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1. RouteConfig.cs file found under which App folder?

a. App_Data
b. App_Start
c. Content
d. Filters

2. Which of the below MVC action result type returns the data back to the view or the browser
in the form of JSON?

3. Console.ReadLine() method accepts input value in which of the following datatype?


4. Private data members of a class can be accessed

a. from the child class
b. from outside the class
c. from the class only
d. both from outside and child class

5. Which of the below dictionary is used to share data between controller actions?
a. Session
b. ViewData
c. ViewBag
d. TempData

6. If you do not Specify any action verbs to an action method, what is default verb
a. HttpPost
b. HttpGet
c. HttpPut
d. HttpDelete

7. What will be output for the below code

a. A class
b. B class
c. A class
B class
d. B class
A class

8. Which of the following is entirely responsible for interpreting the incoming request,
manipulating the model if necessary, and then selecting a view to send back to the user via
the response.
a. Controller
b. View
c. Model
d. Webserver

9. Which of the following is a default route pattern in MVC?

a. “/{action}/{controller}/{id}”
b. “{controller}/{id}”
c. “{controller}/{action}/{id}”
d. “{controller}/{action}”

10. Using Azure app service, you can publish [choose 2]

a. Database
b. API App
c. Web App
d. Network

11. Which of the following organizations are cloud compliance agencies [Choose 2]
c. W3C

12. Which of the following run time environment is not supported by Azure functions by default
a. Power Shell
b. NET core
c. Apple Swift
d. Python

13. Read the below conversation between Neha and Vishwa about Azure blob storage and
identify the correct statement(s)
Neha: all the uploaded objects gets public access level by default
Vishwa: all the uploaded objects gets private access level by default
a. Only Neha is right
b. Only Vishwa is right
c. Both are right, it depends on the region
d. Both are wrong
14. Read the following conversation and identity the right statements
John: every container in Azure runs on a dedicated operating system
Farha: multiple containers share the same operating system
a. Both John and Farha are wrong
b. Both John and Farha are right, it depends on the configuration
c. Only John is Right
d. Only Farha is Right

15. Identify a Cache server that can be provisioned from Azure

a. MS SQL compact server
b. AuroraLive
c. Memcached
d. Outputcache Server

16. Which of the following is not a networking component in Azure

a. Virtual Network
b. Express Route
c. Azure container
d. Load balancer

17. Which of below action filter attributes has to be added to make a method accessible only by
authenticated and authorized users?
a. [Authorize]
b. [AllowAnonymous]
c. [Authenticate]
d. [HandleError]

18. Read the following conversation and select the right option
Mohan: To override a method in C#, it should be declared as Virtual in the base class
Jennifer: No, it’s not necessary to declare virtual, as all C# methods are virtual by default.

a. Only Mohan is right

b. Only Jennifer is right
c. Both are wrong
d. It depends on the version of C#

19. Identify the correct statements about cloud services and their benefits?
a. No maintenance
b. Location specific
c. Readily available
d. Always public

20. Identify the cloud deployment models

a. Closed group
b. Open group
c. Community
d. Hybrid
21. What is a resource group in Azure
a. A logical group contains all related resources
b. A physical group contains all related resources
c. A user group with related people
d. A policy group with related policies on a resource usage

22. Which of the following storage option of Azure make use of key value pairs
a. Azure Table
b. Azure Queue
c. Azure Blob
d. Azure KVP

23. Which of the following compute category is highly manageable, rapidly scalable and more
cost effective
a. Virtualization
b. Globalization
c. Containerization
d. Serverless

24. Identify the usage of compute services in Azure and map with suitable options
i. Virtual Machines
ii. Containers
iii. Functions
A. Need to run a lightweight application package
B. Need to execute short code blocks based on some triggers
C. Need to utilize all the resources of an OS

a. i-A, ii-B, iii-C

b. i-C, ii-B, iii-A
c. i-C, ii-A, iii-B
d. i-B, ii-A, iii-C

25. WebApiController must be derived from which of the below class?

a. WebApiController
b. Controller
c. ApiController
d. WebController

26. Which of the following Azure storage option can be mounted to other devices on cloud or
a. Blob
b. File Share
c. Queue
d. Azure Table
27. Which of the following is not a access specifier in C#?
a. Private
b. Public
c. Protected
d. Inherited

28. Which among the below is not a type of action result in MVC?
a. ViewResult
b. JSONResult
c. RedirectResult
d. XML Result

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