of
Note: where a bill is duly present ed f or accept ance and t he inst rument at or af t er mat urit y in his own right .
is not accept ed wit hin t he prescribed t ime (24 hours),
t he person present ing it must t reat t he bill as dishonored By any act which would discharge a simple contract:
by non-accept ance. 1. Payment or perf ormance;
2. Loss of t he t hing due;
When Inst rument Considered t o be Dishonored 3. Condonat ion or remission;
a. If it is not accept ed when present ed f or accept ance; 4. Conf usion or Merger;
or 5. Compensat ion;
b. If it is not paid when present ed f or payment at 6. Novat ion;
mat urit y; or 7. Annulment or Rescission;
c. If present ment is excused or waived and t he 8. Fulf illment of a resolut ory condit ion;
inst rument is past due and unpaid. 9. Prescript ion.

Protest - t he f ormal inst rument execut ed usually by a not ary When persons secondarily liable on the instrument are
public cert if ying t hat t he legal st eps necessary t o f ix t he discharged:
liabilit y of t he drawee and t he indorsers have been t aken. 1. By any act which discharges t he inst rument ;

2. By t he int ent ional cancellat ion of his signat ure by
Ef f ect of wai ver : where prot est is waived, present ment t he holder;
and not ice of dishonor are also deemed waived. But 3. By t he discharge of a prior part y;
where t he not ice of dishonor is waived, present ment is 4. By a valid t ender of payment made by a prior part y;
not waived. 5. By t he release of t he principal debt or, unless t he

holder’ s right of recourse against t he part y
Appl i cabi l it y: prot est is necessary only in case of f oreign secondarily liable is expressly reserved;
bills of exchange which have been dishonored by non- 6. By any agreement binding upon t he holder t o ext end
accept ance or non-payment , as t he case may be. If it is t he t ime of payment or t o post pone t he holder’ s
not so prot est ed, t he drawer and indorsers are right t o enf orce t he inst rument .

In t he f ollowing cases, t he agreement t o ext end t he t ime

of payment does not discharge a part y secondarily liable:
Foreign Bill of Exchange: 1. where t he ext ension of t ime is consent ed t o by such
1. Drawn in t he Philippines but payable out side t he part y;
Philippines. 2. where t he holder expressly reserves his right of
2. Payable in t he Philippines but drawn out side t he recourse against such part y.


Payment at or af t er mat urit y by a part y secondarily
Pr ot est may be made by: : liable does not discharge t he inst rument . It only cancels
1. a not ary public; or his own liabilit y and t hat of t he part ies subsequent t o
2. any respect able resident of t he place where t he bill him.
is dishonored, in t he presence of 2 or more credible
wit nesses. Effects of Renunciation:
1. A renunciat ion in f avor of a secondary part y may be
Pr ot est f or bet t er secur i t y is one made by t he holder of a bill made by t he holder bef ore, at or af t er mat urit y of
af t er it has been accept ed but bef ore it mat ures, against t he t he inst rument . Ef f ect : only such secondary part y is
drawer and indorsers, where t he accept or has been adj udged discharged and all part ies subsequent t o him but t he
a bankr upt or an i nsol vent , or has made an assi gnment f or inst rument it self remains in f orce.
t he benef it of t he credit ors. 2. A renunciat ion in f avor of t he principal debt or may
be ef f ect ed at or af t er mat urit y. Ef f ect : t he
inst rument is discharged and all part ies t heret o
VIII. DISCHARGE provided t he renunciat ion is made uncondit ionally
and absolut ely.
Discharge of instrument - a release of all part ies, whet her
primary or secondary, f rom t he obligat ions arising Note: In eit her case, renunciat ion does not af f ect t he
t hereunder. It renders t he inst rument wit hout f orce and right s of a holder in due course wit hout not ice.

ef f ect and, consequent ly, it can no longer be negot iat ed.
Cancellat ion of an inst rument includes t earing, erasure,
Instances: oblit erat ion, or burning. It is not limit ed t o writ ing of
1. By payment in due course by or on behalf of t he t he word ‘ cancelled” , or “ paid” , or drawing of criss-
principal debt or; cross lines across t he inst rument .
2. Payment by accommodat ed part y;
3. Int ent ional cancellat ion by t he holder; Payment for Honor - payment made by a person, whet her a
part y t o t he bill or not , af t er it has been prot est ed f or non-
payment , f or t he benef it of any part y liable t hereon or f or count ermand by t he payor af t er
t he benef it of t he person f or whose account it was drawn. indorsement .

o The bank’ s manager signs manager’ s check
Requi sit es: while cashier’ s check is signed by t he bank
1. t he bill has been dishonored by non-payment ; cashier.
2. it has been prot est ed f or non-payment ;
3. payment supra prot est (anot her t erm f or payment 2. Cert if ied Check – one drawn by a deposit or upon f unds t o
f or honor because prior prot est f or non-payment is his credit in a bank which a proper of f icer of t he bank
required) is made by any person, even by a part y cert if ies will be paid when duly present ed f or payment
t heret o;
4. t he payment is at t est ed by a not arial act of honor 3. St ale check – one which has not been present ed f or
which must be appended t o t he prot est or f orm an payment wit hin a reasonable t ime af t er it s issue
ext ension of it ;
5. t he not arial act must be based on t he declarat ion 4. Crossed check – when 2 parallel lines are drawn across
made by t he payor f or honor or his agent of his it s f ace or across a corner t hereof . If t he name of a bank
int ent ion t o pay t he bill f or honor and f or whose appears bet ween t he parallel lines, t he check is said t o
honor he pays. be speci al l y cr ossed , and payment should be made only
if present ed by t he named bank. If no name appears
Note: If t he above f ormalit ies are not complied wit h, bet ween t he parallel lines, t he check is said t o be
payment will operat e as a mere volunt ary payment and gener al l y cr ossed, and payment should be made only
t he payor will acquire no right t o f ull reimbursement upon present ment by some bank.
against t he part y f or whose honor he pays.
Effect s of crossing a check:
¾ In payment f or honor, t he payee cannot ref use payment . a. That t he check may not be encashed but only be
If he ref uses, he cannot recover f rom t he part ies who deposit ed in t he bank;
would have been discharged had he accept ed t he same. b. That t he check may be negot iat ed only once t o one
In accept ance f or honor, t he holder’ s consent is who has an account wit h a bank; and
necessary. c. That t he act of crossing t he check serves as a

warning t o t he holder t hat t he check has been
The payor f or honor is given t he right t o receive bot h t he issued f or a def init e purpose so t hat he must inquire
bill and t he prot est obviously t o enable him t o enf orce if he has received t he check pursuant t o t hat
his right s against t he part ies who are liable t o him. purpose.

5. Memorandum Check – it is like an ordinary check except

IX. CHECKS t hat t he word “ memorandum, ” “ mem” or “ memo” is
writ t en upon t he f ace of t he check, signif ying t hat t he
Check - a bill of exchange drawn on a bank payable on drawer engages t o pay t he bona f ide holder absolut ely,
demand. and not upon a condit ion t o pay upon present ment at
mat urit y and if due not ice of t he present ment and non-
Check distinguished from and ordinary bill of exchange payment should be given.
Not necessarily drawn It is necessary t hat a check 6. Traveler’ s check – one upon which t he holder’ s signat ure
on a deposit . The drawee is drawn on a bank deposit . must appear t wice, one t o be af f ixed by him at t he t ime
need not be a bank. The drawee is always a it is issued and t he second o count er-signat ure, t o be
bank. af f ixed by him in t he presence of t he payee bef ore it is
Deat h of a drawer of a Deat h of t he drawer of a paid, ot herwise it is incomplet e
BOE, wit h t he knowledge check, wit h t he knowledge
of t he bank, does not of t he bank, revokes t he Iron Clad Rule: Prohibit s t he count ermanding of
revoke t he aut horit y of t he aut horit y of t he banker t o payment of cert if ied checks. ( Republ i c of t he Phi l i ppi nes
drawee t o pay. pay. v. PNB. GR No. 16106. December 1, 1961)
May be present ed f or Must be present ed f or
payment wit hin a payment wit hin a
reasonable t ime af t er it s reasonable t ime af t er it s
last negot iat ion because it issue.
may be f urt her negot iat ed.
May be payable on demand Always payable on demand
or at a f ixed or
det erminable f ut ure t ime

Kinds of checks:
1. Manager’ s / Cashier’ s Check – drawn by a bank on it self
and t heref ore, it is a primary obligat ion of t he bank.
o It is accept ed in advance by t he act of it s
issuance and is not subj ect to

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